scholarly journals The Effect of Body Condition Score on the Biochemical Blood Indices and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-143 ◽  
Barbara Stefańska ◽  
Włodzimierz Nowak ◽  
Ewa Pruszyńska-Oszmałek ◽  
Robert Mikuła ◽  
Daniel Stanisławski ◽  

Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BCS (Body Condition Score) on the calving day and its decrease during early lactation on the biochemical blood indices and reproductive performance. One hundred and thirty-one Polish Holstein-Friesian cows were divided into three groups according to the North-American body condition score on the calving day (AC≤3.5 point BCS; MID 3.51-3.75 point BCS; FAT>3.75 point BCS) and according to the decrease in BCS during early lactation (HG >0.49 point BCS; WEL 0.49-0.25 point BCS, L<0.25 point BCS). In current study, significant interaction between change of BCS during early lactation and time of blood sampling on BHBA concentration was observed. In the AC group (≤3.5 BCS), the highest concentrations of glucose on 3 and 5 d of lactation compared to the MID and FAT groups and of insulin on 28 d and also IGF-I on 5 and 28 d of lactation compared to the FAT group were recorded. In the FAT group, the highest concentration of NEFA on 3 and 5 d compared to the AC group and of BHBA on 28 d of lactation compared to the MID group was recorded. The body condition score on the parturition day affected the reproductive performance; in the FAT group (>3.75 BCS) the lowest conception rate of the first insemination, insemination index and thereby the longest days open were observed. The highest decreases in BCS (HG >0.49 points) resulted in increased concentrations of NEFA on 3 d and of BHBA on 3 and 5 d. Moreover, in the HG group, the lowest concentration of T3 on 3, 5 and 28 d as compared to the WEL group was recorded. We concluded that the BCS (>3.5 points) on the calving day had a significantly negative effect on the metabolic status of dairy cows in the postpartum period estimated by the concentration of biochemical blood indices characterising carbohydrates (IGF-I, insulin) and lipid (NEFA, BHBA) metabolism and also the reproductive performance such as the conception rate of the first insemination, insemination index, days open. We suggested that the blood serum concentrations of IGF-I and NEFA were the most sensitive biochemical markers of the metabolic status of dairy cows in our study.

2016 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90 ◽  
Barbara Stefańska ◽  
Agnieszka Poźniak ◽  
Włodzimierz Nowak

Abstract Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between body condition score (BCS) determined on the dry-off day, calving day, and in the first month of lactation, its changes during the dry period and early lactation, and periparturient indices and fertility in high-producing dairy cows. Material and Methods: The experiment was conducted in two herds: A and B, located in Western Poland. The studies were conducted on 116 and 108 Polish Holstein-Friesian dairy cows respectively, with an average milk yield of >10 000 kg/305-day lactation. The experiment included the dry period (-56 d to the calving day), the calving day, and early lactation (from +1 to +56 d). The experimental factor was BCS (0 to 5-point scale). The BCS was performed by one person on day -56, on parturition day (in the first 12 h after calving) and on day 30 of lactation. Results: A decrease in BCS (≥-0.25) in herd A during the dry period accelerated the planned calving period by 7.3 d. In the group of cows with BCS <3.25 on the dry-off day, the lowest artificial insemination index (1.80), the shortest period of insemination services (25 d), and days open (87 d) were recorded. Moreover, cows with BCS < 3.25 at calving had the shortest days open (91 d). BCS >3.50 in the first month of lactation (30 d) resulted in the extension of uterine involution period (56 d). Improvement of BCS during the dry period shortened the anoestrus (60 d) in herd A and the period of insemination service (60 d) in herd B. However, in this group (IM BCS ≥ 0.25) of cows the day of the highest artificial insemination index (2.50) in herd B was analysed. Conclusion: The body condition on the dry-off day and at calving, as well as its deterioration in the first month of lactation, have a considerable effect on fertility indices in dairy cows, thus confirming the advisability of its regular monitoring during routine operations connected with the management of a dairy cattle herd.

2017 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-70 ◽  
Marko Cincović ◽  
Danijela Kirovski ◽  
Ivan Vujanac ◽  
Branislava Belić ◽  
Radojica Djoković

AbstractInsulin resistance is a phenomenon which accompanies the ongoing metabolic adaptation in cows during early lactation. The aim of our study was to determine the linear correlations of HOMA (Homeostatic Model Assessment), QUICKI (Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index) and RQUICKI (Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index) indexes of insulin resistance with the metabolic status of cows (concentration of hormones, metabolites and body condition score). The experiment included 40 Holstein-Frisian cows in the first week after calving. Indexes of insulin resistance valued: 18.68±5.43 (HOMA), 0.39±0.06 (QUICKI) and 0.45±0.06 (RQUICKI). Linear correlations were examined by testing the coefficient of correlation (r), determination (r2,%) and regression parameter beta (b) in linear equation. A negative correlation was found between HOMA and IGF-I (insulin growth factor I) (r=−0.51, r2=25.0, b=−1.1257, p<0.01). HOMA showed a positive correlation with BHB (betahidroxybutyrate) (r=0.48, r2=23.2, b=0.0234, p<0.01). A positive correlation was found between QUICKI and IGF-I (r=0.30, r2=10.0 b=46.7900, p<0.05) and cholesterol (r=0.44, r2=18.3, b=1.9021, p<0.01). In contrast, QUICKI and BHB (r=0.51, r2=27.1, b=−1.7241, p<0.01), just like QUICKI and BCS (r=0.46, r2=20.9, b=−2.424, p<0.01), showed a negative correlation. RQUICKI showed positive correlations with IGF-I (r=0.48, r2=22.8, b=28.1230, p<0.01), T4 (r=0.47, r2=22.1, b=87.142, p<0.01) and triglycerides (r=0.36, r2=13, b=0.0407, p<0.05) but negative correlations with cortisol (r=−0.36, r2=13.0, b=−9.0332, p<0.05), STH (somatotropic hormone) (r=−0.42, r2=17.3, b=−5.4976, p<0.01), BHB (r=−0.62, r2=38.3, b=−1.1872, p<0.01), total bilirubin (r=−0.58, r2=33.7, b=−7.131, p<0.01) and BCS (body condition score) (r=−0.6, r2=36.4, b=−1.8347, p<0.01). In conclusion, indexes of insulin resistance may be used to evaluate the metabolic status of cows in early lactation. RQUICKI might be the most appropriate predictor of metabolic status due to its linear relationship with most of the parameters included in homeorhetic process.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2005 ◽  
pp. 19-19
T. Yan ◽  
R. E. Agnew ◽  
C. S. Mayne

Body condition of lactating dairy cows varies at different stages of lactation. Cows usually mobilise their body reserves to provide energy and protein for milk production in early lactation, and gain weight to deposit energy and protein for pregnancy at a later stage. The objective of the present study was to examine relationships between body condition score (CS) and body concentration of lipid, CP and energy.

2002 ◽  
Vol 2002 ◽  
pp. 87-87 ◽  
A.R.G. Wylie ◽  
D.J. Devlin ◽  
A.J. Bjourson

A review of published leptin data for growing lambs, older ewes and mature dairy cows in late lactation showed that only 0.30-0.37 of the variation in blood leptin concentration was explained by differences in body fat variably expressed as % of liveweight (LW), backfat thickness and body condition score (BCS) respectively (Wylieet al., 2002). In dairy cows between 15d and 226d postpartum, Wylieet al(2002) observed no overall correlation between leptin at slaughter and lipid expressed as % of LW, empty body weight or carcase weight and only a weak correlation in cows in mid-lactation. Losses of fat during early lactation may ‘uncouple’ the link between leptin and fat and produce a bias across all of lactation. Another explanation is that leptin may be more closely linked with lipogenesis than with the amount of stored fat. This study revisits some metabolite and hormone data from a previous investigation of IGF-1 changes in fed, fasted and re-fed sheep in the light of more recently obtained leptin concentrations in the same animals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-21
C Kawashima ◽  
K Watanabe ◽  
R Meza Fernandez ◽  
M Matsui ◽  
M Kawai ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 2007 ◽  
pp. 60-60
G. Oikonomou ◽  
G. Arsenos ◽  
G.E. Valergakis ◽  
A. Tsiaras ◽  
G. Banos

Various studies in dairy cows have shown that their Body Condition Score (BCS) effectively reflects their nutritional status and energy content (Ferguson et al. 1994). Extremes in BCS and BCS losses have been identified as a risk factor for health problems and reduced reproductive efficiency (Markusfeld et al. 1997, Lopez-Gatius et al. 2003). Body condition scoring is easy and inexpensive to perform and gives a reliable estimate of body energy reserves. Hence, in practice, BCS can be used as a tool for ration formulation and management decisions concerning reproduction of dairy cows (Banos et al. 2004). The objective of this study was to determine and quantify the impact of BCS in the reproductive performance of primiparous Holstein cows.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
M. Yamaguchi ◽  
S. Takahashi ◽  
H. Koyama ◽  
O. Dochi

In recent years, reproductive performance of dairy cows has declined worldwide. The reproductive characteristics of dairy cows should be evaluated to improve their fertility. Dochi et al. (2010) had reported that dairy cows that exhibited early first ovulation gave a low milk yield, had an early recovery of body condition score (BCS) in the postpartum period and a shorter number of days open. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of BCS on the functional recovery of reproduction after the birth of the calves. In this study, lactating Holstein cows were placed in free-stall housing equipped with an automatic milking system. The data presented in this study were collected from 48 cows that had calved between December 2007 and October 2010 with an average parity of 3.4 (range 2–6). The reproductive performance and the BCS during the different intervals between calving and the first ovulation were analysed using ANOVA. The conception rate at the first service was 38.1%. The average milk yield (305 days) was 12 299 kg. The first ovulation and oestrus were determined by ultrasonography. The results of the different intervals to the first ovulation are presented in Table 1. The average interval from the start of days in milk (DIM) to the first ovulation, first oestrus and first service; the number of days open; the number of services per conception and the milk yield (kg day–1, by 90 DIM) were 37.4, 54.7 and 110.3 days; 168.2 days open; 2.5 times; and 42.1 kg day–1, respectively. The cows that exhibited early first ovulation (≤21 DIM) in the postpartum period had significantly shorter intervals between the start of DIM and the first oestrus (P < 0.01). However, the days to first service, the number of days open, the number of services per conception and the milk yield (kg day–1, by 90 DIM) did not differ significantly. The BCS in the peripartum period of different intervals to the first ovulation decreased from 3.1 to 2.4 by 150 DIM. This study showed that average BCS of preparturient 50–10 DIM is 3.0. Moreover, the average BCS of parturition is declining to 2.5 (parturition from 70 to 150 DIM). The cows became pregnant after an increase in the BCS (>150 DIM). In conclusion, these results suggest that the delay to the first ovulation in the postpartum period tended to have delayed the oestrus expression in the cows. Moreover, the low level of BCS in the peripartum period, regardless of the number of days of the first ovulation and the first oestrus, potentially influenced the prolongation in the number of days open. To improve the fertility of the cows, it is important to elucidate the factors affecting the fluctuations in the BCS during the peripartum period. Table 1.Reproductive performance of dairy cows differing in interval to postpartum first ovulation

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1054
Zelmar Rodriguez ◽  
Elise Shepley ◽  
Pedro P. C. Ferro ◽  
Nilon L. Moraes ◽  
Acir M. Antunes ◽  

Monitoring the body condition score (BCS) of dairy cows is a management strategy that can assist dairy producers in decision-making. The BCS and its variations reflect the level of body fat reserves and fat mobilization throughout the different stages of lactation. Cows that mobilize excessive amounts of fat reserves in response to the increased energy requirements of the transition period are more likely to have higher beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration in blood, leading to a higher incidence of hyperketonemia postpartum. In this study, our main objective was to evaluate how both BCS (at 21 d prior to the expected calving date, −21 BCS) and change in BCS during the late dry period (−21 d to calving, ∆BCS) are associated with temporal patterns of blood BHB concentrations during the first two weeks of lactation. Our secondary objective was to characterize the relationship between the change in BCS in the late dry period, and milk yield and milk composition in the first milk test postpartum. In this retrospective cohort study, we assessed BCS at 21 (±3) days before the expected calving date and within three days after calving. Blood BHB concentration was measured at days 3 (±1), 7 (±1), and 14 (±1) postpartum. Hyperketonemia (HYK) was defined as blood BHB ≥ 1.2 mmol/L. To evaluate how −21 BCS and ∆BCS during the late dry period were associated with BHB in early lactation, linear mixed-effects regression models with an unstructured covariate matrix were performed. The association between ∆BCS and incidence of postpartum HYK were determined using a multivariable log-binomial model. A linear regression model was used to evaluate the association between ∆BCS and milk yield and milk composition in the first monthly test-day. Covariates used for model adjustment include parity, season, and baseline BCS. We observed that cows with BCS ≥ 4.0 at 21 d before their expected calving date had the highest BHB concentration postpartum, but no evidence that BCS ≥ 4.0 at 21 d was associated with fluctuations of BHB over time. Cows that experienced a large BCS loss (larger than 0.5 units) during the late dry period had a 61% (95% CI: 1.04, 2.50) higher risk of developing HYK in early lactation and had higher BHB concentrations during early lactation compared with cows with no ∆BCS prepartum. These associations were observed independently of the BCS at −21 d prepartum (baseline). In addition, cows that lost more than 0.5 BCS unit in the late dry period produced 3.3 kg less milk (95% CI: −7.06, 0.45) at the first milk test compared to cows that had no ∆BCS during the late dry period. No evidence of an association between −21 BCS and ∆BCS in the late dry period and milk composition was observed in our study. These results suggest that dynamic measures of BCS during the late dry period, such as ∆BCS, are better at evaluating blood BHB patterns in early lactation than BCS measured at a single time point. Cows with larger BCS loss during the late dry period and with greater parity are more likely to have higher concentrations of blood BHB postpartum, with the highest concentrations reported at 7 d post-calving.

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