Study of Nano-cluster Formation in Fe-18Cr ODS Ferritic Steel by Atom Probe Tomography
AbstractA high chromium ferritic Oxide Dispersion Strengthened steel was produced by mechanical alloying of Fe-18Cr-1W-0.3Ti-0.3Ni-0.15Si and 0.5% Y2O3 (wt.%) powders in industrial attritor, followed by hot extrusion at 1100°C. The material was characterized by Atom Probe Tomography on each step of manufacturing process: as-milled powder and in final hot extruded state. In addition, to get information on clustering kinetics the powder was also characterized after annealing at 850°C during 1 hour. Atom Probe Tomography revealed that the oxide dispersion strengthened steel Fe-18Cr contains nanometer scale yttrium- and oxygen-enriched nanoclusters in as-milled state. Their evolution is shown after subsequent annealing and hot extrusion. More well defined nanophases also enriched in Ti are observed. A mechanism of their formation is proposed. Mechanical alloying results in supersaturated solid solution with presence of small Y- and O-enriched clusters. Subsequent annealing stimulates incorporation of Ti to the nucleii that were previously formed during mechanical alloying.