Molecular markers in the improvement of Allium crops
The genus Allium (Family: Alliaceae) is the most important among the bulbous vegetable crops. characterization of Alliums based on phenotypic traits is influenced by the environment and leads to biased diversity estimates. Recognizing the potential of DNA markers in plant breeding, researchers have adopted the molecular markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS), quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and characterization of different quality traits in Alliums. This review presents details about the use of DNA markers in Alliums for cultivar identification, diversity studies, SSR development, colour improvement, total soluble solids (TSS), cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and efforts of DNA sequencing. As there are no such reports to describe the above work under a single heading, we decided to mine literature for those who are working in onion, garlic, chives and leek improvement to generate new insights in the subject.