Year-End Tax Planning of Top Management: Evidence from High-Frequency Payroll Data

2014 ◽  
Vol 104 (5) ◽  
pp. 154-158 ◽  
Claus Thustrup Kreiner ◽  
Søren Leth-Petersen ◽  
Peer Ebbesen Skov

Using Danish high-frequency payroll data and tax reform variation, we detect year-end tax avoidance among top managers. Five to seven percent of top managers exploit year-end tax planning strategies to save taxes. Around 30 percent of the top managers engaging in year-end tax avoidance do so by retiming bonus payments while the rest shift regular wage income. However, bonus timing is most tax-sensitive. When considering all of the top managers receiving a December bonus, we find that more than one-quarter retime the bonus payment, whereas only 5 percent of those not receiving a bonus shift regular wage income.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Kristína Považanová ◽  
Hana Kováčiková

This paper deals with recent actions of the Commission with respect to EU State Aid rules. The Commission is looking at the compliance with EU State Aid rules of certain tax practices in some Member States in the context of aggressive tax planning by multinationals, with a view to ensure a level playing field. A number of multinational companies are using tax planning strategies to reduce their global tax burden, by taking advantage of the technicalities of tax systems, and substantially reducing their tax liabilities. This aggressive tax planning practice erodes the tax bases of Member States, which are already financially constrained.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-327 ◽  
Megan F. Hess ◽  
Raquel Meyer Alexander

ABSTRACT This instructional case explores the ethical issues surrounding the corporate tax-planning and tax-avoidance strategies of multinational organizations. Drawing on the real-world experiences of SABMiller, one of the world's largest beverage companies, this case provides a launching point for students to consider the ethics of corporate tax planning. The ethics of multinational tax practices, especially the use of tax havens, has recently become the focus of media and legislative debate in both the U.S. and the U.K., and many well-respected companies, such as General Electric, Apple Inc., and Starbucks are now feeling the pressure to reform. In a post-case learning assessment, students demonstrated significant improvement in their understanding and indicated that they enjoyed discussing this controversial issue. The “Implementation Guidance” section and Teaching Notes offer guidance for in-class discussion of the ethical and tax issues in this case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (05) ◽  
pp. 228-232
Aygun Gunduz Guliyeva ◽  

There is a strong link between funding criteria from government sources and the advantage and selectivity associated with classifying an event as government assistance. However, the selectivity criterion is very important when considering whether there is a banned state aid. Finally, the European Court of Justice no longer applies the rule of law and exclusion to selectivity. Instead, the selectivity review consists of two parts: whether a precaution is selective and whether preference is necessary and proportionate. Key words: EU, tax, tax avoidance, state aid, tax planning, competition

2021 ◽  
pp. 142-154
Gea Delaya Tambahani ◽  
Tinneke E.M. Sumual ◽  
Cecilia Kewo

Penelititan ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Perencanaan Pajak (Tax Planning) dan Penghindaran Pajak (Tax Avoidance) terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri konsumsi subsektor makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017-2019. Menggunakan data sekunder dan  metode penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu regresi data panel, gabungan time series dan cross section. Menggunakan aplikasi pengolahan data Eviews 10 untuk memperoleh gambaran yang menyeluruh mengenai hubungan antara antara variabel satu dengan variabel lainnya. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 16 perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi subsektor makanan dan minuman selama 3 periode dari tahun 2017-2019  dengan purposive sampling sebagaiimetode pengambilan sampel. Hasillpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perencanaan Pajak (BTD) berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan (PBV) dan penghindaran Pajak (ETR) berpengaruh negatiffdan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-196
Vít Jedlička

Tax avoidance is an important element of management in the global economy. Managers use tax havens for reducing a company’s effective tax rate. The most common practices in international tax planning can be divided into three groups: loans and their related interest, royalties, and transfer pricing. The aim of this article is to find the determinants of the tax burden faced by foreign-owned subsidiaries. Therefore, a model was created for the tax burden, focusing on the special position of subsidiaries within international tax planning. For this purpose, taxes/outcomes was established as a new dependent variable. The panel data used include Czech companies that are owned by parent companies located in other EU countries. The model distinguishes EU tax havens from regular member states; sector dummy variables are also included. The regression model that was created did not confirm the assumed dependencies. Rather, it indicated other important determinants: profitability, the share of intangible assets, size, and the dummy variable for the ICT sector. Based on the regression results, the independent variables connected with known tax planning schemes have relatively low importance. The significance of these results can be seen in the subsequent conclusions. First of all, there is no difference between the subsidiaries’ tax burdens based on the parent company’s location. Corporations use international tax planning whether or not they are owned from a tax haven. The second significant conclusion indicates the importance of certain sectors and their attributes concerning the tax burden. Companies from the ICT sector are linked to a lower tax burden. On the other hand, the dependencies within the financial sector are not statistically significant. From the perspective of further research, it would be constructive to incorporate the subsidiary’s position within the group.

2019 ◽  
Lena Ajdacic ◽  
Eelke Heemskerk ◽  
Javier Garcia-Bernardo

Corporations increasingly engage in innovative ‘tax planning strategies’ by shifting profits between jurisdictions. In response, states try to curtail such profit shifting activities while at the same time attempting to retain and attract multinational corporations. We aim to open up this dichotomy between states and corporations and argue that a wealth defence industry of professional service firms plays a crucial role as facilitators. We investigate the subsidiary structure of 27,000 MNCs and show that clients of the Big Four accountancy firms show systematically higher levels of aggressive tax planning strategies than clients of smaller accountancy firms. We specify this effect for three distinct strategies and also uncover marked differences across countries. As such we provide empirical evidence for the systematic involvement of auditors as facilitators in corporate wealth defence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Dinik Fitri Rahajeng Pangestuti ◽  
Nisrina Sari ◽  
Ambar Lestari

Abstract Tax planning is one example of the use of regulatory loopholes. On the other hand for the Fiscal Authority, carrying out tax avoidance practices as a form of tax planning will have a negative effect on the Government and, for this reason, the Government makes fiscal corrections as its remedial. Many also hide their assets in tax heavens countries. This is so that the assets they have are not taxed. Tax heavens countries are usually small countries that apply very low taxes, some even do not impose taxes at all. However, the government has prepared an Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) data exchange plan that occurs in 2018, certainly will make tax evaders unable to run away from the pursuit of the tax authorities, even if they have to flee to tax heavens countries (tax heavens). Keywords: tax heavens, tax planning, Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI)   Abstrak Perencanaan pajak adalah salah satu contoh penggunaan celah peraturan. Pada sisi lain bagi Otoritas Fiskal, melakukan praktik penghindaran pajak sebagai bentuk perencanaan pajak akan membawa efek negatif bagi Pemerintah dan, untuk itulah, Pemerintah melakukan koreksi fiskal sebagai remedialnya. Banyak juga yang menyembunyikan asetnya di negara-negara tax heavens. Hal ini bertujuan agar aset yang mereka punya tidak terkena pajak. Negara tax heavens biasanya merupakan negara kecil yang menerapkan pajak yang sangat rendah, bahkan ada yang tidak mengenakan pajak sama sekali. Namun, pemerintah telah menyiapkan Rencana pertukaran informasi data perbankan secara otomatis (Automatic Exchange of Information/AEoI) yang terjadi pada 2018, dipastikan akan membuat para pengemplang pajak tidak akan bisa lari dari kejaran otoritas pajak, sekalipun mereka harus kabur ke negara surga pajak (tax heavens). Kata kunci: Tax Heavens, Tax Planning, Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI)

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-71 ◽  
Paola Fonseca ◽  
Laiene Olabarrieta Landa ◽  
Ivan Panyavin ◽  
Xóchitl Angélica Ortiz Jiménez ◽  
Adriana Aguayo Arelis ◽  

Objective: To evaluate the frequency of perceived ethical misconduct in the practice of neuropsychology in Mexico. Method: One hundred fourteen psychologists answered a survey which assessed perceptions of ethical misconduct in four areas of professional practice in the field of neuropsychology.Results: The area of professional training contained the highest percentage of perception of ethical misconduct, followed by research and publications, clinical care, and professional relationships. Conclusion: The high frequency of ethical misconduct perceived by neuropsychology professionals in Mexico is a cause for concern. The results suggest the need to create and implement a system to make sure that professionals follow the ethics standards required by the profession, and to provide consequences for those who fail to do so. The profession of neuropsychology and training of professionals in the field must be regularized in the country, to reduce the frequency of future ethical misconducts.

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