Role of stem cell therapy in orthopaedic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: a comprehensive review of the literature from basic to clinical application

Hard Tissue ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
A Moshiri ◽  
A Oryan ◽  
A Meimandi-Parizi
2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
CesarioV Borlongan ◽  
Paola Suárez-Meade ◽  
HoracioG Carvajal ◽  
Takao Yasuhara ◽  
Naoki Tajiri ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Judee Grace E. Nemeno ◽  
Soojung Lee ◽  
Wojong Yang ◽  
Kyung Mi Lee ◽  
Jeong Ik Lee

Drug repositioning is one of the most rapidly emerging fields of study. This concept is anchored on the principle that diseases have similar damaged or affected signaling pathways. Recently, drugs have been repositioned not only for their alternative therapeutic uses but also for their applications as biomaterials in various fields. However, medical drugs as biomaterials are rarely focused on in reviews. Fragmin and protamine have been recently the sources of increasing attention in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Fragmin and protamine have been manufactured primarily as a safe antidote for the circulating heparin. Lately, these drugs have been utilized as either micro- or nanoparticle biomaterials. In this paper, we will briefly describe the concept of drug repositioning and some of the medical drugs that have been repurposed for their alternative therapeutic uses. Also, this will feature the historical background of the studies focused on fragmin/protamine micro/nanoparticles (F/P M/NPs) and their applications as biomaterials in tissue engineering, stem cell therapy, and regenerative medicine.

О.І. Годованець ◽  
К.Л. Гальчук ◽  
Т.І. Муринюк ◽  
Е.О. Саука

Мета: Провести аналіз літературних джерел у напрямку науково-теоретичних та клінічних аспек- тів щодо можливостей використання мезенхімаль- них стовбурових клітин, отриманих з різних джерел щелепно-лицевої ділянки. Матеріали і методи: Під час дослідження викорис- тано бібліосемантичний метод та структурно-логіч- ний аналіз. Для пошуку сучасної наукової літератури були використані електронні бази даних PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science та EMBASE за клю- човими словами «regenerative medicine», «regenerative dentistry», «stem cells», «dental mesenchymal stem cells», «stem cell therapy», «tissue engineering». Висновки: На основі проведеного аналізу літера- тури прослідковується неабиякий інтерес науковців до стовбурових клітин одонтогенного походження та їх використання у регенеративній практиці не лише стоматологічного спрямування, але і для ліку- вання соматичних хвороб різного генезу. Це пов’язано із неінвазивним та більш простим методом забору матеріалу, порівняно із кістковим мозком людини чи ембріональними тканинами. Стовбурові клітини різ- няться за походженням, диференційною активністю та джерелом їх отримання, а також мають ваго- мий потенціал до диференціації за напрямком різних клітинних ліній залежно від впливу факторів росту та живильного середовища. При одержанні нових чистих культур вдається встановити їх походження шляхом ідентифікації експресії маркерів, характерних для стовбурових клітин. Тим не менш, незважаючи на високі очікування від подальшого розвитку реге- неративної терапії, науковцям необхідно детальніше вивчити можливості використання цих клітин на етапах клінічного випробування, дослідити імуноло- гічну поведінку стовбурових клітин одонтогенного походження в тому чи іншому середовищі.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-116
András Mester ◽  
Balázs Oltean-Péter ◽  
Ioana Rodean ◽  
Diana Opincariu ◽  
Alexandra Stănescu ◽  

AbstractStem cell-based therapy is a new therapeutic option that can be used in patients with cardiac diseases caused by myocardial injury. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a new noninvasive imaging method with an increasingly widespread indication. The aim of this review was to evaluate the role of cardiac MRI in patients with myocardial infarction undergoing stem cell therapy. We studied the role of MRI in the assessment of myocardial viability, stem cell tracking, assessment of cell survival rate, and monitoring of the long-term effects of stem cell therapy. Based on the current knowledge in this field, this noninvasive, in vivo cardiac imaging technique has a large indication in this group of patients and plays an important role in all stages of stem cell therapy, from the indication to the long-term follow-up of patients.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 1581-1587 ◽  
Hong-Meng Chuang ◽  
Tina Emily Shih ◽  
Kang-Yun Lu ◽  
Sheng-Feng Tsai ◽  
Horng-Jyh Harn ◽  

Although the clinical application of new drugs has been shown to be effective in slowing disease progression and improving the quality of life in patients with pulmonary fibrosis, the damaged lung tissue does not recover with these drugs. Thus, there is an urgent need to establish regenerative therapy, such as stem cell therapy or tissue engineering. Moreover, the clinical application of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been shown to be safe in humans with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). It seems that a combination of MSC transplantation and pharmaceutical therapy might have additional benefits; however, the experimental design for its efficacy is still lacking. In this review, we provide an overview of the mechanisms that were identified when IPF was treated with MSC transplantation or new drugs. To maximize the therapeutic effect, we suggest that MSC transplantation is combined with drug application for synergistic effects. This review provides clinicians and scientists with the most efficient medical options, in the hope that this will spur on future research and lead to an eventual cure for this disease.

Hanieh Salehi-pourmehr ◽  
Ozra Nouri ◽  
Amirreza Naseri ◽  
Leila Roshangar ◽  
Reza Rahbarghazi ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 163-179
Shilpa Sharma ◽  
Madhan Jeyaraman ◽  
Sathish Muthu

Jahnavi Sarvepalli ◽  
Rajalakshmi Santhakumar ◽  
Rama Shanker Verma

The incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults are increasing worldwide with impaired repair mechanisms, leading to tissue and organ failure. With the current advancements, life expectancy has improved and has led to search for new treatment strategies that improves tissue regeneration. Recently, stem cell therapy and tissue engineering has captured the attention of clinicians, scientists, and patients as alternative treatment options. The overall clinical experience of these suggests that they can be safely used in the right clinical setting. Ultimately, large outcome trials will have to be conducted to assess their efficacy. Clinical trials have to be carefully designed and patient safety must remain the key concern. At the same time, continued basic research is required to understand the underlying mechanism of cell-based therapies and cell tissue interactions. This chapter reviews the evolving paradigm of stem cell therapy and tissue engineering approaches for clinical application and explores its implications.

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