Polysulfonylamine, XCVII [1] Di(organosulfonyl)amine und ihre konjugierten Anionen als simultane Baugruppen in zwei supramolekularen Strukturen / Polysulfonylamines, XCVII [1] Di(organosulfonyl)amines and their Conjugate Anions as Simultaneous Building Blocks in Two Supramolecular Structures

1997 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 1229-1236 ◽  
Dagmar Henschel ◽  
Karna Wijaya ◽  
Oliver Moers ◽  
Armand Blaschette ◽  
Peter G. Jones

The complex compounds 4HN (SO2Me)2 · (diaza-18-crown-6) (1) and Na[N(SO2Ph)2] · 2HN(SO2Ph)2 · 2 (12-crown-4) · 2 MeOH (2) were obtained from their components and characterized by low-temperature X-ray diffraction. Structure 1 (monoclinic, space group P21/n) displays centrosymmetric formula units consisting of a biangular diazonia-18-crown-6 dication, two (MeSO2)2N− anions situated above and below the macrocycle and linked to the NH2+ groups via an N - H ··· O and N -H ··· N bond system, and finally two HN(SO2Me)2 molecules, each forming an N -H ··· O bond to one of the anions. The molecule-anion entity represents an iso form of the [(RSO2)2N -H ··· N (SO2R)2]− homoconjugates previously described. The crystal packing of 1 is stabilized by an extensive and highly organized [H2C -H ··· O(S)] hydrogen bond network. Structure 2 (monoclinic, space group P21/n) exhibits inconspicuous [Na(12-crown-4)2]+ cations and, as a striking feature, supramolecular anions assembled from a central (PhSO2)2N− ion, two MeOH molecules flanking the amide anion, and two HN (SO2Ph)2 molecules bonded to the MeOH moieties. The assembly is held together by two N -H ··· O(H )(Me) bonds, one MeO -H ··· N− bond and one MeO -H ··· O(anion) interaction. For both structures, conformational peculiarities of the N(SO2C)2 groups are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (32) ◽  
pp. 812-819

Polymorphism is known as the ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure, with important applications in the preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Characterization of different polymorphs of the specific metabolite of 4-xylene can contribute to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Polymorphism is of particular importance in industrial processes, where different physical properties of polymorphic forms can substantially alter the viability and quality of a manufactured product. This is particularly so for the design and production of drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, as varying physical properties between different polymorphs can affect shelf life and durability, solubility, as well as bioavailability and manufacturing of the drug. The crystallization, spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction characterization of two polymorph and one solvatomorph of 4-methylhippuric acid are presented. These compounds crystallizes in different crystalline systems. Polymorph I (4mH-I) crystalize in an orthorhombic cell with space group P212121. Polymorph II (4mHII) crystallizes in a monoclinic space group P21/c. Solvatomorph (4mH-S) crystallizes in a triclinic P-1 cell. All polymorphs crystallize in neutral form. The crystal packing of the three compounds are governed by hydrogen bonds intermolecular interactions of the type N--H···O and O--H···O forming tridimensional networks.

2007 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 903-911 ◽  
Marcin Podsiadło ◽  
Andrzej Katrusiak

Bromochloromethane, CH2BrCl, has been temperature-frozen and in situ pressure-frozen and the structure determined by X-ray diffraction at low temperatures of 170 and 100 K at ambient pressure (0.10 MPa), and at high pressures of 1.04 and 1.72 GPa at room temperature (295 K). CH2BrCl exhibits a remarkable polymorphism: at low temperature it crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (phase I), isostructural to the crystals of CH2Br2. The pressure-frozen crystal of CH2BrCl is orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, and is isostructural to the crystal of CH2Cl2. In both phases I and II the Br and Cl atoms are substitutionally disordered. The freezing temperatures and pressures of simple dihalomethanes have been correlated to their molecular weight and halogen... ˙˙halogen distances. Calculated electrostatic potential surfaces have been related to the different crystal packing of dihalomethanes investigated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-74
Renuka Devi Tammisetti ◽  
Ilya V. Kosilkin ◽  
Ilia A. Guzei ◽  
Victor N. Khrustalev ◽  
Larry Dalton ◽  

The Z and E isomers of 3-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-2-(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)acrylonitrile, C17H13Br3N2, (1), were obtained simultaneously by a Knoevenagel condensation between 4-(dimethylamino)benzaldehyde and 2-(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)acetonitrile, and were investigated by X-ray diffraction and density functional theory (DFT) quantum-chemical calculations. The (Z)-(1) isomer is monoclinic (space group P21/n, Z′ = 1), whereas the (E)-(1) isomer is triclinic (space group P\overline{1}, Z′ = 2). The two crystallographically-independent molecules of (E)-(1) adopt similar geometries. The corresponding bond lengths and angles in the two isomers of (1) are very similar. The difference in the calculated total energies of isolated molecules of (Z)-(1) and (E)-(1) with DFT-optimized geometries is ∼4.47 kJ mol−1, with the minimum value corresponding to the Z isomer. The crystal structure of (Z)-(1) reveals strong intermolecular nonvalent Br...N [3.100 (2) and 3.216 (3) Å] interactions which link the molecules into layers parallel to (10\overline{1}). In contrast, molecules of (E)-(1) in the crystal are bound to each other by strong nonvalent Br...Br [3.5556 (10) Å] and weak Br...N [3.433 (4) Å] interactions, forming chains propagating along [110]. The crystal packing of (Z)-(1) is denser than that of (E)-(1), implying that the crystal structure realized for (Z)-(1) is more stable than that for (E)-(1).

2020 ◽  
Vol 235 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 275-290
Michael Schwarz ◽  
Pirmin Stüble ◽  
Katharina Köhler ◽  
Caroline Röhr

AbstractFour new mixed-valent chain alkali metal (A) sulfido ferrates of the general structure family ${A}_{1+x}\left[{\text{Fe}}_{x}^{\text{II}}{\text{Fe}}_{1-x}^{\text{III}}{\text{S}}_{2}\right]$ were synthesized in the form of tiny green-metallic needles from nearly stoichiometric melts reacting elemental potassium with natural pyrite (A = K) or previously prepared Rb2S/Cs2S2 with elemental iron and sulfur (A = Rb/Cs). The crystal structures of the compounds were determined by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction: In the (3+1)D modulated structure of K7.15[FeS2]4 (space group Ccce(00σ3)0s0, a = 1363.87(5), b = 2487.23(13), c = 583.47(3) pm, q = 0,0,0.444, R1 = 0.055/0.148, x = 0.787), a position modulation of the two crystallographically different undulated ${}_{\infty }{}^{1}\left[{\text{FeS}}_{4/2}\right]$ tetrahedra chains and the surrounding K cations is associated with an occupation modulation of one of the three potassium sites. In the case of the new monoclinic rubidium ferrate Rb4[FeS2]3 (x = $\frac{1}{3}$; space group P21/c, a = 1640.49(12), b = 1191.94(9), c = 743.33(6) pm, β = 94.759(4)°, Z = 4, R1 = 0.1184) the undulation of the tetrahedra chain is commensurate, the repetition unit consists of six tetrahedra. In the second new Rb ferrate, Rb7[FeS2]5 (x = 0.4; monoclinic, space group C2/c, K7[FeS2]5-type; a = 2833.9(2), b = 1197.36(9), c = 744.63(6) pm, β = 103.233(4)°, Z = 4, R1 = 0.1474) and its isotypic mixed Rb/Cs-analog Rb3.6Cs3.4[FeS2]5 (a = 2843.57(5), b = 1226.47(2), c = 759.890(10) pm, β = 103.7170(9)°, R1 = 0.0376) the chain buckling leads to a further increased repetition unit of 10 tetrahedra. For all mixed-valent ferrates, the Fe–S bond lengths continuously increase with the amount (x) of Fe(II). The buckling of the chains is controlled through the local coordination of the S atoms by the variable number of A cations of different sizes.

1992 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-309 ◽  
Anja Edelmann ◽  
Sally Brooker ◽  
Norbert Bertel ◽  
Mathias Noltemeyer ◽  
Herbert W. Roesky ◽  

Abstract The Molecular Structures of [2,4,6-(CF3)3C6H2S]2 (1) [2,4,6-Me3C6H2Te]2 and [2-Me2N-4,6-(CF3)2C6H2Te]2 (3) have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Crystal data: 1: orthorhombic, space group P212121, Z = 4, a = 822.3(2), b = 1029.2(2), c = 2526.6(5) pm (2343 observed independent reflexions, R = 0.042); 2: orthorhombic, space group Iba 2, Z = 8, a = 1546.5(2), b = 1578.4(2), c = 1483.9(1) pm (2051 observed independent reflexions, R = 0.030); 3: monoclinic, space group P 21/c, Z = 4, a = 1118.7(1), b = 1536.5(2), c = 1492.6(2) pm, β = 98.97(1)° (3033 observed independent reflexions, R = 0.025).

2014 ◽  
Vol 919-921 ◽  
pp. 2013-2016 ◽  
Ya Bing Liu ◽  
Hong Jie Wang ◽  
Hong Kai Zhao

A POM - based organice - inorganic hybrid compound with the chemical formula of[Cu (phen)2]3[W6O19] (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) (1) has been hydrothermally synthesized andstructurally characterized by the elemental analysis, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space groupC2/c witha=18.319(4) Å,b= 17.311(4) Å,c= 22.248(4) Å,β= 112.40(3) o,V= 6523(2) Å3,Z= 4, R1= 0.0448, andwR2=0.1218. Compound 1 consists of the [W6O19]3-building blocks and [Cu (phen)2]+metal organic cationic moieties, which are packed together via the extensive hydrogen-bonding interactions to form a three-dimensional supramolecular framework. The adsorption of methylene blue (MB) under UV irradiation with 1 as the heterogeneous adsorbent has been investigated, showing a good adsorptive property of 1 for MB degradation.

1988 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 283 ◽  
GB Robertson ◽  
PA Tucker

The structures of two crystalline modifications of mer -(Pme2Ph)3H-cis-Cl2IrIII, (1), have been determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Modification (A) is monoclinic, space group P21/c with a 12.635(1), b 30.605(3), c 14.992(2)Ǻ, β 110.01(2)° and Z = 8. Modification (B) is orthorhombic, space group Pbca with a 27.646(3), b 11.366(1), c 17.252(2)Ǻ and Z = 8. The structures were solved by conventional heavy atom techniques and refined by full-matrix least- squares analyses to conventional R values of 0.037 [(A), 8845 independent reflections] and 0.028 [(B), 5291 independent reflections]. Important bond lengths [Ǻ] are Ir -P(trans to Cl ) 2.249(1) av. (A) and 2.234(1) (B), Ir -P(trans to PMe2Ph) 2.339(2) av. (A) and 2.344(1), 2.352(1) (B), Ir-Cl (trans to H) 2.492(2), 2.518(2) (A) and 2.503(1) (B) and Ir-Cl (trans to PMe2Ph)2.452(2) av. (A) and 2.449(1)(B). Differences in chemically equivalent metal- ligand bond lengths emphasize the importance of non-bonded contacts in determining those lengths.

2005 ◽  
Vol 60 (9) ◽  
pp. 978-983 ◽  
Sevim Hamamci ◽  
Veysel T. Yilmaz ◽  
William T. A. Harrison

Two new saccharinato-silver(I) (sac) complexes, [Ag(sac)(ampy)] (1), and [Ag2(sac)2(μ-aepy)2] (2), [ampy = 2-(aminomethyl)pyridine, aepy = 2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine], have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Complexes 1 and 2 crystallize in the monoclinic space group P21/c and triclinic space group P1̄, respectively. The silver(I) ions in both complexes 1 and 2 exhibit a distorted T-shaped AgN3 coordination geometry. 1 consists of individual molecules connected into chains by N-H···O hydrogen bonds. There are two crystallographically distinct dimers in the unit cell of 2 and in each dimer, the aepy ligands act as a bridge between two silver(I) centers, resulting in short argentophilic contacts [Ag1···Ag1 = 3.0199(4) Å and Ag2···Ag2 = 2.9894(4) Å ]. Symmetry equivalent dimers of 2 are connected by N-H···O hydrogen bonds into chains, which are further linked by aromatic π(py)···π(py) stacking interactions into sheets.

1996 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 1301 ◽  
GW Allen ◽  
ECH Ling ◽  
LV Krippner ◽  
TW Hambley

The preparation and purification of [Pt( hpip )Cl2] and [Pd( hpip )Cl2] ( hpip = homopiperazine = 1,4-diazacycloheptane) are described. Crystal structures of [Pt( hpip )Cl2] and [Pd( hpip )Cl2] have been determined by X-ray diffraction methods and refined to R values of 0.023 (932 F) and 0.023 (948 F). The crystals of [Pt( hpip )Cl2] are orthorhombic, space group Pbcm , a 7.7019(8), b 9.8080(12), c 12.1944(14) Ǻ, and those of [Pd( hpip )Cl2] are monoclinic, space group P21/m, a 6.1001(9), b 11.527(2), c 6.458(I) Ǻ, β 106.30(2)°. The seven- membered rings of the ligands in both complexes adopt boat-like conformations in which the five- membered chelate ring has an eclipsed N-C-C-N group and the six- membered chelate ring adopts a chair conformation. Molecular mechanics methods were used to investigate whether this conformation was a crystallographic artefact but it was found to be real. An alternative conformation in which the six-membered chelate ring adopts a skew-boat conformation was also investigated. It was found to be less stable than the conformation observed in the crystal structures, but to a degree that depends on whether non-bonded interactions involving the metal atom were included or not.

1993 ◽  
Vol 48 (12) ◽  
pp. 1727-1731 ◽  
A. Franken ◽  
W. Preetz ◽  
M. Rath ◽  
K.-F. Hesse

By electrochemical oxidation of [B6H6]2- in the presence of nitrite ions and the base DBU in dichloromethane solution mononitropentahydrohexaborate [B6H5(NO2)]2- ions are formed and can be isolated by ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl cellulose. The crystal structures of the K and Cs salt were determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. K2[B6H5(NO2)] is monoclinic, space group P21/m with a = 5.953(1), b = 8.059(4), c = 8.906(1) Å, β = 109.553(9)°; Cs2[B6H5(NO2)] is monoclinic, space group P21/a with a = 9.438(6), b = 9.644(7), c = 11.138(9) Å, β = 101.44(9)°. The B6 octahedron is compressed in the direction of the B—NO2 bond by about 5%, with bond lengths between 1.67 and 1.77 A.

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