Small value probabilities for supercritical branching processes with immigration in general case

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (9) ◽  
pp. 929-938
WeiJuan CHU ◽  
Wenbo V LI
1977 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-390 ◽  
Harry Cohn

It is shown for a supercritical branching process with immigration that if the log moment of the immigration distribution is infinite, then no sequence of positive constants {cn} exists such that {Xn/cn} converges in law to a proper limit distribution function F, except for the case F(0 +) = 1. Seneta's result [1] combined with the above-mentioned one imply that if 1 < m < ∞ then the finiteness of the log moment of the immigration distribution is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of some constants {cn} such that {Xn/cn} converges in law to a proper limit distribution function F, with F(0 +) < 1.

1983 ◽  
Vol 15 (04) ◽  
pp. 713-725 ◽  
F. W. Steutel ◽  
W. Vervaat ◽  
S. J. Wolfe

The notion of self-decomposability for -valued random variables as introduced by Steutel and van Harn [10] and its generalization by van Harn, Steutel and Vervaat [5], are used to study the limiting behaviour of continuous-time Markov branching processes with immigration. This behaviour provides analogues to the behaviour of sequences of random variables obeying a certain difference equation as studied by Vervaat [12] and their continuous-time counterpart considered by Wolfe [13]. An application in queueing theory is indicated. Furthermore, discrete-state analogues are given for results on stability in the processes studied by Wolfe, and for results on self-decomposability in supercritical branching processes by Yamazato [14].

2006 ◽  
Vol 43 (04) ◽  
pp. 1066-1076 ◽  
Andreas Nordvall Lagerås ◽  
Anders Martin-Löf

We study the genealogy of so-called immortal branching processes, i.e. branching processes where each individual upon death is replaced by at least one new individual, and conclude that their marginal distributions are compound geometric. The result also implies that the limiting distributions of properly scaled supercritical branching processes are compound geometric. We exemplify our results with an expression for the marginal distribution for a class of branching processes that have recently appeared in the theory of coalescent processes and continuous stable random trees. The limiting distribution can be expressed in terms of the Fox H-function, and in special cases by the Meijer G-function.

H.-J. Schuh

AbstractWe show that the Harris-Sevast'yanov transformation for supercritical Galton-Watson processes with positive extinction probability q can be modified in such a way that the extinction probability of the new process takes any value between 0 and q. We give a probabilistic interpretation for the new process. This note is closely related to Athreya and Ney (1972), Chapter 1.12.

1972 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-428 ◽  
Harry Kesten

We consider d-dimensional stochastic processes which take values in (R+)d These processes generalize Galton-Watson branching processes, but the main assumption of branching processes, independence between particles, is dropped. Instead, we assume for some Here τ:(R+)d→R +, |x| = σ1d |x(i)|, A {x ∈(R+)d: |x| 1} and T: A→A. Under various assumptions on the maps τ and T it is shown that with probability one there exists a ρ > 1, a fixed point p ∈ A of T and a random variable w such that limn→∞Zn|ρnwp. This result is a generalization of the main limit theorem for supercritical branching processes; note, however, that in the present situation both ρ and ρ are random as well. The results are applied to a population genetical model for zygotic selection without mutation at one locus.

1972 ◽  
Vol 9 (04) ◽  
pp. 707-724 ◽  
R. A. Doney

In the Bellman-Harris (B-H) age-dependent branching process, the birth of a child can occur only at the time of its parent's death. A general class of branching process in which births can occur throughout the lifetime of a parent has been introduced by Crump and Mode. This class shares with the B-H process the property that the generation sizes {ξn } form a Galton-Watson process, and so may be classified into subcritical, critical or supercritical according to the value of m = E{ξ 1}. Crump and Mode showed that, as regards extinction probability, asymptotic behaviour, and for the supercritical case, convergence in mean square of Z(t)/E[Z(t)], as t → ∞, where Z(t) is the population size at time t given one ancestor at t = 0, properties of the B-H process can be extended to this general class. In this paper conditions are found for the convergence in distribution of Z(t)/E{Z(t)} in the supercritical case to a non-degenerate limit distribution. In contrast to the B-H process, these conditions are not the same as those for ξn /mn to have a non-degenerate limit. An integral equation is established for the generating function of Z(t), which is more complicated than the corresponding one for the B-H process and involves the conditional probability generating functional of N(x), x 0, ≧ the number of children born to an individual in the age interval [0, x].

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