2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 162-173
Irma Ramos rodríguez

Teacher abuse is an ancient practice at different educational levels, the attacks by teachers vary from verbal and physical abuse, social exclusion, among other forms of abuse. Objective: To analyze the relationship between teacher abuse with gender, age, career, and other associated variables in students of different careers from a public university in Mexico. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, analytical study was carried out in 1149 first semester university students to collect the information, two questionnaires were applied, one on sociodemographic data and the other on teacher abuse. Results: Teacher abuse was presented in 10.5% of the participants, who claim to have been mistreated by at least one teacher in the current semester, 31.4% say they are afraid of attending university, 9.6% claim to fear a teacher. No differences were found between teacher abuse and the gender of the participants, or according to age, but there were differences according to the degree they were studying. Conclusions: Teacher abuse is a common practice in the university, this can cause in the student fear of teachers, fear of attending the university, absenteeism, school dropout and low academic performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 1609-1617
Nor Hazlyna, H Et.al

The origin of COVID-19 was found in December 2019 from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China; and it has spread very fast all around the world. It is a worrying disease as many positive cases are reported increasing day by day. The emerging of COVID-19 outbreak requires social distance and other interventions to protect human and environmental health. The objective of this study is to promote awareness among public university students on the importance of hygiene during the pandemic of COVID-19. Therefore, a study was carried out to assess the hygiene awareness among public university students during this outbreak. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey method among public university students. The study generally is aimed to determine COVID-19 awareness, attitudes, knowledge, and related behaviours among the students. The results show that most of the students are aware of the current issues of COVID-19, and at the same time they practice good self-hygiene to prevent themselves from getting infected. However, there is still room for the university students to improve their hygiene awareness, and exercising more complete precautionary matters to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 764-768
Déborah Sanabrias Moreno ◽  
María Sánchez-Zafra ◽  
Amador Jesús Lara-Sánchez ◽  
María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez ◽  
Javier Cachón-Zagalaz

  El objetivo fue analizar las relaciones entre el uso del smartphone y el tiempo dedicado a la práctica de AF, así como la influencia de un estilo de vida activo y las distintas dimensiones del autoconcepto en estudiantes universitarios. La muestra estuvo compuesta por universitarios del Grado en Educación Primaria e Infantil de la Universidad de Jaén: 253 estudiantes, 58.1% mujeres (N=147) y 41.9% hombres (N=106) con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 42 años (M=21.39 ±3.27). Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo-descriptivo de corte transversal que utiliza para la recogida de datos tres cuestionarios (CERM, Autoconcepto Forma 5 “AF-5” y uno de elaboración propia). Los resultados mostraron que el 44.6% de los universitarios jienenses dedica a la práctica de AF menos de 3 horas semanales y solo un 34% más de 3. Con respecto a la relación entre AF y autoconcepto, solo se han encontrado diferencias en las dimensiones emocional y física. Abstract: The aim was to analyze the relationships between smartphone use and time spent on PA, as well as the influence of an active lifestyle and the different dimensions of self-concept in university students. The sample was composed of university students from the Primary and Infant Education Degree of the University of Jaén: 253 students, 58.1% women (N=147) and 41.9% men (N=106) between the ages of 18 and 42 (M=21.39 ±3.27). This is a cross-sectional quantitative-descriptive study that uses three questionnaires (CERM, Self-Concept Form 5 "AF-5" and one of its own making) for data collection. The results showed that 44.6% of university students in Jaén dedicated less than 3 hours per week to PA practice and only 34% more than 3. With respect to the relationship between PA and self-concept, only differences were found in the emotional and physical dimensions.

Wai Wai Myint ◽  
Rosalia Saimon ◽  
Nur Nazatul Nazira Abdul Majid ◽  
Mastura Binti Saripuddin ◽  
Ragavinotini A/P Rajan

<p class="0abstract">Digital devices such as mobile phone, personal computer and laptop are playing a major role in students’ life, but if overused they can bring certain impacts on the musculoskeletal system. <strong>Objective: </strong>To determine the relationship between usage of digital devices and musculoskeletal symptoms among the university students. <strong>Method</strong>s: A self-administered questionnaire consist of digital devices use items and the Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Question (CMDQ) were administered among<span style="text-decoration: line-through;"> 363</span> 311 university students. Correlation analysis was done by using the SPSS software. <strong>Results:</strong> The mean age of study respondents was 21.6 years old (SD=1.0). A majority of respondents use mobile phone (94.9%) on a prolonged sitting position ranging from 5.0 to 7.5 hours per day. About 32% to 60% of respondents experienced musculoskeletal discomfort in at least one body part<span style="text-decoration: line-through;"> at least one on their body parts</span>, with higher prevalence on the neck, shoulder, lower back, and upper back. Females are more prone to experience musculoskeletal symptoms. Time spent on digital devices, eye-to-screen distance, body posture, and age of first use were significantly correlated with musculoskeletal symptoms. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> University students are at a higher risk to experience musculoskeletal symptoms related to the usage of a handheld digital device. If these musculoskeletal symptoms are not prevented, it may further cause dysfunction and disability. To mitigate these problems, some form of targeted health promotion initiative need to be implemented in the university.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 269 ◽  
Omar Ismail Alorani ◽  
Mu’taz Fuad Alradaydeh

Background: University students have increased levels of depression and its complications. Aggression is a serious problem among the university students in Jordan, while spiritual well-being is associated with many psychosocial issues. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between depression, aggression, and spiritual well-being among the university students. Methods: A quantitative approach using cross-sectional descriptive-correlation design was used to carry out on convenience sample of 919 students at the University of Jordan. Results:  Almost 55.7% of the university students exhibited some degrees of depression. 51.3% of the students reported high aggression, while 48.7% of the students reported low aggression. The Pearson correlation coefficient test showed positive correlation between depression and aggression (r= .364, p< 0.001), and negative correlation between spiritual well-being and both of depression and aggression (r=-.533, r=-.288, p<0.001) respectively. Conclusions: Depression, aggression, and spiritual well-being were significantly correlated. Psychological counselors, social workers, and teachers at the universities should provide continuous psychological assessment and interventions for the students who reported high levels of aggression and depression. Spiritual well-being should be included in their interventions through various form of community services to enhance the sense of meaning of life, peace, and faith among university students.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 2630
José Luis Ubago-Jiménez ◽  
Félix Zurita-Ortega ◽  
Silvia San Román-Mata ◽  
Pilar Puertas-Molero ◽  
Gabriel González-Valero

Physical activity is important at any time of life. Particularly in the university, people tend to have more sedentary life, due to their studies. Eating habits are another health factor to consider. In addition, the Multiple Intelligences theory is a proposal that seeks the integral development and well-being of people. A descriptive, cross-sectional, and non-experimental research with the purpose of this study is to establish the relationships between practice of physical activity and the intelligences and determine the relationship between diet and the different types of intelligence in 215 university students. Findings indicate higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet in women and higher physical activity scores in men. Regarding multiple intelligences, men have higher indices in Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Logical-mathematical, Musical, and Spatial intelligences, while women show higher levels in relation to Linguistic, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic intelligences. Main conclusions from this study suggest the relationship between multiple intelligence and healthy habits, while also highlighting the need to improve eating habits and achieve greater adherence to Mediterranean Diet.

Duazary ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-279
Joseph Luciano Espitia-Correa ◽  
Carmen Cecilia Caballero-Domínguez

Multiple violent events in the same individual is a frequent phenomenon and negatively affects the way in which people perceive their functioning in society. The present study aims to evaluate the relationship between Polyvictimization (PV) and Social Welfare (BS). An analytical observational study was designed. First semester students from a public university in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, participated, who filled out the Trauma Symptoms Verification List (LVST) and the Keyes Social Well-being Scales. 590 students participated, aged between 18 to 57 years (M = 19.83 years; SD = 3.48), 55.3% male and 95.6% residing in socioeconomic stratum 1, 2 and 3. The multivariate analysis was estimated using opportunity ratios (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The PV was related to the dimensions of BS integration (OR = 1,832 95% CI 1,221-2,747), acceptance (OR = 1,663 95% CI 1,125-2,460) and social contribution OR = 1,715 95% CI 1,055-2,789). It is concluded that multiple violence is linked to the components of integration, acceptance and social contribution. Studies are needed to identify the impact of PV on other indicators of social welfare and on social capital in university students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 59 ◽  
Ramón Chacón-Cuberos ◽  
Félix Zurita-Ortega ◽  
Eva María Olmedo-Moreno ◽  
Manuel Castro-Sánchez

(1) Background: Several research works have shown the relationship between physical activity (PA), adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and health. Nevertheless, there are few studies that demonstrate the relationship of these habits with academic performance, and specifically with academic stress. (2) Methods: This descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional study aims to analyse the associations between these variables in a sample composed of 515 university students, using as main instruments the KIDMED, PAQ-A and the Scale of Academic Stress. (3) Results: The university students analysed showed higher levels of academic stress for women, and especially in the academic obligations and communication of own ideas. In addition, it was shown that those university students that had a body mass index (BMI) associated with being overweight or under-weight were the respondents with higher levels of stress. Finally, the students with a low adherence to MD had higher scores for stress associated with the communication of their own ideas, while PA was not related to academic stress. When sex and BMI variables were controlled in the regression model, no associations were obtained between stress and diet quality. (4) Conclusions: This study shows interesting implications in the treatment of academic stress. Although stress was not associated with diet and physical activity, it was linked to a worse state of health associated with states of being overweight, being of special interest the treatment of stress in women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (spe) ◽  
Elvia Amesty ◽  
Branka Agic ◽  
Hayley Hamilton

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the relationship between risk perception and the behaviors associated with driving under the influence of drugs. Method: quantitative cross-sectional study. The sample is composed by university students (n=383, average age 21.2 years). To evaluate the behaviors, items from Ontario Student Drug Use and Health were adapted, and two other instruments were used to measure alcohol and marijuana consumption. Results: it indicates a low risk perception when driving under the influence of drugs. There are no differences between the risk perception of being stopped by the police or being penalized for driving under effects of alcohol and/or marijuana among the students whose report the behavior called driving-under-influence and those without such behavior. However, there were differences between the perception of the risk of involvement in a vehicle accident and the behaviors called driving-under-influence, showing that those who report driving under the influence of alcohol and/or marijuana perceive a lower risk of accidents due to the effects of alcohol X2 (1, N=292)=7,999, p=.005 and of both substances X2 (1, N=35)=6.386, p=.012. Likewise, a lower perception of the risk of accidents was found among the subjects who board a vehicle driven by someone who uses marijuana X2 (1, N=67)=15,087, p=.000 and those who do not report being a passenger of a driver under influence; as well as when under the simultaneous effect of alcohol and marijuana X2 (1, N=366)=8,849, p=.003. Conclusion: it is concluded that the development of preventive programs in the university environment, as well as public policies that include the component of education and compliance with legal regulations, is important.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-116
Jonathan E. Ramsay

Abstract. Previous research suggests that parenting style influences the development of the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation. The present study investigated the relationship between parenting style and another important motive disposition – the need for autonomy – in a sample of Singapore university students ( N = 97, 69% female), using a cross-sectional and retrospective design. It was predicted that an authoritative perceived parenting style would relate positively to the implicit need for autonomy ( nAut), the explicit need for autonomy ( sanAut), and the congruence between these two motive dispositions. Authoritative maternal parenting was found to positively associate with sanAut, while maternal parenting was not found to associate with nAut, or with nAut/ sanAut congruence. Paternal parenting was not associated with any of the dependent variables.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-198
Heiko Haase ◽  
Arndt Lautenschläger

AbstractThe paper aims at exploring determinants of the university students' intentions to stay within their university region. At this, we presume that students' career choice motivations are related to their professional intentions, which again, along with demographic characteristics, affect their migration decision. Our analysis is based on a cross-sectional study of 2,353 students from three different higher education institutions, two of them located in Germany and one in Namibia. Results indicate that in Germany migration matters because a considerable proportion of students intend to leave the university region after graduation. At this, we found that the students' geographical provenance exerts the most significant effect on the intention to stay. Moreover, certain professional intentions were directly and some career choice motivations were indirectly linked with the intention to remain at the university location. We present several conclusions and implications.

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