7 Foresight thinking and organizational learning: Scenario planning as a DMO crisis management tool

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-118
Sarasadat Makian ◽  
Mohammad Nematpour
2021 ◽  
pp. 7-30
Zahed Ghaderi ◽  
Ahmad Puad Mat Som ◽  
Jia Wang

Chris A. Geldenhuys ◽  
Theo H. Veldsman

Orientation: In the hyper turbulent context faced currently by organisations, more flexible strategic planning approaches, such as scenario planning which take into account a more comprehensive range of possible futures for an organisation, will position organisations better than conventional forecast and estimates that depend only on a single, linearly extrapolated, strategic response.Research purpose: This study aimed to investigate how scenario-based planning (a strictly cognitive management tool) can be combined with organisational change navigation (a practice addressing the emotionality of change) and how this integrated process should be aligned with the prerequisites imposed by a developing country context and an Afro-centric leadership perspective in order to make the process more context relevant and aligned.Motivation for the study: The integration of organisational change navigation with conventional scenario based planning, as well as the incorporation of the perquisites of a developing countries and an Afro-centric leadership perspective, will give organisations a more robust, holistic strategic management tool that will add significantly more value within a rapidly, radically and unpredictably changing world.Research design, approach and method: The adopted research approach comprised a combination of the sourcing of the latest thinking in the literature (the ‘theory’) as well as the views of seasoned practitioners of scenario planning (the ‘practice’) through an iterative research process, moving between theory and practice, back to practice and finally returning to theory in order to arrive at a validated expanded and enhanced scenario-based planning process which is both theory and practice ‘proof’.Main findings: A management tool incorporating the change navigation and the unique features of developing countries and Afro-centric leadership was formulated and empirically validated. This management tool is referred to as a change navigation based, scenario planning process (CNBSPP).Practical/managerial implications: CNBSPP is available for use by organisations wishing to apply a strategic planning tool that fits within a developing country context and an Afro-centric leadership approach.Contribution/value add: The research makes a unique contribution to the current level of knowledge by integrating two disciplines usually practised independently of one another, namely scenario-based planning and organisational change navigation. It also embedded the process into a different context of application, that is, the developed world as viewed from an Afro-centric leadership perspective.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-385 ◽  
David M. Kopp ◽  
Irena Nikolovska ◽  
Katie P. Desiderio ◽  
Jeffrey T. Guterman

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 331-334
I. Yu. Chekanova ◽  
A. N. Ryakhovskaya

The global economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to look at development issues in a new way. As a result, many decision-makers have realized the importance of rebuilding economies with a sustainable development approach that involves investing not in fossil fuels but in renewable energies, reforestation, sustainable food systems, and cyclical, local and low-carbon economies. In this connection, the article considers food sharing as one of the possible mechanisms contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals and at the same time being an anti-crisis management tool. At the same time, this article gives directly the goals in the field of sustainable development, the state of affairs in the field of achieving the set goals in modern realities, the measures taken at the international level and in Russia, the essence of food sharing is also revealed, examples of foreign practices are given, problems that impede development are identified of food sharing in Russia, possible options for their solutions are proposed and promising results after its implementation are reflected, as well as a table with the effect of food sharing on specific goals of sustainable development has been compiled by the generalization method. This article can be useful to people interested in the rational use of food, businesses in order to restructure business processes to meet the requirements of the modern economy and government officials for timely and effective adoption of measures in the field of sustainable development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-159
Shehla Najib ◽  

With the increasing number of crisis events occurring in higher educational institutions, crisis management has attracted research attention. This article focuses on student protests that were widely experienced throughout the university campuses in Pakistan. By adapting a multiple case study and Zdriaski’s ‘Crisis Matrix’ as the conceptual and analytical framework, the researcher examines higher educational institutions real life experience with student’s protests.The purpose of this qualitative study was to report descriptions of challenges and strategies as narrated by leaders who had experienced campus crisis with complete reflections on their leadership competencies and strategies used. Additionally, after managing the crisis comprehensive list of leadership competencies required for organizational learning were explored. This study has value for practitioners when organizational learning is selected as an approach to organizational effectiveness specially during challenging times when learning is promoted at all levels and aligned with the overall strategic intent.

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