iPhone Application Development

Jim Hahn
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Tedi Budiman

One example of the growing information technology today is mobile learning, mobile learning which refers to mobile technology as a learning medium. Mobile learning is learning that is unique for each student to access learning materials anywhere, anytime. Mobile learning is suitable as a model of learning for the students to make it easier to get an understanding of a given subject, such as math is pretty complicated and always using formulas.The design method that I use is the case study method, namely, learning, searching and collecting data related to the study. While the development of engineering design software application programs that will be used by the author is the method of Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of 4 stages: Requirements Planning Phase, User Design Phase, Construction Phase and Phase Cotuver.

Arfan Sansprayada ◽  
Kartika Mariskhana

Abstract—The need for information system development in a company is a basic requirement that must be met by each company in order to run its business processes properly. This is the basic key in a company in order to provide maximum results to find as many profits or profits. Application development or requirements in the application also provide speed for employees to carry out their activities to work properly and optimally. The development of the era requires that companies must be productive and have innovations so that the business wheel of the company can run well. This is based on the development of technology that is so fast that it requires special expertise in its application. This research is expected to be able to help some problems that exist in a company. Where its application can make it easier for employees to carry out their respective duties and roles in order to maximize their potential. For companies, the application of this application can accommodate the company's business wheels so that they can be properly and correctly documented .   Keywords : Systems, Information, Applications

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 611
Ahmad Haidar Mirza ◽  
Ade Putra

Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) merupakan suatu kegiatan usaha menghasilkan suatu produk komoditi yang berada pada level menengah kebawah, dimana sektor usaha ini lebih menyentuh langsung dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas yang pada umumnya adalah masyarakat menengah kebawah, sektor usaha UKM mampu memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan walaupun pertumbuhannya tidak cepat seperti sektor perekonomian yang lain. Rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang diharapkan mampu memberikan stimulus yang pesat terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya sektor UKM Kota Palembang serta membantu pihak – pihak yang terkait baik instansi yang membutuhkan, masyarakat luas dan para inventor, dimana dalam mengembangkan rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang meggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode Database Lifecylce untuk pengembangan Database sebagai media penyimpanan data melalui beberapa proses antara lain Design Database secara Konseptual, Design Database secara Logikal serta Design Database secara Fisikal dan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) untuk pengembangan User Interface sebagai rancangan tampilan terhadap rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang.

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