The study aims todetermine the relationship between parenting style and the level of independence of Personal Hygiene Hand Wasting and Tooth Brush in Preschoolers in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora in 2019. The study is a quantitative study, based on the research location including the type of field reseaerch, based on the ansence of the treatment of subjects including survey research, based on time is a cross sectional study, and based on objectives includin correlation analytics. The population in this study were all parents in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora as many as 85 respondents. Based on the sample calculation, the sample obtained in this study that most parent in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora amounted to 70 respondents. Srearmen’s rho test analysis results parenting parents with the level of independence of personal hygiene hand wasting result obtained p value = 0,000 < α (0,05), and parenting patters with the independence of personal hygiene tooth brush obtained results p value = 0,000 < α (0,05). So it can be concluded that were is a significant relationship between parenting parents with the level of independence of personal hygiene washing hands and brushing their tooth at preschoolers in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora in 2019.
Keywords: parenting; personal hygiene, preschool
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pola Asuh Orangtua Terhadap Tingkat Kemandirian Personal Hygiene Cuci Tangan dan Gogok Gigi pada Anak Prasekolah di TK Negeri Pembina Blora Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, berdasarkan tempat penelitian termasuk jenis penelitian lapangan, berdasarkan tidak adanya perlakuan terhadap subjek termasuk penelitian survey, berdasarkan waktu merupakan penelitian cross sectional, dan berdasarkan tujuan termasuk analitik korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orangtua di TK Negeri Pembina Blora sebanyak 85 responden. Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel maka diperoleh sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sebagian orangtua di TK Negeri Pembina Blora sebanyak 70 responden. Hasil analisis uji spearmen’s rho pola asuh orangtua dengan tingkat kemandirian personal hygiene cuci tangan didapatkan hasil p value = 0,000 < α (0,05), dan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene gosok gigi didapatkan hasil p value = 0,000 < α (0,05). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan tingkat kemandirian personal hygiene cuci tangan dan gosok gigi pada anak prasekolah di TK Negeri Pembina Blora Tahun 2019.
Kata kunci: pola asuh; personal hygiene; prasekolah