2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (28) ◽  
pp. 127
Luc Bachelot

Résumé: L’apparition de l’écriture, pour la première fois dans le monde, en Mésopotamie à la fin du quatrième millénaire av. J.-C., fut et reste perçue comme une véritable révolution, comme la manifestation d’un saut qualitatif de la civilisation d’autant plus spectaculaire qu’il était imprévisible. Telle est notre perception occidentale, répétée au fil des siècles depuis l’antiquité grecque, mais qui n’est pas universelle. L’Extrême-Orient a une tout autre conception de l’écriture. L’examen attentif des faits, tout comme l’abondante littérature qu’ils ont suscitée, incite à se demander si la véritable aventure de l’écriture ne fut pas en vérité la mésaventure que constitue cette historiographie maintenant millénaire qui n’a cessé de générer une suite quasi ininterrompue d’études, de discours, de mythes et d’histoires visant à décrire son origine. Nous tenterons d’emprunter les issues qui en elle permettent, une sortie de cette mésaventure. Issues que constituent lestravaux de Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida et A.-M. Christin, ainsi que les avancéesrécentes de la neuro-physiologie, celles de G. Rizzolatti notamment. L’écriture comme la parole est une manifestation de l’activité symbolique sans que la première soit nécessairement soumise à la seconde. La relation de l’une à l’autre n’est pas verticale, mais horizontale. L’écriture apparaît donc, quand un champ notionnel est suffisamment élaboré pour être exprimé par un moyen autre que celui de la langue. Resumo: A aparição da escrita, pela primeira vez no mundo, na Mesopotâmia no final do quarto milênio antes de Cristo, foi e continua sendo percebida como uma verdadeira revolução, como a manifestação de um salto qualitativo da civilização tão espetacular quanto imprevisível. Esta é a nossa percepção ocidental, repetida ao longo dos séculos desde a Antiguidade grega, mas que não é universal. O Extremo Oriente tem uma concepção de escrita bem diferente. O exame atento dos fatos, assim como a abundância literária que suscitaram, incita a nos perguntarmos se a verdadeira aventura da escrita não foi na verdade uma desventura, que constitui essa historiografia agora milenar que não cessou de gerar uma sequência quase ininterrupta de estudos, discursos, mitos e histórias visando a descrever a sua origem. Vamos tentar tomar emprestadas questões que permitem uma saída desta desventura. Trata-se de questões que fazem parte dos trabalhos de Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida e A.-M. Christin, assim como dos avanços recentes da neuro-fisiologia, notadamente aqueles realizados por G. Rizzolatti. A escrita, assim como a palavra, é uma manifestação da atividade simbólica sem que a primeira esteja necesariamente submetida à segunda. A relação entre uma e outra não é vertical, mas horizontal. A escrita aparece então quando um campo de noções está suficientemente elaborado para poder ser exprimido por um outro meio que não aquele da língua. Abstract: For the first time in the world, the appearance of writing in Mesopotamia at the end of the fourth millennium BC was and continues to be perceived as a true revolution, as the manifestation of a qualitative leap of civilization, so spectacular and unpredictable. This is our Western perception, repeated over the centuries since the ancient Greeks, although it is not universal. There is a completely different perception of the writing for the Far East. The careful examination of the facts, along with the emerging abundant scholarship, raisesthe question whether the true adventure of writing wasin fact a mishap, which constitutes the now millenarian historiography that has not ceased to generate an almost uninterrupted sequence of studies, discourses, myths and histories in order to describe its origin. We will try to borrow questions that allow us to get out of this misadventure. Questions that form part of the work of Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida and A.-M. Christin, as well as recent advances in neurophysiology, notably those by G. Rizzolatti. Writing, as speech, is a manifestation of symbolic activity, without the former necessarily being subjected to the second. The relationship of one to the other is not vertical but horizontal. The writing then appears when a notional field is sufficiently developed to be expressed by means other than that of language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (33) ◽  
pp. 223-250
Luc Bachelot

O termo “aventuras”, no plural, tal como ele aparece no título deste artigo, evoca ao mesmo tempo uma multiplicidade de episódios ou realizações e seu caráter inesperado, surpreendente. No que diz respeito à escrita, a diversidade dos contextos de seu surgimento, como a de suas manifestações, legitima amplamente essa designação. Mas além do número e da variedade dos sistemas de escrita conhecidos até agora, e tendo em vista o interesse fascinado das sociedades ocidentais pelos espetaculares avanços culturais que lhes são atribuídos (transmissão de conhecimentos, aceleração do progresso, dos conhecimentos, administração de grupos humanos, gestão econômica, etc.), o aparecimento da escrita, pela primeira vez no mundo, na Mesopotâmia, no final do quarto milênio a.C., foi e continua sendo percebido como uma verdadeira revolução. O que não deixou de ser entendido como um salto qualitativo da civilização, tanto mais espetacular quanto imprevisível. Tal é a nossa percepção ocidental, repetida e reforçada ao longo dos séculos, desde a antiguidade grega, mas que, contudo, não é universal. O Extremo Oriente, por exemplo, tem uma concepção completamente diferente de escrita. O exame cuidadoso dos fatos, assim como a abundante literatura que eles suscitaram, nos convidam a perguntar se a verdadeira aventura da escrita não foi, de fato, a desventura que constitui essa historiografia, agora milenar, que a assumiu e que até o momento não cessou de produzir uma sequência quase que ininterrupta de estudos, análises, discursos ou narrativas, mitos e histórias para descrever sua origem. Objetivo duplamente problemático: em si, –retornaremos a este ponto –, e em sua orientação em direção a um objeto que não pode ser descoberto, mas sim a um pressuposto que ela busca legitimar. Pressuposição segundo a qual a escrita seria essencialmente um produto derivado da língua. Após relembrar as linhas de força que estruturam essa abundante literatura, tentaremos empregar estratagemas que, apesar de tudo, permitem uma saída dessa desventura. Subterfúgios representados pelos trabalhos de Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida e A.-M. Christin, bem como pelos recentes avanços da neurofisiologia, sobretudo aqueles apresentados por G. Rizzolatti. Mas, de início, é imperativo que façamos uma nota sobre as definições mais comuns de escrita e os muitos estudos especializados nos quais elas se apoiam.Abstract: For the first time in the world, the appearance of writing in Mesopotamia at the end of the fourth millennium BC was and continues to be perceived as a true revolution, as the manifestation of a qualitative leap of civilization, so spectacular and unpredictable. This is our Western perception, repeated over the centuries since the ancient Greeks, although it is not universal. There is a completely different perception of the writing for the Far East. The careful examination of the facts, along with the emerging abundant scholarship, raisesthe question whether the true adventure of writing wasin fact a mishap, which constitutes the now millenarian historiography that has not ceased to generate an almost uninterrupted sequence of studies, discourses, myths and histories in order to describe its origin. We will try to borrow questions that allow us to get out of this misadventure. Questions that form part of the work of Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida and A.-M. Christin, as well as recent advances in neurophysiology, notably those by G. Rizzolatti. Writing, as speech, is a manifestation of symbolic activity, without the former necessarily being subjected to the second. The relationship of one to the other is not vertical but horizontal. The writing then appears when a notional field is sufficiently developed to be expressed by means other than that of language.  

Alison M. Jaggar

The relationship of philosophy to science is a matter of long historical dispute. Philosophy has been described variously as the mother, the queen or the handmaiden of science, depending on whether the philosopher’s role was perceived as that of giving birth to science, of regulating and legitimating scientific discourse or of clearing the conceptual underbrush in the way of scientific advance. This essay, by contrast, is grounded on a conception of philosophy and science as partners or sisters, perhaps even as Siamese twin sisters, both proceeding from the same impulse to understand ourselves and the world and to change both for the better. Occasionally relations between philosophy and science have been marred by sibling rivalry, with each sister claiming the right to control and limit the pretensions of the other. In fact, however, philosophy and science are interdependent and ultimately inseparable. To borrow a famous slogan from another context: science without philosophy is blind; philosophy without science is empty.

2018 ◽  
Vol 222 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Asst. Instructor: Ayad Enad Khalaf

This article highlights different ways of metaphorical use in language and shows its potential in attracting the readers' attention. Language as a biological being lives its own life witnessing never-ending changes: falling outs and newly built elements. We enrich our language not only by new elements but also by new styles and reusing of existing sources. One of these ways which makes language more alive and active is metaphor. Metaphor nowadays is found in all the fields of life, education, medicine, policy and everyday life. Metaphor, in fact, reflects the relationship of language to culture and the world of ideas. Language, on the one hand, is a repository of culture; the traditions, proverbs, and knowledge of our ancestors. On the other hand, language is the mirror of the world of ideas. People reflect their new ideas in using language in new ways, even such devices as paintings and riddles. Metaphor has many shapes and is found in spoken and written language, graphics, cartoon or caricature, riddles, jokes and paintings to express novel shades of meanings, e.g., metaphor in newspaper photos, magazines or even in advertisements attracts the attention of readers and are memorized for a long time. Metaphoric use is also a way of enjoying the readers. It is used for both real and logical aims such as; warnings, advises, or invitations ...etc

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 450-459
Mohamad Zreik

The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature and characteristics of Sino-Russian relations since 1640 where diplomatic and commercial relations were established in the far east of Siberia. A historic background will be given, in order to highlight the real reasons behind this good relation that is turning into an alliance. The paper will shed the light on important events and dates that occurred in this relation, such as the year 1858, which had disputes on the border. The author shows that the relations between China and Russia have been faced with twists and turns since its beginnings because of geographical, cultural, historical and political interdependence. This paper analyses the relationship between Russia and China in the light of international political changes as the world enters a new stage of international order, especially after the decline of US influence and China's announcement of its One Belt One Road initiative (OBOR) and its political, cultural and economic openness to the world.

1912 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 41-69 ◽  
Richard J. A. Berry ◽  
A. W. D. Robertson

IN our communication to the Royal Society of Victoria of the 11th March, 1909 (1), describing our recent discovery of forty-two Tasmanian crania hitherto quite unknown to the world of science, we stated that “one of the earliest purposes to which it is proposed to utilise the present material is the determination of the relationship of the Tasmanian to the anthropoids and primitive man on the one hand, and to the Australian aboriginal on the other hand. Schwalbe's study of Pithecanthropus erectus (2) may serve as a basis for the former purpose, and Klaatsch's recent work (3) for the latter, though it must be remembered that innumerable authors have contributed to both subjects.” The present work is the fulfilment of the first part of this undertaking, namely, the determination of the relationship of the Tasmanian to the anthropoids and primitive man.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Muchid Albintani

PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) and the activities of Illegal Logging inthe period 2009-2010 the focus of mass media. The focus of the reports motivatedby contradictory realities. On the one hand for the first time since a RegionalHead of local autonomy (Regent) was convicted of corruption (graft) relatedlicense for utilization of timber forest products (IUPHHK) that led to the illegallogging activities that also involve PT. RAPP. While on the other hand, theMinistry of Forestry by SK MENHUT/327/2009, provides expansion of theSemenanjung Kampar to PT. RAPP considered problematic and potentially theactivity of Illegal Logging. This paper aims to, first analyze the media coverage ofIllegal Logging on the existence PT. RAPP in 2009-2010. Second, describe andanalyze the implications of the media coverage of Illegal Logging on the existencePT. RAPP in 2009-2010. This paper uses constructionist (media) and politicaleconomy communication as a theoretical approach. The results of the discussionshowed that, the first the relationship of Illegal Logging and PT. RAPP has beenconstructed by the media that shows if the presence of both (PT RAPP and IllegalLogging) in the year 2009-2010 run separately and not linked. The second, so thenews about the activities undertaken Illegal Logging ('alleged') in PT RAPP anissue of 'ambiguous' and different from each other. In this context, if the newsshowed Illegal Logging, rather than an integral part of the production process(activities) PT. RAPP.Keywords: PT. RAPP, Illegal Logging and Economics Political Communication

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-432
Andrzej Rozwadowski

One of the aspects of the relationship between rock art and shamanism, which has been supposed to be of a universal nature, inspired by trance experience, concerns the intentional integration of the images with rock. Rock surface therefore has been interpreted, in numerous shamanic rock-art contexts, as a veil beyond which the otherworld could be encountered. Such an idea was originally proposed in southern Africa, then within Upper Palaeolithic cave art and also other rock-art traditions in diverse parts of the world. This paper for the first time discusses the relevance of this observation from the perspective of unquestionable shamanic culture in Siberia. It shows that the idea of the otherworld to be found on the other side of the rock actually is a widespread motif of shamanic beliefs in Siberia, and that variants of this belief provide a new mode of insight into understanding the semantics of Siberian rock art. Siberian data therefore support previous hypotheses of the shamanic nature of associating rock images with rock surface.

1961 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 665-696 ◽  
Roland H. Mulvey

A resumé of the genus Mylonchulus is presented, including three new species which are described and illustrated, Mylonchulus prodenticulatus, M. sigmaturellus, and M. solus. Males of M. brevicaudatus, M. incurvus, M. index, M. montanus, and M. striatus are described and figured for the first time. Several known species from various parts of the world are redescribed and figured. Relationship of amphid aperture width to the length and width of the buccal cavity and its position in this genus was studied and evaluated for use in taxonomy. Two taxonomic keys are included, one of all known females, the other of all known males.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (79) ◽  
pp. 89-105
N. V. Linder ◽  
M. O. Kuznetsova ◽  

The article examines the relationship of stakeholders associated with trans-Eurasian railway containerized cargo transportation along transport corridors from the Far East to the western border of the Russian Federation (hereinafter RW CT). A stakeholder map has been generated, which allows us to identify the degree of influence of stakeholders on the achievement of strategic goals, as well as the impact of activities on the implementation of RW CT on stakeholders. Using the method of analyzing hierarchies, a hierarchy of stakeholders was established according to their importance in terms of achieving strategic goals (in particular, increasing the competitiveness of RW CT). Also, a hierarchy of goals and interests of stakeholders is defined to achieve strategic goals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 841-844
Yulia G. Khazankovich

Purpose of the study: The authors review the Itelmen poetry based on works written by Georgii Porotov. Mythological discourse analysis helps us reveal the Itelmen worldview. Methodology: The poet focuses on the mythological character of the creator of Kamchatka, Kutkh the Big Raven, the main character of the poems composed by G. Porotov, in particular, the poem “The Winged Kutkh, or a Love Song”. Discourse analysis is used on the material of the Itelmen poetry for the first time in order to study the manifestation of the epic in the artistic thinking of the peoples of Kamchatka. The subject of the study was the mythological story of Kutkh Raven's marriage. Main Findings: Within the framework of the study, the authors base their research on the works of the famous mythologist and folklorist E. Meletinsky, which are focused on identifying the specifics of the mythology in the mentality of the Paleo-Asiatic peoples in the Far East. Applications of this study: The article will be of interest to a wide circle of readers and researchers of the indigenous peoples of the world.

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