Model zażalenia w świetle nowelizacji Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego z 4 lipca 2019 r.
The following paper includes an analysis of the model of a complaint in the polish civil proceedings. This issue is discussed especially in the light of essential legislative changes introduced by the Act of 4 July 2019 amending the Act – the Code of Civil Procedure and some other acts. These changes fundamentally altered the model for reviewing court decisions in incidental matters, which are not conclusive for the entire proceedings. The Act, in particular, significantly limited the catalogue of decisions of courts of first instance which can be appealed againts to the court of second instance, reshaping this particular model of control into an exception to the simultaneously introduced principle of examining a complaint by different judges of the same court. On the other hand, the act expanded the scope of decisions of courts of second instance which are examined by different judges of the same court. A similar solution was introduced also in in the enforcement proceedings. Therefore, in the current legal status, majority of incidental decisions in civil proceedings has been covered by the so called horizontal complaint. In consequence, a complaint lost its devolutive nature and thus ceased to be an appelate messure.