Non-responsiveness of serum gonadotropins and testosterone to pulsatile GnRH in hemochromatosis suggesting a pituitary defect

1993 ◽  
Vol 128 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-354 ◽  
Lise Duranteau ◽  
Philippe Chanson ◽  
Joelle Blumberg-Tick ◽  
Guy Thomas ◽  
Sylvie Brailly ◽  

We investigated the potential pituitary origin of gonadal insufficiency in hemochromatosis. Gonadotropin secretion was studied in seven patients with hemochromatosis and hypogonadism, before and after chronic pulsatile GnRH therapy. Pulsatile LH secretion was studied before (sampling every 10 min for 6 h) and after 15-30 days of chronic pulsatile GnRH therapy (10-12 μg per pulse). Prior to GnRH therapy, all the patients had low serum testosterone, FSH and LH levels. LH secretion was non-pulsatile in four patients, while a single pulse was detected in the remaining three. Chronic pulsatile GnRH administration did not increase serum testosterone levels; similarly, serum LH levels remained low: neither pulse frequency nor pulse amplitude was modified. We conclude that hypogonadism in hemochromatosis is due to pituitary lesions.

Endocrinology ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 156 (10) ◽  
pp. 3717-3724
M. Shahab ◽  
M. Vargas Trujillo ◽  
T. M. Plant

A somatic signal has been posited to trigger the pubertal resurgence in pulsatile GnRH secretion that initiates puberty in highly evolved primates. That GH might provide such a signal emerged in 2000 as a result of a study reporting that circulating nocturnal GH concentrations in castrated juvenile male monkeys increased in a 3-week period immediately preceding the pubertal resurgence of LH secretion. The present study was conducted to reexamine this intriguing relationship, again in an agonadal model. Four castrated juvenile male monkeys were implanted with indwelling jugular catheters, housed in remote sampling cages, and subjected to 24 hours of sequential blood sampling (every 30 min) every 2 weeks from 19.5 to 22 months of age. Twenty-four-hour profiles of circulating GH concentrations were analyzed using the pulse detection algorithm, PULSAR, and developmental changes in pulsatile GH release with respect to the initiation of the pubertal rise of LH secretion (week 0; observed between 22.5 and 32 mo of age) were examined for significance by a repeated-measures ANOVA. Changes in the parameters of pulsatile GH secretion, including mean 24-hour GH concentration and GH pulse frequency and pulse amplitude for 3 (n = 4) and 6 (n = 3) months before week 0 were unremarkable and nonsignificant. These findings fail to confirm those of the earlier study and lead us to conclude that the timing of the pubertal resurgence of GnRH release in the male monkey is not dictated by GH. Reasons for the discrepancy between the two studies are unclear.

1997 ◽  
Vol 82 (7) ◽  
pp. 2248-2256 ◽  
Ann E. Taylor ◽  
Brian McCourt ◽  
Kathryn A. Martin ◽  
Ellen J. Anderson ◽  
Judith M. Adams ◽  

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disorder of reproductive age women characterized in its broadest definition by the presence of oligoamenorrhea and hyperandrogenism and the absence of other disorders. Defects of gonadotropin secretion, including an elevated LH level, elevated LH to FSH ratio, and an increased frequency and amplitude of LH pulsations have been described, but the prevalence of these defects in a large, unbiased population of PCOS patients has not been determined. Sixty-one women with PCOS defined by oligomenorrhea and hyperandrogenism and 24 normal women in the early follicular phase had LH samples obtained every 10 min for 8–12 h. Pool LH levels from the frequent sampling studies were within the normal range in the 9 PCOS patients (14.8%) who were studied within 21 days after a documented spontaneous ovulation. Excluding these post-ovulatory patients, 75.0% of the PCOS patients had an elevated pool LH level (above the 95th percentile of the normal controls), and 94% had an elevated LH to FSH ratio. In the anovulatory PCOS patients, pool LH correlated positively with 17-OH progesterone (R = 0.30, P = 0.03), but not with estradiol, estrone, testosterone, androstenedione, or DHEA-S. Pool LH and LH to FSH ratio correlated positively with LH pulse frequency (R = 0.40, P = 0.004 for pool LH, and R = 0.39; P = 0.005 for LH/FSH). There was also a strong negative correlation between pool LH and body mass index (BMI) (R = −0.59, P < 10−5). The relationship between BMI and LH secretion in the PCOS patients appeared to be strongest with body fatness, as pool LH was correlated inversely with percent body fat, whether measured by skinfolds (R= −0.61, P < 10−5), bioimpedance (R = −0.55, P < 10−4), or dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) (R = −0.70, P = 0.001; n = 18 for DEXA only). By DEXA, the only body region that was highly correlated with pool LH was the trunk (R = −0.71, P = 0.001). The relationship between body fatness and LH secretion occurred via a decrease in LH pulse amplitude (R = −0.63, P< 10−5 for BMI; R = −0.58, P < 10−4 for bioimpedance; and R = −0.64, P = 0.004 for whole body DEXA), with no significant change in pulse frequency with increasing obesity (R = −0.17, P = 0.23 for BMI). In conclusion: 1) the prevalence of gonadotropin abnormalities is very high in women with PCOS selected on purely clinical grounds, but is modified by recent spontaneous ovulation; 2) the positive relationship between LH pulse frequency and both pool LH and LH to FSH ratio supports the hypothesis that a rapid frequency of GnRH secretion may play a key etiologic role in the gonadotropin defect in PCOS patients; 3) pool LH and LH pulse amplitude are inversely related to body mass index and percent body fat in a continuous fashion; and 4) the occurrence of a continuous spectrum of gonadotropin abnormalities varying with body fat suggests that nonobese and obese patients with PCOS do not represent distinct pathophysiologic subsets of this disorder.

Reproduction ◽  
2000 ◽  
pp. 159-167 ◽  
JP Aravindakshan ◽  
A Honaramooz ◽  
PM Bartlewski ◽  
AP Beard ◽  
RR Pierson ◽  

The reproductive development of bull calves born in spring and autumn was compared. Mean serum LH concentrations in calves born in spring increased from week 4 to week 18 after birth and decreased by week 24. In bull calves born in autumn, mean LH concentrations increased from week 4 to week 8 after birth and remained steady until week 44. LH pulse amplitude was lower in bull calves born in autumn than in calves born in spring until week 24 of age (P < 0.05). There was a negative correlation between LH pulse frequency at week 12 after birth and age at puberty in bull calves, irrespective of season of birth, and LH pulse frequency at week 18 also tended to correlate negatively with age at puberty. Mean serum FSH concentrations, age at puberty, bodyweight, scrotal circumference, testes, prostate and vesicular gland dimensions, and ultrasonographic grey scale (pixel units) were not significantly different between bull calves born in autumn and spring. However, age and body-weight at puberty were more variable for bull calves born in autumn (P < 0.05). In a second study, bull calves born in spring received either a melatonin or sham implant immediately after birth and at weeks 6 and 11 after birth. Implants were removed at week 20. Mean LH concentrations, LH pulse frequency and amplitude, mean FSH concentrations and age at puberty did not differ between the two groups. No significant differences between groups in the growth and pixel units of the reproductive tract were observed by ultrasonography. In conclusion, although there were differences in the pattern of LH secretion in the prepubertal period between bull calves born in autumn and spring, the postnatal changes in gonadotrophin secretion were not disrupted by melatonin treatment in bull calves born in spring. Reproductive tract development did not differ between calves born in spring and autumn but age at puberty was more variable in bull calves born in autumn. LH pulse frequency during the early prepubertal period may be a vital factor in determining the age of bull calves at puberty.

1982 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-338 ◽  
B. Baranowska ◽  
S. Zgliczyński

Abstract. In order to elucidate the mechanism of impaired LH secretion, 60 female patients with anorexia nervosa were investigated. A control group consisted of 14 women of the same age, examined in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. The serum LH, FSH, prolactin, TSH, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, Δ 4-androstenedione, oestrone, oestradiol, oestriol, progesterone, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, reverse T3 and serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations were measured. The results showed a significant increase in serum dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, oestriol and reverse T3 concentrations. However, oestrone, oestradiol, progesterone, SHBG and triiodothyronine levels were significantly lower than those of the control group. The mean serum LH concentration in patients with anorexia nervosa before and after LRH stimulation was significantly lower than that in the control group, but FSH secretion in response to LRH was normal. All hormonal changes in anorexia nervosa disappeared after weight gain during cyproheptadine treatment. Dramatically increased dehydroepiandrosterone levels suggest that the high testosterone in women with anorexia nervosa is derived from adrenal rather than from gonadal steroids. There was no correlation between serum testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, oestriol and LH concentrations indicating that steroid hormone disturbances do not cause impaired LH release in anorexia nervosa.

1991 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-332 ◽  
N. C. Rawlings ◽  
S. J. Cook

The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of acclimation to confined housing on tonic gonadotrophin, cortisol and progesterone secretion in ewes at different stages of the estrous cycle. On days 4, 12 and 16 of the estrous cycle separate groups of eight ewes were blood sampled every 5 min for 6 h. Of the eight ewes bled at each stage of the cycle four were moved from outside drylots to small pens in a building 2 d prior to blood sampling and four were moved 4 d prior to sampling. All blood samples were analyzed for concentrations of LH and FSH and one sample for each hour of intensive bleeding, for each ewe, was analyzed for cortisol and progesterone. All hormone concentrations were obtained by radioimmunoassay. On day 4 of the estrous cycle LH pulse frequency and mean serum concentrations of LH were higher, but mean FSH concentrations were lower, in ewes confined for 4 d, compared to those confined for 2 d (P < 0.05). On day 12 of the cycle, mean serum LH concentrations only were higher in ewes confined for 4 d (P < 0.05). At day 16 no differences were seen between ewes confined for 2 or 4 d. Serum concentrations of progesterone, cortisol and LH pulse amplitude did not vary significantly between ewes confined for 2 or 4 d. However, in ewes confined for 4 d, serum concentrations of cortisol fell from day 4 to day 16 of the estrous cycle (P < 0.05). We conclude that acclimation to confined housing in the intact cyclic ewe is reflected in changes in tonic LH secretion at stages of the estrous cycle when serum concentrations of cortisol are high. Key words: LH, FSH, cortisol, confinement, cyclic ewe

1982 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-182 ◽  
Takashi Higuchi ◽  
Masazumi Kawakami

Changes in the characteristics of LH secretory pulses in female rats were determined in different hormonal conditions; during the oestrous cycle and after ovariectomy and oestrogen treatment. The frequency and amplitude of the LH pulses were stable during the oestrous cycle except at oestrus when a pattern could not be discerned because of low LH concentrations. These were significantly lower than those measured during other stages of the cycle. Mean LH concentrations and LH pulse amplitudes increased with time up to 30 days after ovariectomy. The frequency of the LH pulse was unchanged 4 days after ovariectomy when mean LH levels had already increased. The frequency increased 10 days after ovariectomy and then remained stable in spite of a further increase in mean serum LH concentrations. Oestradiol-17β injected into ovariectomized rats caused a decrease in LH pulse amplitude but no change in pulse frequency. One day after treatment with oestradiol benzoate no LH pulse was detectable, probably because the amplitude was too small. A generator of pulsatile LH release is postulated and an oestrogen effect on its function is discussed.

1991 ◽  
Vol 131 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-55 ◽  
Q. Dong ◽  
R. M. Lazarus ◽  
L. S. Wong ◽  
M. Vellios ◽  
D. J. Handelsman

ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effect of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes on pulsatile LH secretion in the mature male rat. LH pulse frequency was reduced by 56% and pulse amplitude by 54%, with a consequential decrease of 72% in mean LH levels 8 days after i.v. administration of STZ (55 mg/kg) to castrated Wistar rats compared with castrated non-diabetic controls. Twice daily insulin treatment completely reversed all parameters of pulsatile LH secretion to control values. Food-restricted non-diabetic controls, studied to distinguish the metabolic effect of diabetes from that of concurrent weight loss, demonstrated a 34% reduction in LH pulse frequency but no significant changes in LH pulse amplitude or mean LH levels compared with non-diabetic controls given free access to food. To distinguish whether the decreased LH pulse amplitude in diabetes was due to a reduction in either the quantity of hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) released per secretory episode or to decreased pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, the responsiveness of the pituitary to exogenous GnRH (1–1000 ng/kg body weight) was tested in diabetic rats after castration, using a full Latin square experimental design. The net LH response (total area under response curve over 40 min following GnRH) was decreased by 33% (P=0·001) in diabetic compared with control rats. The decreased LH pulse frequency in STZ-induced diabetes therefore suggests that the metabolic effect of diabetes is to decelerate directly the firing rate of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator independent of testicular feed-back. These effects were fully reversed by insulin treatment and were only partly due to the associated weight loss. The impaired pituitary responsiveness to GnRH is at least partly involved in the reduction of LH pulse amplitude. Journal of Endocrinology (1991) 131, 49–55

1986 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 2045-2049 ◽  
A. N. Elias ◽  
K. Iyer ◽  
M. R. Pandian ◽  
P. Weathersbee ◽  
S. Stone ◽  

The plasma beta-endorphin (beta-EP) and beta-lipotropin (beta-LPH) response to acute exercise and the relationship of these opioid peptides to basal and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH)-stimulated luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion was studied in eight normal male volunteers. Acute exercise resulted in a rise in plasma beta-LPH levels that returned to base line when measured 60 min after exercise. Plasma beta-EP levels did not demonstrate any rise when measured immediately after 20 min of exercise or at 60 min after exercise. Serum LH concentrations in individual volunteers declined to nadir values 60–180 min after exercise after which they showed a rebound to levels higher than the preexercise values in three of five volunteers in whom nadir LH levels were attained before the final (180 min) measurement. Serum FSH concentrations were unaltered by exercise. Acute exercise similarly did not alter the LH/FSH response to exogenous LRH stimulation. Pretreatment of the volunteers with the narcotic antagonist, naloxone, failed to alter the postexercise or LRH-stimulated LH and FSH release. The data suggest that beta-EP does not exert a suppressive effect on LH secretion after acute exercise in normal human males. Whether the suppression of LH secretion after acute exercise in unconditioned males is due to factor(s) cosecreted with beta-LPH, an increase in brain beta-EP or to alternate mechanisms such as alteration in central dopaminergic or GABAergic tone remains to be established.

1995 ◽  
Vol 145 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-249 ◽  
N C Rawlings ◽  
A C O Evans

Abstract A transient elevation in mean circulating concentrations of LH and FSH occurs in the young bull calf prior to 24 weeks of age. The functional significance of this is not clear. To see if changes in the ability of androgens to suppress gonadotrophin secretion were involved in the start of this early rise in LH secretion or the cessation of the early rise in LH and FSH secretion, bull calves were treated with flutamide (androgen receptor blocker; n=5; 9 mg flutamide/kg body weight in propylene glycol (i.m./s.c.) in three equal portions at 12-h intervals) at 8, 16 and 24 weeks of age and bled every 15 min for 12 h beginning after the third flutamide treatment; control bulls received vehicle at these times. Control bulls (n=5) were bled every 15 min for 12 h at 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 weeks of age, and all bulls were bled weekly. Serum samples were assayed for concentrations of LH, FSH and testosterone. Based on weekly and intensive bleedings for control and flutamide-treated bulls, an early rise in LH (8–18 weeks of age) and FSH (4–24 weeks of age) secretion was seen in all bull calves (P<0·05). At 8 weeks of age flutamide treatment resulted in increased mean serum LH concentrations (P<0·05); at 16 weeks of age it resulted in increased basal and mean LH concentrations and increased LH pulse frequency (P<0·05); and at 24 weeks of age in increased mean LH concentrations, LH pulse frequency and amplitude (P<0·05) in comparison with control bulls. Flutamide treatment resulted in decreased FSH pulse amplitude at 8 weeks of age and increased mean serum concentrations of FSH and FSH pulse frequency at 24 weeks of age (P<0·05). In flutamide-treated bull calves testicular growth was greater and sexual maturity was reached earlier than in control bull calves (P<0·05). We conclude that a reduced suppression of LH secretion by androgens does not appear to be a major contributing factor to the onset of the early increase in LH secretion, but increased suppression may be involved in the termination of the early rise of both LH and FSH secretion in the bull calf. The early increase in LH secretion may be a critical initial step in postnatal reproductive development, since flutamide treatment increased early LH secretion and resulted in earlier attainment of sexual maturity. Journal of Endocrinology (1995) 145, 243–249

Endocrinology ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 154 (11) ◽  
pp. 4249-4258 ◽  
Casey C Nestor ◽  
Lique M. Coolen ◽  
Gail L. Nesselrod ◽  
Miro Valent ◽  
John M. Connors ◽  

Orphanin FQ (OFQ), a member of the opioid family, is found in many areas of the hypothalamus and, when given centrally OFQ inhibits episodic LH secretion in rodents and sheep. Because GnRH neurons are devoid of the appropriate receptors to mediate steroid negative feedback directly, neurons that release OFQ may be involved. Using immunocytochemistry, we first determined that most OFQ neurons in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and other hypothalamic regions of luteal phase ewes contained both estrogen receptor α and progesterone (P) receptor. Given a similar high degree of steroid receptor colocalization in other ARC subpopulations, we examined whether OFQ neurons of the ARC contained those other neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. OFQ did not colocalize with kisspeptin, tyrosine hydroxylase, or agouti-related peptide, but all ARC OFQ neurons coexpressed proopiomelanocortin. To test for a role for endogenous OFQ, we examined the effects of an OFQ receptor antagonist, [Nphe1,Arg14,Lys15]Nociceptin-NH2 (UFP-101) (30 nmol intracerebroventricular/h), on LH secretion in steroid-treated ewes in the breeding season and ovary-intact ewes in anestrus. Ovariectomized ewes with luteal phase concentrations of P and estradiol showed a significant increase in LH pulse frequency during infusion of UFP-101 (4.5 ± 0.5 pulses/6 h) compared with saline infusion (2.6 ± 0.4 pulses/6 h), whereas ewes implanted with only estradiol did not. Ovary-intact anestrous ewes displayed no significant differences in LH pulse amplitude or frequency during infusion of UFP-101. Therefore, we conclude that OFQ mediates, at least in part, the negative feedback action of P on GnRH/LH pulse frequency in sheep.

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