scholarly journals Inter-annual variability on the water quality in the Lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil)

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (0) ◽  
Paulo Ricardo Petter Medeiros ◽  
Geórgenes Hilário Cavalcante ◽  
Nilva Brandini ◽  
Bastiaan Adriaan Knoppers

Abstract: Aim This study characterized the water quality in the lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil).This research represents the first work to be carried out in the lower sector of the São Francisco river aiming to quantify and compare limnological variables, during three different years (2001, 2004 and 2007). Methods Water samples were collected in a transversal section of the river at monthly intervals period on surface layer. Temperature, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were obtained using a multiparameter probe YSI-6600. The dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved phosphorus and silicates), chlorophyll-a and total suspended sediment (TSS) were also determined. Results The three hydrological years showed differences in precipitation rates and discharge conditions. The year 2001 had precipitation rates below the historical series of rainfall. The mean annual water temperature showed negligible differences among the three years. Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations were highest in 2004, with ammonia and nitrate differing statistically between the years (p<0.05); the later showed the largest concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Chlorophyll-a showed a slight difference among years. Conclusions Precipitation intensity has a direct impact on the São Francisco River discharge, but the geographical distribution of the precipitation is also a determinant factor for alterations of the chemical and physical characteristics of the water that reaches the lower sector of the São Francisco River.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (0) ◽  
Nilva Brandini ◽  
Ana Paula de Castro Rodrigues ◽  
Ilene Matanó Abreu ◽  
Luiz Carlos Cotovicz Junior ◽  

Abstract Aim: There are few studies dealing with the biogeochemical processes occurring in small estuaries receiving high sewage loading in tropical regions. The aim of this investigation was to characterize the biogeochemical behavior of nutrients in superficial waters collected at the Iguaçu estuarine system, during specific conditions (neap tide), located at the inner sector of a heavily eutrophicated embayment (Guanabara Bay, SE Brazil). Methods Physical and chemical variables were measured in situ (pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, transparency, dissolved oxygen), whereas suspended particulate matter, chlorophyll a, phaepigments and nutrients (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus forms) were measured in laboratory across the mesohaline estuarine gradient. Results The Iguaçu River mouth is in a high stage of eutrophication, considering nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a and transparency of water column. Results indicate a transition from heterotrophic conditions to autotrophic conditions, since the nutrients concentrations showed a decreasing pattern along the saline gradient, while the chlorophyll an increased over the transects. The pH values and chlorophyll : phaeopigments ratios are significantly related to the amount and quality of organic matter contents, especially at transects under strong marine influence. More than 95% of the dissolved and total nitrogen concentrations are represented by NH4+ contributions, which are related to the ammonification of organic matter contents in this region, indicating the existence of untreated sewage loads in this area. Conclusion In this study, the Iguaçu River seemed to contribute with high inputs of nutrients that support important phytoplankton production at the inner regions of the bay related to the CO2 sink and autotrophic metabolism, showing the importance of verifying the biogeochemical behaviors of nutrients in estuarine areas, even in small scale.

Woodruff Miller

This study is the continuation of an evaluation of the trophic state of lakes located in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. The original 1995 study was motivated by concern that the water quality of the lakes within the Park may be declining due to increased human usage over the past several years. A trophic state evaluation, featuring nutrient and chlorophyll-a analyses, was chosen because it is believed to be a sound indicator of the lakes' overall water quality. In this 1996 study, a thorough evaluation was made of Jackson Lake. This summary is taken from the complete 100 page report which is available from Woodruff Miller at Brigham Young University or Hank Harlow at the University of Wyoming. In most cases water samples were taken four times during the summer of 1996, in June, July, August, and October. Jackson Lake was sampled at eight different locations on thesurface and at depths near the bottom. The lake inlet and outlet were also sampled four times. Jackson Lake was sampled from a motor boat which also provided a means to measure the lake transparency and depth. The chlorophyll-a and nutrient concentrations were analyzed by the Utah State Health Department, Division of Laboratory Services. Jackson Lake was evaluated using the models of Carlson, Vollenweider, and Larsen­Mercier. The nature of the Larsen-Mercier and Vollenweider models, based on system inflow and outflow data, is such that they yield one trophic state assessment of the lake per inflow and outflow sample set. The Carlson Trophic State Indices (TSI), on the other hand, are based on in situ properties of the water at any point in the lake. Consequently, while there are four Vollenweider and four Larsen-Mercier evaluations for Jackson Lake, individual Carlson evaluations were made for the eight sample sites around the lake at the surface and at depth, and an evaluation for the lake as a whole was constructed using averages taken from the site evaluations. This allowed us to examine the relative water quality of different portions of the lake at different time periods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1248 ◽  
Solange Cavalcanti de Melo ◽  
José Coelho de Araújo Filho ◽  
Renata Maria Caminha Mendes de Oliveira Carvalho

RESUMOO conhecimento da análise quantitativa das concentrações de sedimentos em suspensão transportados pelo rio São Francisco bem como sua relação com as vazões é de muita importância, pois pode auxiliar na identificação dos efeitos da intervenção humana e ou ocasionados pelas condições naturais da região. As regiões a jusante dos barramentos no rio São Francisco apresentam como principal consequência a regularização das vazões e a diminuição das concentrações de sedimentos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar as curvas-chave de sedimentos em suspensão (CCS) nas estações fluviométricas instaladas no Baixo São Francisco (BSF) após a barragem de Xingó. Para o estabelecimento dessas curvas foram utilizados dados de vazão e concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, obtidos do sistema Hidroweb no site da Agência Nacional da Água (ANA) no período de 1999 a 2018. Foram obtidas CCS para todo o trecho do BSF as quais apresentaram bons coeficientes de determinação. Na análise dos dados também foi possível perceber que nos últimos anos, desde 2013 houve redução gradativa das vazões disponibilizadas na barragem de Xingó. Consequentemente, houve também a redução gradativa das cargas de sedimentos em suspensão geradas nas estações de Piranhas, Traipu e Propriá, ou seja, os menores valores já registrados no BSF correspondendo as menores séries históricas tanto de vazão como de sedimentos em suspensão.  Keys curves of sediment discharges in suspension in the Lower São Francisco A B S T R A C TThe knowledge of the quantitative analysis of suspended sediment concentrations carried by the São Francisco River as well as its relation with the flows is of great importance, since it can help in the identification of the effects of human intervention and/or caused by the natural conditions of the region. In the downstream regions of the São Francisco riverbanks, the main consequence was the regularization of flow rates and the reduction of sediment concentrations. The objective of the research was to determine the key curves of suspended sediments (CCS) at the fluviometric stations installed in the lower São Francisco river after Xingó dam. For the evaluation, flow data and suspended sediment concentration were used. These data were obtained from the Hidroweb system on the website of the National Water Agency (ANA) from 1999 to 2018. CCS were plotted for all stretches and presented good coefficients of determination (R2). Based on the analysis of the data it was also possible to notice that in recent years, since 2013 there has been a gradual reduction of the flows available in the Xingó dam. Consequently, there was also a gradual reduction of suspended sediment loads generated at the Piranhas, Traipu and Propriá stations, that is, the lowest values already recorded in lower São Francisco, corresponding to the lower historical series of both discharge and suspended sediments.Keywords: dam, flow, sediments 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Thanh-Son Dao ◽  
Thi-Nhu-Phuong Bui

<p class="emsd"><span lang="EN-GB">In this study we investigated the variation of phytoplankton and the water quality in Vam Co River, Southern Vietnam. Phytoplankton were bi-monthly monitored in 2011 at 12 sampling sites in the river. Some basic environmental parameters were also monitored including temperature, pH, turbidity, inorganic nitrogen and dissolved phosphorus. The phytoplankton biodiversity and Diatomeae indices were applied for environmental quality evaluation. The results showed that temperature </span><span lang="EN-GB">ranged from 28.7 – 31.9 </span><span lang="EN-GB">°C during the monitoring. The pH and turbidity were in between 3.9 – 7.0 and 2 – 64 NTU, respectively. The nitrate and ammonium concentrations were from 0.06 – 1.21 and 0.03 – 1.15 mg/L, respectively. The phosphate concentration was between 0.02 and 0.37 mg/L. </span><span lang="EN-GB">The environmental parameters were favorable for phytoplankton development. The phytoplankton analyses showed that there were 290 species of diatoms, green algae, golden algae, yellow algae, euglenoids, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria of which green algae and diatoms were dominant in species number. </span><span lang="EN-GB">Phytoplankton density ranged from 920 – 383 600 individuals/L with the main dominant species of diatoms. The biodiversity index values during the monitoring were from 0.15 – 3.80 characterized for oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions whereas the Diatomeae index values were more than 0.2 indicating for the eutrophic characteristic of the aquatic environment. Besides, phytoplankton species number positively correlated with temperature but negatively correlated with nitrate concentration. Additionally, the biodiversity positively correlated with temperature and species number, but negatively correlated with nitrate and phytoplankton abundance. The results confirmed the advantage of using phytoplankton and their indices for environmental monitoring and water quality assessment.</span></p><p> </p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-185 ◽  
Edélti Faria Albertoni ◽  
Cleber Palma-Silva ◽  
Claudio Rossano Trindade Trindade ◽  
Leonardo Marques Furlanetto

AIM: The main objective of this work is to describe the changes in water characteristics of a shallow subtropical lake, in periods with and without growing of macrophytes, related to periods of clear-macrophyte dominance and turbid-phytoplankton dominance states. METHODS: The study was conducted in Biguás Lake, in the south coastal plain of Brazil (32° 04' 43" S and 52° 10' 03" W). Samplings were carried out monthly between October 2000 and November 2013. The limnological variables measured in the water column were dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chlorophyll-a, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and suspended material (SM). Data were grouped according to periods with macrophyte growth dominance (MD) and without macrophytes, with phytoplankton dominance (PD), and applied t- tests among TP, TN, Chlorophyll-a and SM. During macrophyte growth we estimated the coverage (%) and biomass variation of plants. RESULTS: Over the 13 years, the lake was well oxygenated, alkaline, and with a temperature variation according to subtropical seasonality. The lower values of all of the limnological variables were verified during periods of macrophyte growth, characterizing periods of clear and turbid waters. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of aquatic macrophytes in improving water quality in this shallow lake during the studied period, reducing nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a and suspended material in water, favoring the maintenance of a clear water state, was verified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-67
Md. Sakib Hasan Nion ◽  
Md. Sirajul Islam ◽  
Md. Enamul Hoq ◽  
Md. Humayun Kabir ◽  
Mir Md. Mozammal Hoque

The seasonal and tidal variations of physicochemical parameters, nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll a concentration from the water of Passur river and Koromjol canal in the Sundarbans mangrove ecosystems were investigated during March 2018 to February 2019. Samples were collected from five sampling stations during March, August and November where these months were considered as pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. The nutrients NH3-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, SO4 and Chlorophyll a concentrations were found 0.001 to 0.09, 3.5 to 50, 0.06 to 5.4, 30 to 272 and 0.18 to 1.75 mg/L, respectively, during high tides, and 0.001 to 0.39, 4.2 to 47, 0.1 to 2.75, 20 to 179 and 0.218 to 1.88 mg/L, respectively, during low tides. The NO3-N was very high than suitable limit during both tides at monsoon and post-monsoon season. The PO4-P was found moderately high during both tides at all stations. The SO4 was found to be 187.8 and 76.87 mg/L during high tide, and 135.4 and 95.73 mg/L during low tides in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon, respectively, that were very high than water quality standards. The Passur river and the Koromjol canal were fluctuating seasonally and tidally in some magnitude and their variations can alter the water quality as well as the density and distribution of living organisms.

2001 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 235 ◽  
Lester J. McKee ◽  
Bradley D. Eyre ◽  
Shahadat Hossain ◽  
Peter R. Pepperell

Water quality was monitored on a spatial and temporal basis in the subtropical Richmond River catchment over two years. Nutrient concentrations varied seasonally in a complex manner with highest concentrations (maximum =3110 µg N L – 1 and 572 µg P L –1 ) associated with floods. However, median (444 µg N L – 1 and 55 µg P L – 1 ) concentrations were relatively low compared with other parts of the world. The forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in streams varied seasonally, with greater proportions of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus during the wet season. Minimum nutrient concentrations were found 2—3 months after flood discharge. With the onset of the dry season, concentration increases were attributed to point sources and low river discharge. There were statistically significant relationships between geology and water quality and nutrient concentrations increased downstream and were significantly related to population density and dairy farming. In spite of varying geology and naturally higher phosphorus in soils and rocks in parts of the catchment, anthropogenic impacts had the greatest effects on water quality in the Richmond River catchment. Rainfall quality also appeared to be related both spatially and seasonally to human activity. Although the responses of the subtropical Richmond River catchment to changes in land use are similar to those of temperate systems of North America and Europe, the seasonal patterns appear to be more complex and perhaps typical of subtropical catchments dominated by agricultural land use.

2016 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-205 ◽  
Olga S. Jakovljević ◽  
Slađana S. Popović ◽  
Danijela P. Vidaković ◽  
Katarina Z. Stojanović ◽  
Jelena Ž. Krizmanić

AbstractThe main objective of this study was to assess the ecological status of the Mlava River based on epilithic diatoms and to test the use of diatom indices as a tool for estimating the quality of flowing waters in Serbia. Quantitative analysis showed that in AprilAchnanthidium minutissimumwas dominant at each site, except at the fifth site, whereAmphora pediculuswas dominant. In July and September,Achnanthidium minutissimum, Achnanthidium pyrenaicum,Amphora pediculus,Denticula tenuis,Diatoma vulgaris,Gomphonema elegantissimum,Cocconeis pseudolineataandCocconeis placentulavar.lineatadominated. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to detect the major patterns of variation in species composition. The first DCA axis summarizes the distribution of the diatom community, mainly through temperature, conductivity, oxygen and water hardness gradient. The second DCA axis was weakly correlated with few variables. Based on the average values of the pollution sensitivity index (IPS), commission for economical community metric (CEE) and biological diatom index (IBD), the water of the Mlava River belonged to water class I during all three seasons. Values of the diatom-based eutrophication/pollution index (EPI-D) indicated class II water quality. According to calculated trophic diatom index (TDI) values, water of the Mlava River was characterized by intermediate nutrient concentrations during three seasons. Principal components analysis was used to represent the correlation between diatom indices, and the highest correlation among the selected diatom indices is seen between EPI-D, IPS and IBD.

2014 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 153 ◽  
Brendan Logan ◽  
Kathryn H. Taffs

Point-sampling of water is often referred to as an inaccurate and crude method for use in estuaries; however, budgetary, spatial and time constraints often leave it as the only feasible option. The present paper investigates the relationship between spring water quality and diatom sampling of 52 eastern Australian subtropical estuaries and the OzCoasts determined classification of estuarine condition. In general, estuarine health decreases along the total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and the centric to pennate diatom ratio gradients. However, although there is a general trend, results are varied within each class, with some estuaries classed as extensively modified, recording low nutrient conditions. Principal components analysis (PCA) indicated that 55% of the variance among sites is explained by the first and second axes, with TN, TP, TN : TP, latitude and pH having high correlation with PCA Axis 1, and temperature, conductivity and the centric to pennate diatom ratio being correlated with Axis 2. Two diatom species that may have bioindicator value for estuary conditions were identified. We concluded that even though natural variability and accurate characterisation of estuaries is not possible with point-sampling, it can still identify important information on the status of estuarine condition, particularly in relation to total nutrient concentrations where budget and/or time constraints limit environmental monitoring.

Elizêne Veloso Ribeiro ◽  
Antônio Pereira Magalhães Junior ◽  
Adolf Heinrich Horn ◽  
Wallace Magalhães Trindade

Este trabalho apresenta resultados da avaliação da qualidade da água na secção do Rio São Francisco no segmento entre Três Marias e Pirapora. Foram monitorados parâmetros físico-químicos e os elementos Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Ba, Ni, Al, Mn, Ca, Mg e Fe durante um ano; as concentrações dos metais foram obtidas por leitura em ICP-OES. Vários elementos apresentaram altos níveis de contaminação nas áreas urbano-industriais de Três Marias e Pirapora. No segmento de influência rural entre os dois centros urbanos e a jusante de Pirapora, foram observadas alterações para os metais pesados (Cd, Cu, Cr, Co e Ni), que evidenciam a necessidade de um estudo de contaminação dos solos agrícolas, principalmente irrigados, na região. A variação sazonal marca a diferença da qualidade da água no segmento no que se refere aos metais em suspensão com maiores concentrações na estação chuvosa. O Índice de Contaminação foi definido pela razão entre a concentração encontrada e os limites ambientais da Resolução Conama 357/2005. Os resultados evidenciam a degradação da qualidade da água nos centros urbano-industriais, cujos altos Ic decorrem das elevadas concentrações de Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr e Ni. Chamam atenção principalmente os valores que foram obtidos para os metais dissolvidos devido à maior possibilidade de efeitos tóxicos.. Ressalta-se a necessidade de intervenção nas áreas de maior Ic adjacentes aos centros urbano-industriais visando a melhorar a qualidade da água e responder à população local que tem forte relação com o Rio São Francisco.Palavras-chave: Metais Pesados, Qualidade da Água, Índice de Contaminação, Rio São Francisco e Uso do Solo. ABSTRACT: HEAVY METALS AND WATER QUALITY OF THE SÃO FRANCISCO RIVER IN SEGMENT BETWEEN TRÊS MARIAS AND PIRAPORA –MG: INDEX OF CONTAMINATION. This work presents heavy metal concentration measurements taken across a section of the São Francisco River, between Três Marias and Pirapora, to evaluate water quality. The physicochemical parameters and the elements Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Ba, Ni, Al, Mn, Ca, Mg and Fe were monitored during a one year period; the concentration levels of metals were determined by ICP-OES. High contamination levels were found for many elements in Três Marias and Pirapora urban-industrial areas. The section under rural influence, located between the two urban areas and downstream from Pirapora, presented anomalous heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Cr, Co and Ni) readings. That indicates that soil contamination studies are needed, especially on irrigated soil, in agricultural areas within the region. The index is defined by the ratio between the concentrations found which results from environmental limits established by Resolution CONAMA 357/2005. The results show the degradation of water quality in urban-industrial centers, which high rates of contamination result from high concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr and Ni. The values obtained for dissolved metals are especially worth of attention, due to the greater risk of toxic effects caused by them. We stress the need for intervention in the areas showing the highest contamination index - which are located next to urban-industrial centers - to improve water quality and meet the expectations of the locals, whose lives are strongly intertwined with the São Francisco River.Keywords: Heavy Metals, Water Quality, Contamination Index, São Francisco River and Soil Use

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