scholarly journals Features of formation of personal physical training of students

А. С. Голік

A sociological survey among pupils of 5—11 grades of secondary schools in the city of Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Luhansk and village (Vinnytsia region). It is shown that the most important factor that characterizes personal physical education students through the systematic physical exercise for physical improvement. The study found that the main motivational factors that encourage students to engage in sports activities is the desire to improve physical fitness. We prove that the lack of free time is the main factor that prevents students engage in sports activities. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-125
Abu Hasan Al Jamil ◽  
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto ◽  
Tono Sugihartiono

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kebugaran jasmani siswa pendidikan pondok pesantren di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian desktiptif kualitatif. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini terdapat 10 populasi pondok pesantren di Kota Bengkulu, Lalu diambil 5 sebagai sampel yaitu:Pondok Pesantren Al Mubaarak, Pondok Pesantren Harsalakum, Pondok Pesantren Pancasila, Pondok Pesantren Darussalam dan Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah dengan jumlah subjek 128 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data yaitu teknik tabulasi frekuensi. Hasil Penelitian membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani mempengaruhi kondisi kebugaran jasmani. Berdasarkan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi kebugaran jasmani siswa Pondok pesantren dengan hasil tes lari 2400 meter dalam bentuk presentase sebagai berikut: Siswa dengan kebugaran jasmani baik sekali 0 %, siswa dengan kebugaran jasmani baik 23 orang atau 17,96 %, siswa dengan kebugaran jasmani sedang 73 orang atau 57,03%, siswa dengan kebugaran jasmani yang kurang 28 orang atau 21,87 % dan Siswa dengan Kebugaran jasmani yang sangat kurang yaitu 4 orang atau 03,14%. Jadi berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa kondisi kebugaran jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin siswa Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren di Kota Bengkulu yaitu untuk kelompok laki-laki 11,27 menit yaitu sedang, untuk kelompok perempuan waktu rata-rata 15,02 yaitu Sedang.Kata kunci : Kebugaran, Siswa-Siswi Pondok Pesantren, Kota BengkuluABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the condition of physical fitness of students educational boarding school in the city of Bengkulu. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. In doing this research there are 10 populations boarding school in the city of Bengkulu, Then grab sample 5 as follows: Al Mubaarak Boarding Schools, Harsalakum Boarding Schools, Pancasila Boarding Schools, Darussalam Boarding Schools and Hidayatullah Boarding Schools by the number of subjects 128 students. This study uses data analysis techniques, namely frequency tabulation technique. Research proves that learning physical education influence the condition of physical fitness. Based on data analysis can be concluded that the condition of physical fitness of students Pondok Pesantren with the results of a test run 2400 meters in the form of a percentage as follows: Students with good physical fitness once 0 %, students with good physical fitness 23 people or 17.96%, students with physical fitness were 73 people or 57.03 %, students with less physical fitness 28 people or 21.87 % and students with physical Fitness very less that 4 people or 03.14 %. So based on the findings that the conditions of physical fitness by sex Boarding Schools Education students in the city of Bengkulu, namely for the group of men 11.27 minutes which was, for women the average time of 15.02 is Medium.Keywords: Fitness, Students Boarding School, City of Bengkulu

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 276-282
Fitriana Puspa Hidasari

Restrictions on social activities to online learning processes increase the potential for low body movements or sedentary life in Physical Education Students (PES). The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical fitness of Tanjungpura University Physical Education students in terms of cardiorespiratory endurance. This study used a survey method. The data collection technique uses tests and measurements with the Multistage Fitness Test (MFT) instrument. The sample in this study were 33 male students. The data analysis technique used descriptive percentage. The results showed that none of the students had VO2Max at a very good level, there were 12.5% in the good category, and most of the students with a percentage of 62.5% were at a moderate level. While the remaining 18.75% and 9.37% are at the level of less and less. The conclusion of this study is that most Physical Education Students (PES) still have good physical fitness, while some students who are at a low level and very less need to be given motivation and understanding regarding the importance of fitness in sports students.

1961 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-169 ◽  
A. W. Sloan

To ascertain the effect of physical training on young women, four groups were subjected to a modified Harvard step test at the beginning of the academic year and again 4 and 9 months later. One group, specializing in physical education, had a very active program of gymnastics, dancing and games; two other groups had a much less active program; a fourth group had no physical training at all. In the series as a whole there was no correlation between fitness index and either height or weight and no evidence that menstruation influenced performance of the test. At the beginning of the investigation the physical education students had higher fitness indexes than the others and they improved with training. Lesser degrees of physical training caused no significant increase in fitness index but counteracted a tendency to deterioration observed in the group that had no physical training. Changes in the resting pulse were less consistent, and resting pulse rates showed little correlation with fitness indexes. Submitted on June 1, 1960

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