Torso signalling regulates terminal patterning in Drosophila by antagonising Groucho-mediated repression

Development ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 124 (19) ◽  
pp. 3827-3834 ◽  
Z. Paroush ◽  
S.M. Wainwright ◽  
D. Ish-Horowicz

Patterning of the non-segmental termini of the Drosophila embryo depends on signalling via the Torso receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). Activation of Torso at the poles of the embryo triggers restricted expression of the zygotic gap genes tailless (tll) and huckebein (hkb). In this paper, we show that the Groucho (Gro) corepressor acts in this process to confine terminal gap gene expression to the embryonic termini. Embryos lacking maternal gro activity display ectopic tll and hkb transcription; the former leads, in turn, to lack of abdominal expression of the Kruppel and knirps gap genes. We show that torso signalling permits terminal gap gene expression by antagonising Gro-mediated repression. Thus, the corepressor Gro is employed in diverse developmental contexts and, probably, by a variety of DNA-binding repressors.

Development ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 122 (11) ◽  
pp. 3499-3508 ◽  
Y. Bellaiche ◽  
R. Bandyopadhyay ◽  
C. Desplan ◽  
N. Dostatni

Bicoid (Bcd) is a maternal morphogen responsible for patterning the head and thorax of the Drosophila embryo. Correct specification of head structure, however, requires the activity of the Torso receptor tyrosine kinase cascade, which also represses expression of Bcd targets at the most anterior tip of the embryo. Here, we investigate the role of both the homeodomain (HD) and the activation domain of Bcd in the anterior repression of its targets. When a Bcd mutant protein whose HD has been replaced by the Gal4 DNA-binding domain is expressed in early embryos, a reporter gene driven by Gal4 DNA-binding sites is first activated in an anterior domain and then repressed from the anterior pole. The down-regulation of Bcd-Gal4 activity requires torso function but does not depend on endogenous bcd activity, indicating that the Bcd protein alone and none of its targets is required to mediate the effect of torso. Functional analysis of a chimeric protein, whose activation domain has been replaced by a generic activation domain, indicates that the activation domain of Bcd is also not specifically required for its down-regulation by Torso. We propose that Torso does not affect the ability of Bcd to bind DNA, but instead directs modification of Bcd or of a potential Bcd co-factor, which renders the Bcd protein unable to activate transcription.

Development ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 107 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 21-29 ◽  
Ruth Lehmann ◽  
Hans Georg Frohnhöfer

The establishment of the segmental pattern in the Drosophila embryo is directed by three sets of maternal genes: the anterior, the terminal and the posterior group of genes. Embryos derived from females mutant for one of the posterior group genes lack abdominal segmentation. This phenotype can be rescued by transplantation of posterior pole plasm into the abdominal region of mutant embryos. We transplanted posterior pole plasm into the middle of embryos mutant either for the posterior, the anterior and posterior, or all three maternal systems and monitored the segmentation pattern as well as the expression of the zygotic gap gene Krüppel in control and injected embryos. We conclude that polarity and identity of the abdominal segments do not depend on the relative concentration of posterior activity but rather on the position of gap gene expression. By changing the pattern of gap gene expression, the orientation of the abdomen can be reversed. These experiments suggest that maternal gene products act in a strictly hierarchical manner. The function of the maternal gene products becomes dispensable once the position of the zygotically expressed gap genes is determined. Subsequently the gap genes will control the pattern of the pair-rule and segment polarity genes.

Development ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 111 (2) ◽  
pp. 611-621 ◽  
R. Kraut ◽  
M. Levine

The gap genes play a key role in establishing pair-rule and homeotic stripes of gene expression in the Drosophila embryo. There is mounting evidence that overlapping gradients of gap gene expression are crucial for this process. Here we present evidence that the segmentation gene giant is a bona fide gap gene that is likely to act in concert with hunchback, Kruppel and knirps to initiate stripes of gene expression. We show that Kruppel and giant are expressed in complementary, non-overlapping sets of cells in the early embryo. These complementary patterns depend on mutually repressive interactions between the two genes. Ectopic expression of giant in early embryos results in the selective repression of Kruppel, and advanced-stage embryos show cuticular defects similar to those observed in Kruppel- mutants. This result and others suggest that the strongest regulatory interactions occur among those gap genes expressed in nonadjacent domains. We propose that the precisely balanced overlapping gradients of gap gene expression depend on these strong regulatory interactions, coupled with weak interactions between neighboring genes.

Development ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 119 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 47-56 ◽  
Xiangyi Lu ◽  
Lizabeth A. Perkins ◽  
Norbert Perrimon

In the Drosophila embryo, specification of terminal cell fates that result in the formation of both the head (acron) and tail (telson) regions is under the control of the torso (tor) receptor tyrosine kinase. The current knowledge suggests that activation of tor at the egg pole initiates a signal transduction pathway that is mediated sequentially by the guanine nucleotide releasing factor son of sevenless (Sos), the p21Ras1 GTPase, the serine/threonine kinase D-raf and the tyrosine/threonine kinase MAPKK (Dsor1). Subsequently, it is postulated that activation, possibly by phosphorylation, of a transcription factor at the egg poles activates the transcription of the terminal gap genes tailless and huckebein. These gap genes, which encode putative transcription factors, then control the expression of more downstream factors that ultimately result in head and tail differentiation. Also involved in tor signaling is the non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase corkscrew (csw). Here, we review the current model and discuss future research directions in this field.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 133-136 ◽  
Haleh Vahidi Samiei

Many laboratories, using a variety of organisms, have contributed to deciphering the identity and the order of the components leading from ligand-bound receptor tyrosine kinases to various intracellular events, including changes in gene expression. The gaps have only been filled recently. This minireview summarizes the findings and points out the degree of conservation of the same pathway in distant organisms, both at the molecular level and in terms of the consecutive steps. The review also looks at points at which this pathway might be diverging and points onto which other pathways might be converging. These interactions are not always clear cut, and understanding them will be the challenge for the future.Key words: signal transduction, receptor tyrosine kinase, RAS, RAF, MAP kinase.

Development ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 125 (21) ◽  
pp. 4185-4193 ◽  
Q. Gao ◽  
R. Finkelstein

The Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen establishes the head and thorax of the Drosophila embryo. Bcd activates the transcription of identified target genes in the thoracic segments, but its mechanism of action in the head remains poorly understood. It has been proposed that Bcd directly activates the cephalic gap genes, which are the first zygotic genes to be expressed in the head primordium. It has also been suggested that the affinity of Bcd-binding sites in the promoters of Bcd target genes determines the posterior extent of their expression (the Gene X model). However, both these hypotheses remain untested. Here, we show that a small regulatory region upstream of the cephalic gap gene orthodenticle (otd) is sufficient to recapitulate early otd expression in the head primordium. This region contains two control elements, each capable of driving otd-like expression. The first element has consensus Bcd target sites that bind Bcd in vitro and are necessary for head-specific expression. As predicted by the Gene X model, this element has a relatively low affinity for Bcd. Surprisingly, the second regulatory element has no Bcd sites. Instead, it contains a repeated sequence motif similar to a regulatory element found in the promoters of otd-related genes in vertebrates. Our study is the first demonstration that a cephalic gap gene is directly regulated by Bcd. However, it also shows that zygotic gene expression can be targeted to the head primordium without direct Bcd regulation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 180458 ◽  
Eva Jiménez-Guri ◽  
Karl R. Wotton ◽  
Johannes Jaeger

Gap genes are involved in segment determination during early development of the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster and other dipteran insects (flies, midges and mosquitoes). They are expressed in overlapping domains along the antero-posterior (A–P) axis of the blastoderm embryo. While gap domains cover the entire length of the A–P axis in Drosophila, there is a region in the blastoderm of the moth midge Clogmia albipunctata , which lacks canonical gap gene expression. Is a non-canonical gap gene functioning in this area? Here, we characterize tarsal-less ( tal ) in C. albipunctata . The homologue of tal in the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (called milles-pattes, mlpt ) is a bona fide gap gene. We find that Ca-tal is expressed in the region previously reported as lacking gap gene expression. Using RNA interference, we study the interaction of Ca-tal with gap genes. We show that Ca-tal is regulated by gap genes, but only has a very subtle effect on tailless (Ca-tll), while not affecting other gap genes at all. Moreover, cuticle phenotypes of Ca-tal depleted embryos do not show any gap phenotype. We conclude that Ca-tal is expressed and regulated like a gap gene, but does not function as a gap gene in C. albipunctata .

Development ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 121 (9) ◽  
pp. 3067-3077 ◽  
J.S. Margolis ◽  
M.L. Borowsky ◽  
E. Steingrimsson ◽  
C.W. Shim ◽  
J.A. Lengyel ◽  

The gap gene hunchback (hb) is required for the formation and segmentation of two regions of the Drosophila embryo, a broad anterior domain and a narrow posterior domain. Accumulation of hb transcript in the posterior of the embryo occurs in two phases, an initial cap covering the terminal 15% of the embryo followed by a stripe at the anterior edge of this region. By in situ hybridization with transcript-specific probes, we show that the cap is composed only of mRNA from the distal transcription initiation site (P1), while the later posterior stripe is composed of mRNA from both the distal and proximal (P2) transcription initiation sites. Using a series of genomic rescue constructs and promoter-lacZ fusion genes, we define a 1.4 kb fragment of the hb upstream region that is both necessary and sufficient for posterior expression. Sequences within this fragment mediate regulation by the terminal gap genes tailless (tll) and a huckebein, which direct the formation of the posterior hb stripe. We show that the tll protein binds in vitro to specific sites within the 1.4 kb posterior enhancer region, providing the first direct evidence for activation of gene expression by tll. We propose a model in which the anterior border of the posterior hb stripe is determined by tll concentration in a manner analogous to the activation of anterior hb expression by bicoid.

2021 ◽  
Olivia R A Tidswell ◽  
Matthew A Benton ◽  
Michael E Akam

In Drosophila, segmentation genes of the gap class form a regulatory network that positions segment boundaries and assigns segment identities. This gene network shows striking parallels with another gene network known as the neuroblast timer series. The neuroblast timer genes hunchback, Krüppel, nubbin, and castor are expressed in temporal sequence in neural stem cells to regulate the fate of their progeny. These same four genes are expressed in corresponding spatial sequence along the Drosophila blastoderm. The first two, hunchback and Krüppel, are canonical gap genes, but nubbin and castor have limited or no roles in Drosophila segmentation. Whether nubbin and castor regulate segmentation in insects with the ancestral, sequential mode of segmentation remains largely unexplored. We have investigated the expression and functions of nubbin and castor during segment patterning in the sequentially-segmenting beetle Tribolium. Using multiplex fluorescent in situ hybridisation, we show that Tc-hunchback, Tc-Krüppel, Tc-nubbin and Tc-castor are expressed sequentially in the segment addition zone of Tribolium, in the same order as they are expressed in Drosophila neuroblasts. Furthermore, simultaneous disruption of multiple genes reveals that Tc-nubbin regulates segment identity, but does so redundantly with two previously described gap/gap-like genes, Tc-giant and Tc-knirps. Knockdown of two or more of these genes results in the formation of up to seven pairs of ectopic legs on abdominal segments. We show that this homeotic transformation is caused by loss of abdominal Hox gene expression, likely due to expanded Tc-Krüppel expression. Our findings support the theory that the neuroblast timer series was co-opted for use in insect segment patterning, and contribute to our growing understanding of the evolution and function of the gap gene network outside of Drosophila.

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