scholarly journals Editorial

Francois Venter

This first issue of 2007 covers a refreshing spectrum of legal disciplines ranging from cultural and linguistic issues, to the onus of proof in delict, the censorship debate and research methodology.Professor Elmene Bray of the University of South Africa analyses the complexities of the recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal in a case involving the sensitive issue of the medium of instruction in public schools in South Africa.

Motseotsile Clement Marumoagae

This article reflects on the law relating to pension interest in South Africa. In particular, it assesses whether the Supreme Court of Appeal in Ndaba v Ndaba had adequately clarified how this area of law should be understood. In light of the inconsistent approaches from various divisions of the High Court, it has not always been clear how the courts should interpret the law relating to pension interest in South Africa. In this paper, aspects of this area of law which have been clarified by the Supreme Court of Appeal are highlighted. This paper further demonstrates aspects of this area of law which the Supreme Court of Appeal did not settle and would potentially be subject to future litigation. This paper is based on the premise that while Ndaba v Ndaba is welcomed, the Supreme Court of Appeal nonetheless, missed a golden opportunity to authoritatively provide a basis upon which the law relating to pension interest in South Africa should be understood. 

Shaun De Freitas

Scholarship on the protection of religious rights and freedoms in the context of religious associations in South Africa has gained in momentum since the decision by the Equality Court in Johan Daniel Strydom v Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Moreleta Park some years ago. Emanating from this were diverse scholarly insights on what the parameters of religious associations should be, with specific focus on sexual conduct, religious doctrine and membership of religious associations. The South African judiciary has not been confronted with a similar challenge since the decision. However, with the advent of the judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Ecclesia De Lange v The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in 2014, questions as to the parameters of the rights of religious associations in the context of sexual conduct and religious doctrine again present themselves. This article consequently analyses the mentioned judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeal to further an understanding of the parameters of associational rights of religious institutions against the background of a truly plural and democratic society, as supported by the Constitution of South Africa.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 642-650
Rasheed Keith-Bandath

Section 187(1)(c) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA), has over the years proven to be a controversial section. At the heart of the controversy is the question as to whether an employer may terminate employees’ contracts of employment based on operational requirements in circumstances where they refuse to accept changes to terms and conditions of employment. This question came before the courts on a number of occasions and answered in the affirmative by the Labour Appeal Court in Fry’s Metals (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metalworkers of SA ((2003) 21 ILJ 133 (LAC)), and confirmed on appeal by the Supreme Court of Appeal in National Union of Metalworkers of SA v Fry’s Metals (Pty) Ltd (2005 (5) SA 433 (SCA)). However, the LRA has since been amended with the Labour Relations Amendment Act 6 of 2014 (LRAA). Whether an employer may, in light of the amendments, adopt this approach, was recently considered by the LabourAppeal Court in National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Aveng Trident Steel (a division of Aveng Africa Proprietary Ltd) ((JA25/18) [2019] ZALAC 36; (2019) 40 ILJ 2024 (LAC); [2019] 9 BLLR 899 (LAC) (13 June 2019) (Aveng case (LAC)). The judgment is noteworthy as it is the first time that the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) delivered judgment relating to section 187(1)(c) of the LRA post-amendment, thus providing a degree of judicial certainty on the interpretation to be accorded to the amended section.

Merike Ristikivi ◽  
Marju Luts-Sootak ◽  
Heli-Triin Räis

This article discusses the aspirations of two Estonian female lawyers – Auguste Susi-Tannebaum and Olli Olesk – to become a judge in the 1920s. Estonian women were already allowed to study the field of law in the early years of the twentieth century. The possibilities for obtaining a law degree expanded with the foundation of the Republic of Estonia, when female students gained the right to enrol in the university on an equal footing with male students. Nevertheless, it turned out to be much harder to start working in their chosen field: before the Second World War, out of 143 women who had graduated from the Faculty of Law, only 42 were practising lawyers. The first female notary started working only in 1936. No female lawyer became a judge in Estonia before the Second World War, and the first female judges were appointed during the Soviet era in the period of 1940–41. Auguste Susi-Tannebaum and Olli Olesk had graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tartu and were members of the Estonian Bar Association. However, the applications submitted by Susi-Tannebaum (1924) and Olesk (1929) for candidacy to join the judge’s profession were rejected. Both women contested the negative decisions in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was guided by the principle of gender equality and implicitly expressed its opinion that female lawyers who apply for a position as a judge cannot be excluded from the candidacy on the grounds of gender. Regardless of the Supreme Court’s opinion, it was possible to exclude women from the competition for judge’s positions on the basis of the law granting the chairman of the National Court of Appeal (Kohtupalat) the exclusive right to decide on the suitability of candidates without the obligation of justifying the decision. Thus, the cases of Susi-Tannebaum and Olesk indicate how female lawyers who wanted to become judges ended up in a vicious circle: first, the negative response from the National Court of Appeal was followed by the favourable opinion of the Supreme Court on gender equality. Thereafter the Court of Appeal was able to make a further negative (and legally correct) decision on the non-compliance of a candidate for “informal reasons”, without any additional explanation. As it was not obligatory to justify the negative decision, women were deprived of the opportunity to become judges in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1936, the position of the head of the Tartu Guardianship and Custodianship Court was given to Ljubov Hütsi, whom the general public considered the first female judge. However, the guardianship and custodianship court was an administrative institution rather than a genuine court of law. It was subject to judicial control and thus the person appointed as the head of such an institution by the Minister of Internal Affairs cannot be considered a judge. During the 1940s, repressions and the replacement of previous lawyers offered new employment opportunities for women. Regrettably, several women who were appointed judges from 1940 to 1941 had no higher education in law, and some of them did not even have any kind of legal education. In this period, having a legal education was not a priority, because loyalty to the Soviet regime and membership in the Communist Party were more important prerequisites.

Clive Vinti

The Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Anti-Dumping Agreement), permits the imposition of anti-dumping duties for as long and to the extent necessary to counteract dumping which is causing injury subject to the proviso that they must be terminated after five years unless a sunset review has been initiated. Sunset review has the purpose of either permitting or terminating the continuation of an anti-dumping duty. This is significant because if the sunset review is not initiated prior to the expiry of the five year period, the anti-dumping duties will be terminated.Therefore, this places a greater emphasis on the determination of the precise date of commencement of the anti-dumping duties. This is because an incorrect determination of the date of imposition of the anti-dumping duty has obvious financial implications for the interested parties. To this end, the Supreme Court of Appeal in South Africa has delivered two salient judgments in this regard: firstly, in Progress Office Machines CC v SARS, and then more recently, in Association of Meat Importers v ITAC. These two cases hinge on the interpretation of the date of 'imposition' of definitive anti-dumping duties particularly where provisional measures are involved, which invariably determines the date of expiry of the duties as espoused by Regulations 38 and 53 of the International Trade Administration Commission Anti-Dumping Regulations.This paper contends that these two judgments are conflicting and riddled with inconsistencies. Secondly, the paper contends that the SCA has in the recent AMIE case, virtually rewritten its earlier judgment of Progress Office Machines. Lastly, the paper shows that the approach of South African courts on whether the Anti-Dumping Agreement is binding on South African law, is fraught with uncertainty and an ambivalence .The case analysis also reflects on the impact of the newly minted but yet to be implemented, Customs Duty Act, with a view to assess the impact of the new legislation on the issues currently plaguing the anti-dumping regime of South Africa. 

Windell Nortje ◽  
Pieter Du Toit

Sexual crimes continues to be a scourge in our society. It is therefore not surprising that the prevention and criminalisation of sexual crimes in South Africa has received a large amount of attention over the last few years. Contrarily, the matter of historical sexual abuse has received only occasional consideration. Cases of historical sexual abuse present numerous challenges to all parties involved. The victims of historical sexual abuse, often children at the time, are now adults. Some of these victims might not want to relive the experience or confront the offender. On the other hand, the offender might have been rehabilitated and become a respected citizen. In Hewitt v S 2017 1 SACR 309 (SCA) the Supreme Court of Appeal heard the appeal against the sentence of Bob Hewitt, a retired tennis champion. He was convicted of committing numerous sexual offences against young girls. The first of these crimes was committed more than three decades ago. This case note analyses the decision by the SCA while it also examines historical sexual abuse more generally in South Africa as well as in England and Wales, in order to establish whether any lessons can be learned from previous cases and laws as implemented in these countries.     

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