Analysis and design of discrete-time leader-following consensus problem under uncertainty

Raphael Cheuk Fung Wong
2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Yanrong Ge ◽  
Yangzhou Chen ◽  
Yaxiao Zhang ◽  
Zhonghe He

The paper deals with the state consensus problem of high-order discrete-time linear multiagent systems (DLMASs) with fixed information topologies. We consider three aspects of the consensus analysis and design problem: (1) the convergence criteria of global state consensus, (2) the calculation of the state consensus function, and (3) the determination of the weighted matrix and the feedback gain matrix in the consensus protocol. We solve the consensus problem by proposing a linear transformation to translate it into a partial stability problem. Based on the approach, we obtain necessary and sufficient criteria in terms of Schur stability of matrices and present an analytical expression of the state consensus function. We also propose a design process to determine the feedback gain matrix in the consensus protocol. Finally, we extend the state consensus to the formation control. The results are explained by several numerical examples.

2017 ◽  
Vol 417 ◽  
pp. 236-246 ◽  
Huiwei Liu ◽  
Hamid Reza Karimi ◽  
Shengli Du ◽  
Weiguo Xia ◽  
Chongquan Zhong

Yangzhou Chen ◽  
Guangyue Xu ◽  
Jingyuan Zhan

This paper studies the leader-following state consensus problem for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems under fixed directed communication topologies. First, we propose a consensus protocol consisting of four parts for high-order multi-agent systems, in which different agents are allowed to have different gain matrices so as to increase the degree of design freedom. Then, we adopt a state linear transformation, which is constructed based on the incidence matrix of a directed spanning tree of the communication topology, to equivalently transform the state consensus problem into a partial variable stability problem. Meanwhile, the results of the partial variable stability theory are used to derive a sufficient and necessary consensus criterion, expressed as the Hurwitz stability of a real matrix. Then, this criterion is further expressed as a bilinear matrix inequality condition, and, based on this condition, an iterative algorithm is proposed to find the gain matrices of the protocol. Finally, numerical examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed protocol design method.

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