2020 ◽  
pp. 219-226
Valeriya Yur'yevna Andreyeva ◽  
Vladimir Viktorovich Sheykin ◽  
Galina Il'inichna Kalinkina ◽  
Tat'yana Georgiyevna Razina ◽  
Yelena Petrovna Zuyeva ◽  

Black chokeberry is an official drug raw material and is used as a multivitamin drug. Black chokeberry guarantees the supply of raw materials as it grows all over the Russian Federation end is a promising sourse of phenolic compounds for new drugs. Objective: to develop the most favorable conditions for extraction of bioactive compounds from black chokeberry and to assess its anti-metastatic activity. To extract bioactive compounds from black chokeberry the method of multistep repercolation with completed cycle was used. To assess the factors controlling the raw material extraction the technique of mathematic simulation for latin square. The technique of liquid anthocyanins and catechins rich black chokeberry extraction was given with the following parameters: extragent – 95% acidified alcohol, phase relation – 1 : 5, number of percolators – 5. The content of biologically active substances in the extract obtained with 95% acidified ethyl alcohol was determined by conventional methods. In the composition of the extract, the content of anthocyanins (5.83±0.25%), catechins (0.22±0.02%), tannins (4.65±0.30%), phenolic acids (0.27±0.01%) and other biologically active substances was determined. To assess the antitumor properties of the chokeberry fruit extract, the Lewis lung carcinoma model was used. It was found that the proposed extract reliably inhibits the development of metastases and increases the antimetastatic activity of cyclophosphamide in combined treatment, is of interest as a means for increasing the effectiveness of tumor chemotherapy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.13) ◽  
pp. 297
Svetlana N. Butova ◽  
Vera A. Salnikova ◽  
Lyudmila A. Ivanova ◽  
Irina D. Schegoleva ◽  
Lyudmila A. Churmasova

The article presents the results of author scientific research dealing with the use of saponins, biologically active substances in food and cosmetics technology. The problems of their formation in plants, the chemical nature and the features are considered, biological and physico-chemical properties of saponins are studied. By their nature, saponins are divided into steroid and triterpene, differing by glycoside part of a molecule, thus, with different biological and chemical properties, but they are all capable to develop foam in aqueous solutions, and this feature is the origin of their name. The name originated from the word «Sapo», which means soap. It should be noted that at present saponins are not studied fully as other biologically active substances (BAS), although they are of interest and relevance. In the course of scientific work, about 20 species of saponin-containing plant material, both steroid and triterpene ones, were selected and analyzed for the determination of saponins. The selection of raw materials with the highest content was performed for their further use in cosmetics and as the surfactants in the production of emulsion food products. The following research methods were used in the work: qualitative reactions to the presence of saponins, foaming, saponin extraction, the release from dry aqueous extract of both steroid and triterpin ones. The method and the scheme of their release and precipitation are presented in the article.The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of FSBEI HE «Moscow State University of Food Production» No. 14.7404.2017/бч «Scientific and applied bases of application of traditional and nonconventional vegetable raw materials and secondary products of its processing (fruit and berry, grain, bean, oil, essential oil, herbs) in technology of specialized products of the food industry, cosmetology and pharmacy»  

Iryna Sas ◽  
Andrii Hrytsyk ◽  
Taras Koliadzhyn ◽  
Oleh Koshovyi

Species of Betonica L. genus are widespread in Ukraine and contain different groups of biologically active substances: hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids, tannins, iridoids, terpenoids, steroids, essential oil, organic acids, vitamin K, nitrogen-containing compounds, phenylethanoid glycosides. Species of Betonica L. genus show a wide range of pharmacological activity (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, choleretic, diuretic, sedative, antitumor, antihypertensive, etc.) and phenolic compounds are one of the most important and promising groups of biologically active substances of these plants. The aim. The aim of the work was to conduct a comparative study of the phenolic compounds of the herb of Betonica L. genus species of flora of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the herb of Betonica peraucta and Betonica brachydonta harvested in the phase of mass flowering of the plant in Ivano-Frankivsk region. The study of phenolic compounds was carried out by paper chromatography, HPLC and spectrophotometry. Results. 7 components of tannins, 4 flavonoids, 5 hydroxycinnamic acids, 2 coumarins were identified and quantified by HPLC in the studied raw material. The quantitative content of the main groups of phenolic compounds in the herb of Betonica peraucta and Betonica brachydonta was determined by the method of absorption spectrophotometry: polyphenols – 5.96 % and 4.82 %, tannins – 1.62 % and 0.68 %, flavonoids – 2.07 % and 1.13 %, hydroxycinnamic acids – 7.01 % and 3.58 %, respectively. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted studies it was found that the content of phenolic compounds in the herb of Betonica peraucta is significantly higher than in the herb of Betonica brachydonta. Therefore, this species is promising for further research and creation of new drugs

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 32-40
Yuliya Myroshnyk ◽  
Viktor Dotsenko ◽  
Larisa Sharan ◽  
Vita Tsyrulnikova

Products of biscuit dough are ones of most popular among floury confectionary products that is conditioned by their taste advantages, and ones of constant elements of food rations. Biscuit semi-products are a base of such confectionary products as tarts, fancy cakes, cookies. It is expedient to use supplements of non-traditional raw materials that can not only influence the technological process and quality of ready products, but also enrich them with biologically active substances as additional components of floury confectionary products. The most promising raw material for enriching products of this group is vegetable powders, because fresh products are seasonal and don’t regularly provide the food ration of the population with biologically active substances. The article considers a possibility of using snowball, ashberry and buckthorn powders for making biscuit semi-products. The aim of the work was to study the expedience and technological possibility of using vegetable raw materials in the biscuit semi-product technology. The chemical composition of chosen powders was studied. The influence of vegetable powder on the quality and quantity of cellulose, structural-mechanical and physical properties of dough was established. The expedience of using surface-active substances in the biscuit semi-product technology for improving the quality of ready products was substantiated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 291-297
Tat'yana Ivanovna Fomina ◽  
Tat'yana Abdulkhailovna Kukushkina

The results of comparative study of the content of biologically active substances in the flowers of 10 species of perennial onions Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch., A. altaicum Pall., A. flavum L., A. microdictyon Prokh., A. nutans L., A. obliquum L., A. ramosum L., A. rosenbachianum Regel, A. schoenoprasum L., A. senescens L. var. glaucum Regel (A. senescens ssp. glaucum (Schrad.) N. Friesen) are presented. The freshly collected raw materials in the phase of mass flowering were analyzed. The dry matter content was determined by drying 1 g of raw material at 100–105 °C to a constant mass. The amount of phenolic compounds, pectin substances, total sugars, and carotenoids was determined spectrophotometrically using SF-56 (Russia) and SF "Agilent" 8453 (USA). For the first time, data on the quantitative content of the main groups of secondary metabolites in onion flowers were obtained. It has been established that in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia, flowers of Allium species contain: 10.7-22.5% dry substances, 6.6-26.2% total sugars, 3.3–18.6% pectin substances, 3.6–10.6% phenolic compounds, 3.0–23.4  mg% carotenoids (per mass of absolutely dry materials) and 35.4–157.8 mg% ascorbic acid (per mass of raw materials). The highest values were found for A. rosenbachianum, A. flavum, and A. aflatunense. The high variability of the accumulation of biologically active substances is due to the species and the influence of weather conditions during the growing season. The study showed the prospects for using onion flowers as a source of various bioactive compounds, including when added to food.

Yaborova O.V. ◽  
Zamakhaeva E.A. ◽  
Oleshko O.A.

Garden strawberries (Fragaria ananassa) are widely cultivated on the territory of Russia on industrial plantations and private garden plots to obtain the fruits (berries) of this plant and their use as a valuable food product. When harvesting fruits, other parts of the garden strawberry are not used, however, its vegetative parts are a source of biologically active substances (BAS) and are of interest for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries [1, 4]. The biological activity of garden strawberry leaf extracts is due to the presence of secondary metabolites of a phenolic nature; their content in raw materials reaches more than 3% in some samples [2, 3]. Considering that the main group of biologically active substances of this raw material are flavonoids, the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course of botany conducted research to develop a method for quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin. Spectrophotometry was chosen as the optimal method for assessing the content of this group of substances in medicinal plant raw materials - leaves of garden strawberries, which allows determining the amount of flavonoids in terms of the dominant compound and obtaining reliable and reproducible results of quantitative analysis [8, 11]. The technological properties were studied and a therapeutic dose of dry strawberry extract was proposed, optimal compositions were selected and technologies of sachet-granules with dry strawberry extract were developed. The method for the quantitative determination of flavonoids in terms of rutin was validated. The results of the study can be used in the future in the development of draft regulatory documents for sachet-granules with dry strawberry extract of garden leaves and the study of their pharmacological activity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-73
E. L. Malankina ◽  
L. N. Kozlovskaya ◽  
L. V. Biktimyrova ◽  
E. L. Komarova

Relevance. The demand for medicinal raw materials of Calendula officinalis L. is determined by the high content of pharmacologically significant compounds. Comparison of the most common ornamental cultivars of Calendula officinalis L.) in terms of yield and content of biologically active substances in the raw material helps to identify the most promising cultivars in terms of a set of indicators.Materials and methods.The decorative cultivars Apricot, Art Shads, Fiesta Gitana, Kabluna golden-yellow, Orange King, Orange Balls, Yellow Gitana and Golden Balls, characterized by large inflorescences and terry, were used as prototypes. The cultivar Kalta, widely used for the production of medicinal raw materials, was chosen as a control. The experiments were laid on the experimental plots of the Fruit Growing Laboratory of the Russian State Agricultural University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Productivity was determined as the total weight of inflorescences harvested during the entire season per unit area. The amount of flavonoids was determined by spectrophotometry. The amount of polysaccharides was determined according to the modified Draywood method. The lutein content was determined by HPLC.Results.To obtain inflorescences we can recommend to use the variety Orange King, which, with a satisfactory yield (0.363 kg/m2), was characterized by a high content of flavonoids (1.2%) and satisfactory (35.9%) extractives and corresponds to the quality of raw materials required by GF XIV. In addition, this variety was characterized by an increased content of polysaccharides (20.3%). The Varieties Apricot and Yellow Gitana were characterized by high productivity (562±49 and 507±41 g/m2, respectively). Their raw materials can be used by production of herbal teas, where the content of flavonoids is not regulated. As sources of lutein, one should pay attention to the ligulate flowers of the varieties Apricot, Fiesta Gitana, Golden balls. In the variety Kabluna, with the maximum lutein content, the proportion of reed flowers in the inflorescence was only 38%. In varieties with large inflorescences, the content of lutein in reed flowers was higher (R=0.685). Large non-double inflorescences will be most productive in this indicator.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 38-46
N. V. Chebyshev ◽  
A. V. Strelyaeva ◽  
D. I. Lezhava ◽  
A. N. Luferov ◽  
N. V. Bobkova ◽  

Introduction. Walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a medicinal plant containing a large number of biologically active substances. A number of authors propose to use walnut leaves as medicinal raw materials, in which juglone, flavonoids, tannins, ascorbic acid and other substances are identified. Currently, a standardization technique for this type of raw material has been developed and proposed. However, the medicinal plant walnut can be a source of other types of raw materials, such as milky-waxed walnuts, walnut bark, and walnut partitions. These types of medicinal raw materials contain a large number of biologically active substances and have a great potential for pharmacological activity. Therefore, the study with the subsequent standardization of medicinal plant material of walnut fruits in the stage of milk-wax ripeness and walnut bark is relevant.Aim. The aim of the study is to study the external signs, microscopy of raw walnut bark and walnut fruit in the stage of milky-wax ripeness and chemical composition of alcohol extract from these types of raw materials.Materials and methods. Chromato-mass spectrometry and TLC were used in the work.Results and discussion. When describing external signs and microscopy, diagnostic signs of both whole and crushed raw materials, and powder of walnut bark, and fruits of walnut in the stage of milky-wax ripeness were revealed. Alcohol extract obtained from medicinal plant raw materials walnut bark is a clear brown liquid. Alcohol extract obtained from medicinal plant raw materials of walnut fruit at the stage of milky-wax ripeness is a transparent, green-brown liquid with a fragrant odor.Conclusion. Gallic acid was identified by TLC in walnut bark. Chromato-mass spectrometry in alcohol extraction from the fruit of walnut in the stage of milky-wax maturity was able to identify 17 compounds belonging to different classes of biologically active substances. Sugars, flavonoids, coumarin phenolic compounds, organic acids were identified. In alcoholic extraction from the bark of a walnut, marker compounds have been determined, the combination of which makes it possible to quickly identify this type of raw material using chromatography-mass spectrometry. 

Kubasova E.D. ◽  
Korelskaya G.V. ◽  
Kubasov R.V.

The Medicinal Lovage (Levisticum Officinale) grows almost everywhere. In order to use Levisticum Officinale in economic needs, including in medicine, a number of countries are specially engaged in its cultivation. The analysis of the scientific literature revealed a large number of publications confirming the diverse chemical spectrum of rhizomes, roots and herbs of the medicinal lovage. In this regard, it is used as a medicinal raw material and is included in a number of European Pharmacopoeias. For medical purposes, all parts of this plant that contain biologically active substances can be used. Levisticum officinale contains various phytochemical compounds and secondary metabolites – terpenoids, flavonoids, essential oils, phthalides, polyacetylenes, coumarins, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids, tannins, phenolic acids, polyacetylenes. All of them have properties that can have a therapeutic effect on the organism. The composition of essential oils of Levisticum Officinale is the most studied. It is mainly represented by monoterpene hydrocarbons, sexwiterpenes and phthalides. There are some differences in the chemical composition of Levisticum Officinale. Most scientists agree that such a discrepancy may be related to the period and process of harvesting plant raw materials, age, genotype of the plant, climatic conditions and place of growth, as well as the method of extraction and the method of identification and quantitative determination of biologically active substances. Therefore, there is a problem of a single universal system of preparation and further use of raw materials. The development of modern methods for analyzing the raw materials of lovage and the study of its chemical composition creates prerequisites for expanding its use as a medicinal plant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (28) ◽  
pp. 138-148
O.A. Pekhova ◽  
L.A. Timasheva ◽  
I.L. Danilova ◽  
I.V. Belova ◽  

Hyssopus officinalis L. is a promising essential oil plant of complex use containing various types of biologically active substances (BAS). The purpose of the research was twofold: study the features of accumulation of various types of BAS in H. officinalis plants grown in the foothill zone of the Crimea; assess the possibility to use them in perfumery, cosmetics, food industry, pharmacy and medicine. The research was conducted in 2017–2019 in the FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”. The raw materials of H. officinalis (population with blue flowers) grown without irrigation served as the research material. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of raw materials and different types of BAS were determined according to generally accepted methods. Structural analysis of H. officinalis showed that the aboveground part of plants during the growing season had the following fractional composition: leaves (21.4–70.6 %), stems (18.8–30.9 %), inflorescences (22.0−59.1 %). The ratio of fractions by phases of vegetation varied, namely: in the phase of regrowth, leaves prevailed – 70.6 % but, at the end of the flowering, their content decreased to 21.4 %; the content of inflorescences reached its maximum in the phases of mass flowering and end of flowering 53.3–59.1 %. The main oil-synthesizing organs of H. officinalis were leaves and inflorescences. The highest yield amount of H. officinalis essential oil was obtained from inflorescences (1.94 %), which in the fractional composition of the raw material amounted to 53.3 %. The maximum amount of essential oil of specific quality accumulated in plants during the phase of mass flowering (1.26 % in terms of absolutely dry weight). The dominant components of essential oil are ketones: isopinocamphone and pinocamphone (75.9–78.6 %). A high level of phenolic compounds was determined in the phases of regrowth and flowering; extractive substances – in the budding phase; tannins – in the phase of mass flowering. During the storage of air-dry raw materials for two years, insignificant losses of essential oil occur (up to 20.2 %); its component composition changes (hydrocarbons amount decreased by 2.5–22.7 %; ketones – increased by 3.4–16.2 %). The content of other types of BAS during storage of raw materials increased by 10–30 %. Therefore, it is advisable to store air-dry raw materials of Hyssopus officinalis for two years or longer.

2017 ◽  
pp. 137-144 ◽  
Людмила (Ljudmila) Ивановна (Ivanovna) Тихомирова (Tikhomirova) ◽  
Наталья (Natal'ja) Григорьевна (Grigor'evna) Базарнова (Bazarnova) ◽  
Анастасия (Anastasija) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Синицына (Sinitsyna) ◽  
Ирина (Irina) Владимировна (Vladimirovna) Афанасенкова (Afanasenkova)

Species of the genus Iris in the scientific literature, recognized as rich sources of secondary metabolites. However, in chemical terms, Iris sibirica L. is poorly understood. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of the chemical composition of plant material of Iris sibirica L. to optimize the timing of collection in the conditions of Altai region.The object used samples of leaves and rhizomes and roots of I. sibirica varieties Cambridge and Sterkh variety, harvested in the vicinity of the city of Novoaltaisk.As a result of these tests the ash content from I. sibirica spring collection 1,3 times more than in autumn. The method of emission spectrometry revealed the presence of 26 elements. Of them macro – 4, microelements and ultramicroelements 8 – 14. Regardless of the variety of plant organs as observed the accumulation of Al. In a raw spring collection piling up Ba and Zn, and in the fall of Sr and Mn. In the studied samples I. sibirica cultivars Siberian crane Cambridge and the concentration of Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr and As exceeded the permissible level for dietary Supplements and tea on plant-basedWith the aim of obtaining flavonoids plant I. sibirica better harvest in the spring, and for optimal coumarins is the autumn collection. Tannins more is accumulated in the rhizomes with roots, and triterpenoid glycosides in the grass. The yield of essential oil from I. sibirica depends on weather conditions of vegetation period, time of procurement of raw materials and on plants and can be increased by 2–3 times.The study of element distribution and synthesized biologically active substances in the process of development of I. sibirica cultivars Siberian crane and Cambridge during the vegetation period has allowed to identify the vegetative phase with maximum accumulation, and organs of plants, accumulation of these biologically active substances.

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