scholarly journals Dynamics of Professional Orientation of Students on the Specialty "Fitness and Recreation Programs"

Varvara Polyakova ◽  
Olha Aftimichuk ◽  

The article highlights the problem of gradual professional training of future coaches in the field of fitness, recreational physical culture, studying at the State University of Physical Education and Sports. The main aspects of such training are the formation and improvement of a complex of personal and professional qualities. In this regard, a sociological survey of students of the first cycle of study (1-3 courses) in the specialty «Fitness and recreational programs» was organized. For this, questionnaires were developed, the questions of which were conditionally divided into 3 categories: the first – determines the knowledge of preparation for the profession and activities of a fitness trainer; the second – studies the aspirations to acquire new skills, knowledge and skills of a fitness trainer; the third – reveals the professional qualities and abilities of a fitness trainer. The analysis of the survey results revealed that all the interviewed students are confident in the correct choice of their profession. In the learning process, there is a gradual, staged, growth of the level of professional training, including the formation of professional and personal qualities, as well as professional and motor abilities. At the same time, it can be noted that all the students participating in the survey, to one degree or another, are engaged in self-improvement, attending various events aimed at improving the level of their preparedness for the activity of a fitness trainer. This allowed a larger number of students (67%) to get a job in fitness clubs by the third year. In addition, it turned out that all the students who participated in the survey were involved in some kind of sport. Many of them work as trainers in fitness clubs without changing their direction in sports. Thus, one can observe the phased dynamics of the formation of a specialist, fitness trainer, from the first year of study at the university to the third.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-126
Vladimir N. Mezinov ◽  
Marina A. Zakharova ◽  
Irina A. Karpacheva ◽  

The problem of the development of social activity of the future teacher is actualized by the fact that for society, the creative activity of a teacher is the most important resource that ensures socially significant changes in society, and for the student himself, the manifestation of his social activity is the opportunity to manifest himself as a subject capable of navigating a complex socio-cultural space, in a political, scientific, sports, social, charitable activities. The assessment of the manifestations of students' social activity was carried out on the basis of a survey, expert assessments and observation. The sample consisted of 200 respondents: 48 males and 152 females aged 18 to 22, the 2nd year students in pedagogical programs at Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin. It was revealed that all respondents note the importance and activity-based nature of social activity and consciously engage in various types of activities, while social and charitable (82%) and sports and health (64%) are priorities for them. Only 2% of respondents consider social activities useless and unpopular. The leading motives of students' participation in public life were determined: awareness of their pertinence (72%), satisfaction with the benefits brought (66%), additional opportunity for professional growth (55%), meeting interesting people (54%). Methodological recommendations for the development of social activity of students in the university are proposed, aimed at creating and implementing organizational and pedagogical conditions that determine the environment for the development of social activity of future teachers. The research is of practical value for specialists who develop content, technologies, management of professional training and education of a future teacher.

2020 ◽  
pp. 53-58
Olga Viktorovna Bodenova ◽  
Lyudmila Pavlovna Vlasova

The article is devoted to the overview of one of the most current problems that arise in the process of supporting the adaptation of students. The paper reveals the content of the adaptation process, its content and procedural characteristics, describes the types and stages, and directions of diagnostics. The aim of the work is to identify the features of adaptation in first-year students, including the description of the specifics of difficulties of non-resident students’ adaption. The study was conducted at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology “Petrozavodsk State University” with first-year students studying in the fields of education 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education, 44.03.01. Pedagogical education, 44.03.03 Special (defectologic) education. The following methods were used to test the hypothesis: «I am a student» survey, «Scale of subjective well-being» method, analysis of documents (medical records of students), quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results of the study. Analysis of the results of the study showed that non-resident students have both general and specific difficulties of adaptation due to the breakdown of previous family and friendships, lack of emotional support, difficult living conditions, a new neighborhood, a new type of settlement, etc. The obtained results are used for development and implementation of measures to support students during the adaptation period.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Tiiu Kasmel ◽  
Jaan Kasmel

The article provides an overview of ten diploma theses written under the supervision of Professor of Zoology Juhan Aul at the University of Tartu from 1958–1970. The theses deal with physical development of Estonian school students in two Estonian towns (Tartu and Pärnu) and nine districts (Tartu, Elva, Põlva, Räpina, Rapla, Keila, Pärnu, Võru, Harju) according to the then existing administrative division. The theses are based on the anthropological material collected from 1956–1966.The first part of the article briefly describes the period of nearly 202 years during which the scholars related to the University of Tartu have conducted various physical anthropological studies on Estonians. These years can conditionally be divided as follows: the first period, 1814–1927 – the period from Baer to Aul, the second period, 1927–1993 – the Aul period, the third period, from 1993 to the present – the period of the Centre for Physical Anthropology.The article describes some of the options the students had for participating in anthropological research. An overview is given of the beginning of anthropological research of children and school students in Estonia and in the world. The article acquaints the reader with the whole of the so-called Aul period and the diploma theses on Estonian school students’ physical development supervised by him.The second part gives an overview of the diploma theses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-40
Ольга Анатольевна Козырева ◽  
Елена Петровна Хвастунова

Анализируется проблема необходимости формирования готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе, а также ее структурные компоненты и их содержание. В структуре указанного вида готовности выявляются мотивационный, когнитивный и операционно-деятельностный компоненты. Констатируется, что проблема готовности будущих педагогов к профессиональной деятельности в условиях инклюзии является проблемным полем в современном научном дискурсе, так как ее системное решение пока не найдено. Целью является исследование сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе. Приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников. Даются рекомендации по формированию профессиональной готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников в процессе обучения в университете, где изучаются на третьем и четвертом курсах следующие дисциплины: «Обучение лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья», «Психолого-педагогические основы инклюзивного образования»; происходит введение производственной (технологической в системе инклюзивного образования) практики на базе организаций образовательной и социальной сферы, оперативный мониторинг сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзивному образованию школьников с ОВЗ. The problem of the need to form the readiness of future teachers for inclusion in the process of professional training at a university is analyzed, as well as its structural components and their content. In the structure of this type of readiness, motivational, cognitive and operationalactivity components are revealed. It is stated that the problem of the readiness of future teachers for professional activity in conditions of inclusion is a problematic field in modern scientific discourse, since its systemic solution has not yet been found. The aim is to study the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of professional training at a university. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren. Recommendations are given on the formation of professional readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of studying at the university, consisting in enriching the content of training in the third and fourth years of the disciplines: «Teaching people with disabilities», «Psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education»; the introduction of industrial (technological in the system of inclusive education) practice on the basis of educational and social organizations; operational monitoring of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for inclusive education of schoolchildren with disabilities.

2011 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 639-646 ◽  
Jason Sanders ◽  
Tina Marie Waliczek ◽  
Jean-Marc Gandonou

At Texas State University, a cafeteria-composting pilot program was established in which students source-separated their organic waste at one of the food courts while the program educated students on the value of organic waste and compost. Waste sorting bins were set up in a dining hall to direct students to sort trash into recyclables, compostables, and trash. Waste audit results demonstrated the value of the operation to the university in terms of savings in waste hauling expenditures, as well as showed the percent contamination, and percent waste diverted to the university's recycling and composting program. There was a significant difference between pre and post-test waste audits. The pilot site composting program resulted in a net loss of $3741.35 to the university during the first year, but was expected to produce a positive net return of $2585.11 in subsequent years. The pilot test showed the program was most successful when ongoing education at the dining hall occurred. Additionally, the student-run composting program resulted in hands-on training for students in producing a valuable horticultural commodity in an emerging waste management field. Results also indicated opportunities for further diversion such as the incorporation of compostable cups and utensils, as well as through expanding the operation to include more collection locations. With more collection sites and, therefore, more efficiency, the expanded composting program has the potential to become a self-supporting operation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 01006
Sergei P. Kostrikov ◽  
Andrey A. Kolchin ◽  
Yuliya P. Nadekhina ◽  
Elena V. Kryukova ◽  
Stanislav S. Kostrikov

It is not the first year that the information space has been marked by trends in the revision of evaluations of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Student youth are actively and rapidly developing, adapting to the new social realities. That is why the issues of preserving historical memory and developing the historical consciousness of contemporary young people have become so relevant. The present work is based on the analysis of the survey results of the 1st and 2nd-year students conducted at the State University of Management (SUM, Moscow, Russia), and is a continuation of the research devoted to the evaluation of the end results of the Great Patriotic War in the perception of University students. An attempt was made to determine the level of students’ knowledge about the main facts of the Great Patriotic War. Within the framework of this study, the results of similar works by domestic and foreign authors were considered. As a rule, in Russia, the problem of awareness of the importance of the Great Patriotic War is emphasized in terms of its results, including the perception of these issues by student youth. At the same time, several foreign authors put forward the issue of reevaluating the results of the Second World War and make it with clear politicization of the proposed conclusions, primarily, in determining the historical responsibility for war unleashing. The authors of the present study propose to strengthen the role of archival documents, memoirs, chronicles, and testimonies of direct participants and victims of the wartime events in military-historical education, which should not allow distorting the historical feat of the USSR and its decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

I. Sopotova ◽  
O. Piven

Purpose: on the basis of a review of modern special literature, develop a questionnaire and analyze the attitude of students to physical education. Material and Methods: the study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health, Mariupol State University. The study involved 78 students of the 1st year of study, of which 38 students (Gr. 1) and 40 students (Gr. 2). Everyone was asked to answer the question of the developed questionnaire. Results: despite the fact that only 39% of girls and 52% of boys tolerate physical activity, according to the answers, only 21% of female students and 30% of students attend sports sections 2-3 times a week, the rest consider it sufficient to attend physical education classes at the University. At the same time, 44% of female students and 35% of students suffer from colds 3-4 times a year, which in the future, against the background of a decrease in immunity, can lead to chronic diseases. There is also a tendency towards the abuse of low alcohol drinks. Only 31% of female students and 25% of students are fully satisfied with physical culture at the University. According to many students, physical culture should take into account the interests of the students themselves in the form of sectional classes. According to our survey, 63% of girls want to go in for fitness, 37% - power sports, 2 times a week instead of physical education lessons. Conclusions: there is a problem in the current system of physical education, it is necessary to develop and implement innovative directions for improving the process of physical education.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-65 ◽  
Alice G. Reinarz ◽  
Nathaniel J. Ehrlich

We highlight a study of an academic advising program at the University of Michigan. Students were surveyed via the Internet, and we summarize data obtained in 2001 and 2002. The majority of respondents reported taking actions that they would not have considered without interaction with an academic advisor. These data have been used for staff discussion and program development. By annually adding cohort data to the survey results, we will be able to assess the students as they move through the university and to compare first-year student responses in year-to-year data sets.

Семен Резник ◽  
Semen Reznik ◽  
М. Черниковская ◽  
M. Chernikovskaya ◽  
Е. Носова ◽  

<p>The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions for mastering educational programs at the university. It is based on the results of monitoring of students of Russian higher educational institutions within the framework of the research "Change in Composition and Life Priorities of Students of Higher Educational Institutions and Their Social Stability ", executed by the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction. More than 400 students from 13 state universities in 5 federal districts of Russia took part in the monitoring.</p><p>The article features the results of monitoring of Russian students concerning their readiness for higher educational institutions. The results of the monitoring showed that the problem of adaptation of first-year students is a major issue, which still remains a subject for discussions while being the foundation of education in junior courses. The paper defines the concept of adaptation, presents the types and functions of the student's social adaptation and summarizes the conclusions of the study. Some proposals to improve the adaptation of first-year students have been developed and implemented.</p>

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