Визначення індексу Керногана для судин селезінки пойкілотермних тварин

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-29 ◽  
O. F. Dunaievska

<p>The article presents the results of the determination of the Kernohan index in vessels of the spleen at cold-blooded animals. The index was calculated for the arteries of the white pulp, in particular, the central artery of a lymphoid nodule and lymphoid sheaths near the vessels. This selection is based on the performance of white pulp filtration and immune functions. The study of the spleen conducted in the phase of morphological and functional maturity of the organ in the wells catfish (age 2 years), the lake frogs (age 24-26 months), and the green lizards (aged 23-25 months). The slices of material were fixed in 10-12 % chilled neutral formalin solution, liquid Carnoy, for microscopic studies; then they were embedded in paraffin. Histological sections have a thickness not exceeding 6 micrometers. Then there are dyeing by hematoxylin and eosin according to Van-Gison technology. Morphometric study of the spleen was performed under light microscopy using a microscope Biolam-Lomo and Micros MC-50. The microphotography of histological preparations was carried out with CAM V 200 video camera. It is mounted on a microscope Micros MC-50. The Kernohan index belongs to the indices which characterizing the functional immunomorphology in the spleen and is used to develop test criteria on in biomonitoring.</p><p>The wall thickness of the central artery lymphoid nodule is the smallest in the fish (3.4±1.11 micrometers) and the largest in the frog (20.47±4.46 micrometers), of a lizard, it is of 6.96±of 1.62 micrometers. The inner diameter is the smallest in lizards (4.32±2.44 micrometers) and the largest –in the frog (21.03±3.76 micrometers), in the fish is of 6.48±2.31 micrometers. The frog wall thickness of the central artery of lymphoid nodule and arteries lymphoid sheaths near the vessels are the highest (11.25±1.25 micrometers and 31.25±6.25 micrometers, respectively) among the studied animals. The fish`s wall thickness of inner diameter of the artery and arteries lymphoid sheaths near the vessels is 6.25±1.12 micrometers and 16.01±2.55 micrometers; in the lizards – 6.22±1.06 micrometers and was 3.56±0.53 micrometers, respectively. The Kernohan index of arteries lymphoid nodule is the larger than arteries lymphoid sheaths near the vessels by 1.35 times (in fish), by 2.69 times (in frog), and less than by 1.08 times (in lizard). The highest value of Kernohan index was registered for lizard: 3.2±0.61 of artery lymphoid nodule and 3.49±0.59 for arteries lymphoid sheaths near the vessels.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-36
Liliya Yu. Ilyina ◽  
Vadim A. Kozlov ◽  
Sergey P. Sapozhnikov ◽  
Ruslan A. Geraev

The reaction of lymphoid splenic tissue of mice on albumin model of systemic amyloidosis (case group, N = 5) was studied and compared to a similar indicator of intact mice (N = 5). Paraffin sections of the spleen, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Congo red, were microscoped in a regredient LED white light on "Lumam-4" microscope. The absolute area of lymphatic follicles (LFs), their diameters and the area of amyloid lesion were measured on microphotos obtained with the help of video-eyepiece Levenhuk C800 NG 8M in LevenhukLite program. The obtained data were used for calculating the indicators: the relative areas of amyloid lesion (SrelA)), the red (SrelKB) and the white (SrelBP) pulp, the red/white pulp index, LFs' ovalityindex. The number of LFs was counted in the field of vision at magnification of 100. The obtained data were processed using the methods of descriptive and variative statistics and presented in the form of M±m, where M is the mean, m is the standard deviation. Differences of the means were determined using z test. The morphological pattern of the spleen in intact mice corresponded to the histological norm. The wet mass of the spleen in intact animals was 0.75±0.01 g, no signs of amyloidosis were found. In the case group, the wet mass of the spleen increased to 2.2±0.06 g (p=0.000), SrelA was 33.85± 3.39%. The average number of LFs in the field of vision did not change. The diameters by the large and small axes differed by 18% in intact animals and by 6.6% in experimental ones (p=0.000). Respectively, the area of LFs decreased by 11.2% and the ovality index increased by 10.3% (p = 0.0066) in experimental mice. SrelKB and SrelBPdid not change during the formation of amyloidosis. But the Red/White Pulp Index increased by 59.2% (p=0.008). Simulation of amyloidosis in experimental animals was accompanied by a significant increase in the area of the red pulp and by a reduction in the area of white pulp. Thus, the calculated relative morphometric indicators are more informative than the directly measured initial data; the wet mass of the spleen during experimental amyloidosis formation significantly increases; the lymphoid tissue of the spleen readily responds to amyloidogenesis by the change in the ratio of the red and white pulp, as well as by the change in the shape and the area of the lymph follicles.

2010 ◽  
Vol 163-167 ◽  
pp. 2927-2933
Chong Zhen Cao ◽  
Feng Qin Wang ◽  
Qi Fa Tian ◽  
Jia Lan Zhuang ◽  
Feng Chun Li

Ultrasonic inspection is a key method of inspecting wall thickness flaw of seabed oil pipelines. How to lay out ultrasonic probes to fit for three inner diameter pipelines of Φ195mm, Φ247mm and Φ297mm was analyzed detailed. Diameter changing principle feasibility of ultrasonic inspection adopting 10 parallelogram mechanisms was discussed, and the key parts of structure of equidirection umbrella diameter changing mechanism were analyzed. In the end model machine experiment verified that equidirection umbrella diameter changing technology is feasible.

2013 ◽  
Vol 464 ◽  
pp. 54-57
Yun Feng Guo ◽  
Zhi Hua Feng ◽  
Zhi Hao Yuan

A simple and low-cost method based on a heat-treating of Ni (NO3)2/SiO2film has been developed for fabricating NiO nanorings. The as-prepared nanorings have an inner diameter of 150-250nm and an average wall thickness (namely wire diameter) of approximately 20 nm on the surface of SiO2matrix. Furthermore, a growth mechanism, namely bubble-bursting bubbles as templates was tentatively proposed for understanding the formation of the NiO nanorings.

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 688-695 ◽  
Kun'ichi Miyazawa ◽  
Jun-ichi Minato ◽  
Tetsuro Yoshii ◽  
Masahisa Fujino ◽  
Tadatomo Suga

Fine tubular fibers composed of C60 and C70 fullerene molecules were successfully fabricated by the liquid–liquid interfacial precipitation method. The walls of the tubular fibers were crystalline, and the fullerene molecules were densely packed along the growth axis of tube wall. The tubular structures are called “fullerene nanotubes.” The inner diameter and the outer diameter of C70 tubes showed a linear relationship, suggesting a constant wall thickness of the tubes. The tubular structures composed of C70 molecules could be formed when their diameter was larger than about 240 nm. The fullerene tubes were successfully fabricated by using a C60-C70 soot as well. The formation of fullerene nanotubes can be understood by assuming a mechanism of core dissolution of the solvated fullerene nanowhiskers.

Yang Ju

A method which can inspect a pipe in a large scale and measure the thickness reduction remotely was demonstrated. A copper pipe having 17 mm inner diameter, 1 mm wall thickness, and 900 mm length was measured. The thickness reduction having the value from 10% to 80% of the wall thickness was detected significantly. By building up a resonance for the microwave signal propagated in the pipe, it is possible to determine the thickness reduction using the measured resonance frequency.

2012 ◽  
Vol 550-553 ◽  
pp. 3121-3124
Li Feng Ma ◽  
Xiao Fei Ding ◽  
Jun Zhang ◽  
Mao Kai Tian ◽  
Li Jing Gong

Comprehensive state analysis and life evaluation of the main components of reformer furnace run over service period by EPMA, microstructure and high temperature rupture property. The results show that element distribution and microstructure of reformer pipe, riser pipe, low collecting pipe and socket is normal and the remaining life is longer. The material of furnace pipe for the HK40 are able to meet the process requirement, but the wall thickness of reformer pipe is too large, affecting the thermal efficiency and the inner diameter is small to limit the catalyst and flow. It is good proposal to production enterprises that higher level of material such as ZG50Ni35Cr25NbM is selected to reduce the wall thickness properly, expand the diameter and improve efficiency. Similarly, it can also be appropriate for the riser pipe to choose a lower grade material and reduce the wall thickness and save cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-37
S. V. Klochkova ◽  
N. T. Alexeeva ◽  
D. B. Nikityuk ◽  
P. M. Torgun ◽  
I. A. Ul'yanov ◽  

The aimof this study was to determine the morphofunctional features of the spleen in rats under immobilization stress and administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide.Material and methods.60 white Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups. The animals of the first control group were injected with saline. The rats of the second control group were injected with lipopolysaccharide. In the rats of the third group, immobilization stress was induced and the animals of this group were injectedwith saline. In rats of the fourth group, immobilization stress was also caused and lipopolysaccharide was administered in the form of the drug Pyrogenal (Medgamal, Russia) in a dose of 100  µg/kg of body weight. Fragments of the spleen were fixed in a 10% solution of neutral formalin, dehydrated in alcohols of increasing strength, and embedded in paraffin. Thin paraffin sections 4–5 µm thick were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The area of longitudinal sections  of  the  spleen,  the  area  of  the  white  and red  pulp  were  determined planimetrically.  Using  a  screw  m icrometer eyepiece, the width of the reactive center of the lymph nodes of the white pulp, the width of the mantle and  marginal  zone  of  the  nodules,  as  well  as  the  width  of  the  periarterial  lymphoid sheath  were  measured (40–50 measurements for each animal).Results.It was found that on the 3rd day after the stress morphological signs of a sharp decrease in the activity of the white pulp were revealed. On the 8th day, pronounced recovery processes in the spleen were noted, however, complete restoration of the structure of the spleen did not occur. On the 3rd and 8th days after stress and  administration  of  lipopolysaccharide,  no  signs  of  inhibition  of  the  activity  of  the  white  and  red  pulp  were found in the spleen; morphological parameters of the spleen did not differ from the control values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (8) ◽  
pp. 164-170
L. Horalskyi ◽  
N. Kolesnik ◽  
I. Sokulskyi ◽  
I. Horalska ◽  

Morphological study of the phylogenetic direction allows to determine the ecological conditionality in the nature of the development of related forms and deepens their characteristics. The work aimed to study the spleen of birds of the Phasianidae family (chicken, quail) and Columbidae (pigeon). The histological preparations were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Their morphometry was performed for establishing the features of the morphological structure of the organ. The microscopic structure of the spleen in birds of the pheasant and pigeon classes was characterized by the presence of the same components: stroma and parenchyma. The musculoskeletal system consisted of trabeculae and capsules. The pulp was divided into white and red. However, each species of bird had its own histological and morphometric features. The pulpal trabeculae were found only in chickens. The capsular trabeculae were also present in quails and pigeons. A characteristic feature of the pigeon's spleen is the association of the connecting trabeculae with the vascular ones, in which a large number of vessels were located. The lymphoid tissue of the spleen of birds was predominantly structured. However, in the pigeon's spleen, there was also unformed lymphoid tissue of varying size of various shapes. The white pulp of birds consisted of lymphoid nodules and periarterial lymphoid sheaths. Additionally, ellipsoids were found in the white pulp of the hens' spleen, and they were almost non-existent in pigeons. In pigeons, lymphoid nodules were mainly located in the subcapsular zone of the spleen and often formed conglomerated structures by merging 3–6 nodules. The musculoskeletal system is best developed in pigeons (9 %). The relative area of white pulp is the largest in chickens (18.6 %), red pulp – in quail (82 %).In this work, we have taken the first step in elucidating the features of the morphology of the spleen of birds of different classes, for detailed analysis, our further research will focus on the study of morphophysiology of the spleen of birds in age and breed aspects.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 1643-1650 ◽  
潘哲朗 PAN Zhe-lang ◽  
李仕萍 LI Shi-ping ◽  
钟金钢 ZHONG Jin-gang

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-154
Olga Sahmel ◽  
Stefan Siewert ◽  
Wolfram Schmidt ◽  
Klaus-Peter Schmitz ◽  
Niels Grabow

AbstractIn the sector of biomedical engineering and implant technology, high-precision geometry is often decisive for successful end product functionalization. Especially in the production of tubular polymer semi-finished products, e.g. for stent fabrication, it is important to assure the desired parameters, such as inner and outer diameter and wall thickness. Within the current study we analyzed semifinished products for manufacturing of polymeric stents using three different methods. Biodegradable poly-L-lactide (PLLA) tubes were examined by means of micro computed tomography, ultrasonic scanning and scanning electron microscopy. The final evaluation presents clear advantages of the ultrasonic measuring method for the measurement of outer and inner diameter and wall thickness.

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