1969 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-NP ◽  

SUMMARY Adult male rats were treated with daily s.c. doses of 10 mg. cyproterone acetate for 3 weeks. Histological examination of the exorbital lacrimal glands at the end of treatment showed distinct differences compared with male controls: the histological picture showing greater resemblance to the glands of female controls. In orchidectomized rats receiving substitution treatment with testosterone propionate, cyproterone acetate 'neutralized' the effect of testosterone propionate on the exorbital lacrimal gland to a considerable extent. The possibility that this gland may play a part in the sexual behaviour of the rat is discussed.

1974 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-115 ◽  

SUMMARY The ability of 19-hydroxytestosterone propionate (150 μg/day) to maintain sexual behaviour, accessory organ weights and the number of penile spines in experienced adult male rats in the 5 weeks after castration was compared with intact males and castrated animals receiving testosterone propionate (75 μg/day) or oil treatment. In a second experiment a group of male rats receiving dihydrotestosterone propionate (150 μg/day) was also included. 19-Hydroxytestosterone did not maintain ejaculatory performance but animals that ejaculated had refractory periods similar to those in intact and testosterone-treated groups. Dihydrotestosterone, however, slowed the rate of decline of ejaculatory performance but the refractory periods were comparable to those in castrated controls. The former action of dihydrotestosterone was attributed to its stimulatory effect on peripheral structures, especially the penile spines. 19-Hydroxytestosterone was shown to have no peripheral effect at doses up to 1800 μg every other day. The results are discussed in terms of a theory of testosterone action involving aromatization in the brain and 5α-reduction peripherally.

1971 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-NP ◽  

SUMMARY 5α-Androstan-17β-ol-3-one in its free or in its propionate form was injected systemically (125 μg/day/rat) into sexually experienced, adult, castrated, male rats. These compounds were ineffective in activating masculine behaviour patterns, despite having measurable effects on body weight, seminal vesicle weight and penile morphology. The propionate form also had strong anti-gonadotrophic properties, since when it was injected for 6 days into intact, immature, male rats it significantly reduced testicular weight. In contrast, testosterone propionate (125 μg/day/rat) restored male sexual behaviour to the levels found before castration when injected systemically. Testosterone propionate also affected body weight, seminal vesicle weight, penile morphology and the testicular weight of immature males. These effects may have been due in part to conversion of testosterone to 5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one, but this metabolic step does not seem to be obligatory for activation of male sexual behaviour in rats.

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIV (III) ◽  
pp. 344-352 ◽  
Jerome A. Grunt ◽  
Joseph E. Walker

ABSTRACT The responses of several seminal vesicle in vivo microscopic characteristics, seminal vesicle contractions, seminal vesicle, kidney and adrenal weights and seminal vesicle histology have been compared following the administration of testosterone propionate (T. P.) and norethandrolone (19-NT) to castrated male rats. Fourteen days after castration 35 male Osborne-Mendel rats were divided into 5 groups each containing 6 to 8 animals and given daily subcutaneous injections of 0.1 ml sesame oil with or without added steroids. The groups were: I – sesame oil; II – 100 μg 19-NT; III – 500 μg 19-NT; IV – 100 μg T.P.; V – 500 μg T. P. After 7 days of injections, seminal vesicles were studied by the transillumination method of Knisely. The seminal vesicles, adrenals and kidneys were then removed and weighed and the vesicles were prepared for routine histological examination. The adrenal and kidney weights, as well as the seminal vesicle contractions, responded to both steroids in a similar manner, however, seminal vesicle weight and histology and in vivo characteristics differed greatly. 19-NT appeared to have very little effect on vesicle weight, in vivo characteristics and histology although contractions were inhibited in 13 of 14 animals so treated. Therefore, when used as the end-point in hormonal reactions, seminal vesicle contractions should not be considered comparable to the usual secondary sexual organ reactivity to hormones.

1966 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 363-371 ◽  

SUMMARY The antagonistic action of 1,2α-methylene-6-chloro-Δ4,6-pregnadiene-17α-ol-3,20-dione-17α-acetate (cyproterone acetate) to testosterone propionate (TP) on the testes and accessory glands was investigated in hypophysectomized adult male rats. Treatment of the animals began on the day of hypophysectomy and was continued for 21 days. Daily subcutaneous injections of 0·3 or 1·5 mg. TP/100 g. body weight almost completely inhibited testicular atrophy and involution of the germinal epithelium. Simultaneous administration of 0·3 mg. oestradiol/100 g. body weight did not influence the effect of testosterone propionate. Cyproterone acetate inhibited the effect of testosterone propionate. The extent of inhibition was dose dependent. The antagonism to testosterone was manifested by reduction of testicular weight and by the inhibition of spermiogenesis. The latest stages of spermiogenesis were primarily influenced. Intratesticular cyproterone acetate together with subcutaneous administration of TP caused similar effects in the testes to those of subcutaneous administration. However, regression of the germinal epithelium in the injected testis seemed to be more pronounced than in the contralateral testis. The effects of TP on the accessory sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicles) were inhibited by simultaneous administration of cyproterone acetate. It is concluded that cyproterone acetate competitively inhibits the action of testosterone propionate on the target organs.

1977 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 813-828 ◽  
Rachel Hamburger-Bar ◽  
Henk Rigter

ABSTRACT The effects of androgens on the maintenance and restoration of sexual behaviour (mounts, intromissions and ejaculations) of castrated male rats were studied. In the maintenance study the rats were treated during 5 weeks, starting one day following castration. Testosterone propionate maintained sexual behaviour at an almost normal level. The androgenoestrogen intermediate 19-hydroxytestosterone propionate was unable to prevent the decline in the number of ejaculations over the weeks although this hormone maintained the post-ejaculatory refractory period in those rats that ejaculated and also maintained normal sexual latencies. In the restoration study administration of testosterone propionate during 7 weeks to long-term castrated rats restored sexual behaviour to normal. 19-Hydroxytestosterone propionate treated rats displayed mounts but no other signs of sexual behaviour. The 5α-reduced androgen dihydrotestosterone propionate did not restore sexual behaviour. Testosterone propionate and dihydrotestosterone propionate stimulated peripheral target organs; 19-hydroxytestosterone propionate was ineffective in this respect. It has been suggested that testosterone might stimulate sexual behaviour in rats in two ways, i. e., via its aromatization to oestradiol in the brain, and by stimulating growth of peripheral tissues via its 5α-reduction to dihydrotestosterone. In support for this view we have found that the combination of 19-hydroxytestosterone propionate and dihydrotestosterone propionate was effective in restoring the full pattern of sexual behaviour in castrated male rats.

1978 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-136 ◽  
W. HEYNS ◽  

Laboratorium voor Experiméntele Geneeskunde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Rega Instituut, Minderbroedersstraat 10, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium (Received 28 March 1978) The synthesis of α2u-globulin, the major protein found in the urine of adult male rats (Roy & Neuhaus, 1966; Roy, Neuhaus & Harmison, 1966), is controlled by several hormones. Androgens, growth hormone, thyroxine and glucocorticoids promote the synthesis of this protein, whereas oestrogens and a factor secreted by ectopically transplanted pituitary glands suppress it (Roy & Neuhaus, 1967; Roy, 1973; Kurtz, Sippel & Feigelson, 1976; Vandoren, Van Baelen, Verhoeven & De Moor, 1978). Cyproterone acetate (CA), a potent antiandrogen, inhibits the androgenic induction of α2u-globulin in ovariectomized rats, but does not suppress its synthesis in intact male rats (Roy, 1976). In the present experiments, the influence of CA on the induction of α2u-globulin by testosterone propionate (TP) in the serum of gonadectomized male and female rats was compared. Evidence is presented for

1971 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-443 ◽  
J. J. STERN ◽  

SUMMARY The wheel-running activity of 19 male rats was examined before and after castration. Castration significantly reduced spontaneous activity. Testosterone propionate (TP) administration increased activity to levels before castration. Cyproterone acetate given with TP did not inhibit the increase in activity but inhibited the growth of seminal vesicles.

1967 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-240 ◽  
F. Neumann ◽  
J. D. Hahn ◽  
M. Kramer

ABSTRACT Male newborn rats were injected with 2 mg of an antiandrogen (1,2α-methylene-6-chloro-pregna-4,6-dien-17α-ol-3,20-dione-17α-acetate = cyproterone acetate) daily from their 1st to their 14th day of life. The following effects of this treatment were observed in these animals after onset of sexual maturity: 84% of the animals are unable to reproduce. Penis: the frenulum is broadened to a lamina of triangular shape, which almost completely prevents the preputium from being pushed back. These males show a rather insufficient male sexual behaviour towards females in oestrus. After castration and ovar implantation, some of the treated animals show true corpora lutea and at attempts of cohabitation partially female sexual behaviour towards normal male animals. From these results it can be concluded, that differentiation of the penis is not completed at the time of birth. The infertility of the animals may be caused by the penile changes (difficulties with intromission) as well as by the aimless sexual behaviour. This aimless sexual behaviour, the ability to produce true corpora lutea and finally their partially female sexual attitude under the influence of the hormones from the implanted ovaries led to the conclusion, that the above described neonatal treatment apparently inhibited testosterone-depending post partum developments of sexual differentiation in hypothalamic centers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Abdulqader Fadhil Abed ◽  
Yazun Bashir Jarrar ◽  
Hamzeh J Al-Ameer ◽  
Wajdy Al-Awaida ◽  
Su-Jun Lee

Background: Oxandrolone is a synthetic testosterone analogue that is widely used among bodybuilders and athletes. However, oxandrolone causes male infertility. Recently, it was found that metformin reduces the risk of infertility associated with diabetes mellitus. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the protective effects of metformin against oxandrolone-induced infertility in male rats. Methods: Rats continuously received one of four treatments (n=7) over 14 days: control DMSO administration, oxandrolone administration, metformin administration, or co-administration of oxandrolone and metformin. Doses were equivalent to those used for human treatment. Subsequently, testicular and blood samples were collected for morphological, biochemical, and histological examination. In addition, gene expression of the testosterone synthesizing enzyme CYP11A1 was analyzed in the testes using RT-PCR. Results: Oxandrolone administration induced male infertility by significantly reducing relative weights of testes by 48%, sperm count by 82%, and serum testosterone levels by 96% (ANOVA, P value < 0.05). In addition, histological examination determined that oxandrolone caused spermatogenic arrest which was associated with 2-fold downregulation of testicular CYP11A1 gene expression. However, co-administration of metformin with oxandrolone significantly ameliorated toxicological alterations induced by oxandrolone exposure (ANOVA, P value < 0.05). Conclusion: Metformin administration protected against oxandrolone-induced infertility in male rats. Further clinical studies are needed to confirm the protective effect of metformin against oxandrolone-induced infertility among athletes.

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