2006 ◽  
Vol 92 (4) ◽  
pp. 764-769 ◽  
D. Welsh ◽  
R. E. Clopton ◽  
L. Parris
Miriam Rothschild

If the number of infections with (a) trematode parthenitae and cercariae using Littorina neritoides as first intermediate host only, and (b) encysted metacercariae using L. neritoides as second intermediate host only, are plotted against the size of the snails, two different curves result. The first shows a low rate of infection in the small size groups, but a steep upward slope rising to 91% in the large size groups. The second shows a curve increasing uniformly to 87% infection.Possible interpretations are discussed, and it is concluded that the difference is probably due to the fact that primary infections cause accelerated growth in the host.

1951 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 401-409 ◽  

Parasitology ◽  
1941 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-362 ◽  
Miriam Rothschild ◽  
Nora G. Sproston

In 1934 an intensive but unsuccessful search was made for the metacercariae of the Rhodometopa group of cercariae parasitizing Turritella communis Lamarck. Attention was concentrated on the vertebrate and invertebrate fauna of the Rame Mud, as Turritella has a patchy and circumscribed distribution in the Plymouth neighbourhood and is virtually restricted to a few small areas of ground in this region. The high rate of infection suggested that the metacercariae must occur commonly in some species found there, and the behaviour of the cercariae indicated that a fish served as second intermediate host (Rothschild, 1935, p. 169). This has now been proved.

Parasitology ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 126 (4) ◽  
pp. 369-378 ◽  

Many hermaphroditic parasites reproduce by both cross-fertilization and self-fertilization. To understand the maintenance of such mixed mating systems it is necessary to compare the fitness consequences of the two reproductive modes. This has, however, almost never been done in the context of host–parasite coevolution. Here we show the consequences of outcrossing and selfing in an advanced life-stage of the cestode Schistocephalus solidus, i.e. in its second intermediate host, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Each juvenile stickleback was simultaneously exposed to 2 experimentally infected copepods, one harbouring outcrossed the other selfed parasites. At 60 days p.i. parasites were removed from the fish's body cavity and, with microsatellite markers, assigned to either outcrossed or selfed origin. Prevalence was not significantly higher in outcrossed parasites. However, those fish that were infected contained significantly more outcrossed than selfed parasites. Thus the probability of a selfed parasite to progress in the life-cycle is reduced in the second intermediate host. Furthermore, we found that even the multiply infected fish increased in weight during the experiment. Nevertheless, total worm weight in multiply infected fish was significantly lower than in singly infected ones, which thus might be a parasite life-history strategy.

1999 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-145 ◽  
A.M. McCarthy

The potential influence of second intermediate host species on the infectivity of metacercarial cysts of Echinoparyphium recurvatum to the definitive host Anas platyrhynchos was examined experimentally. Echinoparyphium recurvatum metacercarial cysts were obtained from the following experimentally infected second intermediate hosts 14 days post expsoure to cercariae: Lymnaea peregra; Physa fontinalis; L. stagnalis;Planorbis planorbis; Biomphalaria glabrata; tadpoles of the amphibian Rana temporaria. Metacercarial cysts from each of these hosts were fed, in doses of 50 cysts per individual, to separate groups composed of between four and eight, 3-day-old A. platyrhynchos ducklings. All A. platyrhynchos were necropsied 15 days post-infection and the number, size, and reproductive status of E. recurvatum worms in the intestine was recorded. Analyses of variance on the number (transformed log (x + 1)) and size of worms revealed no significant differences in worms originating from metacercariae formed in the different second intermediate hosts (worm number P > 0.05, and worm size P > 0.05). All worms recovered were found to be gravid. It is therefore concluded that the species of second intermediate host utilized does not influence the infectivity of the metacercarial cyst of E. recurvatum, nor the subsequent establishment and reproductive status of the parasite in A. platyrhynchos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
D. Krupenko ◽  
A. Uryadova ◽  
A. Gonchar ◽  
G. Kremnev ◽  
V. Krapivin

Abstract Few digeneans of the family Fellodistomidae are known from the Russian Arctic seas. The taxonomic status of these species, their life cycles and host range raised recurrent questions, some of which remain unanswered. To revise the species composition and life cycles of fellodistomids in the White Sea, we searched for them in several known and suspected hosts: wolffish, flatfishes (definitive), gastropods of the family Buccinidae (second intermediate) and protobranch bivalves (first intermediate). Species identification was based both on morphology and 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. We found Fellodistomum agnotum in the White Sea for the first time. Buccinum undatum was proved to be intermediate host of both F. agnotum and Fellodistomum fellis, and metacercariae of F. fellis were registered from two more buccinid species: Buccinum scalariforme and Neptunea despecta. We also found metacercariae of F. agnotum and F. fellis producing eggs in the second intermediate host. Two fellodistomids were found in protobranch bivalves: sporocysts and cercariae of Steringophorus furciger in Nuculana pernula, and sporocysts with large furcocercous cercariae in Ennucula tenuis. The latter were identified as F. agnotum by molecular analysis; thus, the entire life cycle of this species was reconstructed.

1999 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
T. Scholz

The life cycles of species of Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) parasitizing fishes in the Palearctic Region are reviewed on the basis of literary data and personal experimental observations, with special attention being paid to the development within the intermediate and definitive hosts. Planktonic crustaceans, diaptomid or cyclopid copepods (Copepoda), serve as the only intermediate hosts of all Proteocephalus species considered. A metacestode, or procercoid, develops in the body cavity of these planktonic crustaceans and the definitive host, a fish, becomes infected directly after consuming them. No previous reports of the parenteral location of metacestodes within the second intermediate host as it is in the Nearctic species P. ambloplitis have been recorded. Thus, the life cycles of Proteocephalus tapeworms resemble in their general patterns those of some pseudophyllidean cestodes such as Eubothrium or Bothriocephalus, differing from the latter in the presence of a floating eggs instead of possessing an operculate egg from which a ciliated, freely swimming larva, a coracidium, is liberated. The scolex of Proteocephalus is already formed at the stage of the procercoid within the copepod intermediate host; in this feature, proteocephalideans resemble caryophyllidean rather than pseudophyllidean cestodes. The morphology of procercoids of individual species is described with respect to the possibility of their differentiation and data on the spectrum of intermediate hosts are summarized. Procercoids of most taxa have a cercomer, which does not contain embryonic hooks in contrast to most pseudophyllidean cestodes. The role of invertebrates (alder-fly larvae — Megaloptera) and small prey fishes feeding upon plankton in the transmission of Proteocephalus tapeworms still remains unclear but these hosts are likely to occur in the life cycle. Data on the establishment of procercoids in definitive hosts, morphogenesis of tapeworms within fish hosts, and the length of the prepatent period are still scarce and new observations are needed. Whereas extensive information exists on the development of P. longicollis (syns. P. exiguus and P. neglectus), almost no data are available on the ontogeny of other taxa, in particular those occurring in brackish waters (P. gobiorum, P. tetrastomus). The morphology of P. cernuae and P. osculatus procercoids from experimentally infected intermediate hosts is described for the first time.

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