scholarly journals H-2M molecules, like MHC class II molecules, are targeted to parasitophorous vacuoles of Leishmania-infected macrophages and internalized by amastigotes of L. amazonensis and L. mexicana

1999 ◽  
Vol 112 (15) ◽  
pp. 2559-2570
J.C. Antoine ◽  
T. Lang ◽  
E. Prina ◽  
N. Courret ◽  
R. Hellio

In their amastigote stage, Leishmania are obligatory intracellular parasites of mammalian macrophages, residing and multiplying within phagolysosomal compartments called parasitophorous vacuoles (PV). These organelles have properties similar to those described for the MHC class II compartments of antigen-presenting cells, sites where peptide-class II molecule complexes are formed before their expression at the cell surface. After infection with Leishmania amazonensis or L. mexicana, endocytosis and degradation of class II molecules by intracellular amastigotes have also been described, suggesting that these parasites have evolved mechanisms to escape the potentially hazardous antigen-presentation process. To determine whether these events extend to other molecules of the antigen-presentation machinery, we have now studied the fate of the MHC molecule H-2M in mouse macrophages infected with Leishmania amastigotes. At least for certain class II alleles, H-2M is an essential cofactor, which catalyses the release of the invariant chain-derived CLIP peptide from the peptide-binding groove of class II molecules and facilitates the binding of antigenic peptides. H-2M was detected in PV of mouse macrophages infected with various Leishmania species including L. amazonensis, L. mexicana, L. major and L. donovani. PV thus contain all the molecules required for the formation of peptide-class II molecule complexes and especially of complexes with parasite peptides. The present data indicate, however, that if this process occurs, it does not lead to a clear increase of SDS-stable compact (alpha)(beta) dimers of class II. In PV that contained L. amazonensis or L. mexicana, both class II and H-2M molecules often colocalized at the level where amastigotes bind to the PV membrane, suggesting that these molecules are physically associated, directly or indirectly, and possibly interact with parasite components. Furthermore, as class II molecules, H-2M molecules were internalized by amastigotes of these Leishmania species and reached parasite compartments that also contained class II molecules. Immunostaining of H-2M within parasites was increased by treatment of infected macrophages with the cysteine protease inhibitors Z-Phe-AlaCHN2 or Z-Phe-PheCHN2 or by incubation of the parasites with the same inhibitors before infection. These data thus support the idea that amastigotes of certain Leishmania species capture and degrade some of the molecules required for antigen presentation. To examine whether endocytosis of class II molecules by the parasites occurs through interactions with parasite components involving their peptide-binding groove, we made use of the fact that a large fraction of the class II molecules of H-2M(alpha) knock-out H-2(b) mice are occupied by the peptide CLIP and are unable to bind other peptides. We found that, in Leishmania-infected macrophages of these mutant mice, class II-CLIP complexes reached PV and were internalized by amastigotes. These results thus prove that endocytosis of class II molecules by amastigotes (1) is H-2M-independent and (2) does not necessarily involve the peptide-binding pocket of these molecules. Altogether, these data are compatible with an endocytic mechanism based on general properties shared by classical and non-classical class II molecules.

2002 ◽  
Vol 195 (5) ◽  
pp. 571-581 ◽  
Jens Hennecke ◽  
Don C. Wiley

The α/β T cell receptor (TCR) HA1.7 specific for the hemagglutinin (HA) antigen peptide from influenza A virus is HLA-DR1 restricted but cross-reactive for the HA peptide presented by the allo-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule HLA-DR4. We report here the structure of the HA1.7/DR4/HA complex, determined by X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 2.4 Å. The overall structure of this complex is very similar to the previously reported structure of the HA1.7/DR1/HA complex. Amino acid sequence differences between DR1 and DR4, which are located deep in the peptide binding groove and out of reach for direct contact by the TCR, are able to indirectly influence the antigenicity of the pMHC surface by changing the conformation of HA peptide residues at position P5 and P6. Although TCR HA1.7 is cross-reactive for HA presented by DR1 and DR4 and tolerates these conformational differences, other HA-specific TCRs are sensitive to these changes. We also find a dependence of the width of the MHC class II peptide-binding groove on the sequence of the bound peptide by comparing the HA1.7/DR4/HA complex with the structure of DR4 presenting a collagen peptide. This structural study of TCR cross-reactivity emphasizes how MHC sequence differences can affect TCR binding indirectly by moving peptide atoms.

1999 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 532-540 ◽  
B. Yassine-Diab ◽  
P. Carmichael ◽  
Fatima-Ezzahra L'Faqihi ◽  
Giovanna Lombardi ◽  
Sarah Deacock ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 183 (3) ◽  
pp. 857-866 ◽  
S M Tompkins ◽  
J C Moore ◽  
P E Jensen

We report that a peptide from the B chain of insulin, B(10-30), binds with high affinity to multiple class II proteins, including IAb,d,k, IEd,k, and DR1. The ability of B(10-30) to inhibit the binding of other peptide antigens to class II does not correlate with its affinity for class II. B(10-30) only weakly inhibits the binding of antigenic peptides. Conversely, peptides with high affinity for the peptide-binding groove of various class II proteins do not inhibit B(10-30) binding. The rate of association of B(10-30) with class II is unusually rapid, approaching saturation in 1-2 h compared with 1-2 d for classical peptide antigens in the same conditions. The dissociation rate is also relatively rapid. The B(10-30) peptide inhibits the binding of the super-antigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) to IAk. It also inhibits SEB-mediated T cell activation. These observations support the conclusion that B(10-30) binds to a site outside the peptide-binding groove. Our findings indicate that short-lived peptide-class II complexes can be formed through interactions involving the SEB-binding site and raise the possibility that alternative complexes may serve as T cell receptor ligands.

2018 ◽  
Máté Manczinger ◽  
Gábor Boross ◽  
Lajos Kemény ◽  
Viktor Müller ◽  
Tobias L. Lenz ◽  

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules mediate the adaptive immune response against pathogens. Certain MHC alleles are generalists: they present an exceptionally large variety of antigenic peptides. However, the functional implications of such elevated epitope binding promiscuity in the MHC molecules are largely unknown. According to what we term the pathogen-driven promiscuity hypothesis, exposure to a broad range of pathogens favors the evolution of highly promiscuous MHC variants. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that in pathogen-rich geographical regions, humans are more likely to carry promiscuous MHC class II DRB1 alleles, and the switch between high and low promiscuity levels has occurred repeatedly and in a rapid manner during human evolution. We also show that selection for promiscuous peptide binding shapes MHC genetic diversity. In sum, our study offers a conceptually novel mechanism to explain the global distribution of allelic variants of a key human immune gene by demonstrating that pathogen pressure maintains promiscuous MHC class II alleles. More generally, our work highlights the hitherto neglected role of epitope binding promiscuity in immune defense, with implications for medical genetics and epidemiology.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Hideto Isogai ◽  
Noriaki Hirayama

Bilirubin is an endogenous product of heme degradation in mammals. Bilirubin has long been considered as a cytotoxic waste product that needs to be excreted. However, increasing evidence suggests that bilirubin possesses multiple biological activities. In particular, recent studies have shown that bilirubin should be a protective factor for several autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Since these autoimmune diseases are closely associated with specific types of human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), we have hypothesized that bilirubin might bind to the antigenic peptide-binding groove of the HLA molecules and exert its immunosuppressive actions. In order to evaluate the hypothesis, theoretical docking studies between bilirubin and the relevant HLA molecules have been undertaken. The in silico studies have clearly shown that bilirubin may bind to the antigenic peptide-binding groove of the HLA molecules relevant to the autoimmune diseases with significant affinity. The bound bilirubin may block the binding of antigenic peptides to be presented to T cell receptors and lead to suppression of the autoimmune responses. Based on this hypothesis new drug discovery research for autoimmune diseases will be conducted.

1999 ◽  
Vol 189 (11) ◽  
pp. 1723-1734 ◽  
Dorothee H.F. Hausmann ◽  
Bei Yu ◽  
Stefan Hausmann ◽  
Kai W. Wucherpfennig

MHC class II molecules and invariant chain assemble at a neutral pH in the endoplasmic reticulum and are transported to a low pH compartment where the invariant chain is trimmed to the class II–associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP). For many major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, DM is required for rapid removal of CLIP, which allows binding of antigenic peptides. Since I-Ag7 confers susceptibility to type I diabetes in NOD mice, the biochemical requirements for peptide loading were examined using soluble I-Ag7 expressed in insect cells. I-Ag7 formed long-lived complexes with naturally processed peptides from transferrin and albumin, whereas several peptides that represent T cell epitopes of islet autoantigens were poor binders. I-Ag7–peptide complexes were not sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) resistant, indicating that SDS sensitivity may be an intrinsic property of I-Ag7. Complexes of I-Ag7 and CLIP formed at a neutral pH, but rapidly dissociated at pH 5. This rapid dissociation was due to a poor fit of M98 of CLIP in the P9 pocket of I-Ag7, since substitution of M98 by a negatively charged residue greatly enhanced the stability of the complex. These biochemical properties of I-Ag7 result in the rapid generation of empty molecules at an endosomal pH and have a global effect on peptide binding by I-Ag7.

2019 ◽  
Onur Serçinoğlu ◽  
Pemra Ozbek

AbstractClass I Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) binds short antigenic peptides with the help of Peptide Loading Complex (PLC), and presents them to T-cell Receptors (TCRs) of cytotoxic T-cells and Killer-cell Immunglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) of Natural Killer (NK) cells. With more than 10000 alleles, the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) chain of MHC is the most polymorphic protein in humans. This allelic diversity provides a wide coverage of peptide sequence space, yet does not affect the three-dimensional structure of the complex. Moreover, TCRs mostly interact with pMHC in a common diagonal binding mode, and KIR-pMHC interaction is allele-dependent. With the aim of establishing a framework for understanding the relationships between polymorphism (sequence), structure (conserved fold) and function (protein interactions) of the MHC, we performed here a local frustration analysis on pMHC homology models covering 1436 HLA I alleles. An analysis of local frustration profiles indicated that (1) variations in MHC fold are unlikely due to minimally-frustrated and relatively conserved residues within the HLA peptide-binding groove, (2) high frustration patches on HLA helices are either involved in or near interaction sites of MHC with the TCR, KIR, or Tapasin of the PLC, and (3) peptide ligands mainly stabilize the F-pocket of HLA binding groove.Author SummaryA protein complex called the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) plays a critical role in our fight against pathogens via presentation of antigenic peptides to receptor molecules of our immune system cells. Our knowledge on genetics, structure and protein interactions of MHC revealed that the peptide-binding groove of Human Leukocyte Chain (HLA I) of this complex is highly polymorphic and interacts with different proteins for peptide-binding and presentation over the course of its lifetime. Although the relationship between polymorphism and peptide-binding is well-known, we still lack a proper framework to understand how this polymorphism affects the overall MHC structure and protein interactions. Here, we used computational biophysics methods to generate structural models of 1436 HLA I alleles, and quantified local frustration within the HLA I, which indicates energetic optimization levels of contacts between amino acids. We identified a group of minimally frustrated and conserved positions which may be responsible for the conserved MHC structure, and detected high frustration patches on HLA surface positions taking part in interactions with other immune system proteins. Our results provide a biophysical basis for relationships between sequence, structure, and function of MHC I.

2014 ◽  
Vol 111 (10) ◽  
pp. 3787-3792 ◽  
Hui Jin ◽  
Noriko Arase ◽  
Kouyuki Hirayasu ◽  
Masako Kohyama ◽  
Tadahiro Suenaga ◽  

Specific HLA class II alleles are strongly associated with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however, how HLA class II regulates susceptibility to RA has remained unclear. Recently, we found a unique function of HLA class II molecules: their ability to aberrantly transport cellular misfolded proteins to the cell surface without processing to peptides. Rheumatoid factor (RF) is an autoantibody that binds to denatured IgG or Fc fragments of IgG and is detected in 70–80% of RA patients but also in patients with other diseases. Here, we report that intact IgG heavy chain (IgGH) is transported to the cell surface by HLA class II via association with the peptide-binding groove and that IgGH/HLA class II complexes are specifically recognized by autoantibodies in RF-positive sera from RA patients. In contrast, autoantibodies in RF-positive sera from non-RA individuals did not bind to IgGH/HLA class II complexes. Of note, a strong correlation between autoantibody binding to IgG complexed with certain HLA-DR alleles and the odds ratio for that allele’s association with RA was observed (r = 0.81; P = 4.6 × 10−5). Our findings suggest that IgGH complexed with certain HLA class II alleles is a target for autoantibodies in RA, which might explain why these HLA class II alleles confer susceptibility to RA.

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