Sandwich Excitons as the Mechanism of High-TC Superconductivity
High Tc
AbstractOne potential objection to virtual “sandwich excitons” as a pairing mechanism is that the transition densities may not be large enough to overcome the inherent disadvantage of a large energy denominator . In model calculations, we find that some of the transition densities and matrix elements can be large even if the dielectric constant is sizeable for, e.g., LaO excitons in La2‐xSrxCuO4
1988 ◽
Vol 66
pp. 1109-1111
2002 ◽
Vol 382
pp. 276-282
1987 ◽
Vol 63
pp. 1125-1128
1989 ◽
Vol 162-164
pp. 534-535
1989 ◽
Vol 58
pp. 1347-1371