scholarly journals Fiatal felnőtt korban diagnosztizált familiáris mediterrán láz

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-205
Henrietta Poset ◽  
Judit Kárteszi ◽  
Tibor Kalmár ◽  
Zoltán Maróti ◽  
Julianna Fekete ◽  

Összefoglaló. A familiáris mediterrán láz a herediter autoinflammatorikus betegségek közé tartozik. Klinikai tüneteit döntően a savós hártyák akut gyulladása (serositis: peritonitis, pleuritis, synovitis, ritkán pericarditis, meningitis) határozza meg. A betegség hátterében a pyrin fehérjét kódoló MEFV-gén többségében autoszómális recesszív módon öröklődő mutációi állnak. Legfontosabb szövődménye az amyloidosis, amely veseelégtelenséghez vezethet. Kezelésében első vonalbeli terápiaként a colchicin szerepel. Fiatal nőbetegünket 12 éves kora óta több intézetben vizsgálták intenzív hasi fájdalommal és lázzal járó attakok miatt. A tünettan részeként hányás, hasmenés és mellkasi fájdalom jelentkezett. A gyulladásos epizódok 5–14 napig tartottak, a köztes időszakokban viszont teljesen jól volt. A rohamok alatt készült laboratóriumi vizsgálatok során leukocitózis, valamint emelkedett süllyedés és CRP mutatkozott. Intravazális hemolízisre utalt az anémia, retikulocitózis, magas Sebi, szérum szabad hemoglobin és LDH együttes megjelenése. Az EKG-én inferior és az anteroseptalis elvezetésekben átmenetileg negatív T-hullámok jelentek meg, ami pericarditis lehetőségét vetette fel. Fizikális státuszából kiemelendő a diszkrét, de progrediáló splenomegalia. Kizártuk a porphyriat, glucose-6-phosphat dehydrogenase-hiányt, PNH-t és C1-inhibitorhiányt. Az autoinflammatorikus betegség miatt elvégzett molekuláris genetikai vizsgálat az MEFV-génmutáció homozigóta formáját, a Familiáris mediterrán láz diagnózisát igazolta. Summary. The familial Mediterranean fever is one of the hereditary autoinflammatory diseases. Its clinical symptoms are mainly determined by acute inflammation of the serous membranes (serositis: peritonitis, pleurisy, synovitis, rarely, pericarditis, meningitis). The background of the disease is mostly represented by autosomal recessively inherited mutations in the MEFV gene encoding the pyrine protein. Its most important complication is amyloidosis, which can lead to renal failure. Colchicine is included in its treatment, as a first-line therapy. Our young female patient has been examined in several institutions since the age of 12 for attacks of intense abdominal pain and fever. The symptoms included vomiting, diarrhea, and chest pain. The inflammatory episodes lasted 5–14 days, but in the intervening periods she was free of symptoms. Laboratory tests performed during the inflammatory periods showed leukocytosis as well as increased ESR and CRP. Intravascular hemolysis was indicated by anemia, reticulocytosis, co-occurrence of high Sebi, serum free hemoglobin and LDH. On the ECG, transiently negative T waves appeared in the inferior and anteroseptal leads, raising the possibility of pericarditis. Of her clinical status, discrete but progressive splenomegaly should be highlighted. Porphyria, glucose-6-phosphat dehydrogenase deficiency, PNH, and C1 inhibitor deficiency were excluded during our examinations. Molecular genetic testing urged by autoinflammatory disease confirmed a homozygous form of the MEFV gene mutation and established the diagnosis of familial Mediterranean fever.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-28 ◽  
F Battal ◽  
F Silan ◽  
N Topaloğlu ◽  
H Aylanç ◽  
Ş Yıldırım ◽  

AbstractThe aim of the current study was to determine the frequency of the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene pathogenic variants in 60 children diagnosed with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) and to compare the phenotype-genotype correlation. Genomic DNA was isolated by the spin-column method from peripheral blood samples (collected in vacutainers containing EDTA) and buccal smears. TheMEFVgene profiles for the current FMF cohort were genotyped by pyrosequencing and direct Sanger sequencing techniques for the target pathogenic variants. The most prominent clinical symptoms were abdominal pain (53.4%), fever (23.4%) and arthritis (23.3%). Eighteen different pathogenic variants were identified and the most frequent were p.Met694Val (20.0%), p.Glu148Gln (13.3%), p.Met680 Ile (11.7%) and p.Arg202Gln (11.7%). Abdominal pain, fever and arthritis were the most common presenting clinical characteristics. Results showed that not only clinical characteristics, but also genotyping of theMEFVgene is needed to establish the correct diagnosis of FMF in children and other family members.

2001 ◽  
Vol 108 (1) ◽  
pp. 215-215 ◽  
N. Akar ◽  
E. Akar ◽  
F. Yalcinkaya; ◽  
G. J. Halpern ◽  
A. Mimouni ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1784.1-1784
R. Dos Santos Sobrín ◽  
M. Martí Masanet ◽  
B. Lopez-Montesinos ◽  
L. Lacruz Pérez ◽  
I. Calvo

Background:Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is a genetic autoinflammatory disorder caused mostly by mutations in MEFV gene. Its inheritance is autosomal recessive and is the most frequent periodic fever syndrome. First-line treatment is based in colchicine use, so biologics (anti-IL-1) are reserved for refractory cases1, 2.Objectives:To account for clinic and treatment features of patients with FMF in a specialized center as opposed to non-referent centers.Methods:This study was developed in the Pediatric Rheumatology Service in Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe de Valencia. Demographic, clinic and treatment data were collected from patients diagnosed of FMF since January 2004 to September 2019.Results:106 patients met last FMF criteria3. 55% had a pathogenic mutation in genetic analysis. 52% were female. Before 10 years old, 71% of patients had the diagnosis (51% before 4 years old). Arthralgia/myalgia (73%), periodic fever (62%) and abdominal pain (54%) were the most common symptoms. Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA, 6), other forms of JIA (9) and vasculitis (10) were the most prevalent comorbidities. When talking about treatment, 76,4% received Colchicine (60,5% with good response), 22,6% needed a classical disease modifying antirheumatic drug (mostly Methotrexate) and 22 patients got biologic treatment (73% anti-IL-1).Conclusion:When analyzing this case-review, JIA has a strong association with our patients, so it could explain severe disease activity and more articular involvement. This could be an illustration to the higher use of Methotrexate. Also, the most relevant symptom was arthralgia while fever is the most frequent in literature. Likewise, age of diagnosis has been earlier than other case-series (this would be more frequent in other autoinflammatory syndromes, as literature relates)1, 2, 4.References:[1]Ozdogan H, Ugurlu S. Familial Mediterranean Fever. Presse Med. (2019).[2]Ozen S, Demirkaya E, Erer B, et al. EULAR recommendations for the management of familial Mediterranean fever. Ann Rheum Dis 2016;75:644-651.[3]Sag E, Demirel D, Demir S, et al. Performance of the new “Eurofever/PRINTO classification criteria” in FMF patients. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2019;19:30369-5.[4]Rozenbaum M, Rosner I. Severe outcome of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) associated with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004;22:S75-8.Disclosure of Interests:Raquel Dos Santos Sobrín: None declared, Miguel Martí Masanet: None declared, B Lopez-Montesinos: None declared, Lucía Lacruz Pérez: None declared, Inmaculada Calvo Grant/research support from: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Clementia, GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffman-La Roche, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Speakers bureau: AbbVie, GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffman-La Roche, Novartis

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 1229-1238 ◽  
T Kümpfel ◽  
L-A Gerdes ◽  
T Wacker ◽  
A Blaschek ◽  
J Havla ◽  

Background: Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an inherited autoinflammatory disease caused by mutations in the MEFV gene and characterized by recurrent febrile polyserositis. A possible association of FMF and multiple sclerosis (MS) has been suggested in cohorts from Turkey and Israel. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MEFV mutations in subjects with MS and in controls in Germany. Methods: One-hundred and fifty seven MS patients with at least one symptom or without symptoms suggestive of FMF from our outpatient clinic were investigated for mutations in exons 2, 3, and 10 of the MEFV gene (group 1). 260 independent MS patients (group 2) and 400 unrelated Caucasian controls (group 3) were screened selectively for the low-penetrance pyrin mutations E148Q and K695R Results: In group 1, 19 MS patients (12.1%) tested positive for a mutation in the MEFV gene, mainly the E148Q ( n=7) substitution. Fifteen of the 19 mutation-positive individuals reported at least one symptom suggestive of FMF. In three cases, we could identify additional family members with MS. In these pedigrees, the E148Q exchange co-segregated with MS ( p=0.026). Frequencies of the pyrin E148Q and K695R mutations were not statistically different between MS group 2 and controls but they occurred with a surprisingly high frequency in the German population. Conclusion: The MEFV gene appears to be another immunologically relevant gene locus which contributes to MS susceptibility. In particular, the pyrin E148Q mutation, which co-segregated with disease in three MS families, is a promising candidate risk factor for MS that should be further explored in larger studies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49 ◽  
Ender Coşkunpınar ◽  
Ayla Özvarnalı ◽  
Kıvanç Çefle ◽  
Ayşe Palanduz ◽  
Ahmet Gül ◽  

Hakan Erdogan ◽  
Ayse Cavidan Sonkur ◽  
Orhan Görükmez ◽  
Ayse Erdogan ◽  
Dilek Damla Saymazlar ◽  

Aim: Familial Mediterranian Fever is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by recurrent inflammatory attacks of serosal membranes. The aim of the current study was to determine the frequency of the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene pathogenic variants in 158 children (78 male, 80 female) diagnosed with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) and to compare the phenotype-genotype correlation. Methods: In our retrospective case-control study, 158 FMF patients (78 males, 80 females) who were diagnosed with MEFV gene mutation in Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatrics between January 2018 and June 2019 were included in the study.  Mutation screening of the MEFV gene was performed for 12 mutations and the 8 most common mutations were taken into the study. Results: Abdominal pain (77.8%), fever (74%) and arthralgia (46.2%) were the most prevalent clinical features in our patients. The most frequent mutations were M694V, E148Q, V726A, M680I and P369S. In cases with M694 mutation, it was noted that the incidence of arthritis was 2.5 times, appendectomy frequency 3.1 times higher, and early diagnosis probability 3.2 times higher. The frequency of chest pain was 2.9 times higher in the M680I mutation, and the frequency of arthralgia was 2.2 times higher in the P369S mutation. Conclusion: Patient’s mutations in FMF patients are important for clinical expectations, and some mutations such as P369S are not as innocent as expected. However, reevaluation of phenotypes of mutations that are rare with more patients will be significant. 

2018 ◽  
Mujahed I. Mustafa ◽  
Tebyan A Abdelhameed ◽  
Fatima A. Abdelrhman ◽  
Soada Ahmed Osman ◽  
Mohamed A. Hassan

AbstractBackgroundFamilial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is the most common auto inflammatory disease (AID) affecting mainly the ethnic groups originating from Mediterranean basin, we aimed to identify the pathogenic SNPs in MEFV by computational analysis software.MethodsWe carried out in silico prediction of structural effect of each SNP using different bioinformatics tools to predict substitution influence on protein structure and function.Result23 novel mutations out of 857 nsSNPs that are found to be deleterious effect on the MEFV structure and function.ConclusionThis is the first in silico analysis in MEFV gene to prioritize SNPs for further genetic mapping studies. After using multiple bioinformatics tools to compare and rely on the results predicted, we found 23 novel mutations that may cause FMF disease and it could be used as diagnostic markers for Mediterranean basin populations.

Reumatismo ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-87
S. Farjadian ◽  
F. Bonatti ◽  
A. Soriano ◽  
M. Reina ◽  
A. Adorni ◽  

Familial mediterranean fever (FMF) is an inherited autoinflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and painful inflammation involving the intra-abdominal organs, the lungs and the joints, which is highly prevalent in specific ethnic groups including the Iranians. We report a 12-year-old boy from Iran, with a clinical history of recurrent fever. Based on the suggestive clinical data, mutational analysis revealed the presence of the novel c.1945C>T heterozygous variant in exon 10, which leads to a leucine to phenylalanine change at position 649 of the protein. The mutation was inherited from the mother. This novel mutation lies in exon 10 of the MEFV gene, which encodes for a domain called B30.2-SPRY, located in the C-terminal region of the pyrin protein and contains the most frequent mutations associated with FMF. The present report expands the spectrum of MEFV gene mutations associated with FMF. The uniqueness of this study, compared with other published case reports, consists in the new mutation found in the MEFV gene. In fact, new mutations in this gene are of high interest, in order to better understand the role of this gene in autoinflammation.

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