scholarly journals Effects of Domestic Livestock and Native Wildlife Grazing in Grand Teton National Park

Michael Smith ◽  
Jerrold Dodd ◽  
Paul Meiman

The Snake River plains and foothill areas of Jackson Hole have been grazed by domestic livestock since settlement of the area. Wildlife populations, including elk, mule deer, and antelope have historically used and continue to use the area. Moose are currently relatively abundant and a small herd of bison have been introduced. Currently, livestock use part of the area contained in Grand Teton National Park either as a concession or due to authorization by Park enabling legislation. Park managers need information concerning the effects of grazing by large ungulates on vegetation resources to assist in effectively managing grazing to service forage needs and achieve desired plant community goals.

Michael Smith ◽  
Jerrold Dodd ◽  
Uyapo Omphile ◽  
Paul Meiman

The Snake River plains and foothill areas of Jackson Hole have been grazed by domestic livestock since settlement of the area. Wildlife populations, including elk, mule deer, and antelope have historically used and continue to use the area. Moose are currently relatively abundant and a small herd of bison have been introduced. Currently, livestock continue to use part of the area contained in Grand Teton National Park either as a concession or due to authorization by Park enabling legislation. Park managers need information concerning the effects of grazing by large ungulates on vegetation resources to assist in effectively managing grazing to achieve desired plant community goals.

Michael Smith ◽  
Jerrold Dodd ◽  
Paul Meiman

The Snake River plains and foothill areas of Jackson Hole have been grazed by domestic livestock since settlement of the area. Wildlife populations, including elk, mule deer, and antelope have historically used and continue to use the area. Moose are currently relatively abundant and a small herd of bison have been introduced. Currently, livestock use part of the area contained in Grand Teton National Park either as a concession or due to authorization by Park enabling legislation. Park managers need information concerning the effects of grazing by large ungulates on vegetation resources to assist in effectively managing grazing to service forage needs and achieve desired plant community goals.

Michael Smith ◽  
Jerrold Dodd

The Snake River plains and foothill areas of Jackson Hole have been grazed by domestic livestock since settlement of the area. Wildlife populations, including elk (Cervus elaphus), buffalo (Bison bison), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and antelope (Antilocapra americana) have historically used the area. Moose (Alces alces) are currently relatively abundant. Currently, livestock continue to use part of the area contained in Grand Teton National Park either as a concession or due to authorization by Park enabling legislation. Large grazing wildlife also inhabit the Park area. Park managers need information concerning the effects of grazing by large ungulates on vegetation resources, to achieve desired plant community goals by effectively managing grazing.

William Gribb ◽  
Henry Harlow

This project had two components, with the first component providing a background for the second component. Water resources in Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) are both unregulated and regulated by human management. The Jackson Lake Dam and the ponds scattered across the park influence the flow of water. In the process of managing the water it is important to have knowledge of the different components of the streams through which the water flows. One component of this project was to examine the different segments of the major rivers in GTNP and identify the river forms that are displayed by the different reaches of the Snake River above and below Jackson Lake, Buffalo Fork and Pacific Creek. The river form can be segregated into three main categories; the single channel, the meandering channel and the braided channel (Knighton 1984). The different river forms are part of the overall structural composition of the river and can be used to delineate the segments or reaches of the river. The river continuum concept presented by Vannote et al. (1980) provides a theoretical background upon which to construct the river reach system. In 2007, Nelson (2007) completed a reach system project while investigating the fluvial geomorphology of the Snake River below Jackson Lake Dam (Figure 1.). His 20 river reaches provided a zonation of the river that incorporated a range of geomorphic features. This same type of system can be used throughout the GTNP so that researchers have a common spatial unit designation when referencing portions of the Snake River and its tributaries. Ackers (1988) in his work on alluvial channel hydraulics identified three dimensions of meanders that should be considered; width, depth and slope. He further agreed with Hey (1978) that there are nine factors that define river geometry and that these should be considered as well: average bank full velocity, hydraulic mean depth, maximum bank full depth, slope, wave length of bed forms, their mean height, bank full wetted perimeter, channel sinuousity and arc length of meanders. Nelson’s work (Nelson 2007) added another parameter by including a braiding index into the representation of river reach designations. In a more recent work, the Livers and Wohl (2014) study confirmed Nelson’s approach by comparing reach characteristics between glacial and fluvial process domains using similar reach designation characteristics to determine reach differences.

Matt McGee ◽  
Stan Anderson ◽  
Doug Wachob

A study of coyote (Canis latrans) habitat use and mortality in Grand Teton National Park and the suburban-agricultural land surrounding Jackson, WY was conducted between September 1999 and August 2000. This research focused on the influence of human development, habitat type, topography, and simulated wolf presence on coyote habitat use and on coyote mortality patterns in undeveloped and suburban-agricultural land. The overall goal of this project was to provide baseline information on the coyote population in Jackson Hole that can be used in the future to determine what, if any, impact wolves and human developments may have on coyotes. There were a total of fifteen radio-collared coyotes in the suburban-agricultural area and fourteen radio collared coyotes in Grand Teton National Park and adjacent areas in the National Elk Refuge and Bridger-Teton National Forest. Marked coyotes were tracked weekly using short interval telemetry relocations and triangulation to determine habitat use patterns. During the winter, track transects were skied weekly and coyote trails were backtracked and mapped using hand held GPS units to determine fine scale habitat use patterns. Coyote mortality was determined via telemetry and direct observation. Preliminary data analyses suggest that coyotes use mainly sagebrush-grasslands or forest-shrub-grass edge areas and avoid forest interior areas. Coyotes frequently use trails and roads in the undeveloped area when moving long distances. Preliminary analysis also indicates that roads and trails are used in a greater proportion than their abundance on the landscape. Coyotes were frequently observed using riparian corridors to move between open meadows in the suburban-agricultural area. There is some evidence that suggests coyotes selectively travel fences and irrigation ditches for long distances in agricultural areas. The movement data also suggests that coyotes avoid developed areas during the day and travel in these developed areas at night. The data on coyote locations suggests some avoidance of wolf urine scent grids in the undeveloped area, but not in the developed area. Coyote mortality was primarily human caused, and coyotes that were male, transient, and lived in the suburban-agricultural area were the most commonly killed animals.

Ryan Kovach ◽  
Lisa Eby

The cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki is Wyoming's only native trout. The Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) is designated as a "species of special concern" by a number of agencies and conservation groups. Although the Yellowstone cutthroat trout has recently avoided federal listing because of robust headwater populations (USFWS 2006), they face continued threats across their range. The fine-spotted Snake River native trout is a morphologically divergent ecotype of the Yellowstone subspecies, although it is not genetically distinguishable (Allendorf and Leary 1988, Novak et al. 2005). The Gros Ventre, an important tributary of the Snake River located partially in Grand Teton National Park, historically supported robust populations of fine­ spotted Snake River cutthroat trout. Principal threats to Gros Ventre native trout, especially in the lower end of the drainage within the park boundaries, include both water diversions (loss of water and fish into irrigation ditches) and presence of exotic species.

David Harwood ◽  
Kyle Thompson

Eight in-service teachers, one pre-service education student, three observers from other universities, and two instructors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln engaged in an inquiry-based geology field course from June 13 to 28, 2015 through Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska. This commnity of learners spent three days working in the Grand Teton National Park area. Geological features and history present in Grand Teton National Park are an important part of the course curriculum. Large-scale extensional features of the Teton Range and Jackson Hole, and the glacial geomorphology and related climate changes of this area are some of the unique features examined here.

Amanda Rees

"Dude Ranch" is not an expression that carries a clear-cut meaning to everyone, for a dude ranch is neither a summer hotel nor a farm where dudes "ranch". . .. The most typical dude ranches of all the West are in this section of Wyoming. They range all the way from the most exclusive outfits that require references and advance reservations for not les than three weeks or a month at around $70 per week per person-including saddle horse and equipment, modern cabin, meals and other advantages-to the guest ranches or outfitters where accommodation may be had by the day, week or season. The person of moderate means can arrange his vacation in Jackson Hole to fit his purse. (Jackson Hole: Where to Go and What To See, published between 1929-1950) The American West is home to one of the most distinctive agricultural tourism activities in the world: dude ranching (Rees 2004). Dude ranching is the "single most unique contribution of the Rocky Mountain West to the ever-growing national vacation industry" (Roundy 1973), and it has been crucial in shaping the ways in which the West is perceived, working to effect continuing romantic notions of the American West (Rodnitzky, 1968). Though dude ranches can be found in the East (Zimmerman 1998), the South, the Southwest, California, Hawaii, and the Northwest, it is the Northern Rocky Mountain region, especially Montana and Wyoming, which forms the nucleus of dude ranch tourism (Rees 2005). However, unlike cattle ranching, agriculture, and mineral extraction, tourism has rarely received the attention it deserves in Wyoming, though it continues to be an important part of the Western image, as well as an important factor in the production and reproduction of that image. Just as dude ranching has failed to receive the attention it deserves in the state, it has also failed to receive that attention in one of the region's densest nexus or collection of dude ranching, Jackson Hole, and in particular, Grand Teton National Park (GTNP). Indeed, dude ranches have faired miserably in the first seventy-five years of the park's existence. As cultural landscapes dude ranches have been de­emphasized in favor of celebrating the natural environment. This project's research has revealed that a vast majority of the thirty-three dude ranches that once functioned in what is now GTNP have disappeared, been auctioned off, burned, pulled down, or allowed to rot in situ. In the last decade, critics of federal cultural resource management philosophy sought to reject this often-fragmented approach to cultural heritage protection, and looked to embrace environmental and cultural resources as an indivisible whole (Hufford 1994) and this research project falls within that effort to produce a narrative that embraces both environmental and cultural resources to tell a story of the ways in which humans and nature have interacted through tourism in GTNP.

Sabine Mellman-Brown ◽  
Dave Roberts ◽  
Bruce Pugesek

The hydrology of the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park is partly determined by releases from Jackson Lake Dam. The dam was first built in 1908 and became part of the National Park system GTNP was expanded to include most of Jackson Hole. Completion of the present structure of Jackson Lake Dam occurred in 191 7 and resulted in an increase above the natural level of Jackson Lake of 11.9 m. The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) manages the dam and sets discharge schedules, primarily to meet agricultural needs, and to a lesser extent the needs of recreational river use. Major changes to the hydrological regime of the Snake River include lower than natural peak releases, decrease in frequency of extreme flood events, and unusually high flows from July to September. In addition, peak releases prior to 1957 were not synchronized with spring runoff but shifted to July or early August. Changes in inundation frequencies of floodplains, inundation duration and timing of peak flows have profound effects on the extent and composition of the riparian zone.

Yolonda Youngs

This study traces the development and evolution of Snake River use and management through an in-depth exploration of historic commercial scenic river guiding and concessions on the upper Snake River in Grand Teton National Park (GRTE) from 1950 to the present day. The research is based on a combination of methods including archival research, oral history analysis, historical landscape analysis, and fieldwork. I suggest that a distinct cultural community of river runners and outdoor recreationalists developed in Grand Teton National Park after World War II. In GRTE, a combination of physical, cultural, and technical forces shaped this community’s evolution including the specific geomorphology and dynamic channel patterns of the upper Snake River, the individuals and groups that worked on this river, and changes in boat and gear technology over time. The following paper presents the early results from the first year of this project in 2016 including the work of a graduate student and myself. This study offers connections between the upper Snake River and Grand Teton National Park to broader national trends in the evolution of outdoor recreation and concessions in national parks, the impact of World War II on technological developments for boating, and the cultural history of adventure outdoor recreation and tourism in the United States.   Featured photo by Elton Menefee on Unsplash.

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