Calculation studies of coated particles performance in sodium-cooled fast reactor
Abstract This paper presents results of calculation studies of the viability of coated particles in the conditions of the reactor core on fast neutrons with sodium cooling, justifying the development of the concept of the reactor BN with microspherical fuel. Traditional rod fuel assemblies with pellet MOX fuel in the core of a fast sodium reactor are directly replaced by fuel assemblies with micro-spherical mixed (U,Pu)C-fuel. Due to the fact that the micro-spherical (U, Pu)C fuel has a developed heat removal surface and that the design solution for the fuel assembly with coated particles is horizontal cooling of the microspherical fuel, the core has additional possibilities of increasing inherent (passive) safety and improve the competitiveness of BN type of reactors. It is obvious from obtained results that the microspherical (U, Pu)C fuel is limited with the maximal burn-up depth of ∼11% of heavy atoms in conditions of the sodium-cooled fast reactor core at the conservative approach; it gives the possibility of reaching stated thermal-hydraulic and neutron-physical characteristics. Such a tolerant fuel makes it less likely that fission products will enter the primary circuit in case of accidents with loss of coolant and the introduction of positive reactivity, since the coating of microspherical fuel withstands higher temperatures than the steel shell of traditional rod-type fuel elements.