Public Relations: Scope and Challenges in Digital Era

Media Watch ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Manish Verma
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sefy Andhriany

Preserving local culture by reflecting it in every organization's activities becomes a challenge for Public Relations in the digital era 4.0. This is due to a shift in local culture which was replaced by foreign cultures that entered Indonesia. Various kinds of communication strategies are carried out, one of them is by the Public Relations of Aston Imperium Purwokerto hotel which maintains the local cultural specialties at the hotel. This study aims to analyze the communication strategy carried out by Aston Imperium Hotel Public Relations in maintaining local diversity in the 4.0 era. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation, and related literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the Aston Imperium Hotel Public Relations communication strategy is implemented internally and externally. Internally, local culture is included in the forms of food and beverage, Banyumas regional specialties, hotel interiors and rooms by displaying puppet decorations and Banyumas batik motifs, employees inserting Banyumas local language in greeting guests, providing clothing counters and batik decorations in the hotel. Externally, Aston hotel PR cooperates with the local government and tourism office to support maintaining local wisdom.��

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-122
Nobertus Ribut Santoso

Public relations professionals have been dominated by females since they have good communication skills and abilities in persuading and engaging in the conversation and listening the stakeholders to build and harmonize relationships them. However, male public relations practitioners dominate in the top positions since they have been participated in the managerial roles while female are in the technical roles. In the organization, female public relations practitioners face inequalities in social, professional, and economic areas and they also find it difficult to achieve higher position because the traditional patriarchy is still strongly practiced. It harder for them to break this barrier. Family and children, on the other hand, become big considerations for females to climb the higher position since it will give bigger responsibilities. Moreover, the massive development of digital technologies provides more opportunities for female public relations professionals to intensively engage with the stakeholders. On the other hand, these technologies bring privilege for males since they are more digital technical skills. To compete with males in digital public relations, females should enhance their digital skills, wisely manage their time, learn to take new challenges making them one step ahead, and actively participate in every organizational activity to voice their ideas and straighten up false assumptions and misconceptions about females.  Meanwhile, males should be versatile public relations professionals in the digital era by combining masculine and feminine values to find the best public relations practices.

Comunicar ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (37) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Javier Marzal-Felici ◽  
María Soler-Campillo

This paper presents the results of a research study exploring consumer behaviour and uses of photography among first-year students of the Degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, and Advertising and Public Relations in four Spanish universities (University of Malaga, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of the Basque Country and Universitat Jaume I in Castellón). As it is well known, the emergence of digital technologies has caused far-reaching transformations in the field of photography. These changes have affected production, distribution and circulation processes. However, digital technology has particularly changed the concept of photography itself as a means of expression and communication, above all among young people. Changes in how photography is perceived nowadays, brought about by the onset of digitalization, in turn raises a series of questions that merit reflection. To this end, a survey was designed and administered to a total of 467 communication sciences students in Spain. The results of this research reveal, on the one hand, how these communication students relate to the use of photography today; on the other hand, and more importantly, the results throw some light on how to approach the teaching of digital photography in a higher education context.Se presenta una investigación sobre los hábitos de consumo y usos de la fotografía entre estudiantes de primer curso de las licenciaturas en periodismo, comunicación audiovisual y publicidad y relaciones públicas, en cuatro universidades españolas (Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad del País Vasco y Universitat Jaume I de Castellón). Como es sabido, la aparición de las tecnologías digitales en el campo de la fotografía ha provocado profundas transformaciones en el panorama fotográfico. Estos cambios han afectado a los procesos de producción, a los modos de distribución y circulación de las imágenes. Pero, sobre todo, ha tenido notables consecuencias en la forma misma de conceptualizar la fotografía como forma de expresión y comunicación, y en los usos de la fotografía, en especial entre los más jóvenes. La digitalización ha contribuido a transformar, asimismo, la propia percepción del medio fotográfico, que merece una reflexión en estos momentos. A tal fin, se ha diseñado una encuesta que ha sido realizada a un total de 467 estudiantes de ciencias de la comunicación de nuestro país. En definitiva, el análisis de las respuestas que ofrece la presente investigación nos ha permitido, por un lado, tomar conciencia sobre cómo se relacionan estos estudiantes de comunicación con el medio fotográfico en la actualidad. Pero, sobre todo, se trata de una investigación que nos ofrece algunas pistas sobre cómo abordar, en plena era digital, la enseñanza de la fotografía en el contexto educativo universitario.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-36
Aqida Nuril Salma

In recent years, the Internet has evolved into the most popular way for companies to communicate with stakeholders and key public while also changing the practice of corporate communications and public relations professionals. Especially in crisis communications activities that are considered to be more complex in the digital era. Handling of the crisis nowadays is considered ineffective if only using traditional ways, but also requires the use of the Internet within every element of the crisis. The Internet has dramatically changed the way to respond to a crisis. Thus, research on internet usage in crisis communication are getting a lot of scholar attention. But unfortunately, many studies still only focus on internet usage at one stage. This research paper presents an exploratory study conducted to understand how the internet could be used in all stages of the crisis either before the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis. Furthermore, crisis communication strategy in the digital age is not limited to the use of the Internet as a medium of communication, but also to note the principles and ways of communicating.Keywords: Crisis Communication, Internet, Corporate Communication, Public Relations ABSTRAKDalam beberapa tahun ini, Internet telah berkembang menjadi cara yang paling populer bagi perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan stakeholder dan publik kuncinya sekaligus juga mengubah praktik komunikasi korporat dan public relations profesional. Terlebih dalam kegiatan komunikasi krisis yang dinilai menjadi lebih kompleks di era digital. Penanganan krisis dianggap tidak cukup efektif jika hanya menggunakan cara tradisional, namun juga mewajibkan penggunaan internet di dalam setiap elemen krisis. Internet telah secara dramatis mengubah cara untuk merespon sebuah krisis. Sehingga penelitian mengenai penggunaan internet dalam komunikasi krisis semakin banyak dilakukan oleh para peneliti. Namun sayangnya beberapa masih hanya berfokus pada penggunaan internet pada satu tahapan saja. Maka dari itu, melalui metode studi kasus, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana internet dapat berperan di dalam setiap tahapan krisis, baik itu sebelum krisis, saat krisis hingga sesudah krisis. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi krisis di era digital tidak terbatas hanya pada penggunaan internet sebagai media, namun juga perlu diperhatikan perubahan pada prinsip dan cara berkomunikasinya.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Krisis, Internet, Komunikasi Korporat, Hubungan Masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-250
Asti Prasetyawati

Era digital telah mengubah praktik kehumasan pemerintah menjadi humas digital. Berbagai informasi dan pesan formal resmi dari pemerintah kini dapat dikemas dengan cara yang lebih ringan dan menarik melalui berbagai platform media baru, salah satunya melalui media sosial seperti TikTok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari pemanfaatan TikTok dalam menyosialisasikan konten-konten serius yang dilakukan oleh humas pemerintah di Indonesia, khususnya oleh Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi lewat akun TikTok @kemenkomarves, dengan menggunakan metode observasi sekunder dan tinjauan literatur. Studi ini ingin menganalisis lebih jauh mengenai pemanfaatan TikTok dalam menyebarkan konten- konten serius yang dilakukan oleh humas Kemenko Marves. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya dualisme dampak yang ditimbulkan TikTok dalam melakukan penyebaran konten humas Kemenko Marves. Meskipun penyebaran informasi melalui TikTok berpotensi dapat mereduksi esensi asli pesan, namun hal ini juga sekaligus menjadikan informasi tersebut menjadi dekat dan mudah dimengerti oleh masyarakat. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan adaptasi teknologi dan strategi humas digital yang tepat agar humas pemerintah dapat menciptakan konten-konten digital yang menarik dan diminati oleh masyarakat luas. The digital era has changed government public relations practices into digital public relations. Several official information and messages from the government could be formed in a lighter and more attractive way through various new media platforms; one of them is through social media like TikTok. This study aims to analyze the impact of TikTok in disseminating serious content carried out by government public relations in Indonesia, especially by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment through @kemenkomarves TikTok account, using secondary observation and literature review methods. This study is intended to analyse further the use of TikTok in disseminating serious content carried out by public relations of Kemenko Marves. The results of this study indicate the dualism of the impact caused by TikTok in transmitting Kemenko Marves public relations content. Although the dissemination of information through TikTok can reduce the original essence of the message, it also makes the information closer and easy to understand for the public. For this reason, appropriate technology adaptation and digital public relations strategies are needed to make the government public relations create digital content that is attractive for society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Wulan Mulya Asih ◽  
Khoiruddin Muchtar ◽  
Yusuf Zaenal Abidin

Digital PR is a public relations function in the digital era, one of its tasks is to manage social media owned by agencies. Trans Studio Bandung Mosque is one of the mosques that has successfully implemented digital PR management in packaging the social media account Instagram @masjidtrans in an effort to attract public enthusiasm. The research method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach and constructivism paradigm. The results of his research are digital PR TSB Mosque successfully implemented four stages in the concept of four steps of PR namely, (1) Fact finding is done by analyzing the situation, analyzing the target audience and analyzing the media. (2). Planning: planning the goals to be achieved and making tactical planning. (3). Taking action and communication: dividing the type of content according to Instagram features, following up the content of the study to the organizer community, crosschecking content, creating accidental content, making posting strategies on Instagram and performing posting intensity and content packaging. (4). Evaluation: determine assessment indicators and make monthly reports. Digital PR management in packaging da'wah content on the Instagram account of the Trans Studio Bandung Mosque also increases the congregation who attend the presentation or event held at TSB Mosque

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