Therapeutic physical culture for diseases of the nervous system

2020 ◽  
Tat'yana Karaseva ◽  
Aleksandr Mahov ◽  
Svetlana Tolstova

The textbook presents the content of the main sections of the course, as well as educational and methodological materials for independent work of students. It is intended for full-time and part-time students of the training areas 49.03.01 "Physical culture", 49.03.02 " Physical culture for persons with disabilities in the state of health (adaptive physical culture)", studying the discipline "Therapeutic physical culture".

2020 ◽  
Tat'yana Karaseva ◽  
Aleksandr Mahov ◽  
Aleksey Zamogil'nov

The textbook presents the content of the main sections of the course, as well as teaching materials for independent work of students. It is intended for full-time and part-time students of training areas 49.03.01 "Physical culture" and 49.03.02 " Physical culture for the disabled (adaptive physical culture)", studying the discipline"therapeutic physical culture".

2021 ◽  
Elena A. Larina

Еducational methodical manual guide is intended for full-time and part-time students enrolled in special (defectological) education 44.03.03, training profile Speech therapy. The manual consists of two sections, they contain a description of the sequence of stages of speech therapy examination of children with SSD (severe speech disorders), the structure of drawing up a speech therapy opinion, a summary on the topic, questions and control tasks for independent work, a list of references and a glossary. The educational-methodical is intended for students of the defectology department of the university, practicing speech therapists, specialists in the field of speech pathology. Published by the decision of the educational and methodological commission of the university.

Aleksandr Vasilevich Khokhlov ◽  
Elena Ponomareva ◽  
Olga Aleksandrovna Khokhlova

The subject of the article is a complex of electronic problem-oriented training systems on theoretical mechanics, developed at the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Graphics of the Astrakhan State Technical University. Components of the complex are: an electronic textbook (including sections "Theoretical material", "Tests and tasks", "Workshop"); bank of multivariate tasks for independent work of students and control of their knowledge; generator of training tasks of a given complexity with automatic verification of results; complex of mws-programs (Maple) for computer simulation and automation of calculation of mechanical systems with visualization of results; a training website where the listed components are located. The article describes the software that is being developed aiming step-by-step solution of model problems of theoretical mechanics. A technique for solving static problems is presented, as an example is taken a model task on the subject "Determination of the reactions of solid support" using the training website. The complex is used for the full-time-, part-time students and distance learning students in the autonomous and networked modes. The advantages of the complex have been described. Today a special relevance of the complex is stipulated by a significant decrease of the number of classroom tutorials and an increase of the number of hours for students’ independent work. The effectiveness of the training methodology using the electronic problem-oriented training systems has been confirmed by the implementation certificates approved by three Russian universities.

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Alex Harrop ◽  
Andy Tattersall ◽  
Adam Goody

A questionnaire was administered to part and full-time students of psychology at Liverpool John Moores University in order to determine the extent to which the part-time students appreciated the course. The results showed the part-time students reported themselves as having gained more from the programme than the full-time students, in terms of support and relationship with tutors, satisfaction with teaching and interest in various aspects of the programme. In terms of perceived changes in skill levels, however, there were no large differences between the two groups.

1976 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-106 ◽  
Neil Baumgart

In a study of discontinuing students at Macquarie University major analyses were based on a sample of 444 students divided into four categories: students still persisting in Term 3 of second year, students who discontinued during first year, students who voluntarily discontinued after first year, and students excluded because of failure at the end of first year. Multiple discriminant analyses were used to relate potential predictors to category membership. Predictors included both entry and process variables. Results are reported separately for full-time and part-time students, and for males and females within these categories. The major findings carry implications for those who need to make management decisions in relation to higher education. Additionally, the paper attempts to highlight some of the design problems inherent in correlational studies and to present selected methodological strategies used in this study to minimize the effects of these problems.

Василий Алексеенко ◽  
Vasiliy Alekseenko ◽  
Оксана Жиленко ◽  
Oksana Zhilenko

The manual outlines the basic principles of design of low-rise buildings with walls of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. Variants of design of low-rise buildings, selection of the main bearing and protecting designs and their connections are considered. The main purpose-to acquaint students and technical workers with the principles of design of buildings with walls of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks, realizing the advantages of autoclaved cellular concretes. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation. For full-time and part-time students of the direction of training "Construction".

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (5) ◽  
pp. 615-625 ◽  
Bangcheng Liu ◽  
Jianxin Liu ◽  
Jin Hu

Based on a survey of 259 full-time employees in the public sector who were also part-time students for the Master of Public Administration program at a prestigious university in eastern China, it was found that person-organization (P-O) fit is a good predictor of job satisfaction and turnover intention in a Chinese context. In contrast to previous findings, the results of competition model analysis indicate that job satisfaction does work as a full mediator between P-O fit and turnover intention. In fact, P-O fit affects turnover intention through job satisfaction as a mediator.

2010 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-59 ◽  
E. Woodrow Eckard

The standard evaluations of NCAA student-athlete graduation rates involve comparisons with rates for the general student body. The latter rates as actually calculated, however, include a significant number of part-time students at many schools. This is problematic because athletes must be full-time, and should be compared with other full-time students. The downward “part-timer bias” in the student body rate distorts the comparison, making the relative graduation rates for athletes appear more favorable. Example calculations demonstrate that relative rates for major college football and men’s basketball players are substantially worse when the bias is removed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Ágnes Engler

A tanulmányban a felsőoktatás ritkán vizsgált hallgatói csoportjának, a munka és (vagy) család mellett, részidős képzésben tanuló felnőtt hallgatók tanulmányi beruházásait vizsgáltuk. A részidős képzésben tanulókat érintő tudományos jellegű megkeresések leginkább a diplomaszerzést követően történnek a diplomás utánkövetéses vizsgálatok keretében. Ennek során a felsőoktatásban végzettek szakmai életútját munkaerő-piaci szemszögből kísérik figyelemmel, érdeklődve a diploma megszerzését követő karrierállomásokról, a diploma beválthatóságáról, munkaerő-piaci pozicionálásról, a tanulmányokba történő befektetések megtérüléséről és hozamairól. A felnőttoktatás felől közelítve ugyancsak elmondható, hogy a kutatási kérdések szintén szűk körben keresnek választ a felnőttek tanulási aspirációjára vagy eredményességére. Vizsgálatunkban a tanulási döntéseket, tanulási motivációkat és az eredményességet kísérjük figyelemmel, mégpedig a tanulmányi életút függvényében.***In this peaper we wish to deal with a group of students in higher education who usually receive little attention: the students pursuing their studies while they have a full-time job and a family. Sociological research dealing with people earning a degree as part-time students usually reaches the students after graduation, in the form of follow-up examinations. These projects follow the career of graduates from the aspects of the labour market, asking questions about the stations in the career of the individuals after graduation, the return of the investment made into education, the value of the degree in the labour market. Even the research projects approaching the issue from the aspects of higher education usually do not seek an answer to questions regarding the aspirations of the students for learning, or the success of their learning process. In our examination we research the learning decision, motivation and efficiency of mature students in the light of the academic life.

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