scholarly journals Factors Responsible For Rural Residential Water Supply Shortage In Southeastern Nigeria

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 21-32 ◽  
Michael Chukwuma Obeta ◽  
Cletus Famous Nwankwo

Abstract Efficient water supply is very crucial to sustenance of socio-economic growth, poverty attenuation, and food security. In most rural areas of developing countries including Nigeria water supplies are not commensurate with demand leading to a shortfall in water use and many people suffer from this scenario. This research investigated the factors responsible for rural residential water supply shortage in Southeastern Nigeria. Data were collected through the use of four mixed but complimentary methods namely questionnaire survey, interviews, focus group discussions and secondary data sources. The data generated were analyzed through the use of descriptive and inferential statistical tools. Principal Component Analysis was employed to combine the variables accounting for water supply shortage into a few underlying dimensions. The results indicated that physical environment and inadequate water supply infrastructure; socio-economic and geographical location; management and socio-cultural problems are responsible for water supply shortage in the area. Residential water supply can be sustainable in the area by regulating the influence of these factors impacting on water supply as well as lessen the implications of water deficiency. The research concludes that the process of water supply development should be stepwise in accordance with the participatory and managerial capacity of communities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 37-51
Tanushree Agarwal ◽  
Prasant Kumar Panda

Information and communication technology (ICT) such as Internet, mobile phones, computers and related network interfaces facilitate promotion of economic growth by improving the allocation and productivity of labour and capital, and also by promoting trade and competition in market. But these regional developments led by ICT technologies are not realised if there is a digital divide. In India, uneven digital developments may lead to uneven economic developments. Unless ICT developments grow faster in low-income states, they cannot catch up with high-income states, economically. In this context, this article aims to analyse the changing pattern of the digital divide and empirically examines the convergence in access to ICT facilities across the Indian states. The secondary data for 15 major states of India is used for the time period 2008–17 by considering three ICT variables, namely, telephone users, mobile phone users and Internet users per 100 populations. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to construct ICT access index. With PCA scores, the Indian states are ranked at two data points and convergence is verified by using sigma and beta convergence techniques. Findings suggest that there is an uneven access to ICT facilities across the Indian states. In the last decade, the low-income states are growing on a better pace than the high-income states in providing access to facilities such as telephone and mobile phones. However, there is evidence of the divergence in the use of Internet facilities. So the governments’ attention in improving these facilities in the low-income states, particularly in rural areas and lagging districts, is important. Special policies and schemes need to be devised to promote the access of Internet services in the lagging states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 305 ◽  
pp. 02007
Miftahul Azis ◽  
Saktyanu Kristyantoadi Dermoredjo ◽  
Bambang Sayaka ◽  
Linda Purwaningrat

Rubber commodity is one of the plantation commodities that supports agroforestry, besides that it is one of the attractors in the creation of labor in rural areas. The economic linkages around intensive plantations will affect development of rubber in agroforestry areas. Rubber agroforestry is important because demands of global trade will encourage the development of agroforestry itself. For this reason, this paper can provide a description of the rubber economy in supporting the national economy. The data used is secondary data including national and global data, especially for countries of ITRC forum group members. The analytical method uses Principal Component Analysis which is expected to provide an overview of the conditions for the development of the national rubber economy. The results showed that 55.34 percent indicated that the economic development of rubber was already export-oriented, while 8.56 percent indicated that global production would affect the decline in rubber area, while 13.70 percent of the global relative price had its own characteristics. Thus, it can be seen that the challenges ahead, need to anticipate the development of rubber cultivation, both in monoculture and agroforestry plantations, which can support each other with an interconnected agribusiness system for harmony with global demand.

Ayu Marlina ◽  
Reni Andayani

The provision of clean water is one of main priority for human life and health. it is not only prioritized in the cities but also in the rural areas. Clean water supply system is carried out by piping and non-piping systems. Whereas the piping system is managed by Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), the non-piping system is managed by the community both individually and in groups. The clean water network in Desa Napal, Musi Banyuasin still uses a non-piping system and does not have a clean water network yet from the PDAM. The purpose of this study is to determine the clean water needs of Desa Napal both domestic and non-domestic and rural network planning of water supply through the Waternet program. The research methodology began with literature study, gathering information from survey, primary data collection in the form of non-domestic building data and pipe depth points, secondary data collection in the form of location maps, population and domestic buildings. Furthermore, the calculation of water needs and planning of the clean water network of Napal Village was done using the Waternet program. Results found that the total water needs of Napal village was 2.228 liters/second or can used water flow of 6 liters/second as planning. The clean water network in Napal village was planned to use pipe diameter of 50, 80, and 150. The pipeline network (Pressure/atm) in the Waternet program was ≤ 2, which showed that the network runs well.

2020 ◽  
pp. 89-99
M.I. Vorobiev

An example of integrated development of the territory in the context of budget deficit at the grassroots level is the practice of initiative budgeting. Based on statistical data, the article reveals territorial patterns of development of local practices in Non-Chernozem municipalities. The paper summarizes the forms of implementing initiative budgeting in Russia by the degree of public participation. The article analyzes the number and cost of implemented projects within the framework of the program for support of local initiatives (PPMI) over a 5-year period from 2014 to 2018 in the Kirov, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod regions. It was revealed that the Nizhny Novgorod region surpasses the Kirov and Tver regions in terms of funds raised and the number of projects due to the high volume of regional subsidies, as well as a lower level of minimal co-financing from the population and business. In the Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov regions, the average project amounts are higher in urban districts than in rural and urban settlements, and vice versa in the Tver region. The specifics of projects in the regions differ: in the Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions, priority areas are road repairs and water supply, in the Tver region – water supply and sanitation. Factors that affect the activity of citizens in the territory – geographical location, institutional and information support, income of the population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-76
Jatmiko Wahyudi

ENGLISHOpen burning is one of methods to manage municipal solid waste in particular in rural areas.  On one hand, open burning is easy and cheap for waste management to eliminate waste. On the other hand, burning of waste causes adverse impacts on the environment and health. One of the negative impacts of open burning is greenhouse gas (GHG) emission causing global warming. This study aimed to calculate and to compare GHG emissions from open burning of MSW in Pati Regency using Tier 1 and Tier 2 of IPCC method. Primary data was obtained through focus group discussions while secondary data was obtained through literature studies. The results showed that GHG emissions from waste combustion in Pati Regency based on Tier 1 and Tier 2 calculations indicating an increase during the period 2013-2017. The average of GHG emissions which is calculated by using Tier 1 is 5.18 GgCO2eq/year. This means it is lower than the average GHG emissions which are calculated by Tier 2, namely 33.86 GgCO2eq / year. INDONESIAPembakaran sampah secara terbuka merupakan salah satu alternatif pengelolaan sampah yang banyak dipilih oleh masyarakat khususnya perdesaan. Di satu sisi, pembakaran sampah merupakan metode pengelolaan sampah yang mudah dan murah untuk menghilangkan sampah. Di sisi lain, pembakaran sampah memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Salah satu dampak negatif pembakaran sampah adalah munculnya emisi gas rumah kaca yang menyebabkan terjadinya pemanasan global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung dan membandingkan emisi GRK dari pembakaran sampah permukiman di Kabupaten Pati menggunakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh IPCC dengan 2 tingkat ketelitan yang berbeda yatu Tier 1 dan Tier 2. Data primer diperoleh melalui pelaksanaan diskusi kelompok terfokus sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa emisi GRK dari pembakaran sampah di Kabupaten Pati berdasarkan perhitungan Tier 1 dan Tier 2 menunjukkan peningkatan selama periode 2013-2017. Emisi GRK rata-rata yang dihitung dengan Tier 1 sebesar 5,18 GgCO2eq/tahun. Hal ini berarti lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan  rerata emisi GRK yang dihitung dengan Tier 2 yaitu sebesar 33,86 GgCO2eq/tahun.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 7192
Godson Chinonyerem Asuoha ◽  
Uchenna Paulinus Okafor ◽  
Philip Ogbonnia Phil-Eze ◽  
Romanus Udegbunam Ayadiuno

The impact of soil erosion on the conservation of biodiversity in Isiala Ngwa North LGA, Southeastern Nigeria was examined. Data were obtained through focus group discussions and plant species enumeration. Diversity indices of plant species were derived from quadrat analysis using Shannon Wiener’s diversity index. Eighteen soil samples were collected from agricultural erosion sites in the study area and analysed in the laboratory. The results obtained were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA). The rotated component matrix of the soil properties, as well as plant and animal diversity indices from the PCA isolated three components that together explained 93.821% of the observed variation. The results show that bush clearing in the form of slash and burn, uncoordinated bush burning and harvesting of plant species are the activities that cause soil erosion in the study area. Agro-forestry, bush fallowing, reforestation and legislation on indiscriminate harvesting of plant species were recommended.

The study is an attempt to construct a standard of living index (SLI) using principal component analysis method and to measure the living standard of tribal population in rural areas of the north-east region of India. The study stands on secondary data source namely census report 2011. The principal component analysis (PCA) method was deployed to analyse the data and deal with the objectives of the study. The study found that the North-East region as a whole belonged to the medium category in terms of living standard of tribal households. Mizoram ranked top among the north-eastern states by securing the highest living standard of Mizo tribes while Assam scored the lowest living standard of tribal communities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-181
Maura Mbunyuza-deHeer Menlah

This article reports on a proposed evaluation plan that has been developed to assess the work done by the State Information Technology Agency (SITA). The SITA programme was implemented in response to the South African government’s call to improve the lives of the populations in some rural areas through technology. The programme was meant to address slow development in  rural  areas  that  lack  technological  innovations  and  advances.  In  the proposed evaluation plan a review is made of secondary data, deciding how strategic priorities are to be determined, as well as analysis of the rural context environment. The researcher gives an account of how the evaluation strategies are to be piloted and rolled out thereafter. Lessons learnt are recorded and reported upon. A proposed evaluation plan will be developed, based on the lessons learnt in line with the objectives of the project.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Gabriela E. Gui

In today’s America, not every child starts on a level playing field, and very few children move ahead based solely on hard work or talent. Generational poverty and a lack of cultural capital hold many students back, robbing them of the opportunity to move up professionally and socially. Children of immigrants are especially at-risk because, in addition to facing poverty, race, geographical location or economic disadvantages, they are also confronted with failure due to their limited or non-existent English proficiency. This study focuses on the degree to which teachers in a mid-sized urban school district take into consideration the individual needs of immigrant children in the process of their education. The study also examines the preparation teachers have had to equip them with knowledge of best practices in teaching immigrant children, and the relationship between teachers’ practices, beliefs, and their demographic and personal characteristics (age, gender, years of experience, level of education, etc.). Quantitative data was collected via a survey. Interviews with teachers and one central office administrator provided data for the qualitative section of the study. The findings revealed that teachers, in general, appeared to lack knowledge of specific policies for mainstreaming immigrant students into general education classrooms; their use of effective teaching practices for working with immigrant children were limited; and most of the teachers had not participated actively in professional development that focused on teaching immigrant children.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Neetu Andotra ◽  
Tarsem Lal

The present paper aims at investigating the occupation-wise perception of customers towards access to cooperative banking services. The study is both expressive and evaluative in nature. In order to investigate the perception of customers towards access to cooperative banking services, both primary and secondary data has been collected. The primary data have been collected from 540 customers of cooperative banks operating in three northern states of India i.e J&K, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab. The technique of factor analysis has been used through SPSS (version 17.00) with Principal Component Analysis along with varimax rotation for summarisation of the total data into minimum factors. Secondary information was collected from published sources i.e books, journals, files, cooperative bulletins, organizational reports, annual drafts of Planning and Statistical Department (Government of J&K, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab), RBI reports, magazines, and Internet. ANOVA has been applied for data analysis. The results of the study shows that there exits significant means difference between perception of customers towards access to Cooperative banking service.

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