Impairment of the Glycolytic System and Actin in Baker’s Yeast during Frozen Storage

1996 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-64 ◽  
Shoji Hatano ◽  
Motoharu Udou ◽  
Nobuyoshi Koga ◽  
Ken-ichi Honjoh ◽  
Takahisa Miyamoto
2002 ◽  
Vol 68 (10) ◽  
pp. 4780-4787 ◽  
Aloys Teunissen ◽  
Françoise Dumortier ◽  
Marie-Françoise Gorwa ◽  
Jürgen Bauer ◽  
An Tanghe ◽  

ABSTRACT The routine production and storage of frozen doughs are still problematic. Although commercial baker's yeast is highly resistant to environmental stress conditions, it rapidly loses stress resistance during dough preparation due to the initiation of fermentation. As a result, the yeast loses gassing power significantly during storage of frozen doughs. We obtained freeze-tolerant mutants of polyploid industrial strains following screening for survival in doughs prepared with UV-mutagenized yeast and subjected to 200 freeze-thaw cycles. Two strains in the S47 background with a normal growth rate and the best freeze tolerance under laboratory conditions were selected for production in a 20-liter pilot fermentor. Before frozen storage, the AT25 mutant produced on the 20-liter pilot scale had a 10% higher gassing power capacity than the S47 strain, while the opposite was observed for cells produced under laboratory conditions. AT25 also retained more freeze tolerance during the initiation of fermentation in liquid cultures and more gassing power during storage of frozen doughs. Other industrially important properties (yield, growth rate, nitrogen assimilation, and phosphorus content) were very similar. AT25 had only half of the DNA content of S47, and its cell size was much smaller. Several diploid segregants of S47 had freeze tolerances similar to that of AT25 but inferior performance for other properties, while an AT25-derived tetraploid, TAT25, showed only slightly improved freeze tolerance compared to S47. When AT25 was cultured in a 20,000-liter fermentor under industrial conditions, it retained its superior performance and thus appears to be promising for use in frozen dough production. Our results also show that a diploid strain can perform at least as well as a tetraploid strain for commercial baker's yeast production and usage.

2005 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-186 ◽  
N. SAKAI ◽  

A novel microbial sensor containing a commercial baker's yeast with a high freeze tolerance was developed for visibly detecting inappropriate temperature control of food. When the yeast cells fermented glucose, the resulting gas production triggered the microbial sensor. The biosensor was a simple, small bag containing a solution of yeast cells, yeast extract, glucose, and glycerol sealed up with multilayer transparent film with barriers against oxygen and humidity. Fine adjustment of gas productivity in the biosensor at low temperatures was achieved by changing either or both concentrations of glucose and yeast cells. Moreover, the amount of time that food was exposed to inappropriate temperatures could be deduced by the amount of gas produced in the biosensor. The biosensor was stable without any functional loss for up to 1 week in frozen storage. The biosensor could offer a useful tool for securing food safety by maintaining low-temperature control in every stage from farm to fork, including during transportation, in the store, and at home.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 3153-3160 ◽  
Zakaria Al-Qodah ◽  
Mohammad Al-Shannag ◽  
Kholoud Alananbeh ◽  
Nahla Bouqellah ◽  
Eman Assirey ◽  

Ida N Jamal ◽  
Reiny A Tumbol ◽  
Remy E.P Mangindaan

Motile Aeromonas Septicaemia disease (MAS) attacking tilapia has increased in recent years as a consequence of intensive aquaculture activities, which led to losses in aquaculture industry. The agent causing MAS disease is Aeromonas hydrophila. The disease can be controlled with the β-glucan. As immunostimulants, β-glucans can also increase resistance in farmed tilapia. Studies on the use of β-glucan extracted from baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was intended to evaluate the non-specific immune system of tilapia that were challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. The method used was an experimental method with a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments with three replicats. The dose of β-glucan used as treatments were 0 fish (Control), 5 fish (B), 10 fish (C) and 20 fish (D), each treatment as injected three times at intervals of 3 days, the injection volume of 0.5 ml/fish for nine days and resistance surveillance for seven days. The results showed that the difference in the amount of β-glucan and the frequency of the injected real influence on total leukocytes, phagocytic activity and resistance. Total leukocytes, phagocytic activity and resistance to treatment was best achieved by the administration of C a dose of  10 of the fish© Penyakit Motil Aeromonas Septicaemia (MAS) yang menyerang ikan nila mengalami peningkatan selama beberapa tahun terakhir sebagai konsekuensi dari kegiatan akuakultur intensif, yang menyebabkan kerugian dalam industri budidaya. Agen utama penyebab penyakit MAS adalah Aeromonas hydrophila. Untuk mengendalikan penyakit tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian β-glukan. Sebagai imunostimulan, β-glukan juga dapat  meningkatkan resistensi pada ikan nila yang dibudidayakan. Pengkajian mengenai pemanfaatan β-glukan yang diekstrak dari ragi roti Saccharomyces cerevisiae dimaksudkan untuk menguji sistem imun non spesifik ikan nila yang diuji tantang dengan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Dosis β-glukan  yang digunakan sebagai perlakuan sebesar 0 ikan (Kontrol), 5 ikan (B), 10 ikan (C) dan 20 ikan (D), masing-masing perlakuan diinjeksi sebanyak 3 kali dengan interval waktu 3 hari selama 9 hari, volume injeksi 0,5 mL/ekor ikan dan pengamatan resistensi selama tujuh hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan jumlah β-glukan dan frekuensi pemberian yang diinjeksikan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap total leukosit, aktivitas fagositosis dan resistensi. Total leukosit, aktivitas fagositosis dan resistensi terbaik dicapai pada perlakuan C dengan dosis 10 ikan©

Yeong-Hoon Han ◽  
Hyun Joong Kim ◽  
Tae-Rim Choi ◽  
Hun-Suk Song ◽  
Sun Mi Lee ◽  

1978 ◽  
Vol 253 (7) ◽  
pp. 2392-2399 ◽  
J.N. Siedow ◽  
S. Power ◽  
F.F. de la Rosa ◽  
G. Palmer

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