scholarly journals Mental Health of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth Compared With Their Peers

2021 ◽  
pp. 14-24
Tracy A. Becerra-Culqui ◽  
Yuan Liu ◽  
Rebecca Nash ◽  
Lee Cromwell ◽  
W. Dana Flanders ◽  

BACKGROUND Understanding the magnitude of mental health problems, particularly life-threatening ones, experienced by transgender and/or gender nonconforming (TGNC) youth can lead to improved management of these conditions. METHODS Electronic medical records were used to identify a cohort of 588 transfeminine and 745 transmasculine children (3–9 years old) and adolescents (10–17 years old) enrolled in integrated health care systems in California and Georgia. Ten male and 10 female referent cisgender enrollees were matched to each TGNC individual on year of birth, race and/ or ethnicity, study site, and membership year of the index date (first evidence of gender nonconforming status). Prevalence ratios were calculated by dividing the proportion of TGNC individuals with a specific mental health diagnosis or diagnostic category by the corresponding proportion in each reference group by transfeminine and/or transmasculine status, age group, and time period before the index date. RESULTS Common diagnoses for children and adolescents were attention deficit disorders (transfeminine 15%; transmasculine 16%) and depressive disorders (transfeminine 49%; transmasculine 62%), respectively. For all diagnostic categories, prevalence was severalfold higher among TGNC youth than in matched reference groups. Prevalence ratios (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) for history of self-inflicted injury in adolescents 6 months before the index date ranged from 18 (95% CI 4.4–82) to 144 (95% CI 36–1248). The corresponding range for suicidal ideation was 25 (95% CI 14–45) to 54 (95% CI 18–218). CONCLUSIONS TGNC youth may present with mental health conditions requiring immediate evaluation and implementation of clinical, social, and educational gender identity support measures.

Shannon L. Stewart ◽  
Jocelyn N. Van Dyke ◽  
Jeffrey W. Poss

AbstractRecent research suggests that transgender and/or gender nonconforming (TGNC) youth present with heightened levels of mental health problems compared to peers. This study seeks to examine the mental health needs of a large sample of treatment-seeking TGNC youth by comparing them to cisgender males and females. Participants were 94,804 children and youth ages 4–18 years (M = 12.1, SD = 3.72) who completed the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Instrument (ChYMH) or Screener (ChYMH-S) at participating mental health agencies in the Ontario, Canada. Overall, the mental health presentations of TGNC youth were similar to cisgender females but at higher acuity levels. TGNC youth showed significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, social disengagement, positive symptoms, risk of suicide/self-harm, and were more likely to report experiencing emotional abuse, past suicide attempts, and a less strong, supportive family relationship than cisgender females and males. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.

2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Christopher Dowrick

Following ground-breaking work by Shepherd et al (1966) and, more recently, Goldberg & Huxley (1992), primary care is now recognised as the arena in which most contact occurs between the National Health Service (NHS) and people with mental health problems. General practitioners (GPs) remain the first, and in many cases the only, health professionals involved in the management of a whole range of conditions, from common anxiety and depressive disorders to severe and enduring mental illnesses.

2007 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Cathleen Willging

There is a dearth of research, anthropological and otherwise, focused on the mental health needs of sexual and gender minorities in rural areas. The risk for mental illness is greater for such groups due to their repeated exposure to psychosocial stressors associated with discrimination, stigmatization, and violence. The consequences of such exposure may be exacerbated in rural areas, where mental health resources are typically insufficient for the general population. Ethnographic research can provide important insights into how sexual and gender minorities cope with mental health problems within rural settings where treatment options are limited. The methodological challenges of undertaking such research are substantial, and include lack of identification among potential participants with externally imposed social categories, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), and the problem of recruiting "hidden" populations to take part in studies on sensitive topics. When taking into account the geographical dispersion of LGBT people in rural areas, these challenges increase substantially.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. SART.S14125 ◽  
Mary-Lynn Brecht ◽  
Diane M. Herbeck

To better understand substance use disorder treatment needs of pregnant and parenting women who use methamphetamine (MA), this paper describes pregnancy histories and fetal losses for women who were treated for MA use (N = 153) with reference to a national sample, and describes their drug use, sexual risk behaviors, and mental health status. MA users reported an average of 4.6 total pregnancies and 2.1 fetal losses, whereas women in a general population survey reported 3.2 and 1.2, respectively. Higher numbers of pregnancies and fetal losses were correlated with specific substance abuse and mental health problems including early sexual abuse and cognitive problems. The combination of MA users’ especially high numbers of pregnancies, fetal losses, and rates of risk behaviors suggest high social and health care costs for this population. Prenatal care may provide a vector through which women can be connected to risk reduction interventions and gender-responsive treatment services addressing substance use and mental health needs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (8) ◽  
pp. 1121-1135 ◽  
Nicholas W. Bakken ◽  
Christy A. Visher

Men and women exiting the correctional system represent a population at high risk for mental health problems, and the body of research on the mental health needs of former prisoners is growing. These mental health problems pose challenges for individuals at every stage of the criminal justice process, from arrest to incarceration to reentry and reintegration. This article examines the mental health status and gender differences among a sample of 352 men and women leaving confinement and the role that mental health problems played in shaping their reentry outcomes using data collected between 2002 and 2005. In the year after leaving prison, men and women with mental health problems reported worse health indicators and less satisfactory social factors, such as employment, housing, and family support. The article concludes with a discussion of recommendations for improved policy and practice for assisting former prisoners with mental health problems during reintegration.

Louise Robinson ◽  
Carolyn Chew-Graham

This chapter discusses the presentation and primary care management of the commonest mental health problems in older people; these include delirium, delusions, depression and anxiety, and dementia. Primary care is on the front line in dealing with older people who have mental health problems, supporting their families to care for them and managing people with complex co-morbidities in addition to mental health issues. Older people consult their GP almost twice as often as other age groups and up to 40% may have a mental health problem. Cases drawn from the authors’ real-life practice are presented firstly to represent clinical presentations and management within primary care and secondly to demonstrate how primary care links with secondary care and the wider services. The management of patients is discussed largely within reference to UK primary care systems and policy, but the international readership should find parallels within their own healthcare systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-431
Lisa F. Platt

There is a paucity of research on transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) students who present to university counseling centers (UCCs). Using national-level data from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health (2012 to 2015), the current findings indicate that TGNC students seeking services at UCCs are presenting with high acuity and more severe concerns than their cisgender peers. This severity is in nearly every clinical domain including suicidality, history of hospitalization, trauma history, mood disorders, and family distress. Comparing the transgender and gender nonconforming (GNC) collegiate clients, GNC clients have the highest levels of distress and clinical symptoms on nearly every indicator. Overall, these findings for both transgender and GNC clients provide important information for UCCs about treatment and outreach to these high-risk populations. Our findings also mirror the mental health disparities seen in noncollegiate community TGNC samples. We discuss treatment implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
P. Irizar ◽  
S. H. Gage ◽  
M. Field ◽  
V. Fallon ◽  
L. Goodwin

Abstract Aims Due to the stressful nature of policing, police employees are at risk of mental health problems and problematic alcohol use. We aim to determine the prevalence of hazardous and harmful alcohol use in the UK Police Service, and to explore the associations with job strain and mental health problems. Methods Cross-sectional data from the Airwave Health Monitoring Study (N = 40 986) included measures of alcohol consumption (total units in past week), mental health (depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]) and job strain. The associations between mental health and job strain with alcohol consumption (i.e. abstinence, low-risk [<14 units per week, reference group], hazardous [>14 to 35 units for women, >14 to 50 units for men], harmful [>35 units for women, >50 units for men]), were analysed using multinomial logistic regressions, adjusting for potential confounders (i.e. age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, children under 18, income and smoking status). Results A total of 32.6% of police employees reported hazardous drinking, with 3.0% drinking at harmful levels. Compared to those without a mental health problem, police employees with depression, anxiety or PTSD were twice as likely to be harmful drinkers and were also 1.3 times more likely to report abstinence. Those reporting low strain (reference group) were more likely to drink hazardously compared to those reporting high strain, which was statistically moderated by mental health. When the sample was stratified by mental health status, the association between low strain (compared to all other categories) and hazardous drinking, was significant only in those without a mental health problem. Conclusions These findings indicate that police employees may be an occupational group at risk of alcohol harm, with one-third drinking hazardously. The J-shaped relationship between mental health and alcohol use highlights a need for an integration of mental health and alcohol services, tailored for the UK Police Service.

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