scholarly journals Arkhangelsky Andrei Dmitrievich (to the 140th anniversary of birth)

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-88

The material in the article contains biographical information from the life and scientific activity of the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, academician Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.D. Arkhangelsky. A wide range of the scientist is shown and a description of the main directions of research in the field of regional geology, fauna and stratigraphy of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Volga and Central Asia, lithology and paleography, issues of tectonics and the relationship of gravitational and magnetic anomalies with the geological structure of the territory of the USSR is given. The main attention is paid to his work in the study of the geology of oceans and seas. The main contribution of the scientist to the study of Mesozoic bauxites, their structure and mineral composition is described. On this basis, the scientist developed and substantiated a new sedimentary theory of their formation. This theory opened the possibility for geologists to approach the study of bauxite as sedimentary rocks; this played an important role in the search for new deposits of this valuable mineral. The complex of geological and geophysical work carried out by him on expeditions along the East European Plain provided an answer to important questions about the distribution of oil, coal and iron ores on the territory of the Russian Platform. Much attention was paid to the study of the geology of the Black Sea. Processing materials collected by a hydrographic expedition and a comparative study of the columns of the Black Sea silt and oil-bearing sediments of the Crimean-Caucasian region led the scientist to important conclusions about the conditions of accumulation of oil-producing suites. Long-year research A.D. Arkhangelsk sediments of the Black Sea, their lithology, geochemistry, structure, subsequent changes and deformations were summarized in a number of works, among which are “Conditions for the formation of oil in the North Caucasus” (1927), “Geological history of the Black Sea” (1932), “Geological structure and the history of the development of the Black Sea“ (1938), written together with N.M. Strakhov. In 1926—1928 Arkhangelsky lead the field geological survey work on the Kerch Peninsula for the study of oil fields.

Valenina Mordvinceva ◽  
Sabine Reinhold

This chapter surveys the Iron Age in the region extending from the western Black Sea to the North Caucasus. As in many parts of Europe, this was the first period in which written sources named peoples, places, and historical events. The Black Sea saw Greek colonization from the seventh century BC and its northern shore later became the homeland of the important Bosporan kingdom. For a long time, researchers sought to identify tribes named by authors such as Herodotus by archaeological means, but this ethno-deterministic perspective has come under critique. Publication of important new data from across the region now permits us to draw a more coherent picture of successive cultures and of interactions between different parts of this vast area, shedding new light both on local histories and on the role ‘The East’ played in the history of Iron Age Europe.

2010 ◽  
Vol 36 (-1) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
Anto Raukas ◽  
Wojciech Stankowski ◽  
Vitālijs Zelčs ◽  
Petras Šinkunas

Chronology of the Last Deglaciation in the Southeastern Baltic Region on the Basis of Recent OSL DatesThe study of the deglaciation chronology in the south-eastern Baltic Region belonging to the outer zone of the last Pleistocene glaciation has a long history. The Finnish investigator H. Hausen (1913) who worked in the north-western portion of the East-European Plain at the beginning of the 20thcentury was the first to attempt a reconstruction of the course of glacial retreat during the last glaciation. At that time investigators had no physical dating methods and the time scale based on varvometric method, introduced by the Swedish geologist G. de Geer (1912) who divided the deglaciation history of Scandinavia into Daniglacial, Gotiglacial and Finiglacial, each of which had different palaeoglaciological conditions. During last decades different dating methods, including14C, ESR, luminescence methods and10Be techniques have been used, but they could not help essentially improve the existing stratigraphical charts and many problems of topical interest in the history of deglaciation have not been solved yet. During last years the first two authors have studied the suitability of OSL method for the geochronological purposes, paying the most attention to the waterlaid sediments. In the first step they have found the most promising genetical varieties of glaciofluvial sediments (glaciofluvial deltas and sandurs) and in this paper they widened the study area to all three Baltic states with close cooperation with Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues. The obtained results demonstrated, that not all mineral grains in the uppermost glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments were fully bleached during the last deglaciation. Probably the older sediments also influenced to the luminescence results. It means, that stratigraphic conclusions based on single dates or their small sets are inadmissible and in each case luminiscence dating requires a verification using other methods.

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 81-95

The published documents were found in the archives of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. These are the materials of the meetings of the Soviet and party authorities of the Mountain Republic, which were devoted to the discussion of the problem of Kabarda's secession from the polyethnic mountain autonomy. The Kabardian problem was discussed several times by the leadership of the Mountain Republic in June 1921 before and after the congress of the peoples of Kabarda that took place this month. The minutes of the meetings have not yet been published in the published thematic collections of documents dedicated to the history of the nation-building of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The documents contribute to the understanding of the position of the statesmen of the Mountain Republic on the formation of new autonomous units and the identification of the concrete historical content of these processes. The protocols make it possible to reconstruct the process of not only the disintegration of the collective mountain statehood, but also make it possible to clarify important points in the history of its creation. Party and Soviet leaders often returned to the problems of the initial stage of the formation of the Mountain Republic. Further study of the problems of the formation of a system of national autonomies in the North Caucasus in recent times will largely depend, including on the introduction of new documents into scientific circulation and their interpretation by a wide range of researchers. In this regard, the published documents and materials are of great scientific interest.

I.Y. Matasova ◽  

The article considers the results of studying the features of Sr distribution in rocks of various ages and composition and soils of landscapes of the Black Sea coast of Russia (in the humus horizon and soil profile). The content of elements in the studied soils is compared with the regional background for the soils of the North Caucasus. A direct relationship between the content of the element in soils and underlying rocks, as well as the influence of technogenesis on the processes of accumulation and removal of the element in the soils of agricultural landscapes, has been revealed. The results of a comprehensive study of the south of Russia became the basis for studying the peculiarities of the distribution of Sr landscapes of the Black Sea coast of Russia. To establish the main parameters of the distribution of chemical elements in rocks and soils of various landscapes and the region as a whole, to identify geochemical features of geographical and technogenic differentiation, to assess the impact of various types of environmental management on changes in the geochemical spectrum of soils, to determine the influence of landscape-forming factors on the migration of chemical elements and the formation of geochemical barriers. The highest concentration of Sr was observed in carbonate-terrigenous rocks of the Paleogene and Cretaceous ages (marls and limestones). In the humus horizon of soils, the average metal concentrations vary in the range from 13.0∙10–3 to 95.0∙10–3 % with a regional clark of 22.0∙10–3 %.

2021 ◽  
Igor' Bocharnikov

The monograph defines the origins, essence and content of the Caucasian policy of Russia, its main stages, its significance for the development of Russian statehood and the peoples of the region. The monograph pays special attention to the Caucasian wars of Russia, the experience of suppressing anti-Russian and anti-Soviet armed demonstrations in the region. The historical and modern experience of the development of the Caucasus region shows that the weakening of Russia's position in the region naturally leads to an escalation of tension and conflict, aggravation of inter-ethnic contradictions, manifestations of extremism and other forms of destructive activities that threaten the life of citizens and peoples of the Caucasus. As a result, the strength of Russia's position in the Caucasus is a guarantee of the safe and free development of the peoples of the region. The author's conclusions and suggestions presented in the monograph can be used in the process of implementing a balanced and verified policy in order to ensure the national security and interests of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus, building relations with neighboring states in the region, as well as other international actors positioning their involvement in the political processes of the South Caucasus. It is addressed to researchers, teachers, students, a wide range of readers.

А.Х. Хадикова

В статье анализируются основные достижения научного алановедения советского периода, рассматриваются фундаментальные изыскательские направления, сложившиеся либо продолжавшиеся в это время. Наиболее приоритетными становятся вопросы происхождения алан и условий их выхода на историческую арену. Безусловно, главные гипотезы были обозначены ранее, но именно советские исследователи историки, лингвисты, археологи и др. сформулировали основные подходы и наиболее жизнеспособные концепции. И, конечно же, новый импульс отечественное алановедение получило в связи с усилением интереса ученых к скифославянской проблематике. В статье последовательно и обстоятельно систематизируются выдвинутые в рассматриваемый период версии истории алан с учетом двух классификационных групп, в рамках которых и развивались изыскания советских ученых автохтонистской и миграционной. Помимо этого, в обзоре нашли свое отражение и достаточно казуистические предположения, отрицающие этническое содержание самого термина аланы . В анализе историографии аланской проблематики в советский период учитывается хронологический принцип формирования концептуальных взглядов, а в случае, когда это необходимо и их научной критики. То немалое значение, которое играли аланы в средневековой истории юговостока СССР, предопределило появление широкого ряда исследований, затрагивающих общие и частные вопросы истории алан на Северном Кавказе, а также их культурной и генетической преемственности с живыми этносами этого региона. Указанное направление изначально связано с этногенезом осетин. В статье представлен анализ разработок и этого вопроса в трудах ученых. Советская наука с ее внушительной историографической традицией внесла значительный вклад в полуторавековую историю развития отечественной и мировой аланистики. The article analyzes the main achievements of the Soviet period ofscientificAlanic studies. The fundamental research directions that developed or were being continued at that time in the Alanic studies are considered. The most priority issues are the origin of the Alans and the context of their entry into the historical arena. The main relevant hypotheses had been outlined earlier, but due to the Soviet researchers historians, linguists, archaeologists, etc. the main approaches and the most viable conceptswere formulated. And, of course, the Alanicstudies receiveda new impetus in connection with the increased interest of the scientists in the ScythianSlavic problems. The article consistently and in great detail systematizes all the versions of the main Alanian problem put forward in the Soviet period, taking into account the two classification groups, within which the research of Soviet scientists developedalongsideautochthonous and migration lines. In addition, this review considers rather casuistic assumptions, for example, the one denying the ethnic content of the term Alans. The analysis of the historiography of the Alanian problems in the Soviet period takes into account the chronological principle of the formation of conceptual views, and when necessary their scientific criticism. The considerable importance played by the Alans in the medieval history of the SouthEast of the USSR, predetermined a wide range of studies dealing with general and particular issues of the history of the Alans in the North Caucasus, their cultural and genetic relationship with the living ethnic groups of the region. This line was originally associated with the ethnogenesis of the Ossetians. The article presents an analysis of this issue in the works of major Soviet scientists as well. The Soviet science, with its impressive historiographic tradition, has made a very significant contribution to the history of a century and a half of development of domestic and world Alanic studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-94
Christopher Stedman Parmenter

This article argues that descriptions of the Black Sea found in the Archaic poets, Herodotus, and later geographers were influenced by commercial itineraries circulated amongst Greek slave traders in the north. Drawing on an epigraphic corpus of twenty-three merchant letters from the region dating between c. 550 and 450 BCE, I contrast the travels of enslaved persons recorded in the documents with stylized descriptions found in literary accounts. This article finds that slaves took a variety of routes into—and out of—slavery, and that fear of enslavement was widely felt even among Greeks. Law courts might have been as important as “barbarian” warfare in ensnaring captives for export, and even slave traders themselves risked enslavement alongside their victims. Reconstructing the travels of individual slaves allows us to pursue a study in the spirit of what Joseph C. Miller has called the “biographical turn” in the study of slavery, privileging the experiences of the enslaved over the accounts of their masters. Although the lands around the distant Black Sea were never the leading source of slaves for Aegean cities, the wealth of primary testimony from the region puts it at the forefront in the history of slavery in ancient Greece.

R.S. Kandor ◽  

The article examines the historical experience of regulation of the issues of spiritual authorities of Muslim communities in 1880s by the authorities of the Kuban region, as well as appointment of aul mullahs, increasing the role of qadis in mountain verbal courts. The issue of spiritual governance of Muslim communities is important for understanding the process of Russian civil governance formation in the North Caucasus, which was associated with overcoming both the biased attitude of officials towards the Caucasian peoples and fears, for example, of the Adyghs (Circassians) of losing their ethnic identity and connection with the Muslim the world. Such a negative state of the Circassian population of the Kuban region manifested itself in their permanent desire to move to Turkey for permanent residence. And in the context of examining the Russian-Caucasian relations, it is relevant to study such a positive experience in regulating the issues of spiritual governance of the Muslim communities of the North Caucasus. In the article the author followed scientific principles in conducting the research and used a wide range of references on the history of the Adyghs (Circassians), which also included a large amount of archival material, suggesting a comprehensive coverage of historical facts on the issue. The author's adherence to the principle of historicism made it possible to examine the activities of the civil authorities of the Kuban region in dynamics from actual events in specific historical conditions to reasoning about their causes and consequences. The author concludes that the Russian authorities raised the issue of improving the organization of the activities of the Muslim clergy, while trying not to create an overloaded bureaucratic apparatus. The Muslim clergy in the districts of the Kuban region that needed control spiritual power, obtained it in the person of qadi of the district Gorsky verbal courts.

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