1959 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-165
Barbara Maria Korsch

The author of the following statement is one of a group of pediatricians with special interests in the functions of an outpatient department, especially in regard to the role of ambulatory care in pediatric education. This group has engaged in a series of informal discussions at the times of meetings of the American Pediatric Society and the Society for Pediatric Research. It was generally agreed that general statements pertaining to the importance of the outpatient department, "pep talks" urging senior staff to participate in outpatient activities, and missionary zeal on the part of a few, will not suffice to achieve the maximum potentialities of outpatient departments. The group discussions have demonstrated the need for objective standards for outpatient care, formulation of essential principles of good teaching in the outpatient department, and a further realization of the possibilities for research in the problems presented by ambulatory patients. The remarks presented here do not constitute a comprehensive or formal report of the opinions of all who took part in the discussions, but are intended to be the author's formulation of some of the current problems in order to promote consideration by a larger audience.

1959 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-174

In this issue of Pediatrics appears an article by Doctor Barbara Korsch entitled "Pediatric Outpatient Departments." In her article, Doctor Korsch states that "a group of pediatricians with special interest in outpatient work have met together over a series of years to discuss problems of common interest." It seems appropriate at this time to acquaint others with the history, present status and future plans of this group. Since 1953, this group has met at the time of the combined meetings of the American Pediatric Society and the Society for Pediatric Research to discuss "problems of common interest." Anyone interested in outpatient department matters has been invited to participate. In 1956 and 1958, formal agenda were arranged for presentation of specific topics but with these exceptions the meetings have consisted of informal discussions. Until the present no attempt has been made to establish a definitive organization.

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-123 ◽  
Muzaffar Iqbal

This article attempts to present a comparative study of the role of two twentieth-century English translations of the Qur'an: cAbdullah Yūsuf cAlī's The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'ān and Muḥammad Asad's The Message of the Qur'ān. No two men could have been more different in their background, social and political milieu and life experiences than Yūsuf cAlī and Asad. Yūsuf 'Alī was born and raised in British India and had a brilliant but traditional middle-class academic career. Asad traversed a vast cultural and geographical terrain: from a highly-disciplined childhood in Europe to the deserts of Arabia. Both men lived ‘intensely’ and with deep spiritual yearning. At some time in each of their lives they decided to embark upon the translation of the Qur'an. Their efforts have provided us with two incredibly rich monumental works, which both reflect their own unique approaches and the effects of the times and circumstances in which they lived. A comparative study of these two translations can provide rich insights into the exegesis and the phenomenon of human understanding of the divine text.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1737
Ira Alia Maerani

Abstract                Indonesian Criminal Justice System consists of the police, public prosecutor and the courts. The role of the police investigators is certainly vital as the frontline in building public confidence in the rule of law in Indonesia. The role of the investigator is quite important in realizing society’s  justice. The era of globalization requires a pattern fast-paced, instant, measurable, and transparent of life and it requires investigators to follow the times by optimizing the use of technology. The aim of this study is to give effect to the rule of law in Indonesia that provides fairness, expediency and certainty. However, it considers to have priority of Pancasila values in the process of inquiry and investigation. The values of supreme divinity, God (religious), humanity, unity, democracy and justice are values that establish a balance (harmony) in enforcing the law. Law and its implementation can create product which meets the demands for social justice. This paper will examine the role of the investigator according to positive law currently in force as well as the role of investigator in implementing the values of Pancasila, accompanied by optimizing the use of technology. Keywords: Re-actualizing, Investigation, Police, values of Pancasila, Technology   AbstrakSistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia meliputi institusi kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan pengadilan. Peran penyidik dalam institusi kepolisian tentunya amat vital sebagai garda terdepan dalam membangun kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Peran penyidik amat besar dalam terwujudnya keadilan di masyarakat. Era globalisasi yang menuntut pola kehidupan yang serba cepat, instan, terukur, dan transparan menuntut penyidik untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan arti bagi penegakan hukum di Indonesia yakni memberikan keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian. Namun yang harus diperhatikan adalah mengutamakan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam melakukan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan. Nilai-nilai ketuhanan yang maha esa (religius), kemanusiaan, persatuan, kerakyatan dan keadilan merupakan nilai-nilai yang membangun keseimbangan (harmoni) dalam menegakkan hukum. Sehingga produk hukum dan pelaksanaannya memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang peran penyidik menurut hukum positif yang saat ini berlaku serta peran penyidik dalam mengimplementasikan  nilai-nilai Pancasila dengan diiringi optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi.Kata Kunci: Reaktualisasi,Penyidikan,Kepolisian,Nilai-nilai Pancasila,Teknologi

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Salman Zahidi

Ali Bin Abi Talib once said that children should be educated in accordance with the  development of the times. The Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement could be considered as his attention more to the development of human civilization. For that reason, there should be studies focused on the role of educational institutions in facing the challenges of the times. On this stand, the writer raises the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) for being considered to have been able to survive amid the onslaught of civilization increasingly obscuring cultural identity. In addition, this study also aims to identify and discuss the role of pesantren in the modern era. This is a literature study using a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that pesantren are non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Pesantren have permanent and distictive methods and learning models. The purpose of pesantren education is the same as Islamic education in general, instilling a sense of virtue, familiarizing themselves with courtesy, preparing for a holy, sincere and honest life entirely. Pesantren could be seen from three aspects: (a) pesantren that are seen from facilities and infrastructures, (b) pesantren that are seen from disciplines taught, and (c) pesantren that are seen from the fields of knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096366252110206
Lyn M. van Swol ◽  
Emma Frances Bloomfield ◽  
Chen-Ting Chang ◽  
Stephanie Willes

This study examined if creating intimacy in a group discussion is more effective toward reaching consensus about climate change than a focus on information. Participants were randomly assigned to either a group that spent the first part of an online discussion engaging in self-disclosure and focusing on shared values (intimacy condition) or discussing information from an article about climate change (information condition). Afterward, all groups were given the same instructions to try to come to group consensus on their opinions about climate change. Participants in the intimacy condition had higher ratings of social cohesion, group attraction, task interdependence, and collective engagement and lower ratings of ostracism than the information condition. Intimacy groups were more likely to reach consensus, with ostracism and the emotional tone of discussion mediating this effect. Participants were more likely to change their opinion to reflect that climate change is real in the intimacy than information condition.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 478-484 ◽  
Aleksandr Rovner ◽  
Alan D. Waggoner ◽  
Santhosh J. Mathews ◽  
Víctor G. Dávila-Román ◽  
Lisa de las Fuentes

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-245
Tulasi Prasad Nepal

The teaching of linear algebra has always been a challenge for teachers of mathematics, because it is extremely important that students become introduced into complex and abstract mathematical system of linear algebra and learn concepts which can be successfully applied later in other mathematical topics. It is necessary that teachers better understand how students learn, and recognize and allow that the appropriate content, methods and context could be different in different environments. As mathematicians, we are aware of the significant interconnections of different ideas and concepts, which is difficult to recognize and understand. We should not forget that understanding of these kinds of interconnections develops through active and hard exploration of mathematical topics through permanent discovering of new interconnections and relations. Thus, primary role of a teacher is to try to move students to take an active part during the class concerning important and difficult concepts, either through the form of individual opinion or through the form of group discussions. It is not easy to suggest teaching methods, especially in comparison to traditional lectures, which would be effective and would actively, engage students and generate stimulating learning.

2013 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 863-888 ◽  
Stephen G. Brooks

AbstractPolitical scientists and economists have long been interested in the role of special interests in the policymaking process. In the past few years, a series of important new books have argued forcefully that the lobbying activities of economic actors have an important influence on the prospects for war and peace. All of these analyses claim that whether economic actors enhance or decrease the likelihood of conflict ultimately depends on the domestic political balance between economic actors who have a strong vested interest in pushing for peace versus those that do not. I advance two contrary arguments. At least among the advanced states, I posit there are no longer any economic actors who will be favorable toward war and who will lobby the government with this preference. All of the identified mechanisms that previously contributed to such lobbying in these states have been swept away with the end of colonialism and the rise of economic globalization. In particular, I show that the current structure of the global economy now makes it feasible for foreign direct investment to serve as an effective substitute for conquest in a way that was not possible in previous eras. My second argument concerns those economic actors in advanced states with a preference for peace. I posit that it has become unnecessary for them to directly lobby the government to avoid war on economic grounds because economic globalization—the accumulation of decisions by economic actors throughout the globe—now has sufficiently clear economic incentives for leaders.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Le Dang Lang ◽  
Abhishek Behl ◽  
Nguyen Trung Dong ◽  
Yama Temouri ◽  
Nguyen Hong Thu

PurposeCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has seriously affected the global economy. How agribusinessmen are overcoming this crisis is being noticed in emerging markets. Using social capital to diversify agribusiness for getting more customers is a useful solution for the growth of agribusiness. However, there is a lack of evidence on the aggregate measurement scale of social capital and the influence of behavioral goals on the intention toward agribusiness diversification. Therefore, this study aims to develop an integrated measurement of social capital and investigate its effect on agribusiness diversification intention using the expanded theory of planned behavior (TPB).Design/methodology/approachA mixed-methods approach is used, including four in-depth interviews, three focus group discussions and two surveys. Structural equation modeling is applied to a sample of 484 respondents to test the proposed hypotheses.FindingsThe study shows the role of social capital in influencing the intention to diversify agribusiness under the premises of the resource-based view (RBV). The scale of social capital is also developed, which is the first integrated measurement of this asset. The findings contribute significantly to the existing knowledge of social capital, the TPB and diversifying agribusiness.Originality/valueThis is the first study to explore the comprehensive effect of the facets of social capital on behavioral intention through behavioral goals and determinants of the TPB under the premises of the RBV. The findings will help emerging economies, for example, Vietnam, where most farmers are family business owners or microscaled entrepreneurs in agriculture.

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