Wahana Fisika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Siti Azizah Sutisna ◽  
Mimin Iryanti ◽  
Judhistira Aria Utama

Provinsi Jawa Barat dibatasi oleh 5°50’ sampai 7°50’ Lintang Selatan dan 104°48’ sampai 108°48’ Bujur Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seismisitas dan zonasi di daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Seismisitas dapat di ketahui dari peta seismisitas berdasarkan kedalaman dan magnitudo, untuk memperoleh peta seismisitas di daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu dengan menggunakan data gempa bumi tektonik harian atau realtime dengan periode terjadinya gempa bumi pada tahun 2000-2015, yang bersumber dari BMKG (Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika) Klas 1 Bandung. Data gempa terdiri dari tanggal, waktu  terjadinya gempa, lintang, bujur, kedalaman dan magnitudo (M ≥ 4.5 SR), data yang ada di proses dengan menggunakan Software Arcgis 10.3 sehingga menjadi peta seismisitas yang telah di klasifikasikan berdasarkan kedalaman dan magnitudo gempa bumi. Zonasi di daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat di peroleh dengan menentukan nilai Percepatan Tanah Maksimum (Peak Ground Acceleration) yang terbagi kedalam 18 kabupaten, dan menentukan nilai PGA dan intensitas gempa di setiap Kabupaten, adapun cara untuk memperoleh nilai PGA dan intensitas gempa yaitu dengan melakukan proses perhitungan data gempa yang ada, dengan menggunakan metode Gutenberg Richter. Sehingga di peroleh kesimpulan berdasarkan peta seismisitas di dapatkan distrubusi gempa bumi berjumlah 792 gempa bumi, serta zonasi gempa bumi di daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat berdasarkan nilai PGA sebesar 25-29 gal, dan nilai intensitas gempa bumi sebesar V.West Java province bounded by 5 ° 50 'and 7 ° 50' south latitude and 104 ° 48 'to 108 ° 48' east longitude. This study aims to determine the seismicity and zoning in the area of West Java Province. Seismicity can be in the know of seismicity map based on the depth and magnitude, to obtain the map of seismicity in the area of West Java province is by using daily tectonic earthquake data or realtime with the period of the earthquake in the year 2000-2015, which is sourced from BMKG (Meteorology and Geophysics) Class 1 Bandung. Seismic data consists of the date, the time of the earthquake, latitude, longitude, depth and magnitude (M ≥ 4.5 SR), the data that is in the process of using ArcGIS 10.3 software so that a map of seismicity which has been classified based on the depth and magnitude of the earthquake. Zoning in the area of West Java province was obtained by determining the value of the Acceleration of Land Maximum (Peak Ground Acceleration), divided into 18 districts, and determine the value of PGA and intensity of earthquakes in each district, as for how to obtain the value of PGA and earthquake intensity by performing the calculation process existing seismic data, using Gutenberg Richter. Thus obtained conclusions based on maps of seismicity in distrubusi get earthquakes amounted to 792 earthquakes, and earthquake zoning in the area of West Java Province based on the value of the PGA of 25-29 gal and earthquake intensity value of V.Keywords: Zoning earthquake, seismicity , Software ArcGIS 10.3., Methods Gutenberg Richter earthquake intensity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 873 (1) ◽  
pp. 012046
T Razin ◽  
K Khatimah ◽  
Y Annisa ◽  
A Hamzah ◽  
M F I Massinai

Abstract The Lombok region is located around a complex tectonic zone with an Indo-Australian oceanic crust transition zone with Australian continental crust in the west and Sundanese arc in the east. This complexity makes some area in West Nusa Tenggara have a high level of earthquake vulnerability and to determine the potential level of seismic damage risk this study was conducted by analyzing Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) using earthquake data since 2000 - March 2020 with an intensity more than M4.5. Earthquake data are analyzed using the Yin-Min Yu formula to get the relationship between Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Peak Ground Velocity (PGV), and earthquake intensity, so areas with risk level of earthquake damage can be mapped as preliminary earthquake mitigation schemes. The results of the study show that the highest PGA value in West Nusa Tenggara is 74.73 gal at the bedrock and when it on the surface, the PGA value can increase due to amplification of local soil conditions. Likewise PGV value about 32.21 gal where this maximum value is located in East Lombok Regency and North Lombok Regency. According to the classification of PGA and PGV values, the study area has a potential high-risk level of earthquake damage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-220
Elsi Ariani

Analysis of a peak ground acceleration value and earthquake intensity in Banten Province has been carried out using historical earthquake data from 2008 to 2018. This research aims to describe a prone area of the earthquake. The specification of data was a magnitude > 5 SR and the depth 0-70 km. The Donovan method was used to analyze peak ground acceleration value and the earthquake’s intensity. According to the data obtained, 31 earthquake points with a maximum earthquake strength occurred on October 16, 2019, with a depth of 10 km and a magnitude of  6.48 SR. This earthquake was located in Ujung Kulon with coordinates -6.81 LS and 105.113 BT. Based on data analysis result was obtained a peak ground acceleration value and the intensity of earthquake maximum in The Pandeglang Regency with a peak ground acceleration value was 211.56 cm/s2, and intensity of scale VIII and a large risk level of three. While a peak ground acceleration minimum is located in the South Tangerang City was 62.82 cm/s2 with a scale of intensity VII and a moderate risk level.

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Cloudya Gabriella Kapojos ◽  
Gerald Tamuntuan ◽  
Guntur Pasau

ANALISIS PERCEPATAN TANAH MAKSIMUM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN RUMUSAN ESTEVA DAN DONOVAN (Studi Kasus Pada Semenanjung Utara Pulau Sulawesi) ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan analisis percepatan tanah maksimum di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi dengan menggunakan rumusan Esteva dan rumusan Donovan. Data yang digunakan adalah data gempa bumi tektonik yang terjadi di sekitar semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi pada periode tahun 2008 – 2014. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perubahan nilai percepatan tanah dari rumusan Esteva dan rumusan Donovan memiliki pola perubahan yang sama terhadap jarak. Nilai percepatan tanah menurut rumusan Donovan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dari rumusan Esteva. Perbandingan dengan data akselerograf mengindikasikan bahwa rumusan Esteva lebih cocok digunakan dalam mengestimasi percepatan tanah maksimum di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi. Hasil pemetaan sebaran percepatan tanah maksimum menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara berada pada zona dengan resiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan wilayah lainnya di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi. Kata Kunci :Percepatan tanah maksimum, gempa bumi, semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi ANALYSIS OF PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION USING ESTEVA AND DONOVAN FORMULATIONS (A Case Study On The Northern Part of Sulawesi) ABSTRACT Peak ground acceleration on the northern part of Sulawesi Island has been analysis by using Esteva and Donovan formulations. We use tectonic earthquake data that occurred around the northern part of Sulawesi Island during period of 2008 till 2014. The results showed that both Esteva and Donovan formulations have the similar pattern on changes of peak ground acceleration to the distance. Value of peak ground acceleration calculated with Donovan method higher than Esteva method. Comparison between empirical formula results and accelerograf data show that Esteva formulation more suitable for use in estimating the peak ground acceleration in the northern part of Sulawesi Island. Distribution of peak ground acceleration indicate that the earthquake impact on North Minahasa Regency is higher than other regions in northern part of Sulawesi island. Keynotes: Peak Ground Acceleration, Earthquake, Northern Part of Sulawesi Island

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Urip Nurwijayanto Prabowo ◽  
Ayu Fitri Amalia ◽  
Widodo Budhi

Watukumpul is located in Pemalang District, Central Java, which is adjacent to the fault seismotectonic line of Baribis fault in the north and subduction area of the Eurasian and Indies-Australian plates in the south. It makes Watukumpul often experiences an earthquake. This study aimed to map the peak ground acceleration calculated using the Kanai equation and earthquake intensity calculated using Wald equations in Watukumpul. This study used historical earthquake data occurred in 1988-April 2018 from the International Seismological Center and microtremor measurements of 33 points. Microtremor data were processed using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio method and resulted the predominant period of study area ranged from 0.13 to 0.74 s. The results showed that the study area had a PGA value of 26.93 - 63.25 gal. The intensity calculation showed that the study area has the potential for earthquake damage with an III-IV MMI scale. Keywords: Kanai, Watukumpul, Intensity, Earthquake

Retno Agung ◽  
Alfian Indrajaya

Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, yang secara geografis terletak pada koordinat 4˚54 ’15 .702 ’’ N - 5˚18 ’244 N dan 96˚1 ’13, 656 E - 96˚22 ’1.007 E. Fisiografi regional wilayah penelitian dimasukkan dalam peta geologi Banda Aceh, Lohk Seumawe, Takengon, dengan unit fisiografi Zona Kaki Bukit Barisan. Kondisi geologis daerah penelitian terdiri dari Batuan Pra-Tersier, Tersier, dan Kuarterner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung, menganalisis dan menentukan nilai Puncak Maksimal Percepatan Tanah, sehingga peta percepatan tanah dan peta zona mitigasi bencana gempa bumi dapat diperoleh untuk Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data gempa bumi di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya pada 7 Desember 2016 penulis menemukan nilai maksimum percepatan tanah puncak dengan menggunakan metode Boore (1997) adalah: 225,7 - 85,8 gal. Sementara itu dengan menggunakan metode Fukusima dan Tanaka (1992), hasilnya adalah: 115,0-115,0 gal. Dengan menggabungkan faktor-faktor litologi data sebagai data pendukung lainnya untuk pembobotan, penulis dapat menghasilkan Peta Zona Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi, dari kategori rendah hingga kategori tinggi untuk kabupaten ini. This research was carried out in the Pidie Jaya Regency area, which geographycally situated at coordinates 4˚54 ‘15.702 ‘’ N - 5˚18 ‘2,244 N and 96˚1 ‘13,656 E - 96˚22 ‘1,007 E. Regional physiography of the study area is included in the geological map of Banda Aceh, Lohk Seumawe, Takengon, with the physiographic unit of the Bukit Barisan Foot Zone. The geological condition of the study area is composed of Pre-Tertiary, Tertiary and Quarternary Rocks. This study aims to calculate, analyze and determine the value of Maximum Peak of Ground  Acceleration, so that ground acceleration maps and earthquake disaster mitigation zone maps can be obtained for Pidie Jaya District. Based on the results of the earthquake data processing in Pidie Jaya Regency on December 7, 2016 the author find the maximum value of  peak ground  acceleration using the Boore method (1997) is: 225,7 - 85,8 gal. Meanwhile by using Fukusima and Tanaka method (1992), the result is: 115,0-115,0 gal. By combining those data lithological factors as other supporting data for weighting, the author could produces an Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Zone Map, from low category untill high category for this district.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Hamidi

This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of peak land acceleration value (PGA) on shear story using dynamic method of response spectrum. The PGA value and the spectrum response used are the spectrum responses issued by the PU ministry. The review is soft land in the citys in Riau. The results showed that the higher the story shear value, the higher the PGA value in each region. The areas with the highest inner and PGA grades are Pasir Pangarian (Rohul) and the lowest is Kota Selat Panjang (Meranti District). This is because the area of Rohul Regency is an area close to West Sumatera Province that has a high enough earthquake intensity when compared with Meranti Regency which is a coastal area located on the lower plains.

Wahana Fisika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Elza Anisa Suwandi ◽  
Indriana Lucky Sari ◽  
Waslaluddin Waslaluddin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat kerentanan seismik di Jawa Barat berdasarkan data gempa bumi periode tahun 1974 – 2016 dengan  Ms≥4.0 SR yang diperoleh dari katalog gempa NEIC-USGS pada batasan wilayah 5°36’18’’ LS - 8°58’30’’ LS dan 106°9’ BT – 109°59’2.4’’ BT menggunakan Metode Donovan dan Metode Matuschka. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 1543 titik pengamatan. Sedangkan untuk menentukan periode ulang gempa, sebelumnya dilakukan pembagian wilayah menjadi 5 wilayah dan menentukan b value juga indeks seismisitas terlebih dahulu menggunakan Metode Likelihood. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa percepatan tanah maksimum Metode Donovan berkisar antara 27.76 Gal – 110.01 Gal dan intensitas gempa maksimumnya  VII MMI – VIII MMI. Sedangkan, percepatan tanah maksimum Metode Matuschka berkisar antara 69.16 Gal – 229.55 Gal dan intensitas gempa maksimumnya VI MMI – VIII MMI. Berdasarkan hasil kedua metode tersebut dapat dikorelasikan dengan frekuensi gempa dan event gempa yang merusak di Jawa Barat dari rentang 42 tahun, didapat metode yang sesuai dengan wilayah keadaan Jawa Barat yaitu Metode Matuschka. Selain itu diperoleh periode ulang gempa berdasarkan b value yang  berkisar antara 0.40 – 0.79 dan indeks seismisitas yang berkisar antara 0.21 – 0.85 yaitu 33 – 125 tahun. Tingkat kerentanan seismik tertinggi di Jawa Barat berada di daerah Cianjur, kecamatan Cidaun tepatnya pada koordinat 7°28’39.047’’ LS dan 107°16’44.213’’ BT. Tingginya kerentanan seismik diakibatkan oleh tingginya nilai percepatan tanah maksimum  This research aims to determine the level of seismic vulnerability in West Java based on earthquake data period 1974 - 2016 with Ms≥4.0 SR Obtained from the NEIC-USGS earthquake catalog on the territorial boundaries 5°36’18’’ LS - 8°58’30’’ LS dan 106°9’ BT – 109°59’2.4’’ BT using the Donovan Method and the Matuschka Method. The study was conducted on 1543 observation points. Meanwhile, to determine the return period of the earthquake, previously done division into 5 areas and determine the b value also seismicity index first using Likelihood Method. From the analysis results show that the maximum land acceleration Donovan Method ranged between 27.76 Gal – 110.01 Gal and maximum earthquake intensity VII MMI – VIII MMI. Meanwhile, the maximum ground acceleration Matuschka method ranges between 69.16 Gal - 229.55 Gal and maximum earthquake intensity VI MMI - VIII MMI. Based on the results of both methods can be correlated with the frequency of earthquakes and destructive earthquake events in West Java from the span of 42 years, the method obtained in accordance with the region of West Java circumstances is Matuschka method. In addition, the earthquake return period based on b values ranging from 0.40 to 0.79 and seismicity index ranging from 0.21 to 0.85 is 33 – 125 years. The highest level of seismic vulnerability in West Java is located in Cianjur area, Cidaun sub-district precisely in coordinates 7°28’39.047’’ LS dan 107°16’44.213’’ BT. The high seismic vulnerability is due to the high maximum land acceleration rate, maximum intensity of the earthquake and short period of earthquake repetition in the area. : Seismic Vulnerability Level, Peak Ground Acceleration, Maximum Intensity of Earthquake, Earthquake Re-Period

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Tienfuan Kerh ◽  
Chuhsiung Huang ◽  
David Gunaratnam

Examining the effect of strong ground motions on civil engineering structures is important as it concerns public safety. The present study initially selects twenty-one bridges with lengths over 500 m in the Formosa freeway of Taiwan and collects a series of recorded seismic data from checking stations near these bridges. Then, three seismic parameters including focal depth, epicenter distance, and local magnitude are used as the input data sets, and a model for estimating the key seismic parameter—peak ground acceleration—for each of bridge site is developed by using the neural network approach. This model is finally combined with a simple distribution method and a new weight-based method to estimate peak ground acceleration at each of the bridges along the freeway. Based on the seismic design value in the current building code as the evaluation criteria, the model identifies five bridges, out of all the bridges investigated, as having the potential to be subjected to significantly higher horizontal peak ground accelerations than that recommended for design in the building code. The method presented in this study hence provides a valuable reference for dealing with nonlinear seismic data by developing neural network model, and the approach presented is also applicable to other areas of interest around the world.

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