scholarly journals Effects of a 12-hour shift on mood states and sleepiness of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurses

Tadeu Sartini Ferreira ◽  
Clarice Zinato Moreira ◽  
James Guo ◽  
Franco Noce

Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of a 12-hour shift on mood states and sleepiness at the beginning and end of the shift. METHOD Quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study.It was conducted with 70 neonatal intensive care unit nurses. The Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), and a socio-demographic profile questionnaire were administered. RESULTS When the KSS and BRUMS scores were compared at the beginning of the shift associations were found with previous sleep quality (p ≤ 0.01), and quality of life (p ≤ 0.05). Statistical significant effects on BRUMS scores were also associated with previous sleep quality, quality of life, liquid ingestion, healthy diet, marital status, and shift work stress. When the beginning and end of the shift were compared, different KSS scores were seen in the group of all nurses and in the night shift one. Significant vigor and fatigue scores were observed within shift groups. CONCLUSION A good night’s sleep has positive effects on the individual`s mood states both at the beginning and the end of the shift. The self-perception of a good quality of life also positively influenced KSS and BRUMS scores at the beginning and end of the shift. Proper liquid ingestion led to better KSS and BRUMS scores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-66
Dae Seong Kim ◽  
Eui Kyung Choi ◽  
Jeong Hee Shin ◽  
Kyu Hee Park ◽  
Jaehyung Cha ◽  

Rosario Montirosso ◽  
Alberto Del Prete ◽  
Anna Cavallini ◽  
Patrizia Cozzi ◽  

Il presente studio č parte di un progetto di ricerca longitudinale multicentrico, denominato NEO-ACQUA (NEONATAL ADEQUATE CARE for QUALITY of LIFE), il cui principale obiettivo č la valutazione della qualitŕ della vita di bambini nati pretermine, ma considerati "sani" alla dimissione per l'assenza di patologie conclamate. In quest'articolo sono riportati i risultati relativi alla valutazione neurocomportamentale. Lo scopo primario č indagare possibili differenze nel profilo neurologico e comportamentale rispetto a bambini nati a termine. Hanno preso parte allo studio 69 bambini nati molto pretermine (etŕ gestazionale < 30a settimana e/o peso alla nascita < 1500 gr) e 33 bambini nati a termine. I pretermine sono stati valutati al raggiungimento dell'etŕ postmestruale a termine (_ 37 settimane), i nati a termine tra la seconda e la terza giornata di vita. La valutazione neurocomportamentale č stata eseguita tramite la Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS). In confronto ai nati a termine, i pretermine presentavano un maggior numero di riflessi non ottimali e una scarsa qualitŕ del movimento. Sul piano comportamentale manifestavano una minore capacitŕ di attenzione e di partecipazione allo scambio con l'ambiente. Inoltre risultavano meno abili nella regolazione del distress. Infine, presentavano marcati livelli di stress. I risultati rilevano che, anche in assenza di documentate complicazioni cliniche, bambini fortemente pretermine presentano un'alterazione del profilo neurocomportamentale. Queste evidenze sono discusse alla luce del possibile utilizzo della NNNS in programmi di intervento precoce a favore dei bambini pretermine e di sostegno ai loro genitori.

Thomas J. Smith ◽  
Sandra Clayton ◽  
Kathleen Schoenbeck

This report summarizes findings from a human factors evaluation of a change in the design of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) from an open bay (OBNICU) to a private room (PRNICU) patient care environment. The objective was to compare and contrast effects of this design change on the perceptions and performance of NICU patient care staff. Results indicate that, relative to work on the OBNICU, staff perceived that work on the PRNICU resulted in notable improvements in the quality of physical environmental conditions, their jobs, patient care and patient safety, interaction with parents of NICU patients, interaction with patient care technology and their life off-the-job. In contrast, staff perceived that the quality of interaction among different members of the NICU patient care team worsened substantially after the move to the PRNICU. The latter finding prompted the recommendation that a virtual open bay environment be implemented in the PRNICU.

2013 ◽  
Vol 167 (1) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
Jochen Profit ◽  
John A. F. Zupancic ◽  
Jeffrey B. Gould ◽  
Kenneth Pietz ◽  
Marc A. Kowalkowski ◽  

2000 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 400-403 ◽  
Anita J. Catlin ◽  
Brian S. Carter

The Spring 1999 issue of Cambridge Quarterly (Volume 8, Number 2) adds to the growing body of academic inquiry into the goals of neonatal intensive care practices. Muraskas and colleagues thoughtfully presented the possibility of nontreatment for neonates born at or under 24 weeks gestation. Jain, Thomasma, and Ragas explained that quality of future life must not be ignored in clinical deliberation. And Hefferman and Heilig described once again the dilemmas nurses face when caring for potentially devastated neonates kept alive by technology. These authors take brave steps by publicly questioning the trend of intensive medical support for most every American-born product of conception. But many questions addressing the goals of neonatal intensive care remain, and few authors have actually tried to distill these goals.

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