2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Bastiar Nur ◽  
Sawung Cindelaras ◽  
Nina Meilisza

Ikan gurami cokelat (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestrini, 1860) merupakan salah satu spesies ikan hias endemik perairan gambut dan memiliki potensi untuk dibudidayakan. Pada kondisi budidaya, berbagai faktor lingkungan yang berperan penting dalam menstimulasi perkembangan dan pematangan gonad hingga ovulasi dan pemijahan tidak mendukung aktivitas reproduksi beberapa spesies ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan dosis hormon yang efektif dapat merangsang pematangan gonad ikan gurami cokelat. Hormon yang digunakan adalah “Oodev®” (tersusun atas Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin/PMSG) dan antidopamin) yang diberikan menggunakan metode “topical gill”. Ada tiga dosis Oodev® yang digunakan, yaitu: 0,02 mL; 0,04 mL; dan 0,06 mL; serta kontrol menggunakan NaCl 0,9% sebanyak 0,05 mL/g bobot badan ikan uji. Setiap perlakuan menggunakan 30 ekor induk betina ikan gurami cokelat (panjang total: 4,1 ± 0,3 cm; bobot: 1,41 ± 0,17 g). Pemberian hormon dilakukan setiap minggu hingga minggu ke-7. Pada minggu ke-8 dilakukan pembedahan untuk pengambilan gonad. Parameter yang diamati adalah: jumlah induk matang gonad, indeks gonadosomatik (IGS), fekunditas, diameter oosit, kadar estradiol-17â dalam darah, dan tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) ikan uji pada masing-masing perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan hormon dengan dosis 0,04 mL/g bobot badan menghasilkan perkembangan gonad ikan uji yang lebih baik dengan jumlah induk matang gonad mencapai 23 ekor (76,67%), nilai IGS sebesar 2,33 ± 1,24%; fekunditas sebesar 73,5 ± 26,2 butir; diameter oosit berkisar antara 1,0-1,8 mm; kadar estradiol-17b dalam darah sebesar 15,9 ± 4,5 rg/mL dengan tingkat kematangan gonad mencapai tahap IV.Chocolate gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestrini, 1860) is an endemic ornamental fish species in peatland waters and potentially to be cultivated. In captive condition, some environmental factors that play important role for gonadal development, maturation, ovulation, and spawning are not suitable for supporting reproductive activity in some fish species. This study was conducted to determine the optimum dosages of hormone which is able to stimulate gonadal maturation of chocolate gourami. Oodev® (consisted of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and antidopamin) was given using “topical gill” method. There were three Oodev® dosages used in this research: 0.02 mL; 0.04 mL; and 0.06 mL respectively; and control using 0.05 mL of 0.9% NaCl per gram of body weight. Each treatment was tested on 30 females (the averages of total length and body weight of 4.1 ± 0.3 cm and 1.41 ± 0.17 g, respectively). Hormone was given every week until the seventh week. At the eight weeks, surgery was performed for gonadal measurement. Parameters measured were: number of gonadal mature broodstocks, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, oocyte diameters, plasma estradiol-17â levels, and gonadal mature levels. The results showed that 0.04 mL Oodev® per g body weight of fish was superior in reproductive performance. In that treatment, there were 76.67% (23/30) fish being matured, gonad somatic index 2.33 ± 1.24%, egg fecundity 73.5 ± 26.2 eggs, oocyte diameters ranged 1.0-1.8 mm, blood level of estradiol-17b 15.9 ± 4.5 rg.mL-1, and the level of gonad development reached to stage IV.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
NFN Bastiar ◽  
Agus Oman Sudrajat ◽  
Melta Rini Fahmi

The objective of study was to analyze the effect of serotonin (5-HT) in the formulation of hormones Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and dopamin antagonist (AD) hormones to gonad development of tigerfish. This study used completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments of hormone namely: (P1) 1 ml of 0.9% NaCl (control); (P2) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD; (P3) 20 IU PMSG AD+10 mg+0.2 mg 5-HT; (P4) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD+2 mg 5-HT; and (P5) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD+4 mg 5-HT. Each treatment was tested on five fish as individual replications. Hormone injected intramuscularly at the lower part of the dorsal fin of fish every 10 days. The fish were reared for 60 days. Fish that were used at this study were originate from natural catches as much as 25 fishes with 17.5-33.0 cm of total length and 118-926 g of body weight. During the study, fish fed using shrimp and small fish (live) twice daily at satiation. Measured parameters were gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), 17P-estradiol (E2) plasma concentration and gonad maturity level based on morphology and histology examination. The results showed that the use of 2 mg of 5-HT are added to 20 IU PMSG and 10 mg AD (treatment P4) has stimulated the fish to had the highest GSI (2.38 ± 0.06%) and HSI (3,09±0,12%) which was significantly different to other treatment. The treatment (P4) could increase the E2 plasma concentration (37.14±2.99 two fold compared with the concentration before injection and stimulated the gonadal development to stage III. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan serotonin (5- hydroxytryptamine atau 5-HT) dalam formulasi hormon Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) dan antidopamin (AD) terhadap perkembangan gonad ikan ringau. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan ( bobot tubuh ikan): (P1) 1 ml NaCl 0,9% (kontrol); (P2) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD; (P3) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD+0,2 mg 5-HT; (P4) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD+2 mg 5-HT; dan (P5) 20 IU PMSG+10 mg AD+4 mg 5-HT. Setiap perlakuan diujikan pada lima ekor ikan sebagai ulangan individu. Penyuntikan hormon dilakukan setiap 10 hari dengan lama penelitian 60 hari. Hormon disuntikkan secara intramuskular pada bagian bawah sirip punggung ikan uji. Ikan yang digunakan merupakan hasil tangkapan alam dengan ukuran panjang total 17,5-33,0 cm dan bobot tubuh 118-926 g. Selama penelitian, ikan uji diberi pakan berupa udang dan ikan-ikan kecil (hidup) dua kali sehari secara satiasi. Parameter yang diamati adalah indeks kematangan gonad, indeks hepatosomatik, konsentrasi estradiol-17p plasma dan tingkat kematangan gonad berdasarkan morfologi dan histologi gonad. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan 2 mg 5-HT dalam 20 IU PMSG dan 10 mg AD (perlakuan P4) menghasilkan perkembangan gonad yang lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Nilai indeks kematangan gonad, indeks hepatosomatik, dan konsentrasi E2 plasma tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan P4 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 2,38±0,06%; 3,09±0,12% dan 37,14±2,99 Nilai tersebut berbeda nyata p<0.05) dengan perlakuan lainnya. Perlakuan P4 meningkatkan konsentrasi E2 plasma dua kali lebih besar dibanding-kan sebelum penyuntikan serta menghasilkan perkembangan gonad yang mencapai tingkat kematangan gonad tahap III.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Wiwin Kusuma Atmaja Putra ◽  
Tengku Said Razai

The research was title The Effect of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) Pure and Combinations against Gonadosomatik Index, Hepatosomatic Index Silver Pompano (Trachinotus blochii). The purpose of this research was to obtain the best hormone treatment to increase the gonadosomatic index and Hepatosomatic Index. This research used a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments and 3 replicates of fish. The treatments include Control (0.5 ml NaCl), PMSG (20 IU kg-1 fish body weight) and PG600 (20 IU. Kg-1 fish body weight). Parameters calculated include Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), Hepatosomatic Index (HSI) and Absolute Growth. The best results were PG600 treatment with Gonadosomatic Index (0.12±0.06), Hepatosomatic Index (2.29±0.15 %) and Absolute Growth    (85±31.32 g) for 4 weeks. The conclusion of this study is the provision of pure PMSG and combination with a dose of      20 IU. Kg-1 body weight can  increase gonadosomatik index, hepatosomatic index and absolute growth of Silver Pompano fish. Keywords : Silver Pompano Fish, PMSG, PG600, Gonadosomatic Index

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Agus Oman Sudrajat ◽  
Antharest Sugati ◽  
, Alimuddin

<p class="BasicParagraph" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="BasicParagraph" align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p class="Pa2">Artificial reproduction of eel <em>Anguilla bicolor </em>is not yet well-established because of insufficient broodstock number. In this research, induction of Indonesian eel gonad maturation was performed by hormonal with a combination of <em>pregnant mare serum gonadotropin </em>(PMSG), <em>human chorionic gonadotropin </em>(HCG) antidopamin and recombinant <em>growth hormone </em>(rGH). This research consisted of five treatments namely: control (NaCl 0,9%), PMSG 20 IU/ kg, PMSG 20 IU/kg + antidopamin 10 ppm/kg, PMSG 20 IU/kg + antidopamin 10 ppm/kg + rGH 10 μg/kg dan PMSG 20 IU/kg + HCG 10 IU/kg. Each treatment contained 10 fishes. Hormonal induction was conducted by intramuscular injections, as much as five times at intervals of seven days. Furthermore observations on gonadal development were performed after injection for 21 days. The results showed that the treatment generated pregnancy level of 100%, while control was 0%. The best treatment was PMSG 20 IU/kg + antidopamin 10 ppm/kg+ rGH 10 μg/kg, seen from a more mature phase of the gametes, spermatocytes in male and oocytes with perinukleolar phase in female fish. Eel at the body weight of 120.4 to 207.8 g and at the body length of 40.9 to 43.1 cm was male, at the body weight of 274.8 g and at the body length of 47 cm was in intersexual phase, and at the body weight of 323.4 g and at the body length of 53 cm was female.</p><p class="Default"> </p><p class="Pa2">Keywords: <em>Anguilla bicolor</em>, antidopamin, hormones, PMSG, rGH, HCG</p><br /><p class="BasicParagraph"> </p><p class="BasicParagraph"> </p><p class="BasicParagraph" align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="BasicParagraph"><strong> </strong></p><p class="Pa2">Pemijahan ikan sidat secara buatan belum dapat dilakukan karena keterbatasan induk matang gonad. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hormon terhadap percepatan proses perkembangan gonad ikan sidat (<em>Anguilla bicolor</em>). Hormon yang digunakan adalah kombinasi dari <em>pregnant mare serum gonadotropin </em>(PMSG), <em>human chorionic gonadotropin </em>(HCG), antidopamin dan recombinant <em>growth hormone </em>(rGH). Induksi hormonal untuk mempercepat perkembangan gonad ikan sidat dilakukan melalui lima perlakuan yaitu yaitu kontrol (NaCl 0,9%), PMSG 20 IU/kg, PMSG 20 IU/kg+antidopamin 100 ppm/kg, PMSG 20 IU/kg+antidopamin 100 ppm/ kg+rGH 10 μg/kg dan PMSG 20 IU/kg+HCG 10 IU/kg. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan pada sepuluh ekor ikan sidat. Aplikasi induksi hormonal dilakukan melalui penyuntikan secara intramuskular sebanyak lima kali dengan interval tujuh hari sekali, selanjutnya dilakukan pengamatan terhadap perkembangan gonad selama 21 hari dengan interval tujuh hari sekali setelah penyuntikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan hormonal menyebabkan tingkat kebuntingan sebanyak 100% pada ikan perlakuan, sedangkan kontrol sebanyak 0%. Kombinasi terbaik adalah PMSG+antidopamin+rGH, terlihat dari fase gamet yang lebih matang yaitu mencapai fase spermatosit pada ikan jantan dan oosit dengan fase perinukleolar pada ikan betina. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ikan sidat dengan bobot 120,4−207,8 g dan panjang 40,9−43,1 cm masih berjenis kelamin jantan. Ikan dengan bobot 274,8 g dan panjang 47 cm masih berada pada fase peralihan kelamin, sedangkan pada bobot 323,4 dan panjang 53 cm sudah berjenis kelamin betina.</p><p class="Default"> </p><p class="Pa2">Kata kunci: <em>Anguilla bicolor</em>, antidopamin, hormon, PMSG, rGH, HCG</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Tridjoko Tridjoko

This study aimed to determine the effect of LHRH-a hormone implantation on gonadal development of humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis 2nd generation (F-2). Individuals used were 20 female grouper fish with weight range of 600-800 gram/fish and total length range of 28.0-30.0 cm. The treatment used 5 fish each with tagging. Grouper fishes were stocked into the 75 m3 circular concrete tank. Hormone of LHRH-a with dosage of 50 μg/kg body weight was used as implant treatment of (A) 1 time,, (B) 2 times, (C) 3 times, and (D) without implant. The results showed that implantation of LHRH-a hormone were significantly stimulate gonad development of humpback grouper second generation (F-2). Treatment of 3 times implant every month showed the best results produced  oocyte diameter up to 480 μm, while the control of oocyte diameter only reached <400 μm. Keywords: LHRH-a hormone, implantation, Humpback grouper, gonad development

2002 ◽  
Vol 173 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-304 ◽  
MJ Engelbregt ◽  
MM van Weissenbruch ◽  
C Popp-Snijders ◽  
HA Delemarre-van de Waal

In the present study we examined the consequences of intrauterine growth retardation and postnatal food restriction on the maturational process of sexual development by studying onset of first cycle. In addition, we investigated the effect of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) on ovarian growth and ovulation in intrauterine growth-retarded (IUGR) and postnatally food-restricted (PFR) rats. Intrauterine growth retardation was induced by uterine artery ligation on day 17 of gestation and food restriction was achieved by enlarging the litter to 20 pups per mother from day 2 after birth until weaning (day 24). In control rats, vaginal opening and the first cycle took place on the same day. In IUGR rats, uncoupling occurred between vaginal opening and the first cycle. Vaginal opening was delayed (P<0.05) and the first cycle was even further delayed (P<0.01) compared with controls. Body weight in IUGR rats was lower (P<0.05) at vaginal opening, but at first cycle and after stimulation with 50 IU PMSG in the first cycle it was similar to that in controls. In the ovaries of IUGR rats, the numbers of primordial (P<0.05), growing (P<0.01) and antral follicles (P<0.01), and the total number of follicles (P<0.01) were lower than in controls after stimulation with 50 IU PMSG at first cycle. The number of corpora lutea in the ovaries of the IUGR rats and the controls was similar and reflected superovulation. In the PFR rats, vaginal opening occurred at the same time as in control rats, but at a lower body weight (P<0.01). First cycle was much delayed (P<0.01), by which time body weight was greater (P<0.01) than that of controls at first cycle. On the basis of the differences in weight and age between PFR rats and controls at first cycle, we performed two studies. In study A, ovaries were analysed histologically 42 h after stimulation with PMSG at first cycle of control rats and age-matched PFR rats. In study B, the ovaries of PFR rats at first cycle and age-matched control rats were examined 42 h after PMSG stimulation. In the ovaries of the PFR rats in study A, a greater total number of follicles (P<0.05) was observed, represented by a greater number of primordial follicles (P<0.01) and a lower number of antral follicles (P<0.05), including corpora lutea. The number of corpora lutea in the ovaries of the PFR rats was significantly lower than that in controls (P<0.01). The total number of follicles in the ovaries of the PFR rats of study B did not differ from the age-matched controls after PMSG stimulation at first cycle, and neither did the number of the follicles in the different classes. We conclude that, in IUGR rats at first cycle, PMSG can induce multiple follicular growth and development followed by superovulation comparable to that in controls, despite a decreased total number of follicles in the ovaries. However, in PFR rats of the same age, the ovary is not capable of responding adequately to PMSG, despite a greater total number of follicles. Stimulation with PMSG at first cycle resulted in follicular growth and superovulation comparable to those in age-matched controls. Undernutrition in different critical time periods around birth in the rat leads to ovarian development in such a way that, in both groups, an increased risk of reduced reproductive capacity can be expected.

2009 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-169 ◽  
CM. Santos ◽  
GV. Lima ◽  
AA. Nascimento ◽  
A. Sales ◽  
LMY. Oshiro

The objective of this study was to provide information on the histological characteristics of the gonads of male and female Armases rubripes crabs, and to try to establish a relationship between the microscopic and macroscopic stages previously identified. Thirty-six crabs were collected by hand between February 2003 and January 2004 in banks of Spartina alterniflora on Sahy Beach in Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The histological analysis of the ovaries of A. rubripes demonstrated a gradual process of development of the oocytes. According to their cellular characteristics, five types of cells were distinguished: oogonia, oocyte I, oocyte II, oocyte III and oocyte IV. The ovaries showed four stages during gonadal activity: stage I (rudimentary), stage II (developing or maturing), stage III (developed or mature) and stage IV (resting). The results of the histochemical analyses showed that the ovaries vary according to the gonad development stage. The histological aspect of one section of the male gonad was always the same in all of the seminiferous tubules, where the lumen of these tubules always contained spermatozoa and/or spermatids. It was not possible to characterize the three stages of gonad development in the males. This agrees with previous reports in the literature. However, in the females there was a relationship between the gonad stages distinguished macroscopically and the results obtained through the histological and histochemical analysis, due to the presence of different cell types, as well as the lysis process and reabsorption of the oocytes in spent females.

2002 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 85 ◽  
D. W. Ward ◽  
A. R. Davis

The Sydney turban shell Turbo torquatus is the focus of a small-scale commercial fishery in New South Wales. Effective management requires knowledge of the reproductive biology, yet this is lacking for NSW waters. The reproductive cycle was investigated at three localities on the southern New South Wales coast. Samples of T. torquatus were collected monthly at Wollongong, Ulladulla and Eden from February 1996 until August or December 1997. The reproductive cycle was investigated by three methods: monthly determination of a gonadosomatic index, estimation of oocyte size-frequency distributions and classification of female gonads into developmental stages following histological sectioning. Males and females within a population underwent synchronous gonad development and spawning. Spawning events were often protracted over a period of several months with females in various stages of gonadal development. Two spawning events occurred each year, with a spawning event in autumn–winter and another in spring–summer. These events were asynchronous among the three localities, and partial spawning appeared to be a common occurrence. Owing to variation in the timing of spawning between populations separated by a distance as small as 15 km, seasonal closures to protect spawning stocks are unlikely to be effective.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 135 ◽  
Nadia Mega Aryani ◽  
Agus Oman Sudrajat ◽  
Odang Carman

<p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Marketed eel <em>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</em> is commonly produced from larvae rearing activity whose broodstocks and larvae are caught from the nature. Supply of eel broodstock is restricted by its life cycle and uncertain size variation of mature male and female. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of hormonal induction through injection to enhance masculinization and gonadal maturation of eel at the weight of 100–150 g. The experiment used completely random design with the use of combination pregnant mare serum gonadotropin  (PMSG), antidopamine (AD), dan 17α-methyltestosterone (MT), which were (10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD), P2 (20 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD), P3 (10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT), P4 (20 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT), and P5 (control; without hormonal treatment). The result showed that an increasing of fish length along with fish weight were performed by treatment P4 and P3. The highest gonadosomatic index value was obtained by treatment P3 (1,3030±0,24262). Based on gonadal histology analysis, 2<sup>nd</sup> phase of spermatogonia development was found in P3 in week-8. The highest testosterone level was obtained by treatment P3, followed by P4, P2, and P1 in week-4. Combination of 10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT could enhance masculinization and gonadal maturation of eel in eight weeks of rearing period.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Keywords: gonadal maturation, <em>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</em>, PMSG, AD, MT</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><strong></strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Ikan sidat <em>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</em> yang dipasarkan pada umumnya merupakan hasil usaha pembesaran yang benih dan induknya masih diperoleh dari alam. Penyediaan induk ikan sidat terkendala dengan siklus hidup dan variasi perbedaan ukuran induk ikan sidat jantan dan betina matang gonad yang belum pasti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran induksi hormonal yang disuntikkan pada ikan sidat dalam mempercepat proses pematangan gonad ikan sidat ukuran 100–150 g. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap dengan kombinasi <em>pregnant mare serum gonadotropin</em> (PMSG), antidopamin (AD), dan  17α-metiltestosteron (MT) sebagai berikut P1 (10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD), P2 (20 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD), P3 (10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT), P4 (20 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT), dan P5 (kontrol; tanpa perlakuan hormon). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan pertambahan panjang seiring dengan pertambahan bobot diperoleh dari perlakuan P4 dan P3. Indeks gonadosomatik tertinggi diperoleh dari perlakuan P3 (1,3030±0,24262). Hasil histologi gonad ditemukan perkembangan spermatogonia fase 2 pada P3 di minggu kedelapan. Konsentrasi testosteron tertinggi didapat dari perlakuan P3 kemudian diikuti P4, P2, dan P1 pada minggu keempat. Kombinasi hormon 10 IU/kg PMSG + 0,01 mg/kg AD + 150 µg/kg MT dapat mempercepat pematangan gonad dan pertumbuhan pada ikan sidat selama delapan minggu pemeliharaan.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Kata kunci: pematangan gonad, <em>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</em>, PMSG, AD, MT</p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-168
Aprelia Martina Tomasoa ◽  
Deidy Azhari ◽  
Walter Balansa

Pertumbuhan dan pematangan gonad memainkan peranan penting dalam budidaya ikan. Untuk memperoleh benih yang berkualitas, induk harus benar benar matang gonad dan memiliki ukuran tubuh yang sesuai. Umum digunakan dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan, hormon Oodev dapat merangsang pematangan gonad karena hormon Oodev ini mengandung pregnant mare serum gonadotropin dan antidopamin yang sama-sama berperan dalam pematangan gonad. Sekalipun hormon ini begitu populer di bidang budidaya ikan, pengaruh hormon ini terhadap pertumbuhan tubuh dan pematangan gonad terhadap ikan giru (Amphiprion clarkii) belum banyak diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh dan menentukan dosis pemberian hormon Oodev dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot serta pematangan gonad ikan giru. Ikan giru diberi perlakuan dengan tiga dosis hormon Oodev berbeda yaitu 0 mL/kg, 0,5 mL/kg, dan 1 mL/kg dengan tiga pengulangan selama 30 hari pemeliharaan. Hasil menunjukkan dosis 1 mL/kg meningkatkan pertumbuhan panjang tubuh pada jantan (0,9 cm) maupun betina (0,7 cm) dan pertumbuhan bobot pada jantan (1,32 gram) maupun betina (3,05 gram) lebih tinggi dengan kontrol. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot, dosis 1 mL/kg meningkatkan nilai gonadosomatic index jantan dan betina yaitu 0,47% dan 0,58% lebih tinggi dengan kontrol. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hormon Oodev dengan dosis 1 mL/kg dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan nilai GSI A. clarkii.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Ermianus Samalei ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Jr. ◽  
Odang Carman ◽  
Muhammad Agus Suprayudi

The objective of this study was to determine the optimum dose of melastoma Melastoma malabathricum leaf extract that can inhibit the gonad development of Nile tilapia and increase its growth rate. This study used a completely randomized design containing five extract dose treatments (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 g/kg diet doses) and three replications. The undifferentiated Nile tilapia larvae (7 days post hatching) were randomly distributed (n=30) to fifteen aquaria (100×50×50 cm3) and maintained for 112 days using a common recirculation system. The results showed that all dose treatments were not significantly different (P>0.05) in gonadosomatic index values of the D84 and D98 samplings. However, the 1 g/kg diet (D112) was significantly different (P<0.05) in all dose treatments. The final histological results (D112) showed that the 1 g/kg diet obtained the highest inhibition level of the testis and ovary developments, which were still in stage II compared to 0.5 g/kg diet (stage III) and control (stage IV and V). The highest average weight, absolute growth rate, and specific growth rate were obtained in the 1 g/kg diet dose which was significantly different (P<0.05) compared to the control. The percentage of males increased significantly (P<0.05) following the increased dose treatment fed to the fish (4 g/kg diet) with 80.12±4.67%, but the survival rate significantly decreased (P<0.05) compared to the control. The administration of 1 g/kg diet dose obtained the best dose and potential as an inhibiting agent for gonad development in Nile tilapia.   Keywords: Melastoma malabathricum, gonad inhibition, cytosterol, Oreochromis niloticus   ABSTRAK   Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan dosis optimum ekstrak daun melastoma Melastoma malabathricum yang dapat menghambat perkembangan gonad ikan nila sehingga meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan somatik dan mengevaluasi efektivitasnya sebagai agen seks reversal alami. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri atas lima perlakuan (dosis 0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0; dan 4,0 g/kg pakan) dan tiga ulangan. Larva ikan nila sebelum kelamin terdiferensiasi (7 hari pascatetas) secara acak (n=30) dimasukkan ke dalam 15 buah akuarium (100×50×50 cm3) dan dipelihara selama 112 hari pada sistem resirkulasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap nilai GSI pada sampling D84 dan D98. Namun, perlakuan 1 g/kg pakan pada sampling D112 berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan semua perlakuan. Hasil histologi terakhir (D112) menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan 1 g/kg pakan mengindikasikan penghambatan perkembangan testis dan ovari yang paling besar yang masing-masing berada pada TKG II, dibandingkan dengan perlakuan 0,5 g/kg pakan (TKG III), dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol (TKG IV dan TKG V). Pengamatan terhadap bobot rata-rata, laju pertumbuhan mutlak, dan laju pertumbuhan harian tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan 1 g/kg pakan yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Persentase jantan meningkat secara signifikan (P<0,05) seiring meningkatnya konsentrasi ekstrak yang mencapai 80,12±4,67% pada perlakuan 4 g/kg pakan, namun tingkat kelangsungan hidup menurun secara signifikan (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pada keseluruhan parameter, pemberian ekstrak 1 g/kg pakan merupakan dosis terbaik dan potensial sebagai agen penghambat perkembangan gonad pada ikan nila.   Kata kunci:Melastoma malabathricum, penghambatan gonad, sitosterol, Oreochromis niloticus

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