Nutritional disorder in Pfaffia glomerata by mercury excess in nutrient solution
ABSTRACT: The mineral nutritional homeostasis in response to different concentrations of Hg (0, 25 and 50μM) was evaluated in Pfaffia glomerata plant. The exposure to the highest level of Hg (50µM) caused a decreasing in shoot and root fresh weights of 15.5% and 20%, respectively. Both shoot and root Hg concentrations increased linearly with increasing external Hg concentrations. Ca concentration decreased in shoot only at 50µM Hg, whereas shoot K and Mg concentrations decreased at both 25 and 50µM Hg, when compared to the control. A significant decrease in Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations in plants exposed to Hg was observed, but most Zn, Mn, and Cu in the roots. On the other hand, P concentration increased in both root and shoot of plants exposed at 25 and 50µM Hg, whereas Na concentration increased only in the root at 25 and 50µM Hg exposure. In general, tissue nutrient concentrations in P. glomerata plantlets exposed to Hg were significantly decreased, which indicates that the Hg may cause alteration on the mineral nutritional homeostasis of this species.