scholarly journals Analysis of correlation of climate factors affecting solar power generation

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.3) ◽  
pp. 354
Bok Jong Yoo ◽  
Chan Bae Park ◽  
Ju Lee

Background/Objectives: In designing the solar power generation, feasibility review and power generation volume prediction during guarantee phase after the completion are very important.Methods/Statistical analysis: The study compares the actual power generation volume obtained from solar power generation monitoring system and estimated volume calculated using overseas meteorological data from Meteonorm 7.1 and NASA-SSE and Korean data from the Korea Meteorological Administration, in order to understand their accuracy. The calculation using KMA data, with the highest prediction value, was used to analyze the correlation among solar radiation, temperature, and solar power generation volume.Findings: Previous solar power generation volume prediction was conducted only with solar radiation value, which caused errors between the actual and predicted solar power generation volume. The study found that the power generation volume and solar radiation have a high positive correlation coefficient of 0.8131 for Songam Power Plant. For correlation between power generation volume and temperature, the coefficient for Songam was 0.2843 and 0.4616 for Jipyeong Power Plant, showing lower influence than that of solar radiation. In sum, solar radiation influences the solar power generation volume more than temperature, but the current study indicates that both solar radiation and temperature must be considered for an accurate prediction of solar power generation volume.Improvements/Applications: Research to develop solar power generation volume prediction algorithm that takes into account both solar radiation and temperature must be conducted to expand the application of solar power generation system with more accurate estimation of power generation volume.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1776
Young Seo Kim ◽  
Han Young Joo ◽  
Jae Wook Kim ◽  
So Yun Jeong ◽  
Joo Hyun Moon

This study identified the meteorological variables that significantly impact the power generation of a solar power plant in Samcheonpo, Korea. To this end, multiple regression models were developed to estimate the power generation of the solar power plant with changing weather conditions. The meteorological data for the regression models were the daily data from January 2011 to December 2019. The dependent variable was the daily power generation of the solar power plant in kWh, and the independent variables were the insolation intensity during daylight hours (MJ/m2), daylight time (h), average relative humidity (%), minimum relative humidity (%), and quantity of evaporation (mm). A regression model for the entire data and 12 monthly regression models for the monthly data were constructed using R, a large data analysis software. The 12 monthly regression models estimated the solar power generation better than the entire regression model. The variables with the highest influence on solar power generation were the insolation intensity variables during daylight hours and daylight time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-119

This paper studies the effect of temperature, humidity and irradiance on the power generated by a photovoltaic solar cell. This was achieved using pyranometer for determining the solar radiation, wet and dry thermometer for measuring humidity, and digital multimeter for voltage and current measurement. The result of the study show that power generation increases with increase of solar irradiance. Additionally, changes of humidity level and temperature do not significantly affect solar power generation. Furthermore, it was also observed that high temperatures and higher humidity levels accelerate the corrosion process on the solar cells which reduces the efficiency of the cells.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 6647 ◽  
Suntiti Yoomak ◽  
Theerasak Patcharoen ◽  
Atthapol Ngaopitakkul

Solar rooftop systems in the residential sector have been rapidly increased in the term of installed capacity. There are various factors, such as climate, temperature, and solar radiation, that have effects on solar power generation efficiency. This paper presents a performance assessment of a solar system installed on the rooftop of residence in different regions of Thailand by using PSIM simulation. Solar rooftop installation comparison in different regions is carried out to evaluate the suitable location. In addition, three types of solar panels are used in research: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. The electrical parameters of real power and energy generated from the systems are investigated and analyzed. Furthermore, the economic evaluation of different solar rooftop system sizes using the monocrystalline module is investigated by using economic indicators of discounted payback period (DPP), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and profitability index (PI). Results show that the central region of Thailand is a suitable place for installing solar rooftop in terms of solar radiation, and the temperature has more solar power generation capacity than the other regions. The monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels can generate maximum power close to each other. All solar rooftop sizes with the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme give the same DPP of 6.1 years, IRR of 15%, and PI of 2.57 which are better than the cases without the FiT scheme. However, a large-scale installation of solar rooftop systems can receive more electrical energy produced from the solar rooftop systems. As a result, the larger solar rooftop system sizes can achieve better economic satisfaction.

Chi-Chang Chen ◽  
Chien-Hsing Huang

Solar power generation converts solar radiation into electrical energy. It is the most environmentally friendly green energy source in modern times, but the solar radiation reception rate is unstable due to weather. The general weather forecast is for the climate of a large area and cannot provide effective real-time prediction to the area where the power plant generating radiant energy from solar radiation. The sky imager can collect the sky image of the location of the solar power panel in real time, which can help to understand the weather conditions in real time, especially the dynamics of the clouds, which is the main reason for affecting the solar power generation. In this study, the optical flow method was used to analyze the motion vectors of clouds in the sky image, thereby estimating the changes of clouds in a short time, and the correlation between the distribution of clouds in the sky and the radiation of the whole sky images was analyzed through a neural network. The change further predicts the change in radiation across the sky, thereby effectively assessing the efficiency of solar power generation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-210
Sugeng Purwanto

This community service program is a development and continuation of previous program activities that take the theme of Solar Power Plant Design Training in Madrasah Aliyah Darussalam Parung Bogor with a focus on designing simple solar power plant for catfish ponds that use battery , DC lights, and 5 WP solar panels. The focus on this community service program is training on the application of appropriate technology for solar power generation with a household group R-1 / TR 2200 VA that uses solar panels, batteries, and controller. This program activity is divided into several stages, including site survey, socialization, solar power generation, and testing of solar power plant component, training, system installation, component assembly, and program evaluation. The first stage is a site survey conducted to obtain preliminary information about electricity usage patterns in the Raudhatul Ishlah. The second stage is the socialization of the program to the students and the community. The next stage is the solar power generation component testing to find out the quality and the identification of its components. Then the fourth stage is the introduction of its technology to give participants a greater understanding. The fifth stage is the assembly and installation of solar power generation components. The last stage is program evaluation using the interview and filling out the questionnaire. This program is held at Raudhatul Ishlah. This activity is the application technology which is very useful in the provision of electricity independently to support various activities in Islamic boarding schools and communities.  Keywords: solar power generation, hybrid power generation, load supply regulation, automatic transfer switch, photovoltaic   ABSTRAK  Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini merupakan pengembangan dan kelanjutan dari kegiatan PKM sebelumnya yang mengambil tema tentang Pelatihan Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya di Madrasah Aliyah Darussalam Parung Bogor dengan fokus kepada perancangan PLTS sederhana untuk kolam benur lele yang menggunakan komponen baterai, lampu DC dan panel surya 5 WP. Sedangkan fokus pada program PKM ini berupa pelatihan penerapan teknologi tepat guna pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) dengan skala rumah tangga golongan R-1/TR 2200 VA yang menggunakan beberapa peralatan dengan teknologi tepat guna seperti panel surya, baterai dan controller (ATS – Automatic Transfer Switch). Kegiatan PKM ini terbagi dalam beberapa tahapan, meliputi: survei lokasi, sosialisasi, pengujian komponen PLTS, pelatihan, perakitan dan instalasi sistem serta evaluasi program. Tahap pertama adalah survei lokasi yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi awal mengenai pola pemakaian listrik di Pesantren Raudhatul Ishlah. Tahap kedua adalah sosialisasi kegiatan PKM kepada para santri dan masyarakat. Tahap selanjutnya adalah tahap pengujian komponen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas dari PLTS, serta identifikasi komponen PLTS. Kemudian tahap keempat yaitu pengenalan teknologi PLTS untuk memberi pemahaman lebih mengenai teknologi PLTS. Tahap kelima adalah perakitan dan pemasangan (install) komponen PLTS secara keseluruhan. Tahap terakhir dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah evaluasi program dengan menggunakan metode interview dan pengisian kuisioner. Kegiatan PKM ini dipusatkan di Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Ishlah, Kelurahan Serua, Tengerang Selatan. Kegiatan ini merupakan penerapan teknologi PLTS yang sangat berguna dalam pengadaan listrik secara mandiri untuk mendukung berbagai aktivitas di dalam pondok pesantren dan masyarakat.  Kata kunci: pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid, pengaturan suplai beban, automatic transfer switch, photovoltaic.

Aerospace ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Syahrim Azhan Ibrahim ◽  
Eiki Yamaguchi

Nanosatellites, like CubeSat, have begun completing advanced missions that require high power that can be obtained using deployable solar panels. However, a larger solar array area facing the Sun increases the solar radiation torque on the satellite. In this study, we investigated solar radiation torque characteristics resulting from the increased area of solar panels on board the CubeSats. Three common deployable solar panel configurations that are commercially available were introduced and their reference missions were established for the purpose of comparison. The software algorithms used to simulate a variety of orbit scenarios are described in detail and some concerns are highlighted based on the results obtained. The solar power generation of the respective configurations is provided. The findings are useful for nanosatellite developers in predicting the characteristics of solar radiation torques and solar power generation that will be encountered when using various deployable solar panels, thus helping with the selection of a suitable configuration for their design.

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