scholarly journals Molecular markers in the improvement of Allium crops

2013 ◽  
Vol 49 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 131-139 ◽  
L.R.D. Chinnappareddy ◽  
K. Khandagale ◽  
A. Chennareddy ◽  
V.G. Ramappa

The genus Allium (Family: Alliaceae) is the most important among the bulbous vegetable crops. characterization of Alliums based on phenotypic traits is influenced by the environment and leads to biased diversity estimates. Recognizing the potential of DNA markers in plant breeding, researchers have adopted the molecular markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS), quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and characterization of different quality traits in Alliums. This review presents details about the use of DNA markers in Alliums for cultivar identification, diversity studies, SSR development, colour improvement, total soluble solids (TSS), cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and efforts of DNA sequencing. As there are no such reports to describe the above work under a single heading, we decided to mine literature for those who are working in onion, garlic, chives and leek improvement to generate new insights in the subject.

Genetika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Aleksandra Savic ◽  
Milka Brdar-Jokanovic ◽  
Miodrag Dimitrijevic ◽  
Sofija Petrovic ◽  
Milan Zdravkovic ◽  

The characterization of 41 common bean cultivars and landraces from breeding collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, was done based on phenotypic traits and microsatellite markers. Phenotypic traits were chosen from Bioversity International descriptor list. In addition, main yield components were investigated. Analysis of phaseolin type revealed affiliation of cultivars and landraces to Mesoamerican or Andean gene pool. Cultivars and landraces demonstrated significant diversity level with regard to studied phenotypic traits. Identified variation showed high potential for developing new cultivars with desirable combination of traits. Principal component analysis based on phenotypic traits separated bean cultivars and landraces in two groups, which corresponded to Mesoamerican and Andean determined according to phaseolin type. Putative hybrids, with combination of traits between gene pools were also identified. Analysis of microsatellite data, using twenty-two SSR primer pairs, showed medium gene diversity in studied material. Microsatellite-based cluster analysis separated genotypes in two discrete clusters and several subclusters. No clear separation according to gene pool was found between the clusters, however grouping according to gene pool and patterns of phenotypic variation, following these gene pools, were observed within subclusters. Knowledge on detailed relationships of cultivars and landraces based on phenotypic and molecular data would facilitate identification of candidates for future breeding.

Stanislava Grozeva ◽  
Amol N. Nankar ◽  
Daniela Ganeva ◽  
Ivanka Tringovska ◽  
Gancho Pasev ◽  

Characterization of local germplasm is an effective way to identify elite breeding material and develop improved varieties. This study was aimed to assess 52 tomato accessions comprised of local varieties (28), landraces (8), breeding lines (14), and wild relatives (2) and its characterization for 30 morphological/agronomic, four fruit quality, and Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) resistance traits. Morphological, quality, and ToMV traits were evaluated using phenotyping, biochemical assays, and molecular markers, respectively. Fruit shape and size showed appreciable variation with fruits varied from rounded to heart shape and small to big size. Significant variation was observed for fruit weight (1.6g to 564.8g), fruits per plant (6.0 to 174.7), productivity (130.5g to 5146.5g), soluble solids (4.1% to 8.4%), vitamin C (9.5 mg/100g to 46.4 mg/100g), antioxidant activity (2.5 μmol Fe2+/g FW to 9.6 μmol Fe2+/g FW), and total polyphenols (23.9 GAE/100g FW to 124.2 GAE/100g FW). All accessions were phenotypically screened for the virus resistance in the growth chamber and CAPS molecular markers were used to identify accessions with ToMV Tm-22 resistant alleles and accessions LYC-13, LYC-15, LYC-17, LYC-26, and LYC-52 were identified as resistant. Multivariate analysis of morphological and quality traits showed that 35 principal components (PCs) contributed to the total variation and the first two and twelve PCs explained 47.2% and 90% variation, respectively. The evaluated tomato collection appears to have breeding potential and around 20% accessions of the collection (LYC-6, LYC 17-18, LYC 26-31, LYC 33) are promising genetic resources for variety development that are enriched with enhanced fruit quality and high yield.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1462
Jose Miguel Soriano

Since the 1980s, agriculture and plant breeding have changed with the development of molecular marker technology. In recent decades, different types of molecular markers have been used for different purposes: mapping, marker-assisted selection, characterization of genetic resources, etc. These have produced effective genotyping, but the results have been costly and time-consuming, due to the small number of markers that could be tested simultaneously. Recent advances in molecular marker technologies such as the development of high-throughput genotyping platforms, genotyping by sequencing, and the release of the genome sequences of major crop plants open new possibilities for advancing crop improvement. This Special Issue collects sixteen research studies, including the application of molecular markers in eleven crop species, from the generation of linkage maps and diversity studies to the application of marker-assisted selection and genomic prediction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Akhilesh Yadav ◽  
Anton Fennec ◽  
Changfei Guan ◽  
Yong Yang ◽  
Bettina Kochanek ◽  

Phenotypic characterization of postharvest traits is essential for the breeding of high-quality fruits. To compare postharvest traits of different genetic lines, it is essential to use a reference point during fruit development that will be common to all the lines. In this study, we employed a non-destructive parameter of chlorophyll levels to establish a similar physiological age and compared several postharvest traits of ten astringent and seven non-astringent persimmon cultivars. The fruit’s traits examined were astringency, weight, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), chlorophyll levels (IAD), color (hue), firmness, color development and firmness loss during storage, crack development, and susceptibility to Alternaria infection. Although the chlorophyll (IAD) index and color (hue) showed a high correlation among mature fruits of all cultivars, the chlorophyll parameter could detect higher variability in each cultivar, suggesting that IAD is a more rigorous parameter for detecting the developmental stage. The average weight, TSS, and TA were similar between astringent and non-astringent cultivars. Cracks appeared only on a few cultivars at harvest. Resistance to Alternaria infection and firmness were lower in astringent than in non-astringent cultivars. Only the astringent cultivar “32” was resistant to infection possibly due to the existence of an efficient peel barrier. It was concluded that a high correlation existed between astringency, susceptibility to Alternaria infection, and firmness. Cracks did not correlate with astringency or firmness. The phenotypic traits evaluated in this work can be used in future breeding programs for elite persimmon fruits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
Thyana Lays Brancher ◽  
Maraisa Crestani Hawerroth ◽  
Fernando José Hawerroth ◽  
Marcus Vinícius Kvitschal ◽  
Frederico Denardi ◽  

Abstract The objective of this study was to characterize the parents and respective populations of apple trees regarding S-alleles to confirm their genealogy and to evaluate the efficiency of the molecular markers used. Sixteen specific sets of primers were used for identification of apple S-alleles by PCR. Two segregating populations of the Epagri Apple Breeding Program resulting from crosses between ‘Fred Hough’ × ‘Monalisa’ and ‘M-11/00’ × ‘M-13/91’ were evaluated. The expected segregations are 1:1:1:1 for full compatibility and 1:1 for semi-compatibility, which can be confirmed by the X2 test. The ‘Fred Hough’ (S5S19) × ‘Monalisa’ (S2S10) cross proved to be fully compatible; and two triploids were identified among the hybrids as well. The ‘M-11/00’ (S3S19) × ‘M-13/91’ (S3S5) cross was characterized as semi-compatible based on DNA markers, and the segregation of the S-alleles in the hybrids was 1:1, as expected. The segregation of the DNA markers occurred together with their respective S-alleles: S2, S3, S5, S10, and S19. Thus, characterization of the S-alleles not only allowed identification of compatibility between parents but also identified contaminations in segregating populations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Lina Herlina ◽  
Reflinur Reflinur ◽  
Kristianto Nugroho ◽  
Rerenstradika T. Terryana ◽  
Sobir Sobir ◽  

<p>Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) is one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Indonesia. The limited knowledge available on the genetic diversity and the threat of plant disease have been major problems to maintain high shallot production in Indonesia. Development of molecular markers linked to disease resistance is required for molecular breeding activity in this crop. This study aimed to assess the genetic diversity at conserved domain of resistance gene analog (RGA) in a set of 36 Indonesian shallot genotypes to complement morphological characterization. Twelve morphological and fifteen molecular markers traits were investigated in an attempt to characterize and to discriminate the Indonesian shallots genotypes. Characterization at orphological level indicated that phenotypic variance was highest for total bulb weight (TWB, cv = 99.39%) and the least for the plant height (PH, cv = 28.16%). The correlation analysis between traits showed that TWB and number of bulb (NB), TWB and bulb weight per plant (WB), NB and WB, and WB and PH were positively correlated. Molecular analysis revealed a total of 1,512 alleles with an average of 1.946 alleles per locus. The Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) values ranged from 0.253 to 0.676 and six out of 15 RGA markers were highly informative with PIC values ≥0.50. Based on cluster analysis, the 36 Indonesian shallot genotypes were clearly discriminated into six major groups. These results revealed that the RGA-based markers could support the morphological characterization in evaluating the genetic diversity of shallots. </p>

Nadia Faqir ◽  
Aish Muhammad ◽  
Muhammad Zeeshan Hyder

Date palm has a long history of cultivation and a valuable germplasm with little knowledge about its genetic makeup and variation among the most cultivated cultivars. Diversity is the variability of a species. Plants show variation in yield, vegetative traits and morphological properties of fruits and seeds in response to environmental changes. Molecular markers or DNA markers have been in use since past three decades. The DNA profiles give information about the genotype, screen the whole genome and show variation in both the coding and noncoding region and hence give information about polymorphism. Since plastid genes are transferred mostly from the mother line, the identification of maternal lines is possible by the sequencing of plastid genes. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) can detect length variation with the help of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and may be used as highly informative genetic markers. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) are the third generation of molecular markers. SNPs are more stable and have high fidelity of inheritance as compared to other marker systems. Molecular markers have been developed but they are not enough for sufficient diversity assessment. Therefore there is a need to increase the number of DNA markers in date palm. Previously, there are several studies to type various commercially important germplasm based on morphological or yield parameters. Morphological and biochemical markers are limited in number and are affected by environmental factors and growth stage of the plant which reduce their reliability in the assessment of diversity and characterization of the germplasm. This necessitates the use of genetic characterization, utilizing DNA markers, gene sequencing or SNP genotyping which can work independent of the plant growth stage and are not affected by environmental factors. A combination of morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of the date palm cultivars can better assess the level of diversity and relationship among the cultivars.

2009 ◽  
Vol 35 (11) ◽  
pp. 2107-2115 ◽  
Huai-Jun TANG ◽  
Gui-Hong YIN ◽  
Xian-Chun XIA ◽  
Jian-Jun FENG ◽  
Yan-Ying QU ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-89 ◽  
Andreas Hoffjan

This study introduces content analysis as a method of examining the accountant's role. The empirical study is based on 73 advertisements, which are directed primarily at employees who are affected by the management accountant's work. The findings of the study indicate that the subject of accountancy is used particularly in connection with promises of “cost reduction.” Consequently, the majority of advertisements use the accountant stereotype of “savings personified.” In a professional context, the work ethic of the management accountant is given particular emphasis in the advertisements. He/she identifies him/herself with his/her task to the maximum degree, is regarded as loyal to his/her company and, for the most part, is well organized in his/her work. However, the characterization of the management accountant as a well disciplined company-person conflicts with the negative portrayal of his/her professional qualities. In advertisements, the management accountant is portrayed as a rather inflexible, passive, and uncreative specialist who, as a result of these qualities, often demotivates others. The personal characteristics of the management accountant are shown in a negative light. This gives him/her the unappealing image of a humorless, envious, dissociated, and ascetic corporate-person.

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 276-277 ◽  
Katherine A. Thuman ◽  
Fredrik Widemo ◽  
Stuart B. Piertney

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