scholarly journals Revisiting the Isolated Canaanite Temple of Tel Mevorakh

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 58-80
Itamar Weissbein

Abstract The isolated Late Bronze temple at Tel Mevorakh was interpreted by its excavator, E. Stern, as a “road sanctuary” which sits on an important trading route, and as a daughter site of Tel Dor. This article, wish to reexamine this interpretation by drawing the attention to the ancient natural landscape which surrounds the temple, especially the Taninim River and the Kabara Marsh. Those major water sources where significant natural barriers which prevented the passage of main roads in this area. Probably, they also formed a political border which divides between Tel Mevorakh and the Carmel Coast. Therefore, this paper offers that the Tel Mevorakh temple was part of the settlement system of the northern Sharon, and was isolated from roads. The main reason that led to the establishment of a cult-site at Tel Mevorakh was its unique natural surroundings, which was related in the minds of its worshipers to the mythical world of the gods.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 638-645 ◽  
Ioannis Bitis

The same natural water sources which enabled people to settle the island of Thera in the 8th century BC, are still visible today on the hill of Mesa Vouno. An extensive infrastructure for the exploitation of rainwaters was established in the city of Ancient Thera on Mesa Vouno, which is striking for the quality of its construction as well as the inventiveness of its builders. Rainwater followed the course that was prescribed for its storage from the flat rooftops to underground cisterns. The water on the roof of the temple of Apollo Karneios followed a comparable route, the study of which answered many questions regarding a false – as it turned out – reconstruction of the temple plan. The above study is completed by the production of an axonometric visual reconstruction of the temple.

Proceedings ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 23

This study presents an analytical method to identify the transversally connected natural landscape mosaics (TCNLMs) being in physical contact with the water surfaces of the territory at the metropolitan scale. It makes a comparative case between three Swedish cities; Helsingborg, Goteborg, and Malmo utilizing Urban Atlas land cover geospatial data and QGIS software. Fundamentally, the analytical process is based on the physical relationship the natural surfaces have with the water surfaces. The assessment is based on the concept of “bands” instead of “buffer” zone in reference to water sources. The land cover surfaces in touch with water surfaces are categorized as band 1. The remaining surfaces that are adjacent with band 1, are categorized as band 2. Similarly, the remaining land cover surfaces can be classified into further bands. The reclassified patches by their band level, are introduced into an analytical process structured in three levels. First, the natural surfaces are filtered and the existing TCNLMs (public land) within the metropolitan area are identified. Second, the agricultural areas are joined with the natural surfaces in order to measure their impact in the enhancement of TCNLMs. At the third level, the method gives floor to the identification of potential artificial surfaces (private land), the naturalization/ restoration of which may extensively enhance the transversal connectivity of natural lands to water sources. The potential artificial and agricultural surfaces as private property are targeted as “private land for ecosystem services” especially for urban ecological issues and disaster risk reduction. The workflow of the study is structured in Graphical Modeler (QGIS 3), enabling easier reproducibility of the method to similar study areas. The results of the study show that the proposed method is useful in scanning the transversally connected mosaics of natural lands and their potential enhancement. Finally, it contributes to the development of GIS-based analytical methods in support of natural based solutions for metropolitan challenges.

1884 ◽  
Vol 18 (462supp) ◽  
pp. 7373-7373

B. Korzhenevsky ◽  
Gleb Tolkachev ◽  
Nikolay Kolomiycev

The problems of modern geological ecology associated with the study of pollution of sediments of water bodies by heavy metals are considered. The Volga River basin is quite heterogeneous, both in geomorphological and hydrological terms, and in thechnogenical development and usage. A fourrank taxonomy is presented for the selection of sites for monitoring, based on a combination of natural, landscape, climatic and thechnogenical factors. To the largest – the highest taxon – sites of the Ist category – bowls of reservoirs with the slopes and the urban zones, industrial and agricultural structures located within them are carried. Within these areas are allocated to smaller taxa, areas category IInd are the industrial and urban zones, areas category IIIrd are the small rivers without significant contamination and areas category IVth to conduct special observations. The examples of special observations in the study of the annual migration of heavy metals in the system «bottom sediments – water column» on the Ivankovo reservoir are highlighted. The investigations were carried out under the conditions of the standard flow rate for this reservoir and in the conditions of slow water exchange.

Alexey Shcherbakov ◽  
Valentin Zhezmer

Department of hydraulic engineering and hydraulics FGBNU «VNIIGiM them. A.N. Kostyakova «has a long history. For many years, the department’s staff has been such scientists and water engineers with extensive experience as M.A. Volynov, V.S. Verbitsky, S.S. Medvedev, N.V. Lebedev, B.C. Panfilov, T.G. Voynich-Syanozhentsky, V.A. Golubkova, G.V. Lyapin and others. The department solved a wide range of tasks, the main areas of research were the following: – theoretical and applied hydrodynamics and hydraulics, with reference to the open channel flows that affect the state and level of safety of the hydraulic structures; – integrated use and protection of water bodies – water sources and water sources of water resources used in land reclamation; – development of measures and technical solutions for the protection of objects from the negative effects of water; – theoretical substantiation of works to improve the safety level of the GTS (declaration); – development and implementation of digitalization methods for solving design, construction, operation and control of landreclamation facilities. Currently, promising areas of research is the development of a decision-making algorithm in the designation of measures to rationalize the provision of resources to water amelioration. The algorithm is developed on the basis of a detailed study, systematization and processing of data both on safety and on the efficiency of systems and structures, ensuring the delivery of irrigation water of the required quality and in sufficient quantity from a water source to the field.

Jurnal SCALE ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Sri Pare Eni

Architecture of the ancient kingdoms of Kediri, Singasari and Majapahit, have the same  religion that is Hindu and Buddhist shrines, which requires either a temple. Each temple has a good difference in the environment, culture technology, function, and form of the building.The method of the description will be used here to be able to give you an idea of the temple reliefs in details.Each temple has a different relief and can be found on the head / body / foot which tells about the life story or series, or legend of a moral message containing the story.

Waterlines ◽  
1983 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-25
Louise Fortmann

Waterlines ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-31 ◽  
Astier Almedom ◽  
Christian Odhiambo

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