Comparison of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activity of three Ornithogalum L. species
Abstract Background Aboveground parts and bulbs of Ornithogalum species are consumed as food and used in traditional medicine in worldwide. Objective It is aimed to report the antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds content of Ornithogalum sigmoideum, Ornithogalum orthophyllum and Ornithogalum oligophyllum for the first time. Materials and methods Antioxidant activity of the crude methanol extracts of the aerial parts and the bulbs of the species were determined with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl, superoxide radical scavenging, ferrous ion-chelating effect, phosphomolybdenum-reducing antioxidant power and ferric-reducing antioxidant power assay. The ethylacetate, diethylether and water subextracts from leaf and flower were analyzed to quantify selected phenolic compounds by HPLC-UV. Results Among the six extracts, the methanol extract of the aerial parts of O. orthophyllum contained the highest amount of phenolic compounds (GAE, 11.0 mg/g extract). The aerial parts of O. orthophyllum showed higher DPPH and SOD activities than the other extracts with the SC50 values of 0.39±0.05 mg/mL and 0.44±0.08 mg/mL, respectively. Protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and p-coumaric acid were the most abundant compounds at all the subextracts. Conclusion The antioxidant activity is found to be in accordance with the levels of phenolic content in the extracts.