scholarly journals Patologi Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-276
Anshori Anshori

Abstract: This article discusses about the pathology of law enforcement against corruption. The pathology of law enforcement against corruption is due to the low moral integrity of the law enforcement apparatus, the government’s bureaucratic system that impedes the law enforcement process, and the unusual relationship between local government and legal institutions. The solutions for the law enforcement against corruption are: (1) working together among communities, media, and NGOs to control and supervise the behavior of law enforcement officials; (2) the government bureaucracy system should have well conceptualized system especially in relation to legal institutions; (3) and improvement of the political system in the region by blocking access to negotiations between local governments and law institutions. Keywords: Pathology, law enforcement, criminal act of corruption. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang patologi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi. Patologi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi dikarenakan beberpa hal, di antaranya rendahnya integritas moral aparat penegak hukum, sistem birokrasi pemerintah yang menghambat proses penegakan hukum, dan hubungan tidak lazim antara pemerintah daerah dan lembaga hukum. Terapi atau solusi terhadap patologi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi diantaranya adalah hendaknya masyarakat bersama media dan LSM mengkontrol dan mengawasi perilaku para penegak hukum, sistem birokrasi pemerintah hendaknya dikonsep dengan baik terutama hubungannya dengan lembaga hukum ketika menuntut adanya bukti dari pemerintah, dan perbaikan sistem politik di daerah, dengan menutup akses terjadinya negosiasi antara pemerintah daerah dengan lembaga hukum. Kata Kunci: Patologi, penegakan hukum, tindak pidana korupsi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 268
Jhon Hendri ◽  
Sudi Fahmi ◽  
Bahrun Azmi

But in reality, in the observations of the authors of the vehicles that we encountered, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled, almost every evening until evening, vehicles were found parked on the Flyover on the Sudirman street, Tuanku Tambusai, Sukarno Hatta and HR Subrantas. While the government has clearly provided a symbol of prohibition to stop on the bridge and in the traffic law it clearly states that everyone driving a motorized vehicle on the road is obliged to comply with the stopping and parking requirements. This is dangerous because the flyover is built only for passing vehicles and the vehicle is prohibited from parking or stopping along the body of the flyover because the flyover is not prepared not for stopping vehicles. This type of research is research conducted by identifying the law on how the effectiveness of the law applies in society. The conclusion is that the implementation of the prohibition on parking for motorized vehicle riders in Pekanbaru City flyovers based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation which results in disruption of road functions based on Law Number 22 of 2009 is less effective and maximal. This is because there are still many people who do not know about these regulations, Lack of Socialization of Law Number 22 Year 2009 from Law Enforcement Officials, Lack of firm law enforcement officials in implementing criminal sanctions, and Lack of Legal Awareness of the Community itself. Obstacles Faced in the Implementation of the Parking Prohibition for Motorized Vehicle Riders on Flyover in Pekanbaru City Based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation are the Legal Substance, Legal Structure, Legal Culture and Facilities or Facilities and the limited facilities and infrastructure. Efforts made to overcome obstacles in the Implementation of the Parking Prohibition for Motorized Vehicle Riders at Pekanbaru City Flyovers Based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation are that peace and traffic order is by fostering mutual assistance and assistance among the enforcement officers and the public, the public workers' office of transportation without neglecting their respective interests in the framework of increasing obedience and compliance, thus the Government's hope of improving services in traffic order in a peaceful and orderly condition in the regions can be realized. Apart from that, the implementation of traffic control, tranquility and orderliness can also be carried out by utilizing public facilities and facilities, increasing legal awareness, increasing the number of police personnel in the traffic sphere and repressive actions. Keywords: Implementation, No Parking, Flyover  Namun pada kenyataannya dalam pengamatan penulis kendaraan yang kami jumpai baik roda empat maupun roda dua, hampir setiap sore hingga malam hari ditemukan kendaraan yang parkir di Flyover yang ada dijalan Sudirman, Tuanku Tambusai, Sukarno Hatta dan HR Subrantas. Sementara pemerintah sudah dengan jelas memberikan simbol larangan untuk berhenti dijembatan tersebut serta didalam undang-undang lalu lintas tersebut dengan tegas mengatakan setiap orang yang mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor di jalan wajib mematuhi ketentuan berhenti dan parkir akan diberikan sanksi. Hal ini berbahaya karena Flyover tersebut dibangun hanya untuk kendaraan yang melintas dan kendaraan dilarang parkir atau berhenti di sepanjang badan jalan Flyover karena Flyover itu tidak disiapkan bukan untuk kendaraan yang berhenti. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan identifikasi hukum bagaimana efektivitas hukum itu berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kesimpulan adalah Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan yang mengakibatkan terganggunya fungsi jalan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 kurang efektif dan maksimal. Hal ini dikarenakan masih banyaknya masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui peraturan tersebut, Kurangnya Sosialisasi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 dari Aparat Penegak Hukum, Kurang tegasnya Aparat penegak Hukum dalam menerapkan Sanksi Pidana, Serta Kurangnya Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat itu sendiri. Hambatan Yang Dihadapi Dalam Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan adalah Substansi Hukum, Struktur Hukum, Budaya Hukum dan Sarana atau Fasilitas dan masih terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan dalam Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan adalah bahwa ketentraman dan ketertiban lalu lintas adalah dengan membina saling membantu dan menolong diantara aparat penertiban dan masyarakat, dinas perhubungan dinas pekerja umum tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan masing-masing dalam rangka peningkatan ketaatan dan kepatuhan, dengan demikian harapan Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dalam ketertiban lalu lintas dalam keadaan tenteram dan tertib di daerah dapat terwujud. Selain itu pelaksanaan penertiban, ketentraman dan ketertiban lalu lintas juga dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan sarana dan fasilitas umum, meningkatkan kesadaran hukum, Menambah Jumlah Personil Kepolisian di lingkup lalu lintas serta Tindakan represif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-177
Ahmad Nasrudin Fadli ◽  
Ridho Dwi Rahardjo

AbstractThis study aims to offer solutions related to the prevalence of pigeon gambling in the Rungkut Tengah area of Surabaya. Through an empirical approach which is sourced from existing data in the field such as interviews and observations. Through this research, researchers offer a way out of the existence of pigeon gambling which is expressly prohibited in statutory regulations. By holding counseling and providing a forum such as an official competition to be able to channel hobbies in raising and caring for pigeons without having to participate in gambling. Law enforcement related to the prevalence of gambling cases that develop in the community certainly makes it difficult for the authorities to eradicate various gambling so that the law appears in line with existing norms. Through the efforts of the government and law enforcement officials, the making of regulations regarding the sanctions imposed by the practice of gambling does not make the public afraid of these threats. This is what makes it necessary to do something new related to efforts to eradicate pigeon gambling in Central Rungkut without having to stop the hobby of pigeon fans in the area, of course.Keywords: gambling; pigeons; solutionsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan solusi terkait maraknya perjudian burung merpati di wilayah Rungkut Tengah Surabaya. Melalui metode pendekatan secara empiris dimana bersumber dari data yang ada dilapagan seperti wawancara dan observasi. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti menawarkan jalan keluar dari adanya perjudian burung merpati yang secara tegas dilarang didalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Dengan mengadakan penyuluhan serta memberikan wadah seperti perlombaan resmi untuk dapat menyalurkan hobi dalam memelihara serta merawat burung merpati tanpa harus mengikuti perjudian. Penegakan hukum terkait maraknya kasus perjudian yang berkembang dimasyarakat tentu membuat pihak aparat mengalami kesulitan dalam memberantas berbagai perjudian agar hukum terlihat sejalan dengan norma yang ada. Melalui upaya pemerintah serta aparat penegak hukum dengan dibuatnya aturan mengenai sanksi yang ditimbulkan oleh praktek perjudian tersebut tidak membuat masyarakat takut akan ancaman tersebut. Hal ini yang membuat perlu dilakukannya kebaruan terkait dengan upaya untuk memberantas perjudian burung merpati di Rungkut Tengah tanpa harus menghentikan hobi penggemar burung merpati diwilayah tersebut tentunya.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Anastasia Reni Widyastuti

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Combating corruption is believed to be able to create a clean government and create a sense of justice. The creation of state administration are clean and free of corruption is not only the responsibility of the organizers of the state alone, but also society and all parts of the nation. Community participation required to perform social control over governance practices, particularly in the government bureaucracy. Corruption is an enemy of the nation, so handling should be made a priority by all components of the nation through law enforcement, both in micro through criminal law instrument also macro enforcement through improved legal substance, legal structure and legal culture of society. Government in tackling corruption should continue to perform the steps of effective and thorough manner: empowering moral integrity of law enforcement; socialization understanding of corruption; legal sanctions; form a network of corruption prevention, optimizing oversight agencies. </em><em>One effort to fix and prevent the occurrence of corruption is not only necessary to improve the quality of public services through good governance and clean, to implement the principles of good governance but also to accelerate the eradication of corruption is an integral synergies and systemic, so the bureaucracy can be run in accordance with its function each.</em><em><br /> <strong>Keywords: disfungsionalisasi, bureaucracy, corruption.</strong></em></p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pemberantasan korupsi diyakini mampu menciptakan pemerintahan yang bersih dan menciptakan rasa keadilan. Penciptaan administrasi negara yang bersih dan bebas dari korupsi bukan hanya menjadi tanggung jawab penyelenggara negara saja, tetapi juga masyarakat dan semua bagian dari bangsa. Partisipasi masyarakat diperlukan untuk melakukan kontrol sosial terhadap praktik tata kelola, khususnya dalam birokrasi pemerintahan. Korupsi adalah musuh bangsa, sehingga prioritas penanganan harus dilakukan oleh seluruh komponen bangsa melalui penegakan hukum, baik secara mikro melalui instrumen hukum pidana juga penegakan makro melalui perbaikan substansi hukum, struktur hukum dan budaya hukum masyarakat. Pemerintah dalam menanggulangi korupsi harus terus melakukan langkah-langkah yang efektif dan menyeluruh: dengan memberdayakan integritas moral penegak hukum; pemahaman sosialisasi korupsi; sanksi hukum; membentuk jaringan pencegahan korupsi, mengoptimalkan lembaga pengawasan. Salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki dan mencegah terjadinya korupsi tidak hanya diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik melalui pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih, untuk melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik, tetapi juga untuk mempercepat pemberantasan korupsi merupakan sinergi integral dan sistemik, sehingga birokrasi dapat berjalan sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing.</p><strong>Kata kunci: disfungsionalisasi, birokrasi, korupsi.</strong>

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92 ◽  
Masdar Masdar

Cash waqf in Indonesia has been long enough implemented based on some rules enacted by government and other rules defined by The Waqf Board of Indonesia (BWI). However, the implementation of cash waqf has not reached the level of success. Therefore, this article studies the application of cash waqf law in Indonesia according to Friedman’s legal system theory. The legal system theory of Friedman firstly looks at the substance of the law, which is the rules or regulations; and secondly it examines the structure of the law, encompassing the law enforcement agencies, such as judge, prosecutor, police and legal counselors. And lastly the theory examines the element of legal culture, which is a response from Muslim society. The first two examinations indicate that there is nothing to be a problem. But from the last examination there is a problem regarding the trust from Muslim society. From the legal culture point of view, the implementation of cash waqf by the government, which is performed by BWI, needs attracting society’s credentials in order to improve and maximize the performance of cash waqf in Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi

The Ombudsman as an external oversight body for official performance, in Fikih Siyasah (constitutionality in Islam) is included in the supervision stipulated in legislation (al-musahabah al-qomariyah). Supervision is done so that public service delivery to the community is in accordance with the rights of the community. This is done because in carrying out its duties, officials are very likely to conduct mal administration, which is bad public services that cause harm to the community. The Ombudsman is an institution authorized to resolve the mal administration issue, in which one of its products is by issuing a recommendation. Although Law No. 37 of 2018 on the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia states that the recommendation is mandatory, theombudsman's recommendations have not been implemented. This is due to differences in point of view, ie on the one hand in the context of law enforcement, but on the other hand the implementation of the recommendation is considered as a means of opening the disgrace of officials. Recommendations are the last alternative of Ombudsman's efforts to resolve the mal administration case, given that a win-win solution is the goal, then mediation becomes the main effort. This is in accordance with the condition of the Muslim majority of Indonesian nation and prioritizes deliberation in resolving dispute. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the community and officials related to the implementation of the Ombudsman's recommendations in order to provide good public services for the community, which is the obligation of the government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ferry Fadzlul Rahman

Abortion is a social phenomenon that is increasingly alarming. The concern is not without reason, because so far the behavior of abortion many negative effects both for themselves the perpetrators and the wider community. With the passing of the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health still raises the pros and cons in the middle of the community. The approach used to address the problem that the above problems are normative juridical approach. Based on the results of the study need to decriminalize abortion in Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health which has the goal of creating the legal basis for abortion and the experts who helped him as an indication of a medical emergency or pregnancy due to rape, and factors inhibiting the decriminalization of abortion is legal factors themselves, law enforcement officials factors, factors facilities or infrastructure, community factors, and cultural factors. Suggestion that the author should the government needs to review the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health in particular Article 31 and Article 34 within the limited evidence of rape victims in just 40 days because of the time limit is not relative to the law enforcement agencies to prove it, as well as regarding the evidentiary aspects of pregnancy due to rape victims in order to avoid an impression of legitimizing the act of abortion in any form. Keywords: Abortion, , Reproductive Health

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Ferry Fadzul Rahman

Abortion is a social phenomenon that is increasingly alarming. The concern is not without reason, because so far the behavior of abortion many negative effects both for themselves the perpetrators and the wider community. With the passing of the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health still raises the pros and cons in the middle of the community. The approach used to address the problem that the above problems are normative juridical approach. Based on the results of the study need to decriminalize abortion in Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health which has the goal of creating the legal basis for abortion and the experts who helped him as an indication of a medical emergency or pregnancy due to rape, and factors inhibiting the decriminalization of abortion is legal factors themselves, law enforcement officials factors, factors facilities or infrastructure, community factors, and cultural factors. Suggestion that the author should the government needs to review the Government Regulation No. 61 Year 2014 on Reproductive Health in particular Article 31 and Article 34 within the limited evidence of rape victims in just 40 days because of the time limit is not relative to the law enforcement agencies to prove it, as well as regarding the evidentiary aspects of pregnancy due to rape victims in order to avoid an impression of legitimizing the act of abortion in any form.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 51
Sadjijono Sadjijono ◽  
Bagus Teguh Santoso

Law No. 30/ 2014 on Government Administration brings the strength and the averment on the performance of the governmental functions which include executive, legislative, and juridical in order to provide the public services (bestuurzorg). Such regulation also aims to prevent and to eliminate any kinds of the maladministration done by the government officials/organs in implementing their functions so that good governance can be realized. In implementing their function, the government should rely on the useful performance (doelmatigheid) and the effectiveness (doeltreffenhgeid) according to the norms of each authority. It is a sophism when the ‘authority’ and/or the ‘competence’ mentioned under the Law No. 30/ 2014 on Government Administration are defined differently in the letterlijk gramatikal wet without associating those terms with an understanding of bevoegheid in an administrative legal concept. An idea that distinctively defines the term ‘competence’ as a right and ‘authority’ as a power is considered as an inconsistent idea, which may cause dualism and distortion in the common law enforcement reffering to the administrative law, particularly related to the concept of the authority abuse of power mentioned under the Law No. 31/ 1999 amended by the Law No. 20/ 2001 on deeds against corruption. As the result, when the notion of ‘authority abuse of power’ is defined as a right (as mentioned in article 1, subsection 5 jo. article 17, Law No. 30/ 2014 on Government Administration), it will be characterized into the absolute competence of the administrative jurisdiction, and when the notion of ‘authority abuse of power’ is defined as a power (as mentioned in article 3, Law No. 31/ 1999 on deeds against corruption), it will be characterized into the absolute competence of the corruption-act jurisdiction. Meanwhile, implementing the government’s ‘competence’ and/or ‘authority’ is characterized into one concept based on the norms of the authority power.

2018 ◽  

Customary law is the law of life (living low) that grow and develop in the midst of the community in accordancewith the development of society. Customary law who live in midst of ethnic Indonesia is very strategic to be knownand understood by law enforcement officials, legal observers and guidance in applying the appropriate legal andfair for Indonesian society. The common law does not give the right role and the same degree between men andwomen in life, social, culture, political, economic and domestic life and marriage property and inheritance.Landing directly above the law would cause problems among indigenous peoples, especially the indigenous peopleembrace patrilinieal or matrilineal kinship system, such as that experienced by the Batak people who mbracepatrilineal kindship systems knows in Toba Batak society is patrilineal system, which through the male lineage andis the next generation of his parents while girls not the generation of their parents, as a result of this system is veryinfluential on the position of girls in matters of inheritance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-85
Jennifer Ingelyne Nussy

ABSTRACT Recognition and protection of a guarantee of human dignity to earn a respectable place in the eyes of the law and government. Related to the interests of law enforcement, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the purpose of wiretapping evidence in court, while will protecting the privacyrights of suspects. Legal protections for the accused to be seen as matter of law adopted. Therefore, the protection of the privacy rights of a person to be seen in the investigation process. For the Commission to conduct wiretaps should see privacy rights as stipulated in the law and the government should establish a special set of rules that intercepts, thus providing the possibility for law enforcement has the authority to do so does not conflict with human rights.

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