In Vivo Deep Penetration Three-Photon Imaging of Mouse Brain through an Unthinned, Intact Skull

Nicholas G. Horton ◽  
Ke Wang ◽  
Demirhan Kobat ◽  
Frank W. Wise ◽  
Chris Xu
2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (S3) ◽  
pp. 1721-1722
Tianyu Wang ◽  
Dimitre Ouzounov ◽  
Nicholas G. Horton ◽  
Jean C. Cruz Hernandez ◽  
Danielle Feng ◽  

Dimitre G. Ouzounov ◽  
Tianyu Wang ◽  
Nicholas G. Horton ◽  
Jean C. Cruz Hernández ◽  
Danielle Feng ◽  

2020 ◽  
Dong-yu Li ◽  
He-qun Zhang ◽  
Lina L. Streich ◽  
Ping Lu ◽  
Ling Wang ◽  

AbstractAggregation-induced emission nanoparticles serve as promising fluorescence probes for multi-photon excitation microscopy due to the large absorption cross-section at NIR-IIb region. Here we present organic AIE nanoparticles that feature high aborption cross-section under three-photon excitation. We show that these enable ultra-deep NIR-IIa excited three-photon imaging in the in-vivo mouse brain.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 388-390 ◽  
Dimitre G Ouzounov ◽  
Tianyu Wang ◽  
Mengran Wang ◽  
Danielle D Feng ◽  
Nicholas G Horton ◽  

Dimitre G. Ouzounov ◽  
Tianyu Wang ◽  
Nicholas Horton ◽  
Jean Hernandez ◽  
Danielle Feng ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 37 (03) ◽  
R Trollmann ◽  
K Strasser ◽  
J Soliz ◽  
D Wenzel ◽  
W Rascher ◽  

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