Ways to improve the lives of the poor and poorest by providing available services: international experience

10.12737/8253 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 108-118
Татьяна Харитонова ◽  
Tatyana Kharitonova

The article presents an analytical study of the problems of poverty and quality of life of the poor and the poorest of our planet. Basic information database of the research are materials of the UN and its constituent units. This article discusses and clarifies the concept of absolute and relative poverty, and presents an approach to the definition of deprivation poverty. The main indicators of poverty, according to the report of the UN World Development, are highlighted. The author links the indicators of availability of services with the provision of basic human needs according to Maslow´s theory. The article also examines the main economic causes of poverty, including in a number of Third World countries. Further, the author shows the contribution of the United Nations and the developed countries in addressing the problem of poverty and absolute poverty. In this regard, suggested is the poverty reduction strategy, the implementation of which should lead to the achievement of the goals by 2015, that is, to the present time. Almost all of the goals are related to the availability of socially important services for the poor and the poorest. It is proved that a regulatory role in this process should be undertaken by the state, and the process should be based on the mechanism of social partnership between government, service providers and major consumer groups. In the final part of the article highlighted are criteria for selecting suppliers and funding mechanisms for services for the populations concerned.

L. Nochevkina

Since the middle of last century, the developed countries chose an orientation of almost all spheres of economic activities towards innovation. By the beginning of XXI century, this has paved the way for a new technological revolution. Russia is still at the preparatory, pre-innovation stage. It calls for an analysis of the conditions of forming and of the driving force of the “new economy”, for a definition of the necessary time and resources. On this path, the priority should be given not to a support of selected industries but to creating an innovative climate throughout the country.

Tikhon Sergeyevich Yarovoy

The article is devoted to the research of goals and functions of lobbying activity. The author has processed the ideas of domestic and foreign scientists, proposed his own approaches to the definition of goals and functions of lobbying activities through the prism of public administration. As a result, a generalized vision of the goals and functions of lobbying activities as interrelated elements of the lobbying system was proposed, and a forecast for further evolution of the goals and functions of domestic lobbying was provided. The analysis of lobbying functions allowed us to notice the tendencies in shifting the goals of this activity. If the objectives were fully covered by functions such as mediation between citizens and the state, the information function and the function of organizing plurality of public interests, then the role of strengthening the self-organization of civil society and the function of compromise become increasingly important in the process of formation in the developed countries of civil society and the development of telecommunication technologies. Ukrainian lobbyism will not be left to the side of this process. Already, politicians of the highest level, leaders of financial and industrial groups have to act, adjust their goals (even if they are — declared), taking into account the reaction of the public. In the future, this trend will only increase. The analysis of current research and political events provides all grounds for believing that, while proper regulatory legislation is being formed in Ukraine, the goals and functions of domestic lobbying will essentially shift towards a compromise with the public. It is noted that in spite of the existence of a basic direction of action, lobbying may have several ramified goals. Guided by the goals set, lobbyism can manifest itself in various spheres of the political system of society, combining the closely intertwined interests of various actors in the lobbying process, or even — contrasting them.

OCL ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. D606 ◽  
Patrick Vincourt ◽  
Pierre Carolo

The Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) concept emerged twenty years ago, particularly with the aim to build alternative organizations of the plant breeding activities in developing countries. It now as well questions the developed countries, in the frame of a more global expectation to make all the stakeholders more involved in the agricultural production, from the farmers to its final clients. We discuss here some of the questions addressed by this trend with regard to the definition of the ideotype: (a) different forms of PPB? (b) changing the paradigm: Client Oriented Breeding? (c) a new way to manage {genotype * environment} interactions? (d) mainly societal concerns at stake? (e) biodiversity and ideotypes. As the same key, technical, limiting factors are involved in both PPB and classical breeding, it is suggested to consider PPB as one of the ways in the frame of a general expectation for diversification, thus eventually resulting in the promotion of alternative ideotypes, rather than an alternative process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (28) ◽  
pp. 377-385
Anatoliy Trokhymovych Komziuk ◽  
Ruslan Semenovych Orlovskyi ◽  
Bohdan Mykhailovich Orlovskyi ◽  
Taisa Vasylivna Rodionova

The purpose of the paper is to examine the most efficient forms and methods of counteracting narcotization in society, especially of the youth, and also to characterize the most important factors of the proliferation of narcotization. The authors used the following methods in the research: dialectical, dogmatic, method of systematic analysis and comparative-legal method. The paper analyses forms and methods of counteracting narcotization of the youth in Ukraine and worldwide. It elaborates the definition of the following terms: “narcotization”, “counteracting narcotization”, “forms of counteracting narcotization” and “methods of counteracting narcotization”. It ascertains that emerging and proliferation of narcotization has a direct correlation with the complex of social factors, each one of them obtained a specific characteristic. Besides analyzing the major factors of emergence and proliferation of narcotization of the youth, the paper gives particular attention to defining forms, methods and means of counteracting this socially harmful phenomenon. The paper studies positive experience in regard to activities of law enforcement agencies of the developed countries in the sphere of counteracting narcotization, including narcotization of the youth. It emphasizes that coercive methods of reducing narcotization have much lower efficiency compared to preventive methods that are generally more humane and economically efficient. The paper formulates the conclusion about the necessity of ongoing engagement of the community in counteracting narcotization of society, especially of the youth.

Chamhuri Siwar ◽  
Abdul-Mumin Abdulai

Undoubtedly, digital technology (DT) has revolutionalised information and communications technology (ICT) base of the global economy, which has impacted tremendously the socio-economic, political, cultural and scientific development in the majority of the world’s economies. The chapter examines “digital divide” in a broader perspective of information and communications technologies (ICTs) that encompass not only computers, but also telephone (line and cellular), television (TV), radio etc. It is an open secret that ICTs have played and will continue to play a pivotal role in sustaining economic development in the developed countries. Through ICTs, creating, storing and sharing enormous volume of information with relative ease in almost all the spheres of human endeavour have been made possible. The power inherent in ICT that can break up barriers and boundaries holding countries, continents and businesses miles apart can never be over-emphasized. Despite the attendant benefits of ICTs, there are still deep-seated ICT inequalities both within and among the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member countries. This chapter investigates the depth of the existing digital divide among the OIC member countries and to unearth the possible obstacles. Finally, some policy recommendations have been offered towards the end of the chapter.

Worldview ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Hubert H. Humphrey

We have been waging a battle to improve the quality of life in the developing world for twenty-five years. Today this battle is being lost. As the world's military powers seek to reduce the risks of nuclear holocaust, new dangers to political and economic stability have arisen.The threat of widespread famine is on the increase. Fertilizer shortages grow, and the affluent continue to consume a disproportionate amount of the world's food resources. Worldwide inflation continues to take a heavy toll on the developing and the developed countries alike. This erodes political stability and depletes what little hard currency the poor nations have amassed.

2006 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-41 ◽  
Joseph E. Stiglitz ◽  
Andrew Charlton

Adjustment to a post‐Doha trading regime will be disproportionately costly and difficult for developing countries. Increased aid is vital for the poor countries if they are to grasp the opportunities provided through trade and meet transition costs. With aid‐for‐trade, for the first time, the developed countries have another bound and meaningful commitment that they can offer developing countries. Our proposal to provide new resources to meet adjustment needs, however, does not suggest that trade, when combined with aid, will be a panacea for developing countries. Interactions between trade, aid, and broader development policies and reforms are important.

2009 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-214 ◽  
Sang-Hyup Shin

Globalization is now well recognized by many as an inescapable feature of the world today. In particular, in the middle of global economic crisis globalization is one of the hot issues drawing much attention from countries around the world. There are contradictory perspectives on globalization. There are many sweeping statements that assert that economic globalization is increasing global poverty and inequality between the rich and the poor in the world. There are also many others who insist that the poverty and inequality issues have been resolved in some sense through globalization. In order to find the answer to the question, firstly the meaning of globalization was fully explained. Based on the understanding of globalization, the questions such as how globalization has contributed to reduce the economic gap between the developed and the developing countries, and to reduce the poverty by analyzing the economic growth, the number of people living below the absolute poverty line and so on were analyzed. The reasons why globalization is a good opportunity for some countries while some other countries get not something from the globalization was also discussed in this research. We found that globalization has contributed to reduce global poverty and to increase the welfare of both the developed and developing countries. However globalization has impacted different groups differently. Some have benefited enormously, while others have borne more of the costs. The developed countries could get more economic benefits from the less developed countries through globalization. This means, inequality between the rich and the poor countries still remained as a serious threat in the global economy. And even among the developing countries globalization has impacted differently. The trends toward faster growth and poverty reduction are strongest in developing economies that have integrated with the global economy most rapidly, which supports the view that integration has been a positive force for improving the lives of people in developing countries There are two main reasons for the inequality existing between the developed and developing countries. The fist one is the difference of economic size and power between the developed countries and the developing countries started to exist from the late 18th century. The second one is the differences in the management skill in taking advantage of the globalization.

10.14201/3124 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Miguel Melendro Estefanía

RESUMEN: La educación del siglo XXI se configura en el intento de formar las actitudes, valores y conocimientos de los ciudadanos de un mundo cada vez más cosmopolita. Se perfila como una actividad compleja, implicada en múltiples escenarios antes poco conocidos, cargada de preguntas con respuestas diversas, inciertas, ocupada en la construcción de un modelo humano y social inmerso en el fenómeno de la globalización, escasamente anclado en la necesidad de tomar conciencia de nuestras propias limitaciones.Establecer el debate en torno a esta idea, desde los argumentos que nos ofrecen las nuevas teorías de las necesidades humanas fundamentales, desde la perspectiva de las herramientas que, hoy, nos señalan cuáles son esos límites del crecimiento humano, y desde el señalamiento de algunos de esos nuevos escenarios educativos, es el objeto de este artículo.Son diversas las coordenadas desde las que podemos representarnos ese futuro, y cuatro de entre ellas merecen nuestra especial atención: los esfuerzos por educar para la toma de conciencia de los límites de la vida en el planeta; las reflexiones sobre los nuevos espacios sociales -reales y virtuales- de la educación; los escenarios educativos diversos que suponen los países desarrollados y los países en vías de desarrollo, centro y periferia del sistema; los enfoques renovados de la educación para la ciudadanía, y el debate actualmente establecido en torno al lugar de la educación entendida como servicio público o como bien de consumo.ABSTRACT: The education of the 21st century is formed in the attempt of forming the attitudes, values and knowledge of the citizens of a world increasingly cosmopolitan. It is outlined as a complex activity involved in multiple scenes before little known, loaded with questions and several uncertain answers and busy with the construction of a human and social model. This model is immersed in the phenomenon of the globalization, scantily anchored in the need to be aware of our own limitations.The aim of this article is to establish the debate concerning this idea with the arguments that offer us the new theories of the essential human needs, from the perspective of the tools which indicate us the limits of the human growth today, and from some of these new educational scenes.There are several coordinates to represent that future, and four of them deserve our special attention: the efforts to educate in order to become aware of the limits of the life in the planet; the reflections on the new social spaces -real and virtualof the education; the educational scenes of the developed countries and the developing countries, centre and periphery of the system; the renewed approaches of the education for the citizenship, and the debate established at present concerning the education, about whether it is a public service or a consumer good.SOMMAIRE: L'éducation du XXI siècle se déroule dans la tentative de former les attitudes, valeurs et connaissances des citoyens d'un monde de plus en plus cosmopolite. Elle se dessine comme une activité complexe, impliquée dans de multiples scénarios peu connus auparavant, chargée de questions avec des réponses diverses, incertaines, occupée dans la construction d'un modèle humain et social immergé dans le phénomène de la mondialisation, faiblement ancré dans le besoin de prendre conscience de nos propres limitations.L'objet de cet article est celui d'établir le débat autour de cette idée, à partir des arguments que nous offrent les nouvelles théories des besoins humains fondamentaux, à partir de la perspective des outils qui, aujourd'hui, nous indiquent quelles sont les limites de la croissance humaine, et à partir de la signalisation de certains de ces nouveaux scénarios éducatifs.Plusieurs sont les coordonnées à partir desquelles nous pouvons nous représenter ce futur, et quatre parmi elles méritent de notre part une attention spéciale: les efforts pour instruire pour la prise de conscience des limites de la vie dans la planète; les réflexions sur les nouveaux espaces sociaux -réels et virtuels- de l'éducation; les divers scénarios éducatifs que composent les pays développés et les pays en voie de développement, centre et périphérie du système; les nouvelles approches de l'éducation pour la citoyenneté, et le débat actuellement établi autour de l'éducation comprise comme service public ou comme bien de consommation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1(50)) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Anton O. Zakharov ◽  

Indonesia has a huge population over 270 million people. The Republic of Indonesia is the largest Muslim state in the world. Its steady economic growth faces a deep challenge due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indonesian education and medicine systems are insufficient whereas the country nowadays has no high-tech or knowledge-intensive technologies. Indonesia looks a bit marginal facing current challenges, especially in comparison with the developed countries. The poverty rate is high in Indonesia. The country also faces a rise of radical Muslim communities. The COVID-19 pandemic does help the Indonesian military to strengthen again. Many challenges — demographic, economic, social, political and cultural — imply that any Indonesian government has to maneuver between the Armed Forces, Muslim groups, and the poor.

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