scholarly journals Solid State Structure of 2,2,4,4,6,6-Hexa(β-naphthyloxo)cyclophosphazatriene and Dipole Moments of Hexa(aryloxo)cyclophosphazatrienes

1989 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 575-581 ◽  
Giuliano Bandoli ◽  
Umberto Casellato ◽  
Mario Gleria ◽  
Antonio Grassi ◽  
Enzo Montoneri ◽  

The crystal and molecular structure of [NP(OC10H7)2]3 was determined by X-ray analysis.The dipole moments of this compound and of the hexa(phenoxo)cyclotriphosphazatrienes of formula [NP(OC6H3XX′Y)2]3 (X = X′ = H, Y = p-Br; X = m-CH3,. X′ = H. Y = p-Cl; X = X′ = m-CH3, Y = p-Cl; X = X′ = m-CH3, Y = H; X = X′ = H, Y = p-CH(CH3)2; X = X′ = H, Y = p-C(CH3)3) were measured in benzene at 25°C. Crystals of [NP(OC10H7)2]3 are monoclinic with unit cell dimensions a = 24.870(15), b = 7.712(8), c = 27.687(14) Å, β = 115.85(7)°; space group P21/c. The structure was refined to an agreement factor of 0.09. The phosphazene ring deviates (max. deviation 17°) from planarity. and mean distances (A) and angles (°) are P-N 1.58(1). P-O 1.58(1), O-C 1.41(2); P-N-P 120(1), N-P-N 119(1), P-O-C 124(2). The conformations of the naphthyloxo groups at P(2) and P(3) are similar, and different from the group at P(1).Dipole moment analysis showed that the solid state conformation changes in the solution state. The measured value was in agreement with a symmetric conformation in which at the O-P-O plane each naphthyloxo group is rotated by ca. 40-50° from the anti-coplanar arrangement relative to this plane. The dipole moment data for the p-substituted phenoxo derivatives agree with such a conformation, but the analysis of the dipole moment values of phosphazenes having phenoxo groups bearing more than one substituent group and p-CH(CH3)2 substituent failed to do so due to the inherent limitations of the method.

1981 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-19 ◽  
Viktor Kettman ◽  
Ján Garaj ◽  
Jaroslav Majer

The crystal and molecular structure of [Cr(S2CN(CH2)5)3].2 CHCl3 was found by the X-ray structural analysis method. The value R 0.090 was found for 1 131 observed independent reflections. The substance crystallizes in a space group of symmetry P212121 with the following unit cell dimensions: a = 0.8675 (6), b = 1.815(2), c = 2.155(3) nm. The experimentally observed crustal density was 1.48 Mgm-3 and the value calculated for Z = 4 was 1.51 Mgm-3. The CrS6 coordination polyhedron has the shape of a trigonally distorted octahedron, where the D3 symmetry is a approximately retained. The degree of trigonal distortion expressed as the projection of the chelate S-Cr-S angle onto the plane perpendicular to the C3 pseudo axis is Φ = 41.7° (Φ = 60° for an octahedron). The skeleton of the structure formed by the complex molecules contains channels filled with chloroform molecules. The specific type of complex-chloroform interaction consists of the formation of hydrogen bonds of the chloroform protons with the fully occupied pπ-orbitals of the sulphur atoms in the coordination polyhedra. The low stability and crystal decomposition can be explained by loss of chloroform from the channels.

1989 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 684-690 ◽  
Jan Lokaj ◽  
Viktor Vrábel ◽  
Eleonóra Kellö ◽  
Vladimír Ratay

The crystal and molecular structure of Bu3Sn(pyrn-dtc-prop) was solved by the X-ray structural analysis method and refined by the block diagonal least squares method to R = 0.053 for 1 930 observed reflections. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system with a space group of P21/c, Z = 4, F(000) = 1 056, with unit cell dimensions of a = 1.4758(5), b = 0.9970(3), c = 1.9166(6) nm; β = 113.90(2)°. The measured and calculated crystal densities were Dm = 1.32 and Dc = 1.31.103 kg m-3. The tin atom is coordinated by three carbon atoms at distances of Sn-C 0.2117(8), 0.2133(8), 0.2158(11) nm and two oxygen atoms O(1) and O(2) at distances of Sn-O 0.2210(5) and 0.2399(5) nm. The coordination polyhedron is a deformed trigonal bipyramid. The S2CN ligand is approximately planar.

1995 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-146 ◽  
Mathias O. Senge ◽  
Karin Ruhlandt-Senge ◽  
Kevin M. Smith

The crystal and molecular structure of chloro(methyl phytochlorinato)iron(III), 4, have been determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography to obtain further information on the conformation of metallochlorins related to chlorophyll. The compound crystallized with two independent molecules mainly distinguished by the orientation of the axial ligand. The macrocycles show significant deviations from planarity larger than those observed in corresponding magnesium(II) complexes. The overall type of distortion is similar to those found in chlorophyllides. Compound 4 crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 (MoKa,λ = 0.71063 A) with unit cell dimensions a = 12.035(6) Å, b = 13.396(8) Å, c = 19.04(2), b = 97.51(2) Å, Z = 4, V = 3043(4) Å3. The structure was refined to an R-value of 0.075 on the basis of 3974 reflections with I > 3.0σ(Ι) (130 Κ).

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 1546-1549
Karwan Omer Ali ◽  
Hikmat Ali Mohammad ◽  
Thomas Gerber ◽  
Eric Hosten

Platinum(II) complex consisting of the tertiarydiphosphine (dppm) ligand had been prepared from PdCl2 with one equiv. of dppm ligand to form [PtC2(dppmCl)] complex where as dppmCl is bis(dipheny1phosphino) chloromethene. Crystal was grown in dichloromethane by slow evaporation process and characterized by X-ray crystallography technic. The complex structure synthesized based upon the identification using X-ray Crystallography and FTIR was [PtC12(dppmCl)], the ligand dppm coordinated to the meta centre as bidentate chelating ligand and form square planar arrangement around Pt(II) metal centre. The bond distances of Pt-P1, Pt-P2, Pt- Cl1 and Pt-Cl2 are 2.217 (2), 2.217 (2), 2.3661 (19) and 2.3661 Aο respectively. The characterized results of Pt(II) complex using X-ray analysis illustrated that [PtC12(dppmCl)] Complex form monoclinic crystal with unit cell dimensions of a = 16.2034(5), b = 7.8274(2), and c = 19.2496 (6) Aο, with β = 98.918 (1)ο, Z=4, calculated density= 1.838 mg/m3, T= 200 k and space group C2/c

1978 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 753-755 ◽  
G. Struckmeier ◽  
J. Engel ◽  
U. Thewalt

Abstract The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The compound possesses an (almost) planar Z configuration. The ions form ion pairs in the solid state: each bromide anion is connected via two hydrogen bonds with a cation. The crystal data are: space group P21/n with Z = 4; cell dimensions a = 14.097(2), b = 11.591(2), c = 14.133(3) Å, β = 106,22(2)°.

1981 ◽  
Vol 46 (10) ◽  
pp. 2307-2316
Viktor Kettman ◽  
František Pavelčík ◽  
Jaroslav Majer

The crystal and molecular structure of FeCl(S2CN(CH2)5)2CHCl3 were solved by the X-ray structural analysis method and refined to R 0.073 for 1996 observed independent reflections. The compound crystallizes in a space group of symmetry P1 with the following unit cell dimensions: a = 0.6384 (5), b = 1.475 (1), c = 1.1966 (6) nm, α = 86.20 (5), β = 95.24 (6), γ = 97.45 (6)°. The experimentally measured density of the crystals of the substance is 1.60 Mgm-3 and the value calculated for Z = 2 is 1.59 Mgm-3. The basic skeleton structure is formed by the complex molecules forms closed cavities filled with chloroform molecules. The central Fe(III) ion is characterized by a quartet ground state (S = 3/2) and is pentacoordinated by a chlorine atom and 4 sulphur atoms in a tetragonal bipyramidal arrangement. The complex-chloroform interaction depends on formation of a double-branched hydrogen bond of the chloroform proton with two sulphur atoms in the coordination polyhedron.

L. W. Labaw

Crystals of a human γGl immunoglobulin have the external morphology of diamond shaped prisms. X-ray studies have shown them to be monoclinic, space group C2, with 2 molecules per unit cell. The unit cell dimensions are a = 194.1, b = 91.7, c = 51.6Å, 8 = 102°. The relatively large molecular weight of 151,000 and these unit cell dimensions made this a promising crystal to study in the EM.Crystals similar to those used in the x-ray studies were fixed at 5°C for three weeks in a solution of mother liquor containing 5 x 10-5M sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, and 0.03% glutaraldehyde. They were postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide for 15 min. and embedded in Maraglas the usual way. Sections were cut perpendicular to the three crystallographic axes. Such a section cut with its plane perpendicular to the z direction is shown in Fig. 1.This projection of the crystal in the z direction shows periodicities in at least four different directions but these are only seen clearly by sighting obliquely along the micrograph.

1999 ◽  
Vol 55 (9) ◽  
pp. 1614-1615 ◽  
R. A. P. Nagem ◽  
E. A. L. Martins ◽  
V. M. Gonçalves ◽  
R. Aparício ◽  
I. Polikarpov

The enzyme catalase (H2O2–H2O2 oxidoreductase; E.C. 11.1.6) was purified from haemolysate of human placenta and crystallized using the vapour-diffusion technique. Synchrotron-radiation diffraction data have been collected to 1.76 Å resolution. The enzyme crystallized in the space group P212121, with unit-cell dimensions a = 83.6, b = 139.4, c = 227.5 Å. A molecular-replacement solution of the structure has been obtained using beef liver catalase (PDB code 4blc) as a search model.

2015 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-190 ◽  
Gerhard Sohr ◽  
Nina Ciaghi ◽  
Klaus Wurst ◽  
Hubert Huppertz

AbstractSingle crystals of the hydrous cadmium borate Cd6B22O39·H2O were obtained through a high-pressure/high-temperature experiment at 4.7 GPa and 1000 °C using a Walker-type multianvil apparatus. CdO and partially hydrolyzed B2O3 were used as starting materials. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study has revealed that the structure of Cd6B22O39·H2O is similar to that of the type M6B22O39·H2O (M=Fe, Co). Layers of corner-sharing BO4 groups are interconnected by BO3 groups to form channels containing the metal cations, which are six- and eight-fold coordinated by oxygen atoms. The compound crystallizes in the space group Pnma (no. 62) [R1=0.0379, wR2=0.0552 (all data)] with the unit cell dimensions a=1837.79(5), b=777.92(2), c=819.08(3) pm, and V=1171.00(6) Å3. The IR and Raman spectra reflect the structural characteristics of Cd6B22O39·H2O.

1990 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-92 ◽  
Neil E. Johnson ◽  
Mickey E. Gunter ◽  
Diana N. Solie ◽  
Charles R. Knowles

AbstractPowder X-ray and optical data have been recorded for a sample of exceptionally rare earth-poor eudialyte (Na12(Ca, REE)6(Fe2+,Mn,Mg)3Zr3(Zr,Nb)x[Si9O27−y(OH)y]2[Si3O9]2(C1,F)z, with x = 0. 1–0.9, y = 1–3 and z = 0.7–1.4) from a pegmatitic vein associated with the peralkaline Windy Fork granite in the north–central Alaska range. The eudialyte is uniaxial positive with ω= 1.6062(2), ε= 1.6138 (3) and microprobe analyses indicate that the sum of REE + Yis less than 0.1 weight percent. Refined unit cell dimensions are: a = 14.2572(4), c = 30.1338(27), Dx= 2.67, F30= 128 (0.006, 42), M20= 76. An indexed powder diffraction pattern is given.

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