The mediatisation of university governance: a theoretical and empirical exploration of some side-effects

2019 â—˝  
pp. 123-144
Andres Friedrichsmeier â—˝  
Frank Marcinkowski

This paper analyses potential negative effects of mediatisation of university governance in Germany. Mediatisation reflects a change in expectations of how higher education institutions (HEI) should relate to the public. We explore two sets of developments that spawned this change of expectations. Firstly, the policy idea of a trend to a knowledge society affected what public contributions are expected of HEI. Secondly, reforms to decentralise HEI-governance compelled universities to orient themselves more directly towards demands of external stakeholder. Both developments reinforce each other, both are associated with extended needs for actor intermediation, and for consolidating means of orientation. Since performance figures and competition solely allow for a partial mapping of society's demands and needs, HEI and state administrators can be expected to make additional use of public discourse to evaluate comparatively a multitude of demands and expectations. This results in what we call a model of mediatised university governance. Since media discourse on higher education is strongly biased towards news values, this type of governance has potentially unintended side effects. In the second part of the paper, two empirical illustrations are discussed. First, the role of media attention in accidentally reinforcing a reputational mismatch of teaching and research is investigated. Secondly, we focus on an overstretching of the information value of media-effective rankings for decision making. The cases draw upon survey data, semi-standardised expert-interviews and content analysis of news media coverage.

2021 â—˝  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) â—˝  
Giwoong Bae â—˝  
Hye-Jin Kim

PurposeSocial media (e.g., e-WOM) and traditional media (e.g., media coverage) serve different roles in a firm's marketing activities and also interact with each other, which in turn affect the market outcome. In addition, how market outcome affects the two types of media in turn has not been examined, which brings the need for a holistic framework. The rare study that examines this relation mostly relies on the volume of media rather than the valence. This study examines the interdependent relation between the volume and valence of social media, the volume of traditional media and TV ratings.Design/methodology/approachForty-one South Korean TV drama shows from October 2014 to March 2016 were analyzed using the 3SLS estimation to examine the interdependent relation between the variables.FindingsFirst, the volume of traditional media has a negative effect on the volume of social media. Second, ratings negatively affect the valence of social media. Third, the volume of traditional media is found to have a negative effect on ratings. This is explained by the displacement effect.Originality/valueThis study is one of the very few studies that examine the interdependent relation between various earned media and market outcomes in one framework. In addition, it has originality in that it considers the valence of social media, which is an important dimension in analyzing earned media. Our results show negative effects of news media on TV ratings and e-WOM, which diverge from common intuition.

10.34778/2zm â—˝  
2021 â—˝  
Gwendolin Gurr â—˝  
Julia Metag

Analyzing which actors or sources are cited in the news media coverage allows for carving out different perspectives that are represented in the media coverage. Studies thus analyze which types of actors are cited by journalists to what extent. In technology coverage, actors from the domain of science, politics, NGOs, industry and citizens are often mentioned.   Field of application/theoretical foundation: The analysis of the representation of actors is based on the assumption that journalists choose actors as sources purposefully and thereby attribute relevance to them. Those actors cited in the journalistic coverage have more opportunities to present their arguments and are thus more visible in the public discourse. Actors are also analyzed within framing analysis (Entman, 1993) and analyses of discourses in various domains.   Example studies: Metag & Marcinkowski (2014); Nisbet & Lewenstein (2002)   Information on Metag & Marcinkowski, 2014 Authors: Julia Metag, Frank Marcinkowski Research question/research interest: “Does the concept of a journalistic negativity bias apply to the media coverage of nanotechnology?” Object of analysis: German speaking daily newspapers: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Tagesanzeiger, Standard, Presse Time frame of analysis: 2000-2009   Information on Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002 Authors: Matthew C. Nisbet, Bruce V. Lewenstein Research question/research interest: trends in media coverage of biotechnology Object of analysis: New York Times and Newsweek Time frame of analysis: 1970-1999    Information about variable   Authors Variable name/definition Level of analysis Values Scale level Reliability Metag & Marcinkowski (2014) the three most prominent actors cited   article   scientists economic actors journalists nominal N/A Nisbet & Lewenstein (2002) featured actors (up to 2 actors per article) article government affiliated general (the public, the media) science or medicine industry other interests (in addition: further subcategories) nominal intercoder reliability for two groups (Team A: r = .43; Team B: r = 48)   References Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43, 51­58. Metag, Julia; Marcinkowski, Frank (2014): Technophobia towards emerging technologies? A comparative analysis of the media coverage of nanotechnology in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. In: Journalism 15(4), 463-481. Nisbet, Matthew C.; Lewenstein, Bruce V. (2002): Biotechnology and the American Media. The Policy Process and the Elite Press, 1970 to 1999. In: Science Communication 23 (4), 359–391.

2005 â—˝  
Vol 25 â—˝  
pp. 321-343 â—˝  
Jonathan S. Morris

Today’s American political news environment is more fragmented than ever before. In order to attract a larger audience, many political news reporters, editors, and producers work to create a product that is not only informative, but also entertaining and compelling. A popular method of achieving this goal is to dramatize news coverage of politics. While the goal of dramatizing the news is to entertain, previous research has discussed a number of possible side effects. Empirical evidence on this subject, however, is seriously lacking. Using a controlled laboratory experiment, this article analyzes the effect of dramatically embellished news on public opinion. The results indicate that, although entertaining for some, dramatically embellished political news has some negative effects on larger political attitudes, including overall support for political leaders and trust in the news media.

Res Publica â—˝  
1997 â—˝  
Vol 39 (2) â—˝  
pp. 215-227
Robin B. Hodess

The pbenomenon of European integration has received a great deal ofattention from political scientists in the wake of the mid-1980s 'relaunch' ofthe European Union (EU). However, political science's theoretical consideration of West European integration has from the outset failed to include news media as a factor in EU politics. This oversight is linked to the general dismissal of the public and public debate as irrelevant to the integration project. Yet because media have several critical functions in politics - as an information-source, agendasetter, and legitimator - political science treatment of the EU now needs to account for the role of news media. Turning to concepts in normative media theory, the article proposes a framework within which to consider media and suggests empirical analysis of media coverage of the European Union. Such analysis would complement political science study of the democratisation and legitimation of the EU, while acknowledging public discourse as an element crucial to the future course of European integration.

Water â—˝  
10.3390/w13010005 â—˝  
2020 â—˝  
Vol 13 (1) â—˝  
pp. 5
Betsy Morgan â—˝  
Kaitlyn Spangler â—˝  
Jacob Stuivenvolt Allen â—˝  
Christina N. Morrisett â—˝  
Mark W. Brunson â—˝  

Availability of water for irrigated crops is driven by climate and policy, as moderated by public priorities and opinions. We explore how climate and water policy interact to influence water availability for cannabis (Cannabis sativa), a newly regulated crop in California, as well as how public discourse frames these interactions. Grower access to surface water covaries with precipitation frequency and oscillates consistently in an energetic 11–17 year wet-dry cycle. Assessing contemporary cannabis water policies against historic streamflow data showed that legal surface water access was most reliable for cannabis growers with small water rights (<600 m3) and limited during relatively dry years. Climate variability either facilitates or limits water access in cycles of 10–15 years—rendering cultivators with larger water rights vulnerable to periods of drought. However, news media coverage excludes growers’ perspectives and rarely mentions climate and weather, while public debate over growers’ irrigation water use presumes illegal diversion. This complicates efforts to improve growers’ legal water access, which are further challenged by climate. To promote a socially, politically, and environmentally viable cannabis industry, water policy should better represent growers’ voices and explicitly address stakeholder controversies as it adapts to this new and legal agricultural water user.

2021 â—˝  
Jānis Bernāts â—˝  
Agnese Rusakova â—˝  
Elmīra Zariņa â—˝  

Globalization, the transfer to knowledge society exposes the environment of higher education institutions (HEIs) to increasingly complex operating conditions. The universities have to address additional demanding tasks with often-staggering public funding at their disposal. The paper aims to depict the interaction of government – managers – and higher education (HE) sector – employees – in the context of recent university governance reforms, which in its essence is another manifestation of managerialist policy followed by the government. The paper starts with contextual information on the HE system in Latvia and its antecedently limited public funding. It then touches the introduction of the performance-based funding model. The review of the funding model came as a reaction to dramatic public funding cuts within the higher education sector that were triggered by the economic crisis 2009-2012. The paper outlines the expectations of the higher education sector that additional public funding will be invested as soon as the new funding model is implemented. However, quite surprisingly for the higher education sector, the newly elected government decides to reform the internal governance of public higher education institutions instead. The depicted context is analyzed against the concept of managerialism and its influence on the higher education sector, specifically on the deterioration of collegiality as the traditional form of university governance. The paper explains, why the plans to reform the university governance in Latvia by introducing university boards with external stakeholders represented there have been met ambiguously by the higher education sector. The authors seek to answer the seemingly irrational series of actions taken by the Latvian government and do so referring to phenomena of managerial ideology, as well as cautions against the rule of uncompromising, forthright managerialism within the public sector. The article finds, however, that pure collegiality is no longer viable in the higher education sector in Latvia, and different manifestations of managerialism are there to stay in the higher education sector. Therefore, ways need to be found to adopt and draw benefits from the induced changes. Understanding the rational reasons behind seemingly irrational reforms introduced by the government is the first step in this direction. The next step, but this would be then the subject of further researches, would be to detect the conditions in which the incoming managerialism may undermine or reinforce the quality of higher education.

Preventive Medicine â—˝  
2016 â—˝  
Vol 90 â—˝  
pp. 114-120 â—˝  
Emma E. McGinty â—˝  
Hillary Samples â—˝  
Sachini N. Bandara â—˝  
Brendan Saloner â—˝  
Marcus A. Bachhuber â—˝  
News Media â—˝  
Media Coverage â—˝  
The Us â—˝  

Maxwell Boykoff â—˝  
Gesa Luedecke
Climate Change â—˝  
Public Sphere â—˝  
News Media â—˝  
Media Coverage â—˝  
Critical Role â—˝  
News Coverage â—˝  
The Public â—˝  

During the past three decades, elite news media have become influential translators of climate change linking science, policy, and the citizenry. Historical trends in public discourse—shaped in significant part by elite media—demonstrate news media’s critical role in shaping public perception and the level of concern towards climate change. Media representations of climate change and global warming are embedded in social, cultural, political, and economic dimensions that influence individual-level processes such as everyday journalistic practices. Media have a strong influence on policy decision-making, attitudes, perspectives, intentions, and behavioral change, but those connections can be challenging to pinpoint; consequently, examinations of elite news coverage of climate change, particularly in recent decades, have sought to gain a stronger understanding of these complex and dynamic webs of interactions. In so doing, research has more effectively traced how media have taken on varied roles in the climate change debate, from watch dogs to lap dogs to guard dogs in the public sphere. Within these areas of research, psychological aspects of media influence have been relatively underemphasized. However, interdisciplinary and problem-focused research investigations of elite media coverage stand to advance considerations of public awareness, discourse, and engagement. Elite news media critically contribute to public discourse and policy priorities through their “mediating” and interpretative influences. Therefore, a review of examinations of these dynamics illuminate the bridging role of elite news coverage of climate change between formal science and policy, and everyday citizens in the public sphere.

2015 â—˝  
Vol 21 (2) â—˝  
pp. 576-581
Mircea Constantin Duică â—˝  
Anişoara Duică â—˝  
Bogdan Cătălin Savu

Abstract The European strategies and policies on education aim to reform and increase the flexibility of the higher education systems, to better answer the society’s needs, in the context of the challenges raised by the knowledge society. In this context, the quality of higher education has become a matter of public responsibility, and universities, based on their autonomy, should institute efficient university governance mechanisms that would permit an efficient use of their resources. University governance, as a process, relies on a realistic evaluation of the available resources and on the taking on - based on the university autonomy - of a future development direction, in conditions of efficacy and efficiency. The specific demands of the internal managerial control systems make it necessary for the university management to asset - by means of the control function - the results’ deviations from the objectives, to analyze the causes that triggered them and to issue the necessary corrective or preventive measures. In this context, risk management represents an efficient instrument, specific for university governance, in the knowledge society, which contributes to the efficient use of the resources available to the universities.

2018 â—˝  
Khadijah Costley White

This chapter lays out the Tea Party’s history as a mass-mediated construction in the context of journalism, political communication, and social movement studies. It argues that the news coverage of the Tea Party primarily chronicled its meaning, appeal, motivations, influence, and circulation—an emphasis on its persona more than its policies. In particular, the news media tracked the Tea Party as a brand, highlighting its profits, marketability, brand leaders, and audience appeal. The Tea Party became a brand through news media coverage; in defining it as a brand, the Tea Party was a story, message, and cognitive shortcut that built a lasting relationship with citizen-consumers through strong emotional connections, self-expression, consumption, and differentiation.

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