A new weevil genus Nefis gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae): systematics and taxonomic revision

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Levent Gültekin

The new genus Nefis gen. nov. is described within the tribe Lixini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its systematic position is discussed. The new genus is recognized by short rectangular rostrum, trapezoidal female tergite VIII with truncate apex and long setaceous posterolateral margins, visible 2-segmented labial palpi and protruding sinuate dorsal apex of protibiae. Nefis gen. nov. is close to Larinus Dejean, 1821, Rhinocyllus Germar, 1817, and Bangasternus Gozis, 1882. Three new species are described from Turkey and Afghanistan: Nefis attilai sp. nov., Nefis kabakovi sp. nov. and Nefis korotyaevi sp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Larinus brevirostris Hochhuth, 1851, Larinus capiomonti Faust, 1885, Larinus reitteri Faust, 1889, Larinus liliputanus Faust, 1890, Larinus exclusus Faust, 1891, Larinus ochroleucus Capiomont v. pachyrrhinus Petri, 1907, and Larinus ochroleucus ssp. carthami Hoffmann, 1957. New synonyms and new combinations are proposed for Nefis brevirostris Hochhuth, 1851 comb. nov. [= Larinus reitteri Faust, 1889 syn. nov.], Nefis liliputanus Faust, 1890 comb. nov. [= Larinus exclusus Faust, 1891 syn. nov.], Nefis pachyrrhinus Petri, 1907 stat. rev. & comb. nov. [= Larinus badghysensis Ter-Minasian, 1982 syn. nov. = Larinus turcmenus Khnzorian, 1990 syn. nov.], Nefis ochroleucus Capiomont, 1874 comb. nov., Nefis capiomonti Faust 1885 comb. nov. Nefis afghanicus Ter-Minasian, 1987 comb. nov., Larinus inflatirostris Petri, 1907 is a nomen nudum. Larinus brevirostris Hochhuth is selected as the type species of the new genus. In total, nine species are included in Nefis. All species are described or redescribed, illustrated, and a key is provided. Host plant data and brief ecological observations are presented.

Zootaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 3616 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21 ◽  

Studies on the Agalliini leafhoppers collected from the Terrestrial Arthropods of Madagascar inventory project of the Cal-ifornia Academy of Sciences, resulted in the discovery of one new genus Agallidwipa gen. nov. (type-species: A. biramosa sp. nov.) with three new species, A. biramosa sp. nov., A. bispinosa sp. nov. and A. webbi sp. nov. and three new species of the genus Igerna Kirkaldy, I. delta sp. nov., I. flavocosta sp. nov. and I. malagasica sp. nov. Two new combinations proposed are Agallidwipa pauliana (Evans) comb. nov. (from genus Agalliana Oman) and Igerna neosa (Webb) comb. nov. (from genus Stonasla White), a species previously recorded from Aldabra Islands. A previous record of Igerna bi-maculicollis (Stål) from Madagascar is shown most likely to be a case of misidentification. All the taxa are described and illustrated. Keys to species of Agalliini from Madagascar are included along with notes on the distinction between Agal-liana and Agallidwipa.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4869 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-111

The new genus Huangilene Volynkin & Černý, gen. n. is erected for the Miltochrista alikangiae (Strand, 1917) species-group with Lyclene kepica Dubatolov & Bucsek, 2013 as the type species. Three new species are described: H. odontotilepida Volynkin & Černý, sp. n. (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos), H. kutzscheri Volynkin & Černý, sp. n. (continental China and Taiwan Isl.) and H. apoklinousa Volynkin & Černý, sp. n. (Vietnam). Four new combinations are established: Huangilene kepica (Dubatolov & Bucsek, 2013), comb. n., H. pseudolutara (N. Singh & Kirti, 2016), comb. n., H. alikangiae alikangiae (Strand, 1917), comb. n. H. alikangiae intermedia (Marumo, 1923), comb. n. The lectotype is designated for Asura obsoleta Form alikangiae Strand, 1917, the species’ type locality is fixed as “Karapin” (Taiwan, Chiayi County, Chaoliping). 

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3509 (1) ◽  
pp. 55

A new Xyleninae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) genus Parvispinia gen. n. (Type-species Ammoconia parvispina Tschetverikov, 1904) and three new species Parvispinia barkama sp. n., P. geminus sp. n. and P. parilis sp. n. from China are described. Atrachea parvispina (Tschetverikov, 1904), A. cortex (Alpheraky, 1887) and A. caelestina Gyulai & Ronkay, 2001 are transferred from the genus Atrachea Warren, 1911 (Xyleninae, Apameini) to Parvispinia (Xyleninae, Xylenini); three new combinations Parvispinia parvispina (Tschetverikov, 1904) comb. n., P. cortex (Alpheraky, 1887), comb. n. and P. caelestina (Gyulai & Ronkay, 2001), comb. n. are introduced. The lectotypes for Parvispinia parvispina and P. cortex are designated. Generic checklists for Parvispinia and Atrachea are presented.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4263 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The taxonomy of the New Zealand weevil genus Irenimus Pascoe, 1876 is revised, resulting in a narrower concept of the genus than has been considered in recent decades. In total, the genus now contains only seven species. In addition to the type species, I. parilis Pascoe, 1876, the genus contains I. duplex (Broun, 1904) and five newly described species: I. aniptus new species (type locality, Oamaru, DN), I. crinitus new species (type locality, Hakataramea Valley, SC), I. minimus new species (type locality, Alexandra, CO), I. stichus new species (type locality, Tekapo, MK) and I. thoracicus new species (type locality, Oamaru, DN). The genus Chalepistes new genus is established to contain the majority of species previously described in the genus Catoptes Schönherr, 1842, but also including species described in Brachyolus White, 1846; Irenimus Pascoe, 1876; Inophloeus Pascoe, 1875; and Nicaeana Pascoe, 1877. A total of 27 valid described species are new combinations with Chalepistes: C. aequalis (Broun, 1895) (from Irenimus), C. albosparsus (Broun, 1917) (from Irenimus), C. apicalis (Broun, 1923) (from Catoptes), C. asperatus (Broun, 1914) (from Brachyolus), C. compressus (Broun, 1880) (from Irenimus), C. costifer (Broun, 1886) (from Inophloeus), C. curvus (Barratt & Kuschel, 1996) (from Irenimus), C. dehiscens (Broun, 1917) (from Catoptes), C. dugdalei (Barratt & Kuschel, 1996) (from Irenimus), C. egens (Broun, 1904) (from Irenimus), C. inaequalis (Sharp, 1886) (from Brachyolus), C. instabilis (Marshall, 1931) (from Catoptes), C. latipennis (Broun, 1893) (from Catoptes), C. limbatus (Broun, 1909) (from Catoptes), C. lobatus (Broun, 1921) (from Catoptes), C. patricki (Barratt & Kuschel, 1996) (from Irenimus), C. pensus (Broun, 1914) (from Inophloeus), C. placidus (Broun, 1914) (from Nicaeana), C. posticalis (Broun, 1893) (from Irenimus), C. rhesus (Pascoe, 1875) (from Inophloeus), C. rubidus (Broun, 1881) (from Inophloeus), C. similis (Barratt & Kuschel, 1996) (from Irenimus), C. spectabilis (Broun, 1914) (from Catoptes), C. spermophilus (Broun, 1895), revised status (from Irenimus), C. stolidus (Broun, 1886) (from Irenimus), C. tenebricus (Broun, 1893) (from Catoptes), C. vastator (Broun, 1893) (from Irenimus). Numerous new synonyms with species of Chalepistes are also proposed: Brachyolus fuscipictus Broun, 1914 and Brachyolus terricola Broun, 1917 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes asperatus (Broun); Brachyolus cervalis Broun, 1903 and Brachyolus sylvaticus Broun, 1910 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes costifer (Broun); Inophloeus tricostatus Broun, 1915 is a junior subjective synonym of Chalepistes pensus (Broun); Catoptes pallidipes Broun, 1917, Catoptes flaviventris Broun, 1917 and Catoptes nigricans Broun, 1917 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes placidus (Broun); Inophloeus longicornis Broun, 1904, Inophloeus medius Broun, 1893, Inophloeus sulcicollis Broun, 1914 and Inophloeus suturalis Broun, 1893 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes rhesus (Pascoe); Inophloeus albonotata Broun, 1893, Catoptes asperellus Broun, 1893, Irenimus bicostatus Broun, 1886, Catoptes caliginosus Broun, 1893, Catoptes chalmeri Broun, 1893, Catoptes decorus Broun, 1893, Inophloeus discrepans Broun, 1904, Catoptes fumosus Broun, 1914, Catoptes furvus Broun, 1893, Catoptes humeralis Broun, 1893, Catoptes longulus Sharp, 1886, Inophloeus nigellus Broun, 1881, Irenimus pilosellus Broun, 1886 and Catoptes scutellaris Sharp, 1886 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes rubidus (Broun); Catoptes subnitidus Broun, 1914 and Catoptes curvatus Broun, 1914 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes spermophilus (Broun); Catoptes brevicornis Sharp, 1886 and Catoptes vexator Broun, 1904 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes stolidus (Broun); and Catoptes aemulator Broun, 1893 and Catoptes argentalis Broun, 1914 are junior subjective synonyms of Chalepistes tenebricus (Broun). Additional new combinations include Inophloeus robustus (Broun, 1917) (from Catoptes) and Nicaeana fraudator (Marshall, 1931) (from Catoptes), while Catoptes postrectus Marshall, 1931 is a new synonym of Protolobus obscurus Sharp, 1886.

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1955 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-75 ◽  

The new subtribe Scatimina (part of the tribe Ateuchini) is described and defined to include the following 17 genera, of which 12 are new: Scatimus Erichson; Scatrichus Génier & Kohlmann, 2003; Trichillum Harold, 1868; Pedaridium Harold, 1868; Eutrichillum Martínez, 1969, new status; Besourenga, new genus (type species Trichillum minutum Saylor); Bradypodidium, new genus (type species Trichillum bradyporum Boucomont); Degallieridium, new genus (typespecies Degallieridium lilliputanum, new species); Feeridium, new genus (type species Feeridium woodruffi, new spe- cies); Genieridium, new genus (type species Pedaridium bidens Balthasar); Leotrichillum, new genus (type species Pedaridium louzadaorum Vaz-de-Mello & Canhedo); Martinezidium, new genus (type species Pedaridium galileoae Génier & Vaz-de-Mello); Nunoidium, new genus (type species Pedaridium argentinum Arrow); Onoreidium, new genus (type species Trichillum cristatum Arrow); Pereiraidium, new genus (type species Pedaridium almeidai Pereira); Silvinha, new genus (type species Silvinha unica, new species); and Trichillidium, new genus (type species Pedaridium quadridens Arrow). The subtribe Ateuchina Laporte is here defined and includes Ateuchus Weber, Deltorhinum Harold, Aphengium Harold and Sinapisoma Boucomont (transferred from Canthonini). The genera Scatonomus Erichson, Anomiopus Westwood and Hypocanthidium Balthasar are transferred from Ateuchini to Canthonini, and the genera Canthidium Erichson, Parachorius Harold (formerly Ateuchini) and Holocanthon Martínez & Pereira (formerly Canthonini) are transferred to Coprini. The genera Bdelyropsis Pereira, Vulcano & Martínez, Bdelyrus Harold, Coptorhina Hope, Delopleurus Erichson, Demarziella Balthasar, Onychothecus Boucomont, Paraphytus Harold, Pedaria Laporte, Pleronyx Lansberge, Pseuduroxys Balthasar, Sarophorus Erichson and Uroxys Westwood are considered as incerta sedis in the Ateuchini, not fitting into Ateuchina or Scatimina. A key is presented to the genera of Scatimina, and another for species of the genus Genieridium, which are also diagnosed. Each genus of Scatimina is diagnosed, has a complete species list, and includes remarks on affinities, composition and distribution. All genera except Scatimus and Scatrichus are (re)described, and examined material is listed for each species. The following three new species are described: Degallieridium lilliputanum, new species; Feeridium woodruffi, new species and Silvinha unica, new species. The following 32 new combinations are established (original genus in parenthesis): Besourenga minutus (Saylor) (Trichillum); B. vejdovskyi (Balthasar) (Trichillum); B. amarillai (Aguilar) (Pedaridium); B. horacioi (Martínez) (Trichillum); Bradypodidium adisi (Ratcliffe) (Trichillum); B. bradyporum (Boucomont) (Trichillum); B. venezuelense (Ferreira & Galileo) (Pedaridium); Eutrichillum arcus (Solís & Kohlmann) (Trichillum); E. hirsutum (Boucomont) (Trichillum); E. hystrix (Arrow) (Trichillum); Genieridium bidens (Balthasar) (Pedaridium); G. bordoni (Martínez) (Pedaridium); G. cryptops (Arrow) (Pedaridium); G. margareteae (Génier & Vaz-de-Mello) (Pedaridium); G. medinae (Gill & Vaz-de-Mello) (Pedaridium); G. paranense (Arrow) (Pedaridium); G. zanunciorum (Vaz-de-Mello & Canhedo) (Pedaridium); Leotrichillum louzadaorum (Vaz-de-Mello & Canhedo) (Pedaridium); Martinezidium fulgens (Arrow) (Pedaridium); M. galileoae (Génier & Vaz-de-Mello) (Pedaridium); M. martinsi (Ferreira & Galileo) (Pedaridium); M. maya (Vaz-de-Mello, Halffter, & Halffter) (Pedaridium); Nunoidium argentinum (Arrow) (Pedaridium); Onoreidium bottimeri (Howden & Young) (Pedaridium); O. cristatum (Arrow) (Trichillum); O. howdeni (Ferreira & Galileo) (Pedaridium); O. ohausi (Arrow) (Trichillum); Pereiraidium almeidai (Pereira) (Pedaridium); Trichillidium brevisetosum (Howden & Young) (Pedaridium); T. caingua (Martínez) (Pedaridium); T. pilosum (Robinson) (Trichillum); Trichillidium quadridens (Arrow) (Pedaridium). Distribution maps are presented for the newly described species, for Nunoidium argentinum, for Pereiraidium almeidai, and for every species of Genieridium.

1981 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-294 ◽  
Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen

AbstractThe genus Alloclemensia n.gen. (type-species: Alloclemensia maculata n.sp.), with four species in the Palaearctic region and one species in the Nearctic region, is described and its species are revised. The genus comprises five species: mesospilella (Herrich-Schäffer) [= trimaculella (Herrich-Schäffer)], devotella (Rebel) [= muchei (Soffner), n.syn.] and three new species: americana from North America and unifasciata and maculata from Japan. The monophyly of the genus is demonstrated and the primary dichotomy within the genus is considered to lie between the two western Palaearctic species plus the North American species and the two eastern Palaearctic species. Keys to the species are provided and all species and their genitalia are described and illustrated. Two new combinations and one new synonymy are established and two lectotypes are designated.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4964 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-362

The genus Concavetettix Deng, gen. nov. (type species: Concavetettix yunnanensis Deng, sp. nov.) is described from Daweishan, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, China. The genus Macromotettix Günther, 1939 is reviewed. Three new species of the genus, M. microptera Deng, sp. nov., M. zhengi Deng, sp. nov. and M. brachyptera Deng, sp. nov. are described with detailed illustrations of external morphology. One new name is proposed: Macromotettix napoensis Deng, nom. nov.. Additionally, an updated key to species of the genus Macromotettix is given. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4526 (3) ◽  
pp. 251 ◽  

Lung flukes of the genus Haematoloechus Looss, 1899 are common parasites of anurans worldwide, but the taxonomy of the group has been confusing. In this taxonomic revision, 89 species of Haematoloechus (= Pneumonoeces Looss, 1902, Ostioloides Odening, 1960, Ostiolum Pratt, 1903, Skrjabinoeces Sudarikov, 1950, Neohaematoloechus Odening, 1960, Metahaematoloechus Yamaguti, 1971) are listed. Of these, 70 are considered valid, three are species inquirendae (H. legrandi Mañé–Garzón & Gil, 1959, H. latoricensis Kozák, 1968 & H. vitelloconfluentum (Rai, 1962) Saeed, Al–Barwari & Al-Harmni, 2007), one is a nomen nudum H. sudarikovi Belouss, 1962, 14 are junior synonyms and one belongs to Ostioloides. This publication also describes three new species, H. occidentalis n. sp., H. veracruzanus n. sp. and H. mexicanus n. sp., parasitizing species of Rana Linnaeus in Mexico and redescribes Haematoloechus caballeroi (Skrjabin & Antipin, 1962) Yamaguti, 1971. The phylogenetic hypotheses based on sequences of mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA of Haematoloechus spp. show that genera proposed on the basis of morphological characters are not supported. The host records for species of Haematoloechus, together with the phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus, suggest that this host-parasite association predates the ranid diversification in the Cretaceous. 

1981 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-356 ◽  
N. Møller Andersen

AbstractAngilovelia n.gen. is described with Velia y-alba Paiva, 1918, from Burma as type-species and only included species. It has stridulatory devices similar to those found in species of the Neotropical genus Stridulivelia Hungerford. Three new species of Angilia Stål subgenus Adriennella Poisson are described, A. orientalis n.sp. (Thailand, Hong Kong), A. bispinosa n.sp. (Thailand), and A. trispinosa n.sp. (Malayan Peninsula?). The Palaearctic genus Velia Latreille reaches the border zone between this region and the Oriental region. V. (Plesiovelia) affinis Kolenati ssp. marussii Tamanini, described from Hindukush (Afghanistan, Pakistan), is here recorded from Kashmir (India) and the first species of the genus is described from China, V. (Haldwania) sinensis n.sp. A key is given to the genera and subgenera of Veliinae of the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 583-594 ◽  
Yuri M. Marusik ◽  
Alexander A. Fomichev

A new genus, Platnickgen. n., with three new species, P. shablyaisp. n. (♂, type species), P. astanasp. n. (♀) and P. sangloksp. n. (♀), are described from Tajikistan. The male of the type species has a unique pair of longitudinal ventral postgastral scuta. Females have such scuta also, but they are much shorter. The new genus is placed in Liocranidae Simon, 1897. A discussion on the subfamilies of Liocranidae and comments on the family-group names are provided.

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