First Ever Polymer Flood Field Pilot to Enhance the Recovery of Heavy Oils on Alaska's North Slope—Polymer Injection Performance

Samson Ning ◽  
John Barnes ◽  
Reid Edwards ◽  
Kyler Dunford ◽  
Kevin Eastham ◽  
2020 ◽  
Samson Ning ◽  
John Barnes ◽  
Reid Edwards ◽  
Walbert Schulpen ◽  
Abhijit Dandekar ◽  

2020 ◽  
Abhijit Dandekar ◽  
Baojun Bai ◽  
John Barnes ◽  
Dave Cercone ◽  
Jared Ciferno ◽  

2019 ◽  
Abhijit Dandekar ◽  
Baojun Bai ◽  
John Barnes ◽  
Dave Cercone ◽  
Jared Ciferno ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (04) ◽  
pp. 53-54
Chris Carpenter

This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 201279, “First-Ever Polymerflood Field Pilot To Enhance the Recovery of Heavy Oils on the Alaska North Slope: Producer Responses and Operational Lessons Learned,” by Samson Ning, SPE, Reservoir Experts and Hilcorp Alaska, and John Barnes, SPE, and Reid Edwards, SPE, Hilcorp Alaska, prepared for the 2020 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, originally scheduled to be held in Denver, 5-7 October. The paper has not been peer reviewed. The complete paper describes a field pilot project to perform an experiment to validate the use of an advanced polymerflooding technology on the Alaska North Slope. Polymer injectivity of horizontal wells is found to be sufficient to replace reservoir production voidage, although some declines occurred as high-viscosity polymer swept the near-wellbore region. Production data show significant reduction in water cut and increase in oil production rate. No polymer production has been confirmed from the two horizontal producers after 23 months of polymer injection into the two supporting horizontal injectors. Introduction The pilot involves two horizontal injectors (J-23A and J-24A) and two horizontal producers (J-27 and J-28) drilled into the Schrader Bluff NB sand in an isolated fault block of the Schrader Bluff heavy-oil reservoir in the Milne Point field. The lengths of the horizontal wellbores range from 4,200 to 5,500 ft, and the interwell distance is approximately 1,100 ft. Hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) polymer injection began on 28 August 2018 using a custom polymer mixing and pumping unit. Polymer-solution quality control is discussed in detail in the complete paper. Injector Performance Since the start of polymer injection, a few shutdown events have occurred that lasted longer than 2 weeks. The first major shutdown took place in September 2018, when a more-than-expected amount of hydrocarbon gas was detected from the source water used to make the polymer solution. The polymer-injection facility was shut down for 3 weeks to modify the pressure-letdown module for operation safety. The second major shutdown occurred in November 2018 for pump and auger repairs. The third major shutdown happened from mid-June through late August of 2019 because of polymer-solution-quality issues. After 2 months of diligent work, the polymer-hydration problem was resolved and improvements made in polymer facilities, operational procedures, and the onsite quality-control process. Polymer-injection operations have been smooth since August 2019 except for a few short shutdowns for equipment maintenance. As of late May 2020, total cumulative polymer injected was 708,000 lbm into the two injectors, and the total amount of polymer solution injected was 1.4 million bbl, approximately 8.8% of the total pore volume in the two flood patterns. Since polymer injection began, injected polymer concentration was mostly between 1,500 and 2,000 ppm to achieve a target viscosity initially set at 45 cp and then reduced to 40 cp.

2008 ◽  
Vol 11 (06) ◽  
pp. 1117-1124 ◽  
Dongmei Wang ◽  
Randall S. Seright ◽  
Zhenbo Shao ◽  
Jinmei Wang

Summary This paper describes the design procedures that led to favorable incremental oil production and reduced water production during 12 years of successful polymer flooding in the Daqing oil field. Special emphasis is placed on some new design factors that were found to be important on the basis of extensive experience with polymer flooding. These factors include (1) recognizing when profile modification is needed before polymer injection and when zone isolation is of value during polymer injection, (2) establishing the optimum polymer formulations and injection rates, and (3) time-dependent variation of the molecular weight of the polymer used in the injected slugs. For some Daqing wells, oil recovery can be enhanced by 2 to 4% of original oil in place (OOIP) with profile modification before polymer injection. For some Daqing wells with significant permeability differential between layers and no crossflow, injecting polymer solutions separately into different layers improved flow profiles, reservoir sweep efficiency, and injection rates, and it reduced the water cut in production wells. Experience over time revealed that larger polymer-bank sizes are preferred. Bank sizes grew from 240-380 mg/L·PV during the initial pilots to 640 to 700 mg/L·PV in the most recent large-scale industrial sites [pore volume (PV)]. Economics and injectivity behavior can favor changing the polymer molecular weight and polymer concentration during the course of injecting the polymer slug. Polymers with molecular weights from 12 to 35 million Daltons were designed and supplied to meet the requirements for different reservoir geological conditions. The optimum polymer-injection volume varied around 0.7 PV, depending on the water cut in the different flooding units. The average polymer concentration was designed approximately 1000 mg/L, but for an individual injection station, it could be 2000 mg/L or more. At Daqing, the injection rates should be less than 0.14-0.20 PV/year, depending on well spacing. Introduction Many elements have long been recognized as important during the design of a polymer flood (Li and Niu 2002; Jewett and Schurz 1970; Sorbie 1991; Vela et al. 1976; Taber et al. 1997; Maitin 1992; Koning et al. 1988; Wang et al. 1995; Wang and Qian 2002; Wang et al. 2008). This paper spells out some of those elements, using examples from the Daqing oil field. The Daqing oil field is located in northeast China and is a large river-delta/lacustrine-facies, multilayer, heterogeneous sandstone in an inland basin. The reservoir is buried at a depth of approximately 1000 m, with a temperature of 45°C. The main formation under polymer flood (i.e., the Saertu formation) has a net thickness ranging from from 2.3 to 11.6 m with an average of 6.1 m. The average air permeability is 1.1 µm2, and the Dykstra-Parsons permeability coefficient averages 0.7. Oil viscosity at reservoir temperature averages approximately 9 mPa·s, and the total salinity of the formation water varies from 3000 to 7000 mg/L. The field was discovered in 1959, and a waterflood was initiated in 1960. The world's largest polymer flood was implemented at Daqing, beginning in December 1995. By 2007, 22.3% of total production from the Daqing oil field was attributed to polymer flooding. Polymer flooding should boost the ultimate recovery for the field to more than 50% OOIP--10 to 12% OOIP more than from waterflooding. At the end of 2007, oil production from polymer flooding at the Daqing oil field was more than 11.6 million m3 (73 million bbl) per year (sustained for 6 years). The polymers used at Daqing are high-molecular-weight partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides (HPAMs). During design of a polymer flood, critical reservoir factors that traditionally receive consideration are the reservoir lithology, stratigraphy, important heterogeneities (such as fractures), distribution of remaining oil, well pattern, and well distance. Critical polymer properties include cost-effectiveness (e.g., cost per unit of viscosity), resistance to degradation (mechanical or shear, oxidative, thermal, microbial), tolerance of reservoir salinity and hardness, retention by rock, inaccessible pore volume, permeability dependence of performance, rheology, and compatibility with other chemicals that might be used. Issues long recognized as important for polymer-bank design include bank size (volume), polymer concentration and salinity (affecting bank viscosity and mobility), and whether (and how) to grade polymer concentrations in the chase water. This paper describes the design procedures that led to favorable incremental oil production and reduced water production during 12 years of successful polymer flooding in the Daqing oil field.

2021 ◽  
Fuchao Sun ◽  
Xiaohan Pei ◽  
Xubo Gai ◽  
Shuang Sun ◽  
Shifeng Hu

Abstract Polymer flood is proved an effective method for EOR in China. Traditional segmented polymer injection technique cannot obtain continuous layer parameters. Real-time monitoring is necessary for polymer flood because downhole pressure and flowrate vary more often than waterflood. Existing technique for layered monitoring and flowrate adjustment is wireline test. There is no smart technique which can realize real-time monitoring and automatic flowrate control. In this paper, a smart segmented injection technique for polymer flood well is introduced. A smart distributor is permanently placed in each layer. It is composed of flowmeter, temperature sensor, two pressure sensors, downhole choke and electrical control unit. The special flowmeter is adopted for polymer flowrate test. All the distributors are connected together by a single control line which is set outside of the tubing string. Operator can read the data of each layer and adjust the flowrate whenever needed at any time which makes the technique a smart one. The smart technique for polymer flood wells has been implemented in a polymer well in Daqing oilfield of China. A case study for smart segmented polymer injection pilot is introduced in detail including technical principle, indoor test results, construction process and adjustment process. The application results show that the operator on the ground can easily obtain downhole tubing pressure, layer annulus pressure, temperature and flowrate on line. The sample time can be set to any one between 1-65536s according to geological engineer's advice. There is no limitation caused by battery power because the distributor is powered by cable on the ground. In terms of adjustment, the flowrate can be adjusted according to the target value. And it can also be regulated at any time manually, just needing pushing the mouse in the office. The application also displays that the smart segmented technique has the advantage for polymer injection because of larger change of layered parameters. It can provide more real-time data for oil development engineer and the data are beneficial for better understanding and optimization of the reservoir. Therefore, the smart segmented polymer injection has a great potential for EOR based on polymer flood.

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